Friday, September 12, 2014

Fast and Furious Front and Centre

What we need to do now is put Operation Fast and Furious Front and Centre. Before we run off and start another war, we need to remember that Obama is in contempt of court for failing to unseal all of the documents related to the Fast and Furious cover up. That is what we need to remember right now.

The court told Nixon he was not allowed to hide the Watergate scandal under executive privilege. What would have happened if instead of obeying that court order Nixon started another war instead? Do you think the people would have let him disobey that court order? I think not. So what makes us so apathetic in our day? Times have changed alright. We are a lot more gullible now. We stand idly by as they trample the sacred Constitution they swore an oath to defend.

In 2012, Eric Holder, Obama's Attorney General, was found in contempt of Congress. Two weeks later the Department of Justice unsealed one of the many Fast and Furious documents related to the death of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry who was killed by guns the ATF sold the Mexican cartel. As a result of releasing the document, five people were charged in Brian Terry's death.

So lets' do the math. If you or I help a murderer escape justice, that is a criminal offense. We are guilty of aiding a felon. That is exactly what Barack Obama and Eric Holder are guilty of. They hid a court indictment. Then came the nonpartisan spin. Senator Grassley said he was glad to see documents unsealed in the Fast and Furious case. “They’ve offered $1-million for (information) leading to who murdered Brian Terry.” That is an offensive joke.

In Operation Fast and Furious the ATF were selling the Mexican cartel guns and bringing back tons of cocaine as payment. The culpability for Brian Terry's murder does not fall upon five scapegoats. It falls on whoever the ATF were working for - the Agency. In fact, the CIA Orchestrated Operation Fast and Furious.

According to court transcripts, Jesus Vicente Zambada Niebla was allowed to import “multi-ton quantities of cocaine” into the U.S. as a result of his working relationship with the FBI, Homeland Security, the U.S. Department of Justice and the Drug Enforcement Administration.”

Judicial Watch sued the Department of Justice under the Freedom of Information act because Obama had sealed all the documents related to the Fast and Furious scandal under executive privilege. July 2014 the Judge Ordered the DOJ to Release Fast and Furious documents.

In this decision the court has ordered they provide the Vaughn index which must: (1) identify each document withheld; (2) state the statutory exemption claimed; and (3) explain how disclosure would damage the interests protected by the claimed exemption. So technically they could still withhold documents but they must name them and give concrete reasons why disclosure should apply to executive privilege which would require one more step of court argument.

Executive Privilege is not mentioned in the Constitution. It has historically been considered to be a right implied by the constitutional principal of separation of powers between the three branches of government. Criminal activity may not be withheld from the public under executive privilege. Selling the Mexican cartel guns and bringing back tons of cocaine as payment is criminal activity and executive privilege does not apply. What does apply is Obama's culpability by hiding those crimes from the public and preventing those involved from being tried in a court of law.

Michael Stipe: Nationalism vs Patriotism

Former Rem frontman Michael Stipe marked the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on Thursday (11Sep14) by offering up his 'state of the America' thoughts in an essay published by The Guardian newspaper. It was also mentioned in the Rolling Stone magazine.

In the article Michael Stipe states: "The Freedom Tower was meant to inspire patriotism and instead embodies the darker sides of nationalism." Nationalism? Why that sounds a lot like Hitler's Germany during the war. How did Hitler con the German people? Wait 'till I tell ye. He burned down the German parliament and blamed in on terrorists. That's how he convinced parliament to give him the powers of a chancellor just like Senator Palpatine in the Star Wars saga.

Once Hitler became chancellor he bombed a German radio station and blamed it on Poland to justify an invasion. Sound familiar? Just like Pittbull said in the Men in Black 3 theme song, to understand the future you have to understand the past. To understand Fast and Furious we need to understand Mena, Arkansas and Iran contra.

Jesus Niebla was a CIA fall guy just like Manuel Noriega.

