Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tea Party Terrorists

The second act of domestic terrorism I’m going to cite is the current government shut down in the US. Here’s the deal: Obama wins the election. He follows through with his campaign promise to create affordable medical insurance. The bill passes in the house. So what happens? A few extremists say OK we lost the vote so now we are going to hold the country hostage and shut down the government until we overrule the democratic will of the people. That is terrorism.

In a democracy you vote against something and record your dissent if you get out voted. You don’t hold the country hostage by an act of terrorism that damages the economic stability of the nation. I’m not sure where on earth that insane clause comes from but I can’t see it being a part of the constitution. It has to be something new someone just made up because no one has done it before until recently.

The other criminal act that has taken the nation away from a democracy is the new provision that you can have anonymous corporate donors to a politician. That is a crime. It is the opposite of transparency and fiscal accountability. In an era of making trade unions and large corporations document how much they donate to a politicians campaign, these anonymous donations are unlawful and undemocratic.

A toll for every bridge is insane

Alright, today we’re going to highlight three acts of domestic terrorism. The first of which is the Diane Watts disease that has spread all over the front page of today’s Vancouver Province.

Dianne Watts was the criminal who came up with the idea that we should toll all bridges because tolling just a few isn’t fair. That has got to be the stupidest statement in recorded history. You build a new bridge, you charge a toll until it’s paid for, then the toll is removed. Just like what was done with Lions Gate bridge and the Coquihalla highway. Even the mayor of Delta has caught the Diane Watts disease and is spewing the same nonsense. No doubt the mayor of North Vancouver thinks it’s a dumb idea because after paying for their bridges they don’t want to have to pay for bridges in Surrey too. That's totally understandable.

Tolling every bridge is simply a tax grab to feed the mayor’s counsel of gluttons who already burn a billions dollar a year regional gas tax and still want more more more. They even wanted to introduce a regional sales tax to give them a new budget to spend. Those people are insane and we need to fire them. It is a violation of the mobility rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights. You’re free to move as long as you have enough money. Not. Tolling every bridge would be grounds for lynching.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Finian’s Swan Song

This isn’t my Last Post but it is my Swan Song. Where I lay everything on the table. After all, what shall we die for Elizabeth? Apparently a scrawny weasel I used to do volunteer work with just gave my real id to some of my enemies. I am in the process of hunting him down.

We all face the consequences of our choices. Yes I put my kids at risk by doing this blog. However, the person that gave my id to my enemies also assumes moral liability for any harm that comes upon them. Especially when he repeatedly joked about harm coming to my children when he kept trying to expose my real name. For some reason he thinks I’m not going to come for him now. Like I said, he is insane.

I’m still going to cover the Joey Verma trial, the Johnny Newcome trial and the Dain Philips murder trial. Joey’s trial is going to be over much quicker than expected. The defense isn’t calling any witnesses and Joey’s not taking the stand so he doesn’t have to face cross examination.

I am going to pull back a bit and enjoy the time that I do have. After all each day is a gift from God. I don’t pretend to be religious. I most certainly believe in God as well as the atonement and the resurrection. I just don’t pretend to be righteous. I am just as flawed as anyone else. I just don’t sell crack or pimp crack hos. I’m really looking forward to the snow in the mountains this season.

Trolls claim the Hells Angels don’t sell drugs. Well if they didn’t, then I wouldn’t have a problem with them. They do so that creates a problem. The Hells Angels and the Dirty Flu have no right to harass the Iron Order. If the Aging Rebel or Belt Drive Betty can’t see that then shame on them.

Harper is still a raging lunatic. After selling our oil rights to Communist China now he’s selling our natural gas rights to Malaysia and he’s even smiling like an idiot as though giving up Canadian sovereignty is something to be proud of. The FIPA agreement is a complete violation of our democratic rights. When I was in Kelowna at the Harper protest I spoke with one local business owner who said they are convinced our political leaders are complete sociopaths. I have to agree.

Gregor Robertson is smoking crack. He went to a summit in New York City to share the lessons about Vancouver's successes. Is he kidding? What successes? Social housing? Rapid Transit? The DTES? BC transit loses over a billion dollars a year in that absurd regional gas tax. New York is a much bigger city than Vancouver. They have a lot more to teach us than we have to teach them. Ever heard of the New York model?

Gregor Robertson should visit the Deuce while he’s in New York. East 42nd Street Time Square. See how nice it is? That used to be like Main and Hastings. Crack dealers and drug violence around the clock. They cleaned it up through enforcement. They harassed the crack dealers not the crack addicts. That is the New York Model. I was there. I saw it. They didn’t do it with safe injection sites or by handing out free crack pipes.

The DTES is the biggest toilet in North America. That is one big failed social experiment. It’s time to try something new. The New York model works. When I came back from Ireland my father put an add in the Surrey Leader. It was a picture of me kissing the Blarney Stone in Ireland with the caption Look out world, Here comes trouble.

