Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ontario's Criticism of their Judges

I find it somewhat interesting that while some claim criticizing a judge's decision in B.C. is blasphemous, Ontario doesn't seem to have a problem with it. Over minor issues. The latest one is described in an article in the Globe and Mail.

The Globe referred to one as the judge who writes like a paperback novelist. The article claims that because one Ontario judge uses complex sentences in his decisions and writes like a crime novelist he is out of control and should be the subject of a judicial council complaint.

I'm not going to get into the merits of the complaint against the judge, much. Other than the obvious fact that I really don't see what the big deal is. If he overturned a murder conviction and the evidence would lead one to believe that he should not have overturned that conviction then speak to the conviction not the words he used to describe it.

The article admits that Judge Watt’s transformation is seen by some as part of a welcome trend away from impenetrable, legal jargon. No kidding. The uproar is that others feel that the author of a judgment ought to be an invisible presence. Yeah whatever. Hence my point: the big deal isn't really a big deal.

What I do find interesting is this whole judicial council complaint process that seems to be such an active tool in Ontario to deal with bad judges shall we say. Why can't we use a judicial council to get rid of a real idiot like Peter Leask?

I'm not talking about minor concerns about his unprofessional swearing in court. I'm talking about his treasonous decisions that let a Hells Angel off Scott free when he was caught red handed loading boxes of 52 kilograms of cocaine from His storage locker onto a truck. He was caught red handed and Peter Leask let him walk. The accused said he didn't know what was in the boxes. Those kind of judicial decisions constitute treason.

Finally some of Leaks bizarre decisions are being appealed and overturned but that is such a long and expensive process. Let's do the world a favor and fire his ass through the judicial council complaint process. Don't we have one in BC? Only in Ontario? Why is that?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hells Angel Affiliates and the Rizutto murders

The three accused of firebombing the Rizutto funeral home are: Alexandre Toualy, Julien Bourassa-Richer, both 27, and Sounthone Chareunsouk, 30.

Since Sounthone Chareunsouk was a member of d'allégeance bleue gang and one media outlet in Quebec suspects that gang is responsible for the dastardly deed.

Operation Axe established the affiliation between a major street gang allegiance blue, the Syndicate - affiliates of the Hells Angels - and a well-structured crime cell dedicated to drug trafficking in South West Montreal.

We know Gregory Wooley was Mom Boucher's pal who hooked the Hells Angels up with the Crips in Montreal helping them take over that drug trade. He was denied statutory release in 2008 but his sentence ended on Dec. 26, 2009.

The Syndicate is a gang that developed out of the Nomad chapter through Gregory Wooley, a Hells Angels associate who formed the Syndicate years ago. Zephyr took control of the gang in 2006 while Wooley, who has yet to be tried in Project Axe, was behind bars.

We also know that the dirt bags who killed the elderly Rizutto in his own home with a sniper in the bushes in front of his own family was not Italian. Nor were the dirt bags who firebombed a funeral home. That does sound more like low life Hells Angels affiliates.

Wooden Towers

BC Architects win Bob and Doug McKenzie's award for brain surgery. They are planning to build sky scrappers as high as 30 stories out of wood. Idiots. What happens when a fire breaks out? The next breakthrough is houses made of cards and Schools made of straw.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Harper Hides Crime Bill Costs

The Speaker of the House has ruled against the Harper government claiming they breached parliamentary privilege by refusing to provide all documents the Standing Committee on Finance requested detailing the full cost of its crime bills. No kidding. How much will it cost to send every Canadian citizen who smokes a blunt to jail? How will that help us deal with violent crime and hard drugs in the face of already over crowded prisons in an economic recession?

The government wants to take more money from us to put more of us in jail. What a democracy. Don't get me wrong, we need changes in our judicial system. We need prudent course corrections not sweeping catastrophe. House arrest for trafficking cocaine for the Hells Angels is insane. We won't have any money to fix that problem if we spend more than we have sending all the pot smokers to jail. Crack and meth are the problem, not pot.

Locking a prolific offender who commits a large amount of crime to pay for their drug habit in jail for three months is logical and prudent. Sending everyone to jail who jay walks, smokes a joint or drives after having two drinks with dinner is not. It really isn't brain surgery but Harper isn't getting it and Ignatieff is an idiot.

David Giles and Airplane Mark

Interesting photo of David Giles and Airplane Mark. Kinda suspicious whenever a Hells Angels or associate is pals with a pilot.

Shake that bootie Skeletor. Actually, please don't. You might wanna just put your shirt back on and wipe your drool.

After posting some pictures of David Giles someone from Kelowna contacted me and said they recognized the guy in the photo. They said they saw him at a public function wearing a Hells Angels jacket and they thought it was odd. At first they thought he was a clown pretending to be a Hells Angel. Go figure. He does look more like a Shriner than an Hells Angel.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Operation Watchtower

When Gary Webb's article Dark Alliance came out it created an uproar in LA. The possibility of the CIA being involved in part for their cocaine epidemic in the /80's was indeed shocking. In response to the public outcry, John Deutch, the Director of the CIA at the time held a town hall meeting in LA to address the public concerns.

At that town hall meeting, Mike Ruppert, a former LAPD officer took the mike and claimed the CIA had approached him to traffic drugs in LA and that the Agency has been dealing drugs in LA for years. Of course Mike Ruppert has subsequently under gone a character assignation like Gary Webb and anyone else other than Judge Bonner who has spoke out about any of this. Yet Mike Ruppert cited Operation Watchtower.

