Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Joseph Bruce Skreptak charged with Break and Enter

Kelowna Hells Angel Joseph Bruce Skreptak is now also facing charges of aggravated assault, assault, uttering threats and breaking and entering to commit a criminal offence in regards to an assault which took place at a Kelowna residence.

Another Kelowna Hells Angel charged with B & E. Sounds like Kelowna Hells Angels Robert Thomas. If the Hells Angels do B&E's then who are the real rats anyways? That's so Surrey rat car thief, not big time gangsters.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Jenny Kwan is a Political Tramp

Michael Smyth from the Vancouver Province wrote a painfully true synopsis of the Jenny Kwan drama and referred to it as the Wrath of Kwan mocking an old Star Trek episode. Several other media outlets have also coined the phrase. Others have referred to it as a Monty Python sketch.

When Cope swept the Vancouver civic election under the banner of Larry Campbell, it was a united grass roots movement as it was when Reform swept the West under the banner of Preston Manning in opposition to Brian Mulrony's fiscal irresponsibly. The infighting that Jenny Kwan is publicly festering is childish and selfish. 13 MLA's is not a majority so STFU.

When I saw photo's of Carol James disappointment the nobility was clear. Carol James has been the advocate for the people throughout Gordon Campbell's tyranny. She has consistently preached everyone matters. When I saw the disappointment on Carol James face it was not about her. It was not about her losing her position as leader of the party. It was about her disappointment that at the crucial opportunity her dream for the people and her vision for the future was being shattered by another political opportunist who wanted to change the vision and making all about her. A survivor fashion show.

Well that's not what this is about. This is about being fiscally responsible while retaining a semblance of dignity by having the kind of self respect that displays compassion for their fellow man. That kind of dignity Jenny Kwan can not understand.

When I saw a photo of Bruce Ralston, Mike Farnsworth and Adrian Dix standing beside Carol James in her crucial hour that's all I needed to see. I have seen all three actively involved in their community in grass roots activism on public safety and crime prevention issues relating to gang violence.

The picture reminded me of the scene from A Knight's tale when the hero was in the stockade yet his real friends stood beside him against the mocking crowd. The real King saw that and could see the man's nobility while standing in chains.

I still support Carol James and the Bill Vander Zalm coalition.

If there is a question of leadership there should be a leadership convention. Call the question, count the votes and stop complaining about democracy. However, it could be too late for that. The damage is already done. If Kwan becomes leader I certainly won't vote for the party and it has nothing to do with her being Asian. It's the other MLA's pulling her strings that concern me.

I think getting a multicultural presence is important, just not that way and not that kind of presence. We don't need more dirty deeds in parliament. God knows we have enough of that already.

It's kinda like how the Federal Liberals dumped Dion and said we traded in a dud for a stud. Well Iggy is certainly no stud and Dion was no dud. English wasn't his first language. I don't give a rat's ass what language the guys speaks, I care about what he says and what he does. Dion was way better than Iggy.

Iggy's just a used car salesman opportunist. He desperately wants to be Prime Minister and Harper desperately wants to "govern" with a majority so he can do whatever he wants like the Mulrony way of railroading the voters in the Harper Sales tax.

The Federal Liberals could have formed a coalition government with Dion at the helm. They threw that away for Iggy because they wanted what they perceived to be a stud when he clearly is not. Like I said, it's not a survivor fashion show. This is about human beings and displaying the kind of dignity that was removed from politics a long time ago.

Kevin Falcon is a Campbell Clone

The Langley Times ran an amusing cartoon about Kevin Falcon. It was referring to Kevin Falcon giving new leadership to the flailing BC Liberals. There were three drawings of him with the caption, What if he combed his hair? And then Bleached it? It showed if he did those two things he would look like a Gordon Campbell Clone.

Dianne Watts was the only person possible that could have given the BC Liberals a new direction in leadership. Everything else is the status quo that forced Campbell to resign and be the Premier with the lowest approval rating in the history of Confederation. They are the ones that froze minimum wage for so long. They are the ones that refused to listen to the public about the HST and even spent taxpayers money on televised addresses that they know better than the public who elects them.

