Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Opium production spike in Afghanistan

I don't want to flog a dead horse but I think it is important to look at the facts for us to really understand the big picture. NATO’s presence in Afghanistan has coincided with a sharp rise in opium production, leading to a global revival in heroin use.

According to UN figures, much of the blame lies with a 15-fold increase in Afghan opium production since 2001, the year Canadian soldiers helped the U.S. overthrow the country’s Taliban government. Afghanistan now supplies 90 percent of the world’s opium.

2001. That was indeed a pivotal year. By February of 2001, U.N. drug control officers said the Taliban religious militia had nearly wiped out opium production in Afghanistan - once the world's largest producer - since banning poppy cultivation last summer.

We know that the US soldiers in Afghanistan are now helping cultivate and harvest opium there. We were told that it was because if they didn't do it, the Taliban would but think about it. The Taliban are Muslim extremists. Sure hypocrisy exists within any religion but they are religious extremists who frown upon drug use. They had brought opium production to a grinding halt. NATO troops came in and have brought it back in a new heroin revival seen here at home.

Now that Canadian soldiers are pulling out of Kandahar and handing over control of that opium producing hub to the American soldiers who are admittedly cultivating and harvesting opium, we need to take the next step. We need to stop buying their opium for insite.

And we need to remember Julie Couillard's claim on national television that Maxime had said “the war in Afghanistan has nothing to do with building democracy in that country but has to do with the global control of the opium trade. It’s a drug war.”... "the War In Afghanistan was about the control of the global opium trade, not democracy". The oil pipeline was a factor as well.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Death of Cody Doucette

Locally, we once again we hear the news of a sudden death in Kelowna. Cody Doucette bled to death from a cut under his arm with an X-Acto knife. An injury he received while disposing of a stolen truck for someone else.

I'm a bit confused how the police can claim his death is not suspicious when they admit they are still investigating how he received the cut. I guess that just means the case is still under investigation. Who did he work for again?

It kinda reminds me of Chad Karylchuk‏. Obviously Chad's death was an od but both individuals had the same associations. Tragic really.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Petraeus named CIA director

Scroll down for the Robert Thomas story.

Speaking of the CIA being directly involved with dirty banks that launder drug money and commit investment fraud, the Vancouver Province just ran an article about the new director of the CIA.

The Senate on Thursday overwhelmingly confirmed Gen. David Petraeus, who won wide acclaim as commander of war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, to head the Central Intelligence Agency.

Lawmakers voted 94-0 to approve the nomination of Petraeus to succeed outgoing CIA director Leon Panetta, whose own confirmation to take over for retiring Defence Secretary Robert Gates sailed through 100-0 last week.

Wow. Richard Secord was a General too. Bragging about leading the war effort in Iraq? The illegal invasion and occupation of a foreign country based on a lie? No doubt this guy is widely acclaimed. He's doing the same thing North and Secord did only he's doing it right on Fox News. Having the troops cultivate and harvest opium in Afghanistan. Brilliant.

The Province goes on to state "Meanwhile, the Justice Department has dropped nearly all the probes into CIA agents over alleged abusive interrogation techniques, and will instead focus on the deaths of two detainees, Attorney-General Eric Holder said." Wonderful.

"Holder had in 2009 ordered a review of interrogations of more than 100 detainees at secret sites overseas to determine whether any laws were broken." But he's proud to announce all those acts of torture the CIA did are no longer being investigated to the cheer and roar of the crowd. Let's give it up for war criminal Gen. David Petraeus! No body's watching because nobody cares. What a shame.

The regulation of Canadian Banks

I saw an interesting video clip from an annalist explaining why he thought the Canadian Banks escaped the huge collapse that banks in the US and England faced. He attributed it to luck and government regulation.

Most bankers cry out for deregulation. Yet as we have seen, deregulation opens the door for fraud. The less regulated, the more fraud. Let's face it, every bank and stock market want to launder drug money. Yet we have seen that financial institutions that launder drug money are also involved in huge investment frauds that eventually result in the bank's demise.