I used to be known as Finian. My father gave me that name when I came back from Ireland. He sat me down and made me watch Finian’s Rainbow. T’was an eloquent legacy to bequeath a child so it was. He quoted the song Look to the Rainbow and said I was always the type of person that followed my dreams. Martin Luther King had a dream and so do I.

I have a dream that one day Vancouver will rise up and embrace the New York model and set the homeless free from the predatory drug dealers that enslave and exploit them. I have a dream today. If they shoot me for that, my blog will go Tupac. Word.

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. Sounds like it’s time from some TSO. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony represents death knocking on the door. Who knows, maybe this Christmas Eve in Surrey will be another Christmas Eve in Sarajevo just like the Christmas of Vancouver 1995 where a rat murdered a police informant and his wife and was given instructions to murder his co accused after they murdered the informant. No L and R for that puppet on a string.

I have always believed in the right to bear arms. Buyer Beware. Even in Canada you are allowed to use deadly force if someone uses deadly force against you .That’s how you know who got off of killing John Lahn. It was in self defense. I knew a man once who said, "Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back." Welcome to my parlor said the spider to the fly.

Drive-by Shooting on Marine Drive

Police are investigating a drive by shooting on Southeast Marine Drive today at 3:30 PM.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Montreal cop arrested for giving intel to the Hells Angels

The Montreal Gazette is reporting that “A recently retired Montreal police officer who had access to the highest levels of intelligence on gangs like the Hells Angels appeared in court Monday to face allegations he leaked information to the biker gang in exchange for money.”

The Sûreté du Québec announced the arrest of Benoît Roberge during a press conference this morning. Roberge retired from the force in August and is now working for Revenue Quebec. He was arrested on Saturday at his home on Montreal's South Shore while in the company of a member of the Hells Angels.

That is a dirty cop. One who gives information to the Hells Angels. It reminds us of Ken Houston and Rob Sidhu. Matt the rat Schrader was caught driving Rob Sidhu's car. Now Sidhu is on trial for that cross border drug ring tied to the Hells Angels and Rob Shannon. Winnipeg Hells Angel Ian Grant was in possession of a confidential police file.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Whalley residents feel like prisoners in their own home

A couple of stories to catch up on. Those trolls were driving me crazy. What a pathetic toxic life. This world has so much more to offer than that. I’m not wasting any more time on them. They feed off of the drama. It’s just really irritating that whenever they talk about posting my real identity they always throw in a dig about harming my daughter.

The Vancouver Province reported an increase in thefts in Surrey this year. Given the stereotypes an increase in those numbers isn’t a good thing. Obviously it’s connected to the drug trade. Addicts stealing to pay for their drugs. It is the tapeworm economy.

The article in the Province talks about how Whalley residents feel like prisoners in their own home. The problem revolves around letting drug dealers sell crack outside the Front Room. That is the first thing the police should have stopped when Janice Shore was last seen there before she was brutally murdered.

The Regional police force debate has been in the news again. Wally Opal has absolutely no right to speak on the matter. He should be in jail for accessory to murder after his criminal handling of the missing women inquiry. He shut it down after the Hells Angels involvement in the Pickton farm was mentioned.

Robert Pickton was convicted on the premise that he wasn’t the only one or even the main person involved in the murders just an active participant. That means a missing woman’s inquiry should be mandated to look at the possibility of other suspects. Opal should be in jail. He has no right to talk about Regional Police forces.

Kash Heed is another politician whose push for Regional Policing is questionable as is Diane Watts. She’s on the opposite side of the issue but she was the one that cut a deal to get the RCMP HQ with their brand new bar in the Green Timbers clear cut.

Speaking of dirty politicians, Christy Clark was interviewed by Peter Manbridge on TV. It was too offensive to watch. I had to turn it off before I threw up. She should be in jail for the BC Hydro fraud. Godzilla’s support for Campbell’s dirty developers in the Campbell Heights Industrial park was disgusting. Moral integrity does not exist at Surrey City Hall. Their new ivory tower is proof of that.

There's a song called View from an Ivory Tower by a musician in Surrey known as Jonny and the Stickman from his album Retro. You can get it on Itunes. It's pretty powerful and in my opinion relates directly to where Dianne Watts has taken us and their new Ivory Tower. Check it out.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

IOMC Sucks – The Real Truth

Members of the Iron Order MC are fighting back against their haters on facebook. They’ve made a facebook page exposing some of the people from the IO hate group. I thought that hate group was a bit suspicious when they said their group was only for IO haters and any negative comments about other clubs would be deleted. Sounds like a bunch of puppets hating on a real MC.

The Iron Order has done a lot of great work and aren’t afraid to show support for law enforcement. No wonder that has the drug dealing puppets trembling in their boots. It’s all about the freedom of association. People have the right to join a MC and not sell drugs. The Hells Angels or any of their miniscule puppets have no right to pull anyone else’s patch. The Iron Order just might finally be a legitimate MC that doesn’t sell drugs.