Kevin Falcon will simply be a Campbell Clone like all the others.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

David Giles and the Kelowna Hells Angels Plan

Well since some representatives from the Kelowna Hells Angels made the news recently, I'd like to know what Davie Giles says they were going to do with all those guns, ammo, balaclavas and cell phone jammers.

The prime suspect is full patch member Joseph Skreptak. He was one of the founding members of the Kelowna chapter. The interesting thing is, Davie Giles was caught on wire barking orders about the establishment of a Kelowna chapter.

He was clearly calling the shots and said he was "tired of drivin' a ... thousand miles, kilometres every two weeks" to attend chapter meetings in Vancouver. He said he was working with members of the East End chapter "to convince them how to feel comfortable with what we wanna do, and then go forward."

So... whatcha wanna do with all those guns and ammo? Surely a founding member of the chapter David Giles helped set up wouldn't do anything with Hells Angels colours unless he was on official business with the permission of the local executive. So surely David Giles had foreknowledge of the road trip and they had his permission. He sure must be a nice guy.

I don't think Juel Stanton was executed for robbing grow ops and taking them over for the Hells Angels. That part was doing the East Vancouver chapter's business. Speaking of Juel Stanton, how can the East Vancouver chapter make an executive decision without involving the executive of the chapter?

Why did the East Vancouver chapter hire Mickie (Phil) Smith and Yurik to murder Paul Percy Soluk at a crack house in Surrey? How could that decision be made without David Giles' knowledge and permission?

In 2005 police raided a grow-operation in a Kelowna house that East End Hells Angels member Joseph Skreptak owned, but had rented out. Skreptak was not in the house when the raid occurred, but his truck -- with a Hells Angels sticker on it -- was parked there and another Hells Angels sticker was on the front door of the home.

So what's the K Town Plan? Is it the same as the East Van Plan - to take over grow ops by force? That surely is what the evidence points to.

This "joint" article between the Vancouver Sun and the Victoria Times talks about the Hells Angels involvement in the stripper agencies in BC. We know CJ Spoon has ties to the Hells Angels. He was the guy that got house arrest from Peter Leask for trafficking cocaine for the Hells Angels. Now he's a dweeb on the Dirty running a stripper agency on Facebook.

We also know that Gino Zumpano was tied to Brandy's strip club in Vancouver. Mixed reports are coming in about how since Gino no longer works there the Hells Angels won't let any of the girls who work there work in any of their clubs. That would be another example of taking over a market not just participating in it.

We know the Hells Angels were involved with the Orange Number 5 in East Van as well as the Cecil. I hear the Cecil shut down and a new dive has opened up in Surrey in addition to Tbars. Both clubs recently allowed knives past their security which resulted in targeted double stabbings.

Being involved in the stripper business is one thing. Taking it over is another. Being involved in grow ops is one thing. Taking them over is another. Being involved in the BC Bud for cocaine trade is one thing. Using violence to take it over is another.

Glad to hear the Nanaimo chapter lost their appeal over their seized clubhouse. That's kinda like one step forward two steps back when we see how the courts are enforcing some of the criminal org legislation but not all of it in BC.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cory Montemurro

Cory Montemurro is an interesting character. Doesn't seem to have a conscience and doesn't seem too worried about it, but he's a great guy. People are sure talking about him since he and two other associates were arrested with Hells Angel Joseph Bruce Skreptak with a sick cache load of weapons in Salmon Arm. It sure is a wild world. This is one of his associates and co accused Dennis Miner:

Here he is practicing for their road trip.

Yet Corry is the person of interest. He's very popular. Friends with Adam Scorgie, but then again, who isn't. After all it's all about the Business of Getting High so it is. Sometimes that business is pretty shady. Sometimes it's down right dirty.

So what were they gonna do with all those guns and all that ammo along with body armour, balaclavas and a cell phone jammer? Just remember, when ya get jammed up, don't mention my name. It's OK, he's not like Geoff or Britney, he's a survivor.

