Saturday, March 2, 2013

Whiteboy Posse involved in Alberta Courthouse shooting

Speaking of Nazi symbols and the Hells Angels, it turns out the Whiteboy Posse are the ones who were involved in that courthouse shooting in Alberta recently. Last Tuesday an Alberta sheriff was shot in the hand during a prisoner transfer at the Whitecourt courthouse north west of Edmonton.

“Two men were spotted fleeing in a prisoner transport van, but were arrested within the hour at a rural home near Whitecourt. Clayton Ness and Jake MacIntyre, both of Whitecourt, face aggravated assault, assault with a weapon, escape from lawful custody and other charges.”

Again, these don’t appear to be brain surgeons. Escaping from custody and hiding out in the small town they’re from. The interesting thing is who they are and why they were in prison. Turns out they were recently arrested February 21st as part of a significant drug bust in Whitecourt. Police seized pot, cocaine, crystal meth and illegal firearms.

“All of these people lived in Whitecourt and they were linked to an organized crime group in Whitecourt,” said Staff Sgt. Rodney Koscielny of the Whitecourt RCMP. So these guys are members of an organized crime group in a significant drug bust where cocaine and crystal meth were seized in a small town in northern Alberta outside Edmonton. That sure sounds like the Whiteboy Posse. The ones who decapitated a Lloydminster man in Edmonton for a drug debt tied to the Edmonton Hells Angels.

I check out Clayton Ness' Facebook where he admits to being a member of a gang but doesn’t name the gang. One of Clay’s facebook friends is William Jones from Surrey who is wearing an Edmonton support shirt in his profile picture with the letters WBP written across the top of the picture. That confirms a connection to the Whiteboy Posse. The Whiteboy posse in Surrey is very concerning. There is no room for Nazi’s here.

Interestingly, another one of Clay’s facebook friends is Greg Billings who is also wearing a support shirt in his profile picture and has a memorial tattoo for Peter Pablo Butler. Pablo is from Whitecourt and went missing March 15 2008. Pablo is Native and was pictured wearing that same Hells Angels support gear with 51 on it for the Edmonton Hells Angles. Tragically he went missing in 2008 and is assumed dead.

Update on the Dirty Few MC

Friday, March 1, 2013

Arrest warrant issued for former CSIS Watchdog

Arthur Porter is back in the news. This is Stephen Harpers’ pal that stepped down as the chair of Canada’s watchdog for CSIS. He stepped down as links to him and an Israeli arms dealer tied to Iran Contra named Ben-Menashe went public. Now he’s named in an arrest warrant issued by Quebec's anti-corruption squad for allegations of fraud.

The Vancouver Province is reporting that: “The warrants say the men are wanted on numerous charges - including fraud, breach of trust and document forgery - in relation to the $1.3-billion construction of a Montreal mega-hospital.

The others being sought are: former SNC-Lavalin senior executives Pierre Duhaime and Riadh Ben Aissa; former high-ranking hospital executive Yanai Elbaz; and Jeremy Morris, the administrator of a Bahamas-based investment company linked to the fraud allegations.”

So here we have someone tied to an Israeli arms dealer connected to Iran contra, that is now charged with fraud and accepting bribes in connection with the Hells Angels control of Quebec’s construction industry, in charge of watching over Canada’s spy agency. Isn’t that ironic?

Harper’s response of course was to get rid of the watchdog agency altogether so CSIS can continue business as usual without any lawful accountability whatsoever. Things that make ya go hmmmm. Or should I say: No way dude…

Arthur says he’s too ill to travel back to Canada to face fraud charges. He’s busy living it large in the Bahamas. Speaking of Israeli arms dealers tied to Iran contra, Yanai Elbaz and Riadh Ben Aissa sound like Israeli names. Riadh Ben Aissa was arrested in Switzerland of all places.