Unless of course the bank can convince taxpayers to bail it out so it can then continue to make more and more money from investment fraud and laundering drug money. The annalist in the video clip talked about Basil II. Canada adapted those regulations early which helped them while the US delayed those regulations which hurt it.

Now, I have no idea what Basil II is, other than the fact that Basil is not only a herb for seasoning but it is also a city in Switzerland where the accord was created. I am somewhat concerned about an international banking conglomeration with absolutely no public accountability to any government whatsoever.

It's not just risky loans. It's investment fraud and laundering drug money. BCCI was a huge bank collapse which was the direct result of these two factors. One article claims According to Wikipedia, a free online encyclopedia, BCCI was transformed by the head of Saudi intelligence into the “biggest clandestine money network in history”.

Registered in Luxembourg, at its peak, it operated in 78 countries, including Barbados and Jamaica, and had assets in excess of US$20 billion, making it the seventh largest private bank in the world by assets. BCCI’s rapid growth, the encyclopedia said, alarmed the financial community, as well as regulators. Their rapid growth resulted in a rapid collapse.

In this claim we see a third factor emerge, "intelligence." Along with drugs and fraud we see the involvement of "intelligence" agencies. It wasn't just Saudi intelligence. The Company was directly involved with BCCI as well as in the Texas banks collapse. BCCI collapsed in 1991 costing taxpayers millions.

The trial run for the bailout fraud was in Texas. MCorp collapsed in 1989 costing taxpayers $2 billion. Neb Bush's Silverado's collapse from JNB Explorations cost taxpayers $1.3 billion. Once again, these collapses weren't the result of risky loans to people before a market crash. The real reason behind these bank collapses was investment fraud. MCorp and Silverado was directly related to the Bush Family fraud of fake oil wells.

The three largest banks in Texas that fell in the S&L crisis were also involved in the CIA's Iran Contra just like BCCI was. The three banks were Texas American Bancshares, then chaired by Bobby Corson, Allied Bancshares of Texas, then chaired by the infamous Walter Mischer, and thirdly, MCorp.

Mischer and Corson were later investigated by various Congressional committees as to the nature of unrepaid Iran-Contra loans. By 1989, it was determined that the CIA had borrowed for illegal, covert operations some $350 million from these three intuitions. It also failed to repay that amount. These banks were involved principally in fraudulent Iran-Contra related profiteering - realm estate loans, oil and gas ventures, illegal securities transactions, ect.

This was all made possible because of The Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 (DIDMCA) which had phased out a number of restrictions on banks' financial practices. Then the Garn–St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 (Garn–St. Germain), further deregulated banks as well as deregulating savings and loans. First they deregulated the banks, then they defrauded the banks and bailed them out with tax dollars. That is the double scam.

In return the banks benefited too. Removing restrictions on interest charges Canadian mortgage interest rates increased from a low of 10.31% in August of 1978 to a high of 21.46% in September of 1981 which doubled a family’s monthly mortgage payments and caused many foreclosures in the /80's. Privatization and deregulation to circumvent public accountability is not a good thing.

One article claims Canada’s banks and its financial regulatory system have emerged from this crisis as a model for the world to follow. Why would we change our system and deregulate it so we can be susceptible to the same problems that have reoccurred in England and the US?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sakwinder Narwal and the Return of the Vancouver Pump and Dump

Here's an interesting article. The Vancouver Sun reported that U.S. securities regulators have charged controversial Vancouver promoter Sakwinder Narwal with defrauding investors in an alleged pump and dump stock scheme.

The Securities and Exchange Commission charged three principals of Del Mar Corporate Communications, LLC, a San Diego-based investor relations company, and a Canadian citizen for committing fraud while promoting a penny stock company headquartered in British Columbia, Canada.

I'm confused. This article is from February 17 2011. There is no penny stock exchange in Vancouver. Does that mean it's a fake company based in Vancouver traded on another exchange?

This is even tied to a drive by shooting in Shaughnessy on July 7 2007. Johnston and Marshall purchased the home (Where the drive by occurred) in May 2006 for $4,050,000, land title records show. Marshall then transferred his interest in the house to Johnston for a dollar in January 2007.

