Monday, February 11, 2013

David Giles claims his friendship is for sale

Speaking of Skeletor, this is an exert a blog reader sent in from Revell and Remple's drug trafficking trial that David Giles was involved in. It contains yet another statement Giles made on wiretap and once again shows what kind of a selfish backstabbing piece of garbage he really is and what kind of organization he has created.

“[212] On the evening of June 14, 2005, members of the EEHA in Kelowna had a “church” meeting (the name of their weekly meetings) in the Kelowna clubhouse. The police intercepted a conversation between Giles, Verna and others. In it, Giles made the following comments that the Crown submits represent “his views toward the club and how they motivate and guide every aspect of his dealings with other people”:

“There isn’t one fuckin’ citizen out there, not one that I socialize with, talk to or have anything to do with, (clattering sounds) that it isn’t planted in my head, what can I get from him for here. What’s he gonna do for me that’s gonna benefit this House. Somewhere down the line. Is he gonna come here and spend money? Is he gonna use my fuckin’ name and if he is, in any way, shape or form, ‘cause it’s only by pretext (big bang, believed to be fist on table), I want somethin’ on the fuckin’ table. And I wanna get, I want a donation, I want somethin’. And if I ain’t gettin’ it, then leave…And he ain’t gonna get the fuckin’ friendship here, and…, and socialize and chase pussy out of my fuckin’ room. Period. And that’s how I feel everybody should think. “Cause this ain’t about what it can do for you, it’s supposed to be what you can do for the Club. That’s what it’s supposed to be…”

Ricky Ciarniello and the Devil’s Butler

Last month I found this picture of Ricky Ciarniello and David Black from the Satan’s Angels taken back in 1977 on Kim Bolan’s new web site about the Hells Angels. Black was the president of the group and Ciarniello was the treasurer.

The Vancouver Satan’s Angels patched over to become Hells Angels in 1983 and Ricky Ciarniello is referred to as the spokesperson for the Hells Angels in Vancouver. The first thing that came to mind was why the hell are they holding up a flag with a Nazi swastika on it? Then I find out that Ricky’s pal David Black was convicted along with several others from that group of kidnapping and torturing a guy they referred to as their butler. That case was described in detail in Simma Holt’s book The Devil’s Butler.

This picture was taken in 1977. The kidnapping and torture of the butler took place in 1968. Ricky C would have been 17. One blog reader noted that one of the news reports about the kidnapping stated there was a 17 year old with them who was charged. We don’t know if that was Ricky C or not but the timing is worth investigating.

The point is, Ricky C denies everything. When a Hells Angel or associate gets caught trafficking drugs or committing a crime he says he’s not with us or in the case like Bryce Jr. where it’s obvious he was, he says he was acting on his own not for the club. Which in the case of EPandora is simply not true.

Although we can’t prove that Ciarniello was with the mob of misfits who kidnapped and tortured that butler, we can prove he associated with them for many years afterwards. To me, that is not the kind of association to brag about. They were not innocent nor were they acting on their own in the commission of that crime. Sadly, it wasn’t their first offence either.

I had a peak at the book The Devil’s Butler and found some interesting things. Initial wiretaps played in court recorded a telephone conversation between a member of the Satan’s Angels and the clubhouse saying we’ve found another butler. Another butler. That clearly implies this was not the first time they did this kind of horrendous stunt.

The investigation started after the January 11 1968 murder of a prospect named Sydney McDonald in the Satan’s Angels clubhouse at 3604 Napier Street in Vancouver. Robert James, a member of the club, beat him to death with a metal rod because he wanted to see what it felt like to kill a man. His girlfriend pleaded with him to stop but he refused. She ended up testifying against him in court.

After that murder the RCMP got a warrant for a wiretap in the clubhouse. Shortly thereafter they heard the conversations about the kidnapping of a new butler which is what the book is predominately about. Yet as the blog reader who claims to have a copy of the book points out, the book also describes several other incidents as well. One was a vicious gang rape on two young girls. Another was the gang rape in Monterey and the stabbing of Meredith Hunter at the rolling Stones concert all around that time period.

So the book wasn’t just about the Satan’s Angels in Vancouver but included some other cases that involved the Hells Angels in California as well. It does however go into detail about the trial involving the devil’s butler and mentions other cases that the Vancouver group was also involved.

The book does mention that the clubhouse on Napier Street was filled with Nazi symbols just like the one Ricky Ciarniello and David Black are holding up in the picture. I find that disturbing. For a group that claims it’s origin to a military squad, they are clearly fighting for the wrong team. We fought the Nazi’s in the war. We did not embrace the racism that filled the ovens with innocent victims.

Although the butler in this case survived to testify in court, the details of what they did to him are very disturbing. One blog reader claims the book states they sodomized him with a broom stick. I didn’t get that far in the book but I did read how they took turns scraping his scrotum and testicles with a bristle broom.

They made him stand naked in a bucket holding the broom and ordered him to dance to the music and whack off. Why on earth would a group of guys do that? Why one earth would a group of guys find that entertaining? 15 guys sitting around watching a naked guy standing in a bucket whack off. There are some real deep seeded issues here that we need Dr. Phil to help straighten out. That is not normal and it sure ain’t manly.

