Saturday, March 2, 2013

Whiteboy Posse involved in Alberta Courthouse shooting

Speaking of Nazi symbols and the Hells Angels, it turns out the Whiteboy Posse are the ones who were involved in that courthouse shooting in Alberta recently. Last Tuesday an Alberta sheriff was shot in the hand during a prisoner transfer at the Whitecourt courthouse north west of Edmonton.

“Two men were spotted fleeing in a prisoner transport van, but were arrested within the hour at a rural home near Whitecourt. Clayton Ness and Jake MacIntyre, both of Whitecourt, face aggravated assault, assault with a weapon, escape from lawful custody and other charges.”

Again, these don’t appear to be brain surgeons. Escaping from custody and hiding out in the small town they’re from. The interesting thing is who they are and why they were in prison. Turns out they were recently arrested February 21st as part of a significant drug bust in Whitecourt. Police seized pot, cocaine, crystal meth and illegal firearms.

“All of these people lived in Whitecourt and they were linked to an organized crime group in Whitecourt,” said Staff Sgt. Rodney Koscielny of the Whitecourt RCMP. So these guys are members of an organized crime group in a significant drug bust where cocaine and crystal meth were seized in a small town in northern Alberta outside Edmonton. That sure sounds like the Whiteboy Posse. The ones who decapitated a Lloydminster man in Edmonton for a drug debt tied to the Edmonton Hells Angels.

I check out Clayton Ness' Facebook where he admits to being a member of a gang but doesn’t name the gang. One of Clay’s facebook friends is William Jones from Surrey who is wearing an Edmonton support shirt in his profile picture with the letters WBP written across the top of the picture. That confirms a connection to the Whiteboy Posse. The Whiteboy posse in Surrey is very concerning. There is no room for Nazi’s here.

Interestingly, another one of Clay’s facebook friends is Greg Billings who is also wearing a support shirt in his profile picture and has a memorial tattoo for Peter Pablo Butler. Pablo is from Whitecourt and went missing March 15 2008. Pablo is Native and was pictured wearing that same Hells Angels support gear with 51 on it for the Edmonton Hells Angles. Tragically he went missing in 2008 and is assumed dead.

Update on the Dirty Few MC


  1. Going through his facebook page I am not surprised by who he is associates with... a little more surprising is whose not listed.

  2. With the WBP chopping off heads, what kind of society are we becoming...?...A Moral question I ask, as I turn more towards religion, I admit...:

    "Teen hit on head, stabbed in abdomen after he couldn’t provide cigarette: Police."

    SURREY — "Police are investigating the stabbing of a 17-year-old boy who was apparently approached by a man attempting to borrow a cigarette." (VSun)

  3. This is my first comment here K, but just for your information, in the Parkland area west of Edmonton there is the fairly new Westridge chapter of HA and a brand new puppet MC called the "Dirty Few". Most DF rockers claim Parkland but I have seen Whitecourt rockers as well.

    Glad to be on board.

    1. I have noticed in Spruce Grove there are more bikers roaming around. Not sure why Spruce Grove or even Parkland County would need a biker gang or any gang for that matter. Parkland is a mellow place, mostly farmers around here.

    2. That might explain the increased traffic on this thread.

    3. What gang has a tan colored crest and the picture is a guy with a bandanna over his face?

    4. Do you have a link? What colour is the bandana?

    5. It is the Dirty Few. They are annoying on their bikes ripping through residential areas all the time.

  4. Glad to have you participating. Thanks for the info. Just so ya know comments are moderated so sometimes there's a long delay before comments appear. I was getting tied of all the death threats.

  5. Yes, completly understandable. I noticed buddy attempting to heavy you in the house of horrors thread. It takes a special breed to stand up to these assholes,K. I know all to well. I live just west of Edmonton but in the past I put in my work on the DTES and PG. Crazy shit, but I've done my damndest to put all that BS behind me but it always seems to catch up somehow.

    1. That was near the beginning and helped me realize that I was on to something about the Hells Angels connection to the Surrey House of Horrors and prostitution in Surrey.

  6. Understandable. The maggots like it none to much when you dare to yank their chain. They love the fame but hate when people expose how they go about getting it.

  7. just watched the tribute vid for that kid. who gives a fuck. you're demanding justice for someone rocking support gear and trying to be badass. and lol@ asking for a psychic. you lie down with dogs....