Although *someone* has been active on the Internet trying to bury the story and rewrite history by referencing a different Operation Watchtower, others have cited the real operation which clearly involved the CIA drugs for arms network out of Central America.

Al Martin, retired Navy Intelligence officer describes in detail what Operation Watchtower really was in his book The Conspirators.

Operation Watchtower was originally developed and built in 1976 by an elite Air Force group under the command of the Defence Intelligence Agency known as Task Force Hawk. Watchtower was a series of very powerful radio transmitters on towers with beacons on the ends of them from Andros Island off the coast of Columbia all the way up to US air space.

Aircraft could triangulate a position from the towers. The beacons created a "safe corridor." All aircraft flying through that corridor would not be intercepted. On the US end, aircraft emitting the proper frequency would not be inspected by customs.

The corridor was created originally for the same purpose it was used later on in the Iran-Contra - to provide a safe corridor for the shipping north of narcotics and the shipping south of weapons pursuant to authorized narcotics and weapons transaction.

Al Martin is of the opinion that the deal had to have had the approval of the then Panama dictator General Omar Trujillo who was paid in a Swiss bank account every month. Later Trujillo complained he wasn't getting paid enough and was assassinated and replaced by Noriega.

Colonel Edward P. Cutolo claimed there were a series of three electronic beacon towers beginning outside of Bogata, Columbia, and running northeast to the border of Panama." With the beacons in place and activated, aircraft could fix on their signal and fly undetected from Bogata to Panama, landing at Albrook Air Station.

Cutolo testified that the cargo flown from Colombia into Panama was cocaine. Cutolo claimed during the Feb., 1976, Watch Tower Mission, 30 high performance aircraft landed safely at Albrook Air Station where the planes were met by Col. Tony Noriega, a Panama Defence Force Officer assigned to the Customs and Intelligence Section. Also present at most of the arrivals was CIA Agent Edwin Wilson.

There is a lot more documented information about the time frame but my point is simple. Gary Webb wrote a powerful series of articles about the CIA trafficking cocaine in the United States of America. His article was met with rage and denial. He lost his job and documented everything in a well written book of the same name, Dark Alliance. Not to mention the testimony of former CIA Agent Chip Tatum. Chip referred to the Pegasus File which Mike Ruppert cited.

The fact is the CIA was directly involved in a huge cocaine for arms trade between Central America and Mena Arkansas. That has been documented. Oliver North was in charge of everything that went in and out of Nicaragua at the time. Only instead of rotting away in a US prison like Freeway Ricky and Manuel Noriega, they made him a FOX News host. Go figure.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

One arrest in downtown shelter sex assaults

A man has been arrested for one of the six sexual assaults reported at a Downtown Eastside cold weather shelter, say police.

Women’s groups on the Downtown Eastside are horrified by reports that six women have been sexually assaulted while taking refuge in an overnight shelter.

MacDougall said women are terrified to make first-person reports to police, although two of the sexual assault complaints were made by victims, another by paramedics called to help a viciously violated woman, and one by church staff.

I'm shocked and confused. Why aren't these reports taken seriously and how on earth can that happen in a crowded shelter? Do they meet them at the shelter and drag them outside or are they sexually assaulted in a crowed room? Are we talking about grabbing an ass or are we talking about rape? Raping someone in a crowded room and no one helps stop it is absolutely mind boggling.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jane Doe from Pickton's farm

This is strange. Police task force just released a sketch in attempt to identify a Jane Doe from Pickton's farm. I'm not sure why they waited this long to release the sketch and I wonder how many others like her they have found.

Likewise the Coroner just released remains of Pickton victims to their families. Like that wasn't a bizarre delay. I guess I'm just naive. So when will all the evidence in the trial become part of the public domain?

Christy Clark takes Liberal leadership

So Christy Clark is in. She was the only candidate that had a hope in hell of saving the doomed liberals. Kevin Falkner was a Campbell Clone. Unfortunately, I'm afraid a fresh new face won't change the entire party that embraced Campbell's brazen defiance of the public interest.

Industrial Hemp

I don't have much more to say but I do have something to say about Industrial Hemp. Industrial hemp is different than pot. Industrial Hemp used to be a large crop in North America. Hemp paper is totally sustainable and was very common in Europe.

When we look at how we are still clear cutting forests and still not selectively harvesting them that act is criminal. As is the fact that we let the commercial pulp and paper industry crush the hemp industry just like we let the oil companies kill the electric car. That is a crime.

Hemp paper should be legal. That is one law we can change right now. We can argue about the legalization of marijuana until the cows come home. Hemp paper is something sustainable that we can support right now.

The same with hemp rope. The big oil companies rather we use rope made from petroleum products because they are rich and greedy. Hemp rope was and is a better product. Legalizing industrial hemp is something we can do right now without legalizing marijuana, crack or meth. It would be good for our economy and our environment.

Why even Ron Paul thinks we should legalize Industrial Hemp. Mind you Ron Paul also thinks we should legalize all drugs which is rather absurd. Don't forget, he wasn't elected. The legalization of marijuana in California failed. The Marijuana party in Canada will never form a majority government. So let's talk about compromise.

The Green party has embraced a marijuana party affiliate and adopted the platform of legalizing all drugs. Guess what. They didn't get elected either. Legalizing all drugs in socially irresponsible. As it stands the Green party won't draw a line in the sand between pot and crack or meth. The lobbyists want it all. If they drew a line in the sand and said they don't support the legalization of crack or crystal meth, I could support them. Right now I can't.

Let's go for the decriminalization of pot, not legalization and let's go for the legalization of Industrial hemp. That is a goal within reach.