Sunday, December 6, 2009

Anonymous Posting Disabled

I've disabled the anonymous posting function on my blog. If you want to threaten me you can send me a private e-mail. Uttering threats anonymously on a public blog is lame.

I'm all for free speech. Hells Angels are free to set up their own facebook support groups and forums. People are free to support the Big Red Machine if they so choose. Just like I'm free not to support the Big Red Machine and I'm free to state why without having to worry about them harming my family.

Threatening to rape my daughter is absolutely deranged as is threatening anyone in my family. The one good thing from all those deranged comments on my blog is that the world can get a glimpses of the truth. Threatening to harm someones family is twisted.

When Robert Shannon was charged with smuggling cocaine for the Hells Angels, he used the Hells Angels name and reputation to threaten his co accused so his co accused wouldn't cut a deal and testify against him. They sent his co accused a letter that said we know where your grandmother lives.

Grandmother?! Hells Angels threatening a guy's grandmother? You can't get much lower than that. This is why people are ratting them out now. Because they have become the biggest rats of all. Maybe they can use some of that $11 million Walter Stadnick and Donald Stockford earned from selling cocaine and hand out a couple of toys at the Toy Run. That'll make up for all the lives they've destroyed and it will sure fool the masses.

For those who are not fooled there's Crime stoppers:

Friday, December 4, 2009

Doug Vanalstine

Doug Vanalstine was also arrested in the latest under cover police sting targeting rival gangs. He was seen with Clay Roueche in Vietnam and he was in that famous family photo of the UN:

He was charged with Clay in the U.S. and is waiting extradition there as well as facing the new trial here. Likely the local police will be thrilled to extradite him to somewhere the courts aren't such a joke.

I misread the article in the Sun about him shooting someone in the foot over loud music. I had it backwards. I thought the victim was the guy in the truck that refused to turn down the loud music. At first I thought at least he showed restraint and put one in his leg.

Turns out that Vanalstine was the one in the truck that was playing loud music. Don't you just hate those hillbillies in pick up trucks that blast loud music? Turns out someone asked Vanalstine to turn down the music and Vanalstine pulls out a gun and shoots him. That's pretty cheap. He's a bit old to be an obnoxious punk.

I guess it's just my nature when i see a conflict to find out who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. Turns out in some cases both guys are bad. There is nothing noble about selling crack or selling date rape drug. Both sides do that. The UN have a nice motto but it's hollow.

I remember speaking with a cop at Whalley and the cop excused himself, went to talk to a few kids then returned to the conversation. He apologized for the interruption and said those kids were with the UN and he just wanted to make sure they knew they weren't welcome here and had to move on.

I was somewhat shocked because I saw the Hells Angels enforcing for the crack dealers there only a few weeks prior. I was also shocked because they looked like your average Surrey kids. They didn't look like notorious gangsters at all.

You have to admire groups that stand apart from the Hells Angels and not bow down to become puppet clubs but if they're doing the same thing, they're really no better. The Osoyoos story is a good example of why we need to clamp down on criminal organizations.

Any 12 year old kid can pull a trigger. Guns empower the small and weak. Swarming empowers the small and weak. So do gangs. When the gangs start intimidating the police so they don't prosecute them to protect the public then we need to call in the Gang Squad to deal with them so law and order prevails.

Wayne Scott

Well Wayne's World just got one step weirder when the father of Jarrod Bacon's girlfriend just got arrested along with Jarrod and was charged with conspiracy to traffic cocaine. Under cover cops posing as Mexican cartel offered them 100 kilograms of cocaine.

The police sting involved both factions of the two rival gangs, the UN and the Bacon brothers revised leadership of the Red Scorpions. Wayne Scott is also the grandfather of Jarrod Bacon's child.
This guy is no godfather. He's just old. He looks like Arnold Horshack as a senior citizen. What a role model. Trafficking cocaine. Sounds more like Jerry Springer or a bad reality TV show.
I'm glad to see the police went after both rivals not just one but we need to remember who the real puppet master is pulling the bad bacon's strings.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Peter Leask should be hanged for treason

Well we've certainly gone from one extreme to another. Here in B.C. we've gone from the Hanging Judge to judges who should be hanged. Have you ever been on a tour of the parliament buildings in Victoria? They have actors and actresses that portray characters in history that join the tour.

One of those characters is Chief Justice Mathew Begbie. He was referred to as the Hanging judge because he sentenced so many criminals to be hanged. Back in the day hanging was a form of judicial punishment for serious offences.

