Friday, April 8, 2011

Renegades get ripped off

The Prince George Citizen claims it was the Renegades Clubhouse that was broken in to. No one was injured but a quantity of alcohol was stolen. I wonder if there was anything else stolen they didn't report to the police? Any GHB missing? That clubhouse was the site of the recent gang rape before the Hells Angels fund raising dinner in Kamloops where one of the accused resides.

Brittney Irving - one year later

Castanet ran an article about Britney Irving one year after her murder. The day before she was murdered, her boyfriend said she told him she was going to meet someone that is a real bad person. The question that I have is how could she be referring to Joey Verma, the one charged with her murder? Joey was bad but was more of an idiot. He was a low leve drug dealer. Hardly the type of person that would generate fear in anyone.

In fact if, Brittney was selling pot to supply her Oxy habit, then surely she had done business with Joey before. Wouldn't she be concerned if she was meeting a supplier further up the food chain so to speak? May Brittney and Geoff Meisner both Rest in Peace.

Geoff Mantler: Another Public Betrayal

This latest shameful decision is more proof we need a civilian agency to monitor police complaints. Constable Geoff Mantler got off charges in the Jeremy Packer case even though he had physical evidence included a lost tooth. Seemingly this was Mantler's third documented offence. There was another case involving Manjeet Singh Bhatti as well.

Before we spend undisclosed amounts of tax dollars to fill our over crowded drug infested prisons with more people for minor offenses, we need to establish a Civilian Agency and we need to clean up the prisons that we do have.

Privatizing the Military is Dangerous

We have seen the dangerous conflict of interest Dick Cheney's Halliburton created in Iraq. While George Bush kept going to the Senate to ask for more taxpayers money to spend on the unlawful invasion of Iraq, Halliburton was raking in the profit. Not even mentioning the insider conflict of interest that existed within Halliburton, it clearly establishes a very bad precedent.

Privatizing the military to circumvent public accountability is dangerous. Instead of having a Military mandated to provide for the common defense, we have a mercenary force mandated to profit from war without any public accountability whatsoever.

What's even worse is Blackwater's abuse of the laws covering war crimes. Blackwater is a privatized contracted military. They claim that they cannot be sued as civilians for war crimes because they are part of the US Total Force. Yet they also claim that since they are civilians they are not subject to military discipline.

Removing public accountability is not a good thing.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Richard Secord

Richard Secord is a name Al Martin frequently uses when discussing the extended version of the Iran contra. Along with Oliver North of course. Turns out North was Secord's scape goat.

Secord filed a libel case against the authors of a book published in 1987 entitled Out of Control: The Story of the Reagan Administration's Secret War in Nicaragua, the Illegal Pipeline, and the Contra Drug Connection. Secord lost that case.

He was charged in the Iran Contra affair in 1987 and on March 16, 1988, Secord was indicted on six felony charges. On November 8, 1989, Richard Secord plead guilty to one felony count of false statements to Congress, and on January 24, 1990, he was sentenced to two years probation. In 1992 the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia expunged the conviction on the grounds that the US Supreme Court had earlier found the underlying indictment to be illegal and without effect. The Justice Dept. did not oppose the matter. Thus the entire Iran-Contra imbroglio ended for Secord.

Well not exactly. Even if they make him a Fox News host, he was found guilty and got off. Let's take a look at some of the evidence in the trial and let's take a look at that book he sued for libel and lost.

May 5, 1987 during the Iran Contra public hearing, General Richard Secord testifies that CIA Director William Casey was one of the driving forces behind the illegal sales of arms to Iran, and the equally illegal diversion of profits from those arms to the Nicaraguan Contras. Secord, the leadoff witness, testifies that in addition to Casey, CIA and State Department officials aided in the efforts to provide the Contras with weapons and funds.

I think that's the whole point behind the extended version of Iran Contra. It didn't just involve Iran but was deeply involved with funding and supplying the Contras in Nicaragua which was directly tied to Operation Watchtower. Since Oliver North was in charge of everything that went in and out of Nicaragua at the time, it also implicates him.