Dead body found in Langley Grow op

Last Tuesday police found a dead body in a grow op in Langley. The Whiterock Hells Angels have a clubhouse in Langley don’t they? They found Whiterock Hells Angels support stickers in a Kelowna grow op. The Hells Angels ran a grow op in Osoyoos as well. There was a grow op in Maple ridge where a dead body was found in a shallow grave. The Hells Angels are very big in Maple Ridge. They call it the Haney chapter. In fact Haney chapter has a reputation of ripping off their own grow ops. We’re still waiting on the ID of the man’s body found in the Langley grow.


Kim Bolan is reporting that IHIT released the identify of the man found dead in the Langley grow op. It is Taylor Daniel Johnson, 21 who was the caretaker of the vacant property that contained the grow op. Police aren’t releasing the cause of dead but said he met with foul play.

Kelowna Hells Angel back in court for assault

Joseph Bruce Skreptak is back in the news. He’s the Kelowna Hells Angel that was caught with a car full of weapons, bullet proof vests and a cell phone jammer with some associates in Salmon Arm. He’s the one that owned a house that the renters had a grow op in. He wasn’t involved of course despite the fact that his truck was parked out front with a Hells Angels bumper sticker on it and Hells Angels stickers were posted inside the grow op. The renters took the fall for that one.

Well now he’s in the news because of that home invasion and assault. He told the court he “believed” the man’s son had “stolen jewelry” from him and that’s why he assaulted him. Kelowna Cap News is reporting that:

“Late on Nov. 1, 2010, Skreptak, 47, went to the home of a Kelowna teen to confront him about approximately $10,000 in “jewelry” that had gone missing from his home. While in the one-room apartment, Skreptak punched the youth’s father four to five times, the court heard. As a result, the man’s left side of his face was pushed in and he suffered fractures to the bones around his eye that required surgery to insert plates, said Crown counsel Catherine Fedder.”

“Crown said the two teens present for the assault were intimidated by the knowledge that Skreptak was a member of the Hells Angels. ‘This case is...about a grown man who chooses to use his position as a member of an outlaw motorcycle gang to bully two teenagers and a defenceless man,’ said Fedder.”

The claim that the money was about jewelry fails the test of believability as does the claim that it had nothing to do with the Hells Angels. “Defence lawyer Brian Jackson said Skreptak didn’t go to the police because he didn’t want to get the kids, who apparently sold the stolen jewelry for marijuana, in trouble.” Right there. If marijuana was involved, so was the Hells Angels. They use violence to take over all the grow ops. What’s the matter, he beat them up because they grew a few plants on their own? I can’t believe the court accepted the jewelry nonsense without it being contested.

Surrey Hells Angel meth cook in the news

Speaking of crystal meth in Vancouver, Surrey's Hells Angel meth cook is back in the news. The Vancouver Province is reporting the government wants to keep some money it seized from the Hells Angels through proceeds of crime legislation.

We remember Ryan. He’s that long time Surrey meth cook for the Hells Angels that also had meth labs in Vancouver and Abbotsford. Ryan was first caught making 6 kilograms of crystal meth in a Surrey apartment. In July 2005 he was caught in charge of a crew that was capable of making 15 kilos of crystal meth every ten days. In 2004 police seized 8 kilos of crystal meth from a lab Ryan ran in Abbotsford.

In 2008 Prosecutor Martha Devlin alleged in court that Ryan was cooking up crystal meth for a member of the Hells Angels, whose name had been banned by the trial judge.

This is another example of an over reaching and illegal publication ban by a corrupt BC judge. Publication bans are supposed to protect an individuals right to a fair trial not stifle the freedom of the press. They are only for evidence that was submitted in court when the jury wasn’t present. Evidence when the jury was present is fair game. They are also supposed to expire when the verdict has been rendered.

Thankfully, in another case not covered by a publication ban involving police informant Michael Plante, the one Kim Bolan made a special series and web site about, it was revealed that Ryan made meth for John Punko and Ron Lising. The court heard evidence claiming John Punko didn’t want Ryan making crystal meth for anyone but him. The picture of Ryan the police handed out in 2005 as part of an investigation into the East Vancouver Hells Angels.

