Friday, January 3, 2025

The CFSEU and the Anatomy of a Stalker

OK so lets talk about how Donnie McWhirter has proven the CFSEU is completely compromised. Donnie has been spamming my blog for 10 years that I can document. Likely from day one. I have corresponded with people who know him and told me he was obsessed with my blog from the beginning. 

When I first started my blog was very controversial and I had many trolls. At least it appeared to be many. The first time I noticed Donnie specifically was February 6th 2015 when he started posting under the name Kayla

He hasn't stopped for 10 years. That is obsessive. Reviewing some of his criminal history helps us understand the anatomy of a stalker because stalking is part of his documented criminal history and when you see the obsessive manner in which he still trolls this blog that shows what kind of a stalker he really is. 

You'll notice from his comments that he started making death threats from day one. Remember that.  He started making those threats over a post I made about him. He wanted me to shut it down because of something I said about him that was true. 

I posted a picture of him with that ridiculous bleach blonde fro wearing an IS shirt with a barbell on a bench in the background that had next to no weight on it. It was so ridiculous I referred to him as Napoleon Dynamite and he lost his sh*t. 

He outed himself because no one else would have cared about that post except for him. I wouldn't go so far as to say he had no friends, but I will emphatically state he has no fans. 

No one is going to go to bat for him in that crazed manner. Not then and not now. It's like yesterday someone said Donnie will get his and he made a comment saying that "Donnie is a hero fighting against the stupid and what's more, against the Ghetto Gospel. Homies." That was obviously Donnie because no one is going to go to bat from him especially now after ratting out his rivals in the Program and his own guys he was jealous of. 

So that comment yesterday was Donnie. Which isn't a big deal since he admitting in court he posted false information on crime blogs to throw the police off and his fake sentence is over. The problem is he never stopped. That's how I knew he never served his sentence. 

The post that he was complaining about was one reporting on his crystal meth bust with Brittany Stinn. Donnie was 43, Brittany was 25. Brittany was the one he took with him to throw rocks through all of the windows of one of his ex's. 

A male I know in Kelowna who is a completely reliable source confirmed that act against his ex.  Sadly when Donnie got out of the program Brittany died of a drug overdose. Who do you think gave her the drugs she OD on? He gave her a hotshot and that murder is on the CFSEU. That was the same male that saw Donnie get his a*s kicked by a bouncer at the Liquid Zoo. 

The police arrived but when they found out the bouncer was beating Donnie, they backed off and let him finish. The police in Kelowna hated him. That's why he had to go to the CFSEU to get into the program. Donnie had a documented criminal record for domestic assaults. He beat up girls. They were K files so that means they were his ex's. 

July 9th 2023 I noticed that all of Donnie's criminal record had been erased from the CSO registry. It was pretty hard to convince people he hadn't been in the witness protection program ratting people out instead of serving his sentence.

There was no other possible reason for them to erase that long criminal history. After I reported that his criminal record on the CSO magically reappeared. Now he can say see, Dennis is lying. It's still there. But it wasn't. I took a screen shot.

I don't have to prove to anyone Donnie didn't serve his crystal meth sentence. I don't have to prove he was in the Program ratting out people he was jealous of and I don't have to prove he was in the rat pack that was paid an obscene amount of money to lie about Cory Vallee in court. 

I'm just going to stand by what I have said and reiterate the fact that this mental case has been on the police's payroll and lying for them in court is living proof the CFSEU is completely f*cked. They have no shame. They are completely compromised.

Joey Verma and Donnie McWhirter 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Revisiting the OMGU in BC

Someone made a comment on another post saying be careful what you wish for when I complained about the BC Liberals disbanding the OMGU right after they busted David Giles and that stolen car ring in Kelowna. They went on and on about spending money on youth programs instead. 

I deleted it because I was sorting through another dozen troll comments from Donnie but in hindsight I think it's something we should talk about. First of all, that's pretty offensive. 

Here we have a 81 supporter trying to promote sh*ty things using flattering words to do it. There's nothing wrong with hockey areas and youth programs and we don't need arrogant cops harassing people for riding motorcycles. We do need someone to confront the Wolf Pack and the Edmonton Hells Angels drug trafficking because the CFSEU just isn't doing it. 

It brings us back to the Pickton farm because Dave Pickton was a Hells Angels associate. Robert Pickton called himself a fall guy and indeed he was. He didn't have the mental capacity to evade police and hide all that deplorable sh*t that went on. 

Now he's dead so he can't say anything other than the club was involved. However, it wasn't the whole club and the entire club. Just like it wasn't every cop. It was some cops and some Hells Angels associates. They used the name of the club. 