In the United States, liberty was lost under the disguise of a Patriot Act. In Canada liberty was lost under the disguise of a crime bill and a trade agreement. Buyer Beware.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Reexamining 9/11

Since 9/11 is still being used as a pretext for war and to rationalize doing away with civil liberty we clearly need to reexamine just what really did happen on that horrific day. The third tower fell when no planes hit it. Three towers fell on September 11th not two. No planes hit the third tower. It collapsed into it's own blueprint at freefall speed just like a controlled demolition. The official version claimed that building collapsed at freefall speed due to heat and fire. That is not possible. The only way that can happen is if the load bearing beams are blown out like a controlled demolition. That is what experts in the field are saying.

The Twin towers also fell at freefall speed into it's own blueprint just like a controlled demolition. There was no resistance. It wasn't a matter of the floor where the plane hit collapsed and put pressure on the floor beneath it which put pressure on the floor beneath it and so on. That would have taken time. This was freefall like dropping an apple off the top of a building. The only way that can happen is if the load bearing beams are blown out.

Consequently, George Bush changed his tune. He later admitted operatives placed explosives in the building that went off after the plane hit it. Indeed they did. The load bearing beams were blown out. That would explain the thermite residue, the molten cars found at the base of the towers and the molten metal found in the ruble long after the building's colapse.

No conspiracy theorist made up Operation Northwoods. That declassified operation was real. It was proposed by the director of the CIA and signed by the joint chiefs of Staff. If Kennedy hadn't vetoed it, they would have implemented that sinister plot. Operation Northwoods needs to be examined and discussed because they implemented it on the USS Liberty. That was treason.

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out

Loose Change 911

Gangstersout Podcast

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Whalley Legion Under Siege

Contrary the the Christy Clark Diane Watts crime denial program, the Vancouver Sun and the Surrey Now both recently reported that the Whalley Legion is under siege from drug related crime and the city won't do anything about it.

"People are defecating outside our front door, hiding needles everywhere and urinating on our stairs and on our cadet hall,' says a Legion spokesman." Hiding needles everywhere? Why that's right by the needle exchange. A needle exchange is supposed to be an exchange. You hand in an old dirty needle and get a new clean one. Instead they just hand out needles and the addicts throw them everywhere. That is a health hazard.

The same problem happened in Victoria. Residents were complaining about needles being thrown everywhere after the city changed it's policy and just started handing out free needles instead of exchanging old ones. As a result, addicts have absolutely no incentive to properly dispose of their needles. Why the city will simply give them a new one. That is messed up.

For the record, this is the area right beside the Front room that we've been talking about all this time. Homelessness isn't the problem, illegal drugs is. Here we have the Legion complain to the city about drug related crime and the city responds by saying there is nothing we can do. Yes there is. You can arrest the crack dealers and move the needle exchange after you return it to being an exchange instead of a free needle throw them wherever you want free for all. I'm not saying kick the cat. I'm not saying harass the homeless. I'm saying harass the crack dealers. They are the predators causing the problem.

"It's been an escalation for the past three weeks, more people are being directed to our area," said Reid. More people are coming because word has gotten out they let you sell and smoke crack there. Stop the ridiculous policy and you will see a huge reduction in crime.

Doug McCallum launches Safe Surrey Coalition

The Green Justice Party endorses Doug McCallum for mayor of Surrey and the Safe Surrey Coalition because they will stop the LRT on 104th and they will embrace the New York crime reduction model. We will endorse any candidate for council who will do likewise. It's that simple.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Kevin Hackett's bogus report

Sadly the Vancouver Province and the Vancouver Sun are both reporting on Kevin Hackett's bogus report claiming gang crime is on the decline. I wish it was. Although the peak of the Vancouver gang war was in 2009, last year the City of Surrey saw the highest number of homicides in one fiscal year ever. Most of those were drug related. The current peak in violent crime in Newton and Whalley is drug related. The horrific drug related violence in the DTES is also drug related. The sale of drugs in British Columbia is clearly gang related.

This obvious media spin is a poor attempt to rationalize Christy Clark's massive budget cuts to the Gang Task force and the elimination of the Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Unit. That was a corrupt act. Just like eliminating the RCMP task force in charge of investigating money laundering at casinos right after they issued a report about how bad it was in BC. If they want to save money maybe we should contract out our gang task force to Alberta. They seem to be on the ball. I guess if we did that Christy Clark would have to fire them for doing such a good job.