Al Martin claims that Richard Secord was also tied to Trans World Armaments of Quebec City. He claims that Joe Clark made money off it and that the Brian Mulroney connection was a much bigger scandal in Canada than it ever was in the US. Interesting...

BTW in the picture above Secord's lawyer is talking to him during his testimony at the Iran Contra hearing. Gee I didn't think you were allowed to consult with counsel during your testimony in court...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bre-X, George Bush and Brian Mulroney

I was just reading in Al Martin's book "The Conspirators" on page 31 where it claims that George Bush was on the Board of Directors for Bre-X and made $40 million off of that fraud.

They made a shoe cannon for Bush when he came to speak at Calagary. No wonder he loves the hard working people of Calgary. He scammed them out of $40 mill.

Al Martin also claims former Prime Minister Joe Clark made money from that fraud as well. Googling it shows Brian Mulroney was also involved. Bre-X was this huge Calgary based gold mining company fraud.

It was billed as the perfect crime because no one was held accountable. Michael de Guzman, the Bre-X geologist also died of a suspicious suicide. It was a $3 billion hoax.

The mining company collapsed after it was discovered that drilling sample bags had been sprinkled with outside bullion to inflate the results. Thousands of investors lost money, triggering a series of lawsuits against the company, Walsh and Felderhof.

Al Martin claims Joe Clark made money off Bre-X as well as Bush. Investing in Bre-X is different then making money off of it. Many innocent people invested in Bre-X and lost their shirt when it collapsed. People who sold at precisely the right time before it crashed and made a killing are suspect for insider trading.

Bre-X investor Jack Kindermann, who lost $500,000, had little sympathy Monday for Felderhof, who allegedly sold $84 million worth of stock prior to the company's collapse.

Al Martin claims that Bre-X is just another example of the continuation of the original fraud that links back to Iran-Contra. Martin claims that Iran-Contra was the genesis for a lot of the fraud that exists today. In some cases, not even the corporate names have changed. Seemingly, drug trafficking was only one aspect of Iran contra. There was a huge amount of spin off fraud that was used to raise funds as well.

One of these examples he gives in Trinity Oil and Gas (page 106) which he claims was founded in 1984 by the infamous Barry Seal. Barry Seal as we all know was the scape goat for all the CIA drug smuggling that went on out of Mena Arkansas.

Martin claims Trinity Oil and Gas was not only designed simply to be a fraud, but also as a vehicle to launder Barry Seal's money -- money that Barry Seal was earning from his narcotics activity. Martin sates there was much more to this man than simply drugs. His money laundering in corporate operations is an area which has never been touched.

It kind of reminds me how Raymond Sturgeon was tied to the company involved with Mulroney's helicopters as well as Harper's Jets. Not to mention the perpetual fraud of Harper's senior advisor Bruce Carson. Much. Then again those deals weren't directly tied to drugs.

It's reminiscent of Enron, the ultimate in corporate fraud where the US tried to privatize it's energy to it's insider friends. The Bush administration was tied to that fraud too. In fact, just like Bruce Carson, the Bush administration gave the Thomas E. White, the Enron book cooker a promotion to be the official book cooker form the Pentagon's missing three trillion dollars until public pressure from his involvement with Enron forced them to get rid of him.

Let's not forget Mulroney's involvement in the $1.8 billion sale of Airbus SAS aircraft to Air Canada wherein he was accused of getting kickbacks. Tears swelled up in his eyes in court when people thought he was a criminal. How sad.

All I can find so far is that Barrick gold was somehow tied to Bre-x and that George Bush served in an honorary capacity as an advisor to Barrick’s International Advisory Board for two years in the mid 1990’s. Another source claims Brian Mulroney was also an advisor to Barrick Gold. In fact Mulroney is curently still listed as a member of the Board of Directors for Barrick and is Chairman of Barrick’s International Advisory Board. It claims Mulroney has been a Director of Barrick since 1993. 1993 was the year Bre-X bought rights to the mine in Indonesia. Yet another source claims George Bush became a director of Barrick gold in 1995.