In early 2004, the RCMP's Integrated Market Enforcement Team raided the Vancouver offices of Silver Star Energy Ltd., alleging the company was involved in a "pump and dump" stock fraud. Five people were named in the search warrant, including Marshall, who had been a director of 1048136 Alberta Ltd., which sold properties to Silver Star.

At the time, Silver Star's largest share holder was Marshall's business partner Sakwinder Narwal, while Johnston held the second largest number of Silver Star shares. Despite the high-profile criminal probe, no charges were ever laid and police now confirm the file has been closed.

Narwal, who has been linked to several other U.S. penny stocks, is a close relative of convicted kidnapper Jethinder Singh (Roman) Narwal, who is now serving a 15-year sentence. At the time of his 2006 conviction, Roman owned stocks in three other companies founded by Sak Narwal.

Roman's late father Avtar Singh Narwal was identified at the Air India trial as a suspect in the 1985 Air India bombing. Investment fraud, drive by shootings, kidnapping and the Air India bombing. WTF.

Adam Keller and the Great White Capital Fraud

Well here's another case of investment fraud. This one involving a local company based on paper out of West Vancouver. David Baines from the Vancouver Sun reports that a B.C. man named Adam Keller found by the B.C. Securities Commission to have defrauded investors of more than $500,000 in a non-existent foreign exchange trading scheme has been banned from the B.C. securities market for life.

It is highly unlikely Keller will repay any of the money. He did not attend the hearing and his whereabouts are not known. However, he may still have a day of reckoning. The RCMP Commercial Crime Section is investigating with a view to laying criminal charges against him. This is yet another example of how Canada is soft on white collar crime.

At the time, Keller was the sole director and signing authority for Great White Capital Corp., a company headquartered in West Vancouver. The panel found that Keller perpetrated a fraud when he lied to investors, provided them with false account summaries, and failed to protect, secure, or return investors’ funds as promised. Additionally, Keller did not invest the funds solicited from investors, but instead used the funds for personal purposes.

Great White Capital Corp was registered in Alberta on June 23, 2009, and extra-provincially registered in British Columbia on June 26, 2009. Keller was a resident of British Columbia during the relevant period. He is the sole director of GWC, the Head Office of which is listed as being in West Vancouver, British Columbia.

Keller advised the Investors that their investments were making profits as a result of his trading on the foreign exchange market. Further, throughout 2009 and 2010 the Respondents provided individual account summaries to the Investors that purported to show that their investments were earning profits of approximately 7 to 27% per month. The account summaries were false, because the Respondents did not make the purported investments and no profits existed.

I'm not even sure what the B.C. securities market is. I know Vancouver lost it's Stock Exchange after W-5 did that news report about all the fraud and fake paper stocks. David Baines from the Vancouver Sun seems to have a good understand of what it is and how to regulate the fraud that currently exists in it.

My point is that investment fraud is a serious crime that affects all of us. This is what destabilizes markets. This is how pensions are lost and banks collapse. The bailouts of which cost taxpayers billions which the government tries to recoup by stealing out pensions. This perpetual con needs to be addressed and stopped. All I know is investment 101 declares diversification. Don't invest all your money in one high risk stock and avoid get rich quick scams like the plague.

Harper Day

Are we allowed to still call it Canada Day or has the slimy little bastard re branded that too? Some how I think we've all been diminished and have a lot less to celebrate this year.

A Dark Day

Well the mighty have fallen. I was reading through an editorial in the Vancouver Sun about the HST and I started to gag. I thought to myself who on earth would write such a bullsh*t column for the Sun. It's a bold faced lie and sounds like another paid add for the HST. Then I noticed it wasn't a columnist at all, it was Stockwell Day.

Well isn't that a big surprise. A conservative MP who supports Harper and supported Campbell also supports the HST. How the mighty have fallen. You would think a former freedom fighter like Stockwell Day would be in the trenches supporting Bill Vanderzalm on this issue. Not on the wrong side of the treason.