Somewhat ironic the bogus report was released the same day another shooting in Surrey and right before the RCMP found the biggest drug lab in the province's history by accident. If the fire department didn't report something suspicious they wouldn't have found it.

Don't tell me Kevin Hackett is one of Craig Callen and Bill Fordy's FOCCERS? What a huge disappointment that would be. To me he doesn't look hard core at all. He just looks dishonest.

Mission Drug Lab run by Motorcycle Gang

CBC is reporting that Mission RCMP spent all day Monday pulling evidence and material from a massive illegal drug lab in the 7100 block of Horne Street which investigators believe was run by a motorcycle gang. Gee I wonder which one. Since there are no Outlaws or Rock Machine in the lower mainland that leaves us with the Hells Angels. Just like how long time Surrey crystal meth cook Kerry Ryan Renaud was working for John Punko and the Hells Angels.

"A police source close to the investigation says this might just be the biggest drug lab ever found in B.C with commercial mixers and 200-litre drums producing millions of dollars worth of drugs per week and housing enough chemicals to level a city block. The lab was only discovered when a chemical reaction went bad Saturday just before noon. Four to five people were seen running from the subsequent fire. When the Mission Fire Department saw what it was dealing with, it called the RCMP."

Jeffery said although the bosses behind the Horne Street lab will hurt in the short term, they'll be back operating again as long as they can keep supplying the necessary ingredients. "More money will be made available, then another lab will pop up. It's only a matter of time," he said.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Surrey Shooting 134 Street and 90th Ave

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that there was a shooting Sunday night in Surrey around 8:30 OM at 134 Street and 90th Ave. A 19 year old male turned up at the hospital with a single gun shot wound that was non life threatening.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fake cell phone towers can intercept calls and read texts

Two blog readers sent in this story that has been covered by various media outlets. MSN News is reporting that mysterious fake cellphone towers found across US appear to be connecting to nearby phones and either tapping calls or reading texts. Info Wars is covering it as well.

It appears to originate with a Popular Science article on the matter. The Blaze is reporting that they might not be actually towers either. We all know that the NSA is spying on Americans illegally and that Stephen Harper has created the CSEC to break the Charter of Rights and spy on Canadians. This is just another example of how out of control big brother is on our own home soil. You can't protect civil liberty by doing away with it. Edward Snowdon is a hero.

Journalist beheading video is surreal

There has been a lot of things in the news lately distracting us from the fact that Obama is in contempt of court for not obeying the court order to release the Fast and Furious documents he has been hiding under executive privileged. The most dramatic of which is the video where terrorists claim to behead a journalist.

I'm certainly not going to jump the gun and say every terrorist act is fake or a false flag attack. I will say that my first impression on hearing about the video is that those people are either stupid or it's fake. Think about it. Everyone knows that acts of terrorism enrage the public. As soon as an act of terrorism occurs, what are normally good, God fearing, tolerant people instantly become unglued and say nuke them. After 9/11 Afghanistan was invaded. Clearly terrorists are not the brightest of criminal out there but even they must have some concern about the public perception of their cause. Committing an act of terrorism does not win public support. It inflames it.

Even worse is a brutal act against a journalist. Normally extremists are trying to win over the media to get them to report their side in a positive light. Kidnapping and executing a journalist crosses the line. It's like shooting a peace keeper or a red cross worker. The video claims that if you don't stop bombing us we will keep killing more journalists and innocent civilians. Anyone with a brain knows that is going to create the opposite effect and convince the public to nuke them. That is why I say these terrorists have to either be stupid or the video is fake.

Another bizarre aspect to the video is the fact that it's supposedly made by terrorists in Syria. Syria? Really? One minute we're all in an uproar because the Syrian government used chemical weapons that the west sold him on civilians and want to help the rebels bring him down. Now, as soon as we hear the rebels that we supported in Libya and were prepared to support in Syria are Islamic extremists, now the Syrian government can kill as many civilians as they want and that's all of a sudden OK and we are going to send in troops to wipe out his opposition. This is getting more bizarre by the minute.