I guess the vest was for grandpa Joe. I hear they have to make patches on Kevlar now. At least in LA people would get shot by rival gangs not by one of their own. Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Geoff Meisner was tied to the Hells Angels and the Kingpin Crew

It would appear that our suspicions have been confirmed. Castanet news has reported that Geoff's wife Tammy is petitioning to have her missing husband declared legally dead under the Survivorship and Presumption of Death Act. Geoff went missing a year ago on November 27, 2009. It appears that they got a hold of the affidavit and claims in it Tammy admitted to having limited knowledge that her husband was associated, and or affiliated with the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club and the King Pin Crew. Now this doesn't come as a big surprise because when Britney Irving's body was found, the police announced that Geoff's death, or his disappearance, was drug related. Several people claimed that he was laundering money in Vegas. The same run that was taken over shortly after his disappearance. The first thing I have to say on the matter is 1) Back off of Tammy and 2) Back off of Geoff. These are good people who were taken advantage of by bad people. Tammy did not make that statement to the media. She made it in a court document to support her application to have her husband declared legally dead so she can sell some of the assets since his death has been a colossal financial hardship on their family. When we take a look at Adam Scorgie's movie the Business of Getting High, we see many good people who support the legalization of Marijuana. We have also seen evidence of the Hells Angels violent bid to take over grow ops with force. Who would have thought a motorcycle club could be so cruel? Who would have thought they were capable of being pimps and baby killers. Most wouldn't even dream that was possible. Doing business with them would have been naive but not malicious. What I find interesting is if Geoff Meisner was tied to the Hells Angels and the Kingpin Crew, was Britney tied to them as well? She lived on a grow op. Do the Hells Angels control all the grow ops in their little retirement village? Does anyone in the Kingpin Crew know where Britney got her Oxycotin from? These questions need to be answered in both murder investigations. In the mean time cut Tammy, Geoff and their children some slack. I do not believe for one minute Geoff ripped off the Hells Angels. I believe that is a bold faced lie. I think they replaced him with someone who would do the same job for less money.

Judicial Fraud

This is yet another bizarre tale in the ongoing sad saga of the judicial vacuum we are experiencing in British Columbia. Neil Hall from the Vancouver Sun reported that Julio Hernandez was convicted of possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking, trafficking in cocaine, possession of heroin for the purpose of trafficking, and trafficking heroin after a trial in B.C. Supreme Court.

Hernandez appealed. Three judges of the B.C. Court of Appeal found the trial judge misapprehended the evidence. He made a tiny technical error about the exact coins found in his coaccused's purse.

"Even though the other evidence adduced at trial was capable of supporting the convictions of the appellant, his convictions depended upon the misapprehension of the trial judge. I would therefore allow the appeal and order a new trial." Appeal Court Justice Christopher Hinkson.

You know what this is? It's welfare fraud. Talk about misappropriation of tax dollars. These people are insane and completely out of control. Ordering a whole new trial over an unrelated tiny clerical error is a complete waste of money. How many more schools and hospitals does Vancouver have to close to pay this judge's salary?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kelowna Hells Angels arrested with guns in Salmon Arm

Did ya see the cover of the Vancouver Sun today? It was a special on the Hells Angels. The Vancouver Province ran the article too. Four men linked to the Kelowna Hells Angels are expected to appear in a Salmon Arm court this week after the RCMP found a cache of weapons during a routine traffic stop Thursday night.

The police found a large cache of weapons in the possession of four Hells Angels when they pulled them over for speeding. The officer smelt marijuana which was just cause for a search of the car. Only our brain dead judicial system will likely say the search was in violation of their charter right and let them go free again. The charter doesn't give them the right to speed after smoking a blunt with a cache of firearms in their vehicle.

Note that these "patch" members were driving a car not riding a motorcycle. The items seized included several firearms, including a sawed-off shot gun, a large quantity of ammunition, and three handguns. There was also bullet-proof vests, balaclavas, a baseball bat, an axe handle, knives, bear spray and a radio jamming device designed to block outgoing transmissions.

Facing a series of charges are full-patch member Joseph Bruce Skreptak, 43; and associates Carl Ennis, 39, Dennis Miner, 35 and Cory Montemurro, 40.