In the article he claims voting to extinguish the HST is a vote for raising taxes. That is a bold faced lie. 10% tax on something that wasn't previously taxed is a tax increase. Large Corporations like the HST because they are the ones that will be paying less tax while the consumer picks up the slack and pays the corporate tax for them. No wonder big corporations love the idea.

Get this. Stockwell Day has resigned as MP and has set up a consulting company that helps private clients develop a “government relations strategy” called Stockwell Day Connex. Sounds more like Conmen to me. It's OK. It's not a conflict of interest because the ethics commissioner said so. Gag.

The Office of the Conflict of Interest is a conflict of interest. It's simply a biased arbitrator appointed by the government to investigate itself and clear itself of any wrongdoing without having a real judge in a real court do it. Harper appointed Mary Dawson to the office of ethics commissioner. She was a Tory who worked with Brian Mulroney. Now she has been given this magical wand and title to repeatedly clear the Tories of conflict of interest charges without a trial. It is just another scam.

It's a dark day for all of us so it is. Stockwell Day has fallen from grace and Dolores Umbridge has been appointed ethics commissioner. If that's not conflicted, I don't know what is.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Robert Thomas Fugitive has turned himself in

Update: He has turned himself in to the Kelowna Police overnight

This keeps getting worse. All the seven men charged in the murder of Dain Phillips are in police custody except for Hells Angel Robert Thomas who is on the run. This guy is a piece of garbage. If you know where he is, call it in. He is the rat. Seven on one unarmed man trying to make peace beaten to death with hammers and bats over a high school feud? That is insane.

We know he was last seen Sunday or Monday riding his bike near his house in Kelowna. If he has any brains he'd leave town. Either way if you know where he is or where he's going, call it in.

The new twist is that police say that some of the seven men charged in this brutal homicide are suspects in a Kelowna drive by shooing that took place on Leon near the location of the closed Liquid Zoo September 7 2010. Police aren't saying which of the seven men arrested for the Dain Phillips murders are suspects in the Leon shooting but as Castanet points out, the police sketch of the prime suspect in that shooting looks an awful lot like Robert Thomas.

Robert Thomas' involvement in the Dain Phillips murder reveals his association and endorsement of the Throttle Lockers. (Lockers as in lock the throttle not rockers) Makes ya kinda wonder if it was Robert Thomas who signed his endorsement of the Throttle Lockers in their clubhouse. Rob from the Kelowna Hells Angels. It would appear that Robert Thomas is the Hells Angel David Giles assigned to be in charge of the Throttle Lockers.

Let's not forget the Throttle Lockers bragging about their association with another Hells Angels puppet club in Prince George called the Renegades. A second woman in Prince George claims she was gang raped in the Renegade clubhouse.

Two Hells Angels charged in Kelowna killing

This is Robert Thomas. He is a petty thief and now a murder. He's on the lam. If you know where he is call 911. He has a long record for B&E and theft back in Ontario. Yet in 2005 he was charged with PSP in Kelowna and later found guilty. Possession of Stolen Property.

Turns out that senseless murder in Kelowna involved Robert Thomas and another Hells Angel as well as the president of a Hells Angels puppet club. This criminal act documents the criminal association of the Throttle Lockers with the Hells Angels. Both organizations should have their clubhouses seized under the criminal organization legislation.

Norman Cocks is seen here with his father Bob Cox. Norm is a full patch member of the Hells Angels and his father Bob is the very short president of the throttle Lockers.

There is no loyalty owed to this criminal organization. Rob Thomas is a petty thief and a bully. There is nothing noble about him. Bob Cox is this tiny guy who wants to be someone and just flushed that dream down the toilet by committing a senseless act of murder. This kind of violent oppression needs to stop. Report them. I'm not just talking about this murder. I'm talking about the Geoff Meisner and Brittney Irving murder as well as Joey Arrance's girlfriend's mother. These criminals are the rats who are murdering good people. We need to report them to the police. If you don't want to do that, then contact me. I respect confidence fully.

Also charged are Daniel Joseph McCrae, 21, Mathew Thomas McCrae, 19, Ansen Lloyd Schell, 19, and Thomas Allen Vaughan, 22 from Rutland Senior Secondary School.