Sodomizing, taking turns scraping his testicles with the bristles of a broom, how is that fun? It reminds me of how Tony Terezakis video taped himself beating the life out of crack addicts that owed him money. When they replayed the video in court Tony couldn’t hold back the laughter. There is something seriously wrong there that needs to be addressed. It is mentally deranged.

The torture of the butler continued in various forms including putting his naked body in an ice bath. Again why the obsession with torturing him naked? There really seems to be some perverse tendencies there.

Here we have a group of social misfits, obsessing over Nazi symbols and paraphernalia, who enjoy torturing people. The deranged torture is a huge concern as is the Nazi obsession. Mom Boucher and Salvatore Cazzetta formed their own white supremacist biker club called the SS. Salvatore ended up forming the Rock Machine but crossed over to join the Hells Angels in Montreal. Clearly the Montreal Hells Angels also have a Nazi lover’s obsession. No wonder the Bo Bars didn’t want to sell drugs for them.

Next time Ricky Ciarniello does an interview for the press, we need to ask him about the Devil’s Butler. Was he the 17 year old present? How can he rationalize associating with that group of men for so many years? What does Ricky C have to say about the Devil’s Butler? Even that book has a Nazi flag on it. What does Ricky C have to say about his Nazi obsession in our multi cultural society? This case fits in with our New Years theme from Pitbull. To understand the future we have to go back in time. Just like the case of Skeletor's First Stolen Motorcycle.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Year of the Snake

Somehow the year of the snake doesn’t seem quite as dramatic as the year of the Dragon, yet I don’t think the snake has the same negative associations in the Chinese culture that it does in the Western culture. When we think of a snake, we think of a lying, back stabbing snake in the grass. Kinda like most of our politicians. However in the Chinese tradition a snake represents wisdom and good luck. Happy lunar New Year. Let’s hope it’s a good one. The Spring Festival parade in Vancouver is next Suday. It's their 40th year. Next up: Lantern festival and cherry blossoms. Gong Ho Fat Choy.

Cranbrook murder goes to trial

*OK this is a pretty confusing case. I'm going to have to do some more work on it.* John Garry Shanks becomes police informant. Well this guy looks like a real winner. Here we have a drug dealer in Cranbrook with an extensive criminal record and he’s the one that becomes the police agent. Go figure.

This case is the tragic story of a double murder in Cranbrook where they murdered the wrong people who rented the home after the rival drug dealer they were trying to kill moved out. It is of course tied to the Hells Angels. One of the accused Chad Munroe, was an associate of Mission Hells Angel Jason Arkinstall. The investigation is referred to as E-Portamento.

The accused were involved in the drug trade in Cranbrook. The object (of the murder) was to control the drug trade in the East Kootenays. The target was a rival drug dealer named Doug Mahon who had been charged with shooting Hells Angel associate Chad Munroe back in 2009. The trial is scheduled to continue Thursday.

Kelowna Pinheads relocate near school

After abandoning their fruit stand, the Kingpin Crew have relocated near an elementary school in Kelowna. That is not good. Perhaps they plan on using the kids as human shields against the next car bomb. Maybe they want to corner the market on stolen bicycles and lunch money. That sounds more like their mentality. Who knows what those clowns are up to.

When someone said they relocated to Mission I thought they meant here on the coast beside Abbotsford. Turns out Mission Springs is in Kelowna. So they’re still polluting the lovely Okanagan with their toxic waste.

If they were involved with Johnny Newcome’s stolen car ring, then they are a criminal organization. Surely the City can nail them on bylaw infractions since businesses need a license to operate and criminal organizations in residential areas would clearly be a zoning violation.

Speaking of Johnny Newcome’s stolen car ring tied to the Hells angels, prosecutors have slapped another 12 theft-related charges against him for possession of more stolen property including a stolen Harley. Rats, That is what they are. Stolen cars, boats and motorcycles. Low life rats.

MLA wants ineffective GVRD scrapped

I was reading through the archives of the May 6 1977 Vancouver Sun and came across an interesting article about the GVRD written thirty five years ago. It reads: “Delta MLA Walter Davidson has asked Municipal Affairs Minister Hugh Curtis to disband the Greater Vancouver Regional district as it is presently constituted.

In an open letter to the minister, the Socred MLA calls the GVRD a costly bureaucratic and ineffective organization. As taxpayers, we can no longer afford the stupidity and extravagance of financing an organization which refuses to accept even it’s basic common objectives.

The Socred MLA says Curtis should disband the present regional district and in keeping with it’s party’s commitment return to local government that authority which has been the traditional responsibility of local government.

The Delta MLA says petty politics have destroyed both the effectiveness and the credibility of the GVRD. In another letter, this one to GVRD chairman Major Jack Campbell of Port Coquitlam Davidson asks how massive expenditures of public funds on an organization like the GVRD can be justified.

Ironically enough, thirty five years later we have an editorial in the Vancouver Province expressive concerns about the GVRD now known as Metro Vancouver after their insane proposal to start a regional sales tax to fund their extravagance. Perhaps we should have acted on Walter Davidson’s’ letter thirty five years ago.