Back in the day, hanging was a judicial punishment for treason. Not any more. We can debate capital punishment until the cows come home. The fact is treason is a serious offense. I can find no other adjective to describes Peter Leask's latest decision:

It is a serious offence when a government official betrays the trust of the people they were elected to represent. So too when a judge appointed by our elected officials betrays the trust they were given by the people. This is why we need a mechanism in place to replace bad judges. Peter Leask isn't the only bad judge in B.C. but right now he certainly is the worst.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Red Scorpions and the Hells Angels

Jason Brown was described by police as an associate of the East End Hells Angels when he was arrested as part of E Pandora. Yet, he was just found with 2 kilos of cocaine, one kilo of meth, guns, vests and Red Scorpion gear.
Some speculate he has changed affiliations but I disagree. I think this confirms my earlier suspicions about the Surrey Six Murder. In the Surrey Six murder the founding members of the Red Scorpions were executed along with two innocent bystanders. Before that we are told the Red Scorpions were affiliated with the UN.

My theory is that the Bacon brothers are the ones who changed affiliation and wanted to take over the Red Scorpion leadership to make them associates of the Hells Angels just like the change over in the Independent Solders did. Police claim the IS are now associates of the Hells Angels but they certainly weren't in the beginning.

If this is true, then we can clearly see who is really responsible for the violence in the Vancouver gang war.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Hells Angels come to Canada

Although the Hells Angels have been around for quite a while they have only been in Canada a short time. In that short time they have risen up to become the post powerful criminal organization in the country.

The Hells Angels didn't come to Vancouver until 1983. So the old farts haven't always been members of the Hells Angels. That was when the Gypsy Wheelers in White Rock and Satan's Angels patched over. Later than same year Toronto mob boss Paul Volpe was murdered. Since then all the other MC clubs have either patched over or gone to war with the Hells Angels.

Interesting to note that although Toronto mobster Peter Scarcella started off as a driver for Toronto Mafia Boss Paul Volpe, the National Post claims Scarcella was the last known person to see him before he was shot in the back and found in the trunk of a car. The speculation has risen that since Volpe was shot in the back, he was shot by someone he knew.

Interesting to note that this same Scarella who has aligned himself with Teflon Don in Montreal was with Toronto Hells Angel Paris Christoforou when they tried to kill Mike Modica at a cafe but paralyzed a mother instead.
In 1987 Maurice Boucher joined the Hells Angels in Montreal after serving a 40 month sentence for armed sexual assault. He rose up in the ranks quickly and became president of the Nomads. The Rockers sold drugs for him while in that capacity. The Rock Machine fought against him for control of the drug trade in Quebec.

The Hells Angels in Canada have nothing to do with riding motorcycles. Now it's all about selling drugs.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hells Angels seized ASSets

OK this post is going to be a work in progress. I'm a bit slow. A friend just told me the Coquitlam clubhouse had also been seized under criminal organization legislation. I found a YouTube video of that event dated October 2007. I was aware of the Naniamo clubhouse seizure but not the Coquitlam one.

I'm going to do some more digging and form a list of seized clubhouses. Which of course explains why the Hells Angels don't want the courts to recognize the fact that the Shadow clubs are affiliated so they don't get seized as well.

Halifax was seized:
Oshawa was Seized:

Interesting to note that aside for the usual trafficking of cocaine the Naniamo clubhouse was also under investigation for conspiring to keep a common bawdy house and procuring:

I had to look up what that meant. Another interesting connection to the Surrey crack ho allegation.

DFFD Deviants Forever, Forever Deviants

London, Ontario clubhouse seized:

Thunder Bay clubhouse seized:

Niagara Falls clubhouse seized:

Gerald Ward, head of the Niagara Falls chapter plead guilty to trafficking cocaine:

Toronto clubhouse seized:

Stuck in the Middle with you

We seem to be going in circles with the bizarre denial that the Hells Angels Shadow clubs have anything to do with the Hells Angels which proves the Hells Angels lie consistently.

They said the Hells Angels and the Outcasts were not affiliated in any way with the Hells Angels. Bullshit. The guy who answered the door at the Outcasts clubhouse said rumours claiming the Outcasts were connected to the Hells Angels are lies. Yet he said that while he was wearing a Hells Angels support shirt and a East Vancouver Hells Angels hat.

Now they say that guy was an idiot and is no longer affiliated with the group. They still claim the Jesters and the Shadow club are not affiliated with the Hells Angels. Bullshit. The "Shadow Club" is in the same building the Outcasts were in right beside Gus' Shop. Gus is a known Hells Angel.

It wasn't just one idiot that blew the secret connection to the Hells Angels. Whiterock Sargent in Arms Villy Lynnerup was caught red handed with Hells Angels papers connecting the Vancouver chapter to the Outcasts and the Whiterock chapter to the Jesters. He even had a copy of the dumb clown logo:

So here were are. Clowns to the left of us, Jokers to the right and we're stuck in the middle with you:

Will the real clowns please leave Surrey. The Shadow Clubs are affiliated with a criminal organization. Their clubhouses should be seized under the criminal organization legislation.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Too much sympathy for the Devil

The Rolling Stones wrote a famous song, Sympathy for the Devil. Obviously when an artist writes an allegorical song or paints a picture, people can and do interpret it in their own way which may or may not be the actual intent of the artist. One person sees something and another sees something else.