Obviously some people think the video is fake. The Epoch Times is reporting that Alex Jones from Infowars has raised some interesting concerns about the legitimacy of the video. People can scoff at Alex Jones all they want. He did raise some very legitimate points in the attack on the USS Liberty and he most certainly didn't make that up.

MSN News reported that Israel confirmed that slain American journalist Steven Sotloff was also an Israeli citizen. Are you kidding me? What on earth is a Jewish American journalist that has Israeli citizenship doing in Syria? If that isn't suspect, I don't know what is.

We know that the CIA has crossed that forbidden line in the past many times before. They have used agents with the false cover of journalists. Crossing that line destroys the credibility of the journalist and put the safety of every other legitimate journalist at risk. Consequently, Sotloff's connections to Mossad are very suspect indeed.

Just to recap on a couple things that we do know, we know that Iraq was invaded based on a lie. They had no WMD and the intelligence community knew that. Operation Mass Appeal was an MI 6 operation that sent out press releases to the media with false information having the sole intent to deceive the public.

We know that back in 2005, two British soldiers went undercover and were caught driving a civilian car loaded with weapons dressed as Arabs. They insisted they were on a secret mission and instead of telling the police at the check point what their mission was, they opened fire on them which resulted in them getting imprisoned. Instead of telling the allied forces in Iraq what their mission was, England destroyed the prison and broke them out without a trial.

What we need to ask is how far will operation mass appeal go? How far will operation Northwoods go? Further than the USS Liberty? We need to remember that Obama is in contempt of court for not disclosing the Fast and Furious documents and not be distracted from that fact.

Loving the Lions

I went back for round two yesterday and hiked the Lions from Cypress. What a difference a day makes. Yesterday their was no wondering where the lions are. It was sunny and they were clearly in sight. Last Saturday they were completely hidden with zero visibility.

I made it to the top of the bump between the two heads of the lions.

If you follow the orange dots spray painted on the rocks, the Howe Sound Crest Trail will take you around the west lion to the middle of the two peaks and then on beyond them.

I think the trail up the west lion breaks off right before this. I didn't find it until my way back and by that time had lost my steam in the heat. Many younger kids tried it but turned back. It's pretty technical. I.E. dangerous. The key thing is you have to follow the marked trail. If you just plan on making you're own trail you're going to get into trouble fast.

On the way back one girl was commenting on how unprepared many of the people there were who hiked it from lion's bay. She said one guy say wow, I'm really dehydrated. Good thing I brought this beer with me. Yeah good thing buddy she said. On a hike like this you need lots of water. Especially if it's sunny. Two 2 liter pop bottles filled one third with water and frozen over night then topped up right before you leaver is best. Plus Gatorade and juice boxes and food to eat. These yahoos that go unprepared are the ones search and rescue end up having to go look for.

I've always wondered what it looks like on the other side of the lions. This trail that keeps on going all the way to Porteau people keep talking about. Well here it is:

This is the view of the east lion from the top of the bump in between the peaks. You can see the Capilano reservoir on the bottom right in the distance.

The Cleavland dam has served Vancouver well for many years. Hydroelectric dams are a lot better than nuclear reactors. They are clean and productive. They create a beautiful lake just like the Seymour reservoir, Alouette lake or Stave lake. The draw back is salmon spawning. You can see the fish ladder they put in to fix that at the base of the Cleveland dam.

It never ceased to amaze me that with all the scientific technology of nuclear reactors, they split the atom simply to generate heat that turns a steam turbine just like a hydro electric dam does. Only the dam doesn't create toxic waste you can't dispose of and create huge public hazards to everything around it. Anyways, right now I'm loving the lions.

There's no way I'd cross the side of the west lion in winter. There would be no ledge at all with snow on it. Now is the best time of year to climb them. Not too hot and the snow pack has melted. Just be careful and be prepared. Bring lots of water. In contrast, the beginning of summer is the best time to climb the glacier on Mount Baker. While the crevasses are full of snow before they open up and turning into giant hazards. Peace.