In March of 2010, a blog reader recognized Ryan’s picture from the gang member registry on the Gangsters out web site. They said they were aware of a Hells Angels crack house in Vancouver run by a skinhead that looked just like Ryan and was also called Ryan. They had some disturbing tales to tell of women being held captive and disappearing leaving only traces of their ID behind similar to the Surrey House of Horrors and the Pickton farm.

The OMGU raided five meth labs in the Vancouver area run by the Hells Angels before Christmas in 20011. We know that Trent Willet, a former president of the Hells Angels Kentucky, Fulton chapter plead guilty to the distribution of crystal meth in 2009. Greg Domey, the former president of the Salem, Mass chapter and East coast president of the Hells Angels was sentenced to 20 years in prison under the "Drug Kingpin" statute for trafficking crystal meth in Massachusetts. Last June 21 Hells Angels and associates were arrested for trafficking crystal meth in South Carolina.

Vancouver New Zealand Crystal Meth Ring busted

6.6 kilograms of crystal meth has been seized in a drug smuggling ring linking Vancouver and New Zealand. One known gang member has been arrested in the sweep. BC gangs have been known for exporting their mad harsh hydroponic growing skills to New Zealand for their grow ops since 2007. A New Zealand Herald report in 2009 called meth “New Zealand’s worst drug problem,” and one that has spurred a corresponding crime wave. Crystal meth is not speed. It’s made with Drano and eats you alive worse than crack does.

[Scathed] and [Not a Game] Crystal meth videos by the Odd Squad.

Former Amerca's Next Top Model star Jael Strauss became a crystal meth addict.

Boeing makes a fighter jet that rivals the F-35

There’s been a lot of talk about the ballooning costs of the fleet of fighter jets Stephen Harper wants to buy. The fact that they can’t be used in the arctic to protect Canada is a huge concern,. The fact that one of his candidates lobbied for the company that builds them is another. Turns out Boeing makes a fighter jet that rivals the F-35 for half the price.

Lets see… Boeing has experience making planes… It certainly is worth a look. Canada needs some jets. How many and what for is the question. Spending billions on insider trading jets that can’t be used in the arctic is simply corruption. Especially when it means cutting funding for personnel and everything else in the military. Closing the Vancouver coast guard in lieu of this expenditure is irresponsible.

In the Boeing Super Hornet, additional fuel can be carried in up to five external fuel tanks and the aircraft can be configured as an airborne tanker by adding an external air refueling system. That’s a lot better than having to contract out the air to air fueling in the F-35.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Indo Canadian Gangs

There are many breaking stories to catch up on but before I do, I want to make a clarification. I have never claimed to know anything about Indo Canadian gangs. Clearly that is Kim Bolan’s specialty. She covered Air India, she covered Bindy and Peter Adiwal. She was the first to break the news about the Dhurry Dhak group.

When I started my web site and blog I made it clear that I was not going after the Indo Canadian gangs. The reason was two fold. First, even though I live in Surrey, the Indo Canadian gangs don’t affect me. They don’t harass me and I’m not affected by the drugs they sell. Selling drugs in clubs is different than selling crack on the street. Not to say that Indo Canadian gangs don’t sell crack. I’m just saying it doesn’t affect me like the Hells Angels drug trade does. It’s impossible to walk through certain parts of Surrey or East Vancouver and not have the crack problem in your face so to speak. That disturbs me and it disrupts public safety.

The other reason is that I don’t see the Indo Canadian gangs as such a colossal threat as the Hells Angels are. Not any more. First the Hells Angels took over the exotic dancer industry in BC. Now they’re taking over the drug trade in BC and their violent monopoly of that drug trade affects all of us. Killing people for drug debts and murdering anyone else who sells drugs outside their umbrella.

The one thing I do know about Indo Canadian gangs is that the Independent Soldiers used to be an Indo Canadian gang. They used to be independent of the Hells Angels. Not any more. After the Loft Six shooting, all the independent leaders of the IS were killed off and the new IS became a Hells Angels puppet club. Case in point. Randy Naicker’s idol worship of Larry Amero. That got him killed.