Skreptak is a former member of the East End Chapter who was one of the first to move to Kelowna to set up a "charter" of the notorious biker gang there. That chapter formally opened in the summer of 2007.

Keane said all four arrested were "sporting insignia of the Hells Angels organization."

East Vancouver chapter members living in the Kelowna retirement village starting shit all over the province. What are we supposed to do? We either take up arms or lobby the government to enforce the law because they are not doing it in BC. Just ask McLean's.

They had guns. They were wearing Hells Angels colours. This wasn't just four men. The Hells Angels as an organization need to be tried with the firearm violation. This was not the first offence for that organization in BC. Randy Potts was found with six guns, four silencers and four grenades. The entire organization should get a lifetime firearm ban that needs to be enforced.

Gun crimes carry a maximum 10-year and a mandatory minimum one-year sentence. Parliament enacted a mandatory three-year minimum for the gun crimes in May 2008. So now we need mandatory minimum sentences for the use of a firearm to commit a crime and for the possession of a firearm after a lifetime ban was issued.


Just out of curiosity, let's speculate what on earth four Hells Angels could possibly have been doing with guns, ammunition, bear spray, bullet proof vest, cell phone jammers and balaclavas. You would think with that kind of arsenal they'd be off to rob a bank. Someone posted a comment on one of the news reports and said they must have been on their way to rob a grow op. What else would they be using the cell phone jammers for? I'll admit it's an interesting theory. Certainly more likely than they were off to rob a bank.

Especially since Hells Angels support gear was found at a grow op in Kelowna. Especially since Juel Stanton and his brother robbed grow ops in the Lower mainland and took them over for the Hells Angels.


Kelowna Hells Angel Joseph Skreptak is now also facing charges of aggravated assault, assault, uttering threats and breaking and entering to commit a criminal offence in regards to an assault which took place at a Kelowna residence.

Another Kelowna Hells Angel charged with B & E. Sounds like Kelowna Hells Angels Robert Thomas. If the hells Angels do B&E's then who are the real rats anyways? That's so Surrey rat car thief, not big time gangsters.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ottawa Police Brutality Video

In the video, officers are seen kneeing, kicking and stripping Stacy Bonds of her shirt and bra. Bonds is a make-up artist with no previous criminal record and no offences. She was arrested after being stopped walking home in the early morning. An officer ran her name through the police computer, found she had a clean record, and she was told to continue walking home. When Bonds turned back to question why they had stopped her in the first place, she was arrested for public intoxication.

The video is highly disturbing and raises a number of questions. Why are the officers using so much force? Bonds does not appear to be resisting arrest but they are hostile towards her. How is this behaviour even possible with five officers present?

This is what they did to someone who was knowingly wrongfully arrested. How can we fight wars on foreign soil to defend human rights only to ignore them in our own country? The video is sad and disturbing.

Obviously law enforcement is a good thing. Obviously these officers acted in a lawless manner. Obviously not all law enforcement officers act this way. Yet unfortunately as we have seen, too many do. It appears the chunky female officer who gave the girl a knee strike pulled a muscle doing so and had a hard time walking on it momentarily.

Obviously someone who saw this video was disturbed by it and released it to the media for good reason. Whistle blowers are protected under the law. Yet how likely will that law be upheld? Not likely. Rumour has it that the Delta police force has already viewed the video and has determined that no police misconduct was committed. That report will likely be release in about a year after the shock has died down and the public has forgot about it.

Daniel Kachkan

Daniel Kachkan is another former Hells Angels associate who was murdered after he was kicked out of the organization. Kachkan was the former president of the Zig Zag Crew in Winnipeg which as we know is a puppet club for the Hells Angels who paid dues to the Hells Angels for protection against other drug dealers. Famous Amos was caught on video cutting crack cocaine for the Hells Angels.

Daniel Kachkan was murdered in his own home on November 1st 2010. He was shot in the head. There were no witnesses. It was an execution but it doesn't sound like a rival hit to me. Sounds more like a Juel Stanton. He must have fell out of favour with the club since he was kicked out then murdered. Indeed with friends like that, who needs enemies.