Normally decentralization of power is a good thing. Yet duplication, bureaucracy and extravagance are not. If a local mayor wants to create a municipal sales tax in their city, just watch how far that gets them. What we need is fiscal responsibility not reckless spending and insider trading.

To live and die in LA

On blog reader sent in this picture and story about how the LAPD opened fired on a car driven by two innocent women delivering papers just because they thought it looked like a car of a wanted felon. They didn't even match the plate number. There’s a whole series of problems here. Shoot first ask questions later is a violation of the constitutional right to a fair trial, as well as the protection from arbitrary searches and seizures. I don’t think they actually wrote in protection from arbitrarily getting shot by the police in the constitution, but the intent is clearly there.

“Two women who were delivering newspapers in Torrance, Calif., early Thursday were shot by jittery Los Angeles police officers who mistakenly thought cop-hunting fugitive Christopher Dorner might be in their vehicle, reported. One was shot once and the other twice; both were expected to survive.”

“Less than a half-hour later, cops fired on another vehicle in Torrance, just two blocks away from the first scene, reported. No one was injured in that vehicle, which was similar to Dorner's truck, police said.”

Clearly police are somewhat tense because they are looking for a former LAPD officer who has gone nuts and started killing people in revenge for being fired. It’s like the old stereotype of a disgruntled postal worker coming back to work to shoot his coworkers after he was fired. You’re angry about getting fired so now you’re shooting people. How is that supposed to get your job back?

In this case the former officer claims he was unjustly fired and wants to clear his name. If he was unjustly fired then that injustice can be addressed through the courts or public activism. Killing innocent people will not clear his name. It will just destroy his name even if he was initially fired unlawfully. Especially when he targets the family of former coworkers. There is nothing good or noble about that. It is the murder of innocent people. If a coworker did something wrong, murdering their family members is worse.

So we have two problems. An armed and dangerous nutbar on the loose and a past history of police corruption within the LAPD. Which in turn opens Pandora’s box. The Rodney king beating on video was but one example. We currently have an ombudsman of sorts in our new police watchdog organization who claims he has past history of dealing with police corruption in LA. The Mike Rupert case is another that comes to mind.

The blog reader who sent the story in has their own account of dealing with police corruption there. It’s a complicated problem that isn’t going to be properly addressed let alone resolved in one blog post. In Canada our problems seem small in comparison. Here we have police that will give someone the boots or flee the scene of a drunk driving charge. Which happened yet again recently in Durham.

Here in Canada we have a lot of police officers getting drunk driving charges. So much so it is clear that over all the police in Canada have a drinking problem. Which is why they should not have bars on site anywhere in Canada. Especially in Surrey.

RCMP officer arrested for child luring

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lindsey Bruno wanted for murder

February 2nd 16 year old Levonne Baptiste was murdered on the Samson Cree First Nation townsite south of Edmonton. Police have confirmed the incident was gang related and have issued an arrest warrant for Lindsey Bruno in connection with the shooting. Bruno is a resident of Hobbema, which is located approximately 90 Km south of Edmonton.

Previous violence prompted reserve residents to vote for an eviction bylaw giving leaders the power to ban suspected gang members from living in the community. The ban followed the death of five-year-old Ethan Yellowbird, who was hit in the head by a stray bullet while he slept in a home on the reserve in 2011. Three teens pleaded guilty to manslaughter for Ethan's death and are awaiting sentencing.

Two months after Ethan’s death, his 23-year-old aunt Chelsea Yellowbird was killed in a drive-by shooting. That case remains unsolved.

Friday, February 8, 2013

For the record, Godzilla lied. Again

This posted in this week’s Surrey Leader: For the Record:

"The public record shows, and City of Surrey staff verify, that Mayor Dianne Watts voted in favour of first and second reading for a rezoning application regarding a South Surrey casino proposal in 2010. A letter from the mayor published in the Jan. 29 edition of The Leader stated otherwise."

Godzilla wrote in and clarified her “mistake.” Gateway Casinos wrote in and confirmed the Surrey Leaders position. Grant Rice also wrote in clarifying the errors in Ms Watt’s previous claims which likely caused the Leader to print their retraction. Stop bullying at Surrey City hall. Oh no! They say she's got to go. Go Godzilla.

Old photo of David Giles

Here’s an old photo of David Giles a blog reader sent in from Kim Bolan’s new web site about the Hells Angels. They also submitted this other picture of Leatherman from the Village People and said they thought Giles looked a lot like him back in the day.

Personally, I think he looked a lot like Groucho Marx with those big bushy eyebrows. I know I made fun of Sean Wolfe and all these “gangsters” who spend all their time at Meryl Normans getting their eyebrows done. To each their own. I just find it pretty femmy and not very gangster.

Yet going to the other extreme there’s something called personal hygiene. Those bushy eyebrows are nasty. Trimming them would be totally in order. It just shows you how powerful the Hells Angels patch really is. We thought Giles looked like a clown now. Turns out he has always looked like a clown. What other organization on earth can empower such a complete idiot and turn him into something to be feared by the public? Every clown has their day I suppose.