The thing that really upsets me is to see the huge amount of resources that goes into finding Jonathon Bacon’s killer when Jonathon and his brothers were involved with the Surrey six and a huge number of subsequent murders. I’d rather see those resources directed towards finding Lindsey Buziak or Janice Shore’s murderer. I find the fact that the Bacon brothers and their associates get round the clock police protection outrageous and offensive.

The thing that really upsets me is the huge amount of resources spent on some police informants, some of which are drug infested repeat offenders while we sit back and watch drug dealers sell crack in the open at Main and Hastings and around the Front Room in Surrey at Gateway. Allowing these dead zones aids and abets the Hells Angels’ profit and their violence. All the crack that is sold around Gateway and the Front Room in Surrey is controlled by the Hells Angels. We are shooting ourselves in the foot by allowing those drug dealers to operate in public. Enforcement is one of the four pillars and is the New York model that everyone talks about.

With regards to the Kelowna shooting I will submit the most popular theory that is going around. The official version so to speak. Gurmit Dhak was a drug dealer who was gunned down in Metrotown October 2010. Some say his group was called Billy’s Crew at the time and they worked for the UN. “Someone” killed Gurmit Dhak to take over his drug trade. People suspect it was James Riach and the Bacon Brothers under the direction of the Hells Angels.

When Gurmit was killed, his brother Sukh wanted revenge and wanted to keep control of his brother’s drug trade. It was a known fact that Sukh was in Kelowna for court the Friday before the Kelowna shooting. That is why the Hells Angels blamed the Dhak group right away and continued the extermination they had already started to gain control of their drug trade.
Since the UN have been dismantled, there’s nothing wrong with referring to them as the Dhak group. However, they started of working for and with the UN.

Yes I was given another name along time ago and I did not publish it at the time because I am more concerned about innocent victims or good people like Geoff Meisner and Britney Irving getting set up and betrayed. I now have a last name and since it ties in with this group it has credibility in my eyes. I will not post it because of the liability concerns I have already expressed. I don’t want to be responsible for someone else’s murder.

I still think Khun Khun is an idiot. There’s no sense in flogging a dead horse and repeating that over and over again. If he was involved and if he did shoot Larry Amero that in no way erases his past and makes him a somebody. There is nothing to be admired about murder. Especially when it involves ambushing and shooting an unarmed target. As we have said before, any 12 year old can pull a trigger and none of us are bullet proof.

Sukh was butt ugly but Gurm, he seemed to have a conscience and did express his regret on video prior to his execution. He said the gang life is no life and for him it was too late. Yet for all of us it is not. That’s the point. At a gang seminar in Surrey Kim Bolan said she met a young kid who had put a picture of gang member up in his locker after the gang member became a paraplegic is a shooting and was actually admiring him as a role model. Clearly that kid needs some professional help. Yet it shows the dilemma of discussing gangs. The whole point is to discourage youth from going down that road not to glorify murderers and criminal who betray each other for money.

There was another seminar and a movie encouraging young kids to stay out of gangs in Surrey not long ago. I saw the movie which was played at Guildford for the seminar. It was graphic and well done. The greed and the ruthless betray was disturbing. I walked away from that movie with the felling that I don’t want to be a murderer. Murder isn’t good or glorious. Murdering someone does not make a nobody somebody. It just makes them a murderer. Something they will always have to live with. In this life and in the next.

The purpose of my web site and blog is not to glorify gangs. It’s to show people how this lie is driven by greed and betrayal and has nothing to do with living the dream At all. There’s a lot more to discuss but my main point here is that there is nothing noble about murder. The plastic world of Steroids and Silicone is what everyone else is laughing at. It isn’t real and it’s a very shallow existence. Life has so much more to offer.