This is one of their haters Tommy Gunz wearing shorts and sneakers on a sports bike.

In this picture Tommy the Tinker is displaying his patch with a sports bike on it. It appears to be a different patch then the one of him in shorts and sneakers. The IO points out that he’s been in three different clubs in the past year and that each time he joins a club he uses the term forever. Apparently for Tommy forever means four months.

This is a picture of another one of their haters named Joseph Gaynor. Gaylord says the IO have no right to exist. Things that make ya go hmmmm…

This is a picture of another one of their haters named Joe Stocker who insulted their manhood. Go figure. Nice flower power vest gangster. Kinda shows that the old law of an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. Well done to the IOMC for taking a stand. If you don't stand for something in life you'll fall for anything. Word.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Joey threatened to kill another witness and his whole family

Castanet is reporting that Mike Roberts took the stand yesterday in Joey Verma’s murder trial. He’s the 65 year old man who lent Joey his truck. Roberts testified that Joey said he needed a vehicle other than his own to conduct some business the day of the murder.

“Roberts says Verma soon told him to deny lending him the truck if anyone asked, and began either talking or texting him several times per day, checking up and asking if anyone has contacted him.” After seeing Brittney's picture in the Vancouver Province "Verma allegedly told him to 'forget about it' because she was 'just a junkie'.”

“Roberts said he was worried about the police issuing a warrant for his truck, and asked Verma point blank if his DNA would be found on the body. He says Verma responded that it would, and while poking his finger into Roberts chest in the shape of a gun, told him he had no choice and would kill his whole family if Roberts didn’t take the fall, adding he was sorry, but that was the way he conducted business.”

“After speaking with the lawyer, Roberts says Verma told him, “You’re off the hook bro. This doesn’t involve you.” And that he would have to take the heat, or something to that effect.”

More details on the killing quote: After a visit from the police where they told Roberts there was men's clothing on the body - he contacted Joey - met him at the gym and asked him "Are they going to find my DNA on those clothes?" Joey responded yes, you need to take the fall for this, I can't, my people need me, people count on me for money and business, you don't have a choice here - if you don't do this I will kill you, your wife and your children. It's nothing personal - it's just how we do business. "

He also told a story about Joey saying to him " I am going to need to tell you how it went down so you are believable on the stand as having done it" Mike Roberts said he didn't want to know. Apparently Roberts was writing everything down on his computer at home, everything that had happened with the trucks, what Joey had said to him etc - and he told his wife if anything happens to me - get this to the police.

There is evidence from the bail hearing that should be put in front of the jury.

Britney Irving was shot in the back - trial updates.


AM1159 News is reporting that Defence lawyers have decided to not present any evidence in the case and after closing arguments are made the decision will then go to the 12 member jury. Joey isn't taking the stand so he doesn't have to face cross examination.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Saskatoon murder tied to Terror Squad and Hells Angels

The StarPhoenix is reporting that Nicholas Clifford Giroux the man charged with murdering a young Saskatoon father in a North Battleford hotel room has ties to Saskatoon’s Terror Squad street gang. Who in turn work for the Hells Angels.

“Giroux, a Saskatoon resident, is a self-described founding member of the Terror Squad, the StarPhoenix reported when he was sentenced two years ago on a cocaine trafficking charge.” Gee, I wonder who he was selling cocaine for?

“Giroux also made his first court appearance Tuesday on two assault charges. He is charged with assaulting a woman in Saskatoon on Sept. 20, then assaulting the same woman again, this time allegedly with a hatchet, on Sept. 22, and threatening to kill her.” Another woman beater. Attacked a woman twice, once with a hatchet. Sounds like a Hells Angels prospect to me.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Outlaws in Newfoundland get in fight with police

We talked about a new chapter of the Outlaws MC at Grand Falls Windsor in Newfoundland a while ago. Well now it appears they have a new clubhouse in Gander Newfoundland as well. CBC is reporting that the new Gander clubhouse opened up last Friday.

RCMP are investigating an incident at a bar in Gander last weekend where members of the Outlaws got into a fight with off-duty officers. An auxiliary officer was allegedly hit in the head with a beer bottle and knocked unconscious. Someone “caught a left with my Guinness stout.”

I understand that there have been some rumors on Kim Bolan’s blog about the Outlaws having a meeting with Ricky C in Vancouver to talk about carving up territory. I personally doubt the Outlaws would ask Rainbow Ricky’s permission for anything but I suppose anything is possible. If anyone sees Ricky C ask him about the Devil’s Butler for me. Tell that fat ass freak to let the Outlaws have Surrey. What their people did to Janice Shore was unacceptable. We don’t like him, the Bacon brothers or the trailer trash Surrey girls. Word.


Update: CBC is reporting that after police issued a warrant for Patrick Bemister, a member of the Outlaws who allegedly assaulted two off duty police officers in Newfoundland has turned himself in. An assault against a third officer by another person in the same incident is still under investigation. The three RCMP officers, who work out of the Gander detachment, suffered only minor injuries.