Whatever went on Tony Terezakis oversaw it. He worked the door for Piggy's Palace. Big Tony was a freak. There's no way of getting around that fact. Aside from the deranged acts on the Pickton Farm, Big Tony was a complete mental case. 

He sold drugs to the most disadvantaged in the DTES and filmed himself beating the life out of addicts for money while shouting Praise the Lord. When the court played the video tapes of the brutal assaults Tony couldn't hold back the laughter.  Tony was a mental case from the church of the Devil. 

There appears to be some discrepancy as to whether he was executed or died of natural causes. Larry Mizen did not die of natural causes. Larry Mizen was a freak like Big Tony. 

I don't want to hate but if people are going to start talking sh*t then we're going to have to start talking about the Dianne Rock story and the Janice Shore story because when this life is over, everyone will know. Just like everyone will know what the CFSEU has done and hasn't done. They need to be replaced. 

Edmonton has a lot of stolen vehicles just like Ontario. People who steal cars are parasites that live off the work of others. It causes insurance rates to rise for everyone. Just like all this drug related crime. The people profiting from that are just as bad as Justin Trudeau. They are destroying our country. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The New York Times embraces hardline Communism

This is rather bizarre. The New York Times did another ridiculous hit piece on the Shen Yun theatrical production. The first thought is why on earth would they do that. The only people that hate Shen Yun are the hardline Communists. 

When you Google New York Times and Chinese Communism you see the reason why. Most of the articles are hidden behind a paywall but they all promote the Chinese Communist Party in a positive light. That is George Orwell. You can't get any more obvious than that. It's both sad and hilarious. 

New Years Message: Sacrifice and Fault Finding

A new dawn breaks and most people are optimistic that 2025 will be a better year. For good reason. The tide has finally turned on Liberal insanity. Conservative is no longer a dirty word. Now Liberal is a dirty word because we've all see where that has taken us. Justin Trudeau's approval rating has dropped below 16% - the lowest in recorded history. 

Today I want to talk about Sacrifice and Fault Finding. Two perhaps unrelated topics. When I was young I went to Ireland for two years. That was before GPS, email and what's app. It gave me a chance to reflect. 

I looked back on my life and the example my parents set for me. I observed three principles my parents consistently displayed so I wrote my father and mentioned it. I told my father he and my mother had taught me three principles - honesty, service and sacrifice. My father wrote back and said he had never really thought about it before. He said honesty isn't honesty if you have to think about it. Service isn't service if done for any reward and sacrifice is simply the joy of parenthood. 

I thought wow. If I can look back on my life and say every sacrifice I made as a father was simply the joy of parenthood, then I too would have lived a successful life.

The idea of sacrifice is the opposite of gang life. Gang life is about selfishness and greed. A Jedi seeks not after these things. A soldier is willing to lay his life down for another. People respect that. Mercenaries kill people for money. No one respects that. I remember my parents always wanted to go to Rio. They never did but they always had that dream to look forward to. 

Parents often have to set aside what they want to make sure the needs of their children are met. Especially in tough times. Now I realize everything has it's time and place. However, in tough times tough people work hard and make sacrifices. 

Fault finding is what selfish people do. There is no joy in fault finding because wickedness never was happiness. Fault finding is toxic. Trolls find pleasure in fault-finding but they never find joy. I was outside the dollar store yesterday in Surrey and an old white guy with very long grey hair pulled up in a beater cranking retro head banger music and I just cringed. 

Earlier that day I was in the line up at self checkout in Superstore. I was noticing the diversity of the Canadian mosaic. I walked past two clean cut women wearing hijabs and saw the hair on the top of their head was showing. Ah, Persians I thought. Then in line I saw two other ladies wearing hijabs with their make up all done. Then had the cap on under their hijab completely covering the front of their hair and I thought ah, Arab, probably Syrian. The security guards are mostly Punjabi. 

Then I saw an older greasy white guy with long green hair cut through the line and once again I cringed. Surrey has benefited greatly from immigration. Fault finders who deny that don't understand what a free Republic is

With regards to sacrifice I am reminded of the famous picture of the praying hands. Do you know the story behind the picture? The hands aren't really praying per se. They are a tribute to the hard work and sacrifice of an older brother. 

So my theme for 2025 is "Be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works.” This is the year we put it all altogether. Press forward with steadfastness and faith knowing that Justin Trudeau will be defeated and the tide will finally turn. 

We will still have to work hard, work smart and make sacrifices but the light at the end of the tunnel gives us the hope we need to proceed. As Clay Roueche would say Kigurai which is similar to the term gravitas and means dignity, seriousness, or solemnity of manner. The Kendo explanation is confidence, grace, the ability to dominate your opponent through strength of character, fearlessness. Thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. Confidence not arrogance. 

As mortal combat would say about Justin Trudeau: Finish him.