    1. I do. He's just a kid that got mixed up and likely betrayed by the wrong crowd.

    2. That's how Darwin works Bro, make the wrong decisions and you self-remove from the gene's not pretty, but it is the design of things.

    3. Wow if everyone was judged by all their mistakes then everyone would be pieces of crap. What makes this joe any better? People make mistakes and usually learn from them and this kid didn't get a chance to learn from his mistakes

    4. Give your head a shake. These guys just participated in an armed escape from prison and shot a sheriff. They were in prison because they are charged with trafficking crack cocaine which fuels the gang wear. Their organized crime group cut off a man's head for a drug debt in Edmonton. Supporting that is pure evil.

  8. Indeed. Colin has a violent history. What was the cause of death?

  9. Shortly after Collin died, Petey (Pablo) up and vanished. Petey comes from the Dejarlais family which I know has ties to drugs. Pablo was a low level drug dealer himself. I was less than shocked when I was looking through Ness' friends and seen he was friends with the Dejarlais'. To my knowledge they have never found Pablos body.

    Lil Miss Stacey Letendre is a name that is always caught up in the mix of people. She's like the poison that will get you killed.

    1. Thanks for the insight. Do you know Colin's cause of death? Any word on suspects in Pablo's murder? There aren't really any rival gangs out there are there?

    2. It looks like I may have struck a nerve with lil miss Stacey Letendre. She kept her email as classy as she keeps herself.

      Stacey it took me a while to figure out exactly who you were. I knew from the foul mouth it must have been someone who idolizes drug dealing low lifes... looks like I was right huh. You are right though... money does buy silence. Just goes to show how insignificant you and your posse really are... you don't rank very high on the totem pole now do ya.

      Sorry Agent K... I can't resist poking the tiger every now and again.

    3. Be safe. If you have insight on the case, I’d love to hear it.

    4. From:
      "Stacey Letendre, the group's co-creator and a close friend of Butler, wrote that she thinks of him every day and has made it her mission to bring him home...

      "You helped me through all my toughest times," she wrote. "I hate not being able to see your face or hear your voice . It feels like there's a huge part of me missing."

      So you suggest what she's missing might well be a conscience?

    5. Excuse me here is the origin of the Quote:

  10. Here's part of a great New Yorker article, on the worst of White Supremacists, the Aryan Brotherhood; aka., "The Brand." (NewYorker)

    ".(the AB)...have gradually taken control of large parts of the nation's maximum security prisons, ruling over thousands of inmates, and transforming themselves into a powerful criminal organization."

    (click to magnify for reading)

    1. Tragically AB uses Irish logos and strangely enough even uses Sein Fein tattoos when they have nothing to do with the political party in Ireland.

  11. Sorry but I disagree. Yes Rob Alvarez is a Hispanic name yet Mom Boucher’s SS were white supremacists. The obsession with Nazi symbols is clear. No Tacos referring to the Bandidos is a reference to Mexicans. The Bandidos have a Mexican for their logo. Sure they will pimp whatever race they can to sell drugs for them. Case in point Greg Wooley. Even though they have a rule no Africans can be members, they still use him to sell drugs. I have heard of them letting a Japanese man join. Yet splitting hairs over white supremacist or racist is rather pointless. They are racist and use the minorities they mock to sell drugs.

  12. Do I recall correctly that some of these HA guys who have Spanish sounding names are actually of Portuguese descent?

    In North America we tend to think of Hispanics as darker skinned because many of the ones we run into are the products of Spanish or Portuguese intermarriage/conquest of the native races of South and Central America/Mexico, but in fact not all folks in Spain or Portugal look like that, they are pretty Caucasian a lot of them.

  13. On a matter of personal privilege, these are racist Nazi crack dealers. They decapitated Both Roth in Edmonton for a drug debt and in this case shot a sheriff while trying to escape from prison for drug trafficking. Shame on you if you support any of that. You need some time with Dr. Phil. I am sorry to hear of Pablo’s death and the death of the others. They were probably betrayed by the Big Red Machine like everyone else.

  14. Josh Petrin is an aboriginal l, I can confirm that %100. Also I know about four WBP members and they are not racist at all, like someone has mentioned before, solely shock value. When they first started up they would try to ink Nazi symbols on each other but not so much anymore, I actually know WBP posse members in Yellowknife dealing crack who are from Lloydminster, and believe it or not they are native.


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