Evidently, Tom Gisby was also implicated in the Kelowna shooting before he was shot dead in Mexico. Kib Bolan called it back in April of 2012.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Canada helps pay for China's Military Expansion

Speaking of getting shafted at the gas pump by the Oil company’s monopoly, it looks like as we are getting shafted at the pump, now that money doesn’t just fill a greedy corporate pig’s wallet. Now it’s funding China’s military expansion since Stephen Harper sold Canada’s oil rights to Communist China.

China has launched the first ship in a new class of stealth missile frigates, state media reported Tuesday, amid ongoing tensions with neighbouring countries over Beijing's maritime claims. The People's Liberation Army Navy is building 20 Type 056 Jiangdao class frigates to replace older models and bolster its ability to conduct patrols and escort ships and submarines in waters it claims in the South China and East China seas.

So just remember next time you fill up with gas at outrageous prices, those profits are going to help fund a Communist dictatorships military expansion thanks to Stephen Harper. If that isn’t treason, I don’t know what is. If Canada Nationalized their oil at least those profits would go towards building schools and hospitals instead of military weapons for a Communist dictatorship.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ramifications of the Bacon Amero shooting and arrest

There’s lots of news continuing to break but I want to pause and focus in on my primary beef. In my previous post I have expressed my doubt and contempt about Klutz Klutz being involved in the Kelowna shooting that killed Jonathon Bacon and wounded his low life pal Larry Amero while James Riach escaped uninjured.

You may be right. I might be crazy. The police wouldn’t have charged Klin Klon unless they had some kind of evidence other than his ridiculous confession. The guy is a two bit thief and an idiot. Which makes you wonder, what if he was involved? If an absolute idiot can pick up a gun and shoot Larry Amero, then what can a guy with half a brain do? An awful lot more.

IF and I say IF because I’m not going to concede defeat on this issue until I see some hard core evidence in court, IF Khun Khun really was involved in the shooting of Larry Amero, ya gotta think how embarrassing that must be for the Hells Angels. It would also obviously establish that the Hells Angels didn’t do the hit on Larry Amero like some have speculated. If Khun and the others did it, then the Hells Angels didn’t. Pretty simple math.

The fact that Larry Amero was dealing drugs for the Hells Angels in Montreal after the shooting and is now part of the new Surrey girl chapter of the Hells Angels, makes it pretty clear he was acting on club business when he was supporting the much hated Jonathon Bacon.

Again I want to stress that this was not a new association. James Riach was with the Independent Soldiers when he met with the Bacon Brothers in the Castle Fun Park meeting in Kevlar before the Surrey Six Murder. James Riach, Randy Naicker and the Independent Soldiers supported the Bacon Brothers back then. Before, during and after the Surrey Six. That means all those tit for tat shootings in the 2009 gang war was not between the Bacon brothers and the Independent Soldiers. It was mostly between the Bacon brothers and the UN.

We also know that Larry Amero was friends with Jonathon Bacon before during and after the Surrey Six murder. We just didn’t have any pictures of the two together. We could prove that Bacon brother friends were friends with Larry Amero’s friends at the time. So my point is, Larry Amero and the Hells Angels support of the Bacon brothers was before during and after the surrey six murder as well. At the Kelowna shooting Larry had finally come out of the closet with his support of the Bacons who took over the Red Scorpions for the Hells Angels.

Spike’s niece getting paralyzed in the shooting was a genuine tragedy.

Although the Hells Angels weren’t mentioned much in the 2009 Vancouver gang war, we know now they were the driving force behind it. Now it’s obvious who is exterminating the Dhurry Dhak group. If a drug dealing rival of the Hells Angels keeps getting shot, who do you think are the prime suspects in their murder? Although people are still getting shot, at least now we know the real cause and the people who are ultimately responsible.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, helping the Hells Angels get a monopoly on the drug trade by arresting all their rivals is irresponsible. Just remember Janice Shore and the torture chambers in the basements of the Hells Angels crack shacks in Prince George. Just remember what the Whiteboy Posse did to Bob Roth for the Hells Angels in Edmonton. Then tell me it’s in the public’s best interest to let the Hells Angels deal drugs and just arrest their competitors. I passionately disagree. Just ask the Devil’s Butler.