Interesting to note that the Green Party claims the Harper government has intervened to further the economic interests of Mr. Munk and Mr. Mulroney. Finance minister Jim Flaherty took what the Globe and Mail (May 7, page B1) called “the unusual step of intervening” by phoning CIBC executives to pressure them to settle up with Barrick Gold Corporation over a dispute over losses related to the current asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) meltdown. Maybe this is why they're not letting the Green Party participate in the televised debate this time.

Joe Clark was a special advisor on Africa for the mining company First Quantum Mineral, which did contraverial work in the Congo.

Hells Angels visit Kamloops

Ironic that the Hells Angels would show up to support a puppet club in Kamloops right after some finger puppets did a little house cleaning by way of murder. Police say Whiterock Hells Angels were represented as well as Kelowna. Even the Pinhead Crew were there. According to an old police document online, in 1997, an emerging gang, the Hub City Men's Club, sponsored by the Hells Angels Nanaimo chapter, surfaced in Kamloops. In spring 1998, this same gang received it's patch, calling themselves the Vipers. A second emerging gang, the Prince George Men's Club, acquired it's patch in January 1999 and became the Renegades. The Renegades were the ones caught selling pot and were in charge of the Crew who sold crack and cut off fingers for drug debts. Now they're in charge of the GTS who were just charged with committing a gang rape at the Renegades clubhouse in Prince George. In fact, one of the three individuals charged in that gang rape is Pion Associate #1 of Kamloops. Was he at the fundraising dinner. Interesting associations. Let's not forget about the two kids murdered on what neighbours claims was a Hells Angels grow op in Kamloops.

Cocaine found in Toronto-bound child's suitcase

Twelve soldiers assigned to combat drug trafficking in the Dominican Republic have been arrested in an alleged scheme to smuggle cocaine to Canada in a child's suitcase, a prosecutor said Monday.

Eight of the soldiers, including a lieutenant colonel and captain, were detailed to the national anti-drug agency at the airport in Puerto Plata while four were assigned to security duties at the airport terminal, said prosecutor Elvis Garcia. Two civilians who work there were also arrested.

A judge ordered all the suspects held pending an investigation into charges of drug smuggling, Garcia said.

The arrests stem from the discovery on March 23 of more than 33 kilograms (73 pounds) of cocaine in a child's suitcase. The girl was travelling with her parents and sister from Puerto Plata, about 240 kilometres (150 miles) north of Santo Domingo, to Toronto.

Edmonton Prison Guard charged with drug smuggling

A correctional officer at an Edmonton jail has been charged as a result of allegations that he smuggled drugs to inmates in the facility.

In November 2010, staff from the Edmonton Remand Centre notified Edmonton police about drugs making their way into the centre, prompting an investigation by the police’s drug and gang unit that led to the arrest of James Brian Johnstone, a 21-year-old correctional officer, and five others.

Johnstone is charged with conspiracy to commit drug trafficking, one count of possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking cocaine, one count of possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking marijuana and one count of possession of a controlled substance.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Opium in Afghanistan

In an interview about the Harper government trolling the Internet, Alex Jone made a comment about opium in Afghanistan. The commentator asked him to get back on topic but I think we should visit what he said because I think it is significant since it applies to politics and organized crime.

Alex Jones claimed Fox news admitted "Yeah our troops helped grow the opium in Afghanistan and they helped ship it out but if we don't grow it the Taliban will get it and then they'll make the money off it." Sure enough, Alex Jones was right and Fox news did admit it. Hey, isn't Oliver North a Fox news corespondent? Isn't that ironic.

Soldiers ignore and encourage the farmers. "If the US burned their crops, farmers would blame the US for their poverty and turn toward the Taliban."

"If we secure them getting a good harvest, now they're gonna get paid for all their hard work and then we can deal with trafficking afterwards." That is the new US policy. After farmers get paid try to capture drug traffickers. These troops have confiscated ten thousand pounds of opium before the profit reached the Taliban.

So that would clearly imply that they are only busting opium rings that profit the Taliban or the competition not opium rings that profit them. Can you believe that. Garry Webb was right all along.

This would support Julie Couillard's claim that Maxime Bernier told her that “the war in Afghanistan has nothing to do with building democracy in that country but has to do with the global control of the opium trade. It’s a drug war.”