2025: The Morning Breaks

Unfortunately the road up doesn't open until 7:00 AM now.

Today I got up early and went to Seymour mountain with the intent of snowshoeing up in the dark with a headlamp and catching the sunrise from the mountain peak. 

That is my favorite New Years tradition. For me New Years doesn't start when the clock strikes midnight. It starts when the sun breaks the horizon on New Years Day. 

Sadly in Vancouver it's always hit and miss as it often rains and you can't always see the sunrise. It makes it worse when they don't open the road up the mountain until 7:00 AM. That means catching the sunrise from the peak is very difficult. 

So I bundled up my gear and made it to the base of the mountain at 6:55 AM. A short wait in the line of cars before I launched on the mountain in quest of the sunrise. 

Only half way up traffic comes to a stand still once again waiting in another line for a checkpoint. They asked to see my day pass. I was like what day pass? This isn't summer. There doesn't say anything on the website about requiring a day pass. 

The young millennial claims day passes are required for winter too. I again objected in that the website says nothing about that. They said I could pull over and get one for free. Then I realize they're expecting me to log in on my phone. That's when I lost it. I got out and said. Covid it over. This is Communism. The cocky kid said this has nothing to do with Covid. I know it has nothing to do with Covid I respond. This is all about Communism. 

I don't have internet on my phone. I said before I leave, I just want to object and say this is straight up Communism. One of the older guys says there's free wifi at the top of the mountain. I don't have my laptop with me I exclaim. Then it dawns on me. There's nobody blocking me. I said free wifi on top of the mountain? Right, I'll do it there then proceeded on my way. 

I know it may seem silly but there is nothing on the website that says I need a day pass. Cypress doesn't require one and I'm not saying they should. I'm saying these day passes are a violation of the mobility rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights. The freedom to move without government intervention. 

Public parks are supposed to be publicly available. I don't need to ask the government permission to visit a specific park on a specific day. I realize when it's busy they want to restrict the parking lot for skiers and snowboarders who but lift tickets. They made us park way down by the inner tube run and hike in. 

I do all that and hike up to the starting point and put my crampons on. Lots of people have the same idea. One large group splits in two. Half of them are going to jog up to make the sunrise the rest are going to hike up. I was hoping to at least make to Brockton Point for the sunrise. 

Then I realize I left my phone for taking pictures in the car. I start anyways and realize I forgot the string to tie the shoulder straps on my back pack together so they don't slide down my shoulders. The mid strap is broken so I use a home made one that I left in the car. By this time I'm pissed. No picture of the sunrise and the whole time my backpack is going to be sliding down my shoulders. Then I look up at the overcast sky and realize there's not going to be a visible sunrise. 

So I threw in the towel and went back to my car. I've posted the top two videos so people can see what it used to be like before all the new rules and restrictions. It's a beautiful thing to see. There has been a steady light snow in the mountains since Christmas day. The conditions are ideal. 

Yet all the bullsh*t has left me angry. Cypress if you get there early you can park right by the beginning of the trail in the Nordic area. Yet Seymour has some of the best snowshoeing in North America and they are f*cking it up. That makes me angry. 

A while ago I was talking about anger with someone and they said maybe you should talk to someone about that. I said I don't want to talk to anyone about that. I have nothing to say. 

More recently a HR guy came to my workplace from Regional because moral was so low. We had splinter meetings with him and I let him have it. I told him straight up the management in this building is not the problem. The problem is the management at Regional. They have taken all of the Company's founding principles and thrown them out the window. They're turning the Company into another Walmart and it breaks my heart. 

After the meeting he came up to me on the work floor and asked if I had anything more to add. No I said. Women like to talk about their problems so they can vent. Men don't like to talk about their problems because when they talk about their problems it reminds them of their problems and makes them angry. Men don't want to vent. Men want solutions.  

I told him what the problem was. I don't want to talk about it to make me feel better. I want him to fix the f*cking problem. Everyone's talking about joining a Union because a workplace in Washington just joined one. I don't want to join a Union. I've been there done that and I don't want to do that again.

Joining a union is like having two bosses that are as*holes instead of one. It's bad enough having one boss. Having two bosses that ride your a*s is even worse. Although the union they want is probably the best of the lot, that union has a reputation for stealing your pension. That's a stress I don't need. 

I'm 59 years old. I can't afford to have anyone steal my pension. If my workplace unionizes I'll transfer to a different location. I just want to be left alone. That's all I want. 

My point was catching the sunrise from the top of the mountain on New Years Day is awesome but too many idiots are f*cking it up for the rest of us. That's my point. Vancouver is getting too busy. It's time for me to move on and find some new peaks and some wide open spaces with less crowds. 

Year End Review with Niss Cee