I don't see the song Sympathy for the Devil as glorifying the Devil at all. I see it as a well written 1st person narrative of history wherein the narrator is one of the prominent characters. Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste. Then it describes various historical events where the character was present and states Hope you guess my name.

The song helps us realize who the real driving force behind those historical events was. Obviously we are all responsible for our own actions yet we can be influenced by good or by evil. Denying the existence of evil is just that. Living in denial.

Some heavy metal groups over played the dramatic shock value of satanism to sell records. Judas Priest 666 the number of the Beast starts off with a dramatic narration by Vincent Price quoting from the Bible. Yet Mick Jager claims that wasn't his intent with his song.

Personally I find it very enlightening and helps us clearly see that there is too much sympathy for the devil:

Everyone quotes Aleister Crowley as a satanist yet he claimed to be a ritual magician that dabbled in the Quaballa - Jewish mysticism relating to the tree of life. Nevertheless, it's pretty clear that much of Crowley's work leans toward satanism as does most of the ritual magic world. Two extremes are the book of the law and Liber 777.

The number seven in Jewish tradition represents perfection. God is perfect. Measurements in the Temple were reflections of that perfection. The number 6 represented something that was almost perfect but flawed. That became the historical tradition used to represent the devil. Lucifer who was a fallen Angel that went bad. Very bad. He became the father of all lies so to speak who uses lies and flattery to deceive the hearts of man.

Ritual magicians invoke the names of the four arch angels as they trace the pentagram protecting the magic circle. A pentagram right side up represents God while a pentagram upside down represents the devil. It's all pretty confusing and esoteric but the point is that when you twist truth it leads you in a very different direction than one would normally want to take.

Light, inspiration, harmony, peace, justice, truth - this is the direction most seek. Darkness, despair, turmoil and tyranny driven by lies is what most intelligent beings strive to avoid. Both use the term love. The love of good versus the love of evil.

The Book of the law on the other hand is another story. It's founding premise is: Do what though wilt shall be the whole of the law. Some can try and twist this to mean it's a John Lennon smoke a blunt and imagine everyone living in peace and harmony like Woodstock. Unfortunately reality strikes and without rules or laws the dream of Woodstock turns into the nightmare of Altamont.

They say Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. I can do anything I want and if you have a problem with that you are deceived. Well what about stealing? If you are allowed to steal from me am I allowed to steal from you? What about murder? If you are allowed to murder me, am I allowed to murder you?

What about rape? What if I think that rape is wrong? Does that mean I am deceived? What about incest? If I believe molesting children is wrong does that mean I am deceived? The book of the law is clearly flawed.

In contrast, religion provides us with the golden rule: treat others the way you want to be treated. Do unto others. That makes much more sense. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Personally I don't see God as a vindictive cop who spanks us for eternity for making a set of finite mistakes.

Personally I see God as the epitome of justice. If we believe in stealing, then we are grouped with people who steal. If we believe in murdering then we are grouped with people who murder. If we believe in committing rape then we are grouped with people who believe in committing rape. Only there are no victims to rape. I once had a friend who said hell is where the glasses have holes (you aren't able to drink alcohol) and the women don't.
I also believe the golden rule is important because after this life we will experienced the pain we have caused others in this life. If we committed murder we will experience the pain and loss the family felt which resulted from our actions. Indeed Hitler experiencing the pain he caused others would be frightening.

They say wickedness never was happiness. I don't believe the Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law can lead to happiness. I believe treating others the way you want to be treated does. Anyone with a brain can see that the old heavy metal t-shirts glorifying 666 and satan are dumb and short sighted. Charles Manson is not good. Neither is Adolf Hitler. Just ask Sir Mick.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

London Hells Angels and 666

Take a good look people. This is what an idiot looks like. A grown man wearing a T-Shirt that says 666. Well a small grown man. Come on kids, this isn't High School. That really looks dumb. That's like wearing a shirt that says I love Charles Manson or I love Adolf Hitler.

Just ask Mick Jager, there's too much sympathy for the devil. This Big Red Machine support gear is now available on E-bay. I thought it was a joke. They've shortened the term Support the Big Red Machine to Support your local 666. The London chapter call themselves Hells Angels MC London 666 England. I don't know which is worse, a grown man wearing a teenagers 666 shirt or a grown man wearing a clown Jesters logo. Are those support shirts made out of Kevlar?

It's way worse than a punk rocker in Trafalgar square. Punk rockers are nonconformists not Satanists. Somehow I don't think that's anything any of the noble blood spilt on the beaches of Normandy would support. I think that's what they fought against.

I've talked about Bob Green and 666 Holdings. Now I hear Bob Green has 666 tattooed on his hand or wrist. That is weird. It certainly isn't hard core. It's just dumb, dumb, dumb:

Yo Brixton, don't be buying any of that shit from those dumb hyphies. They're worse than the Bill. They're Nazis who get rich off exploiting the poor. Keep the faith. The herbs of the Caribbean. That scar face shit is whacked.