Tuesday, February 18, 2014

One year anniversary of Janice Shore's murder

Today is a sad day. It's the one year anniversary of Janice Shore's brutal murder. Janice was beaten into a coma December 2nd 2012 and died in hospital February 18th 2013. Tragically, it is the same day Dianne Watts has chosen to show off her new ivory tower of self indulgence. What a cruel selfish world. Yet all is not lost.

On February 8th several First Nations Elders erected a tee pee on site and had a four day fast for Janice complete with drums, prayer ties and a sacred fire. That was a magnificent gesture. We live in a world of extremes. There is good and evil. There is greed and kindness. We are free to choose between the two. Circumstances don't make the man or woman, they reveal what they really are.

Monday, February 17, 2014

When a murderer walks free

In 1993, Brian MacLeod, a full-patch member of the Satan's Choice murdered his ex girlfriend Eva Koral. MacLeod was sentenced to to life imprisonment, with no parole eligibility for 14 years. Now he's a free man. 14 years is not life. He received full parole in 2009.

The Toronto Sun reported that "MacLeod - a massive man at 6-foot-4 and 250 pounds - had returned to an Etobicoke bar on the West Mall called Papa Bear's where Eva Koral had remained following an argument. He slammed her head into the bar, grabbed her by the hair, punched her four times in the head, hauled her out to his awaiting tow truck, smashed her head into the driver's side, and then tossed her inside -- with no one in the tavern raising a finger to stop the assault, and no one even having the guts to make a simple 911 call."

His history of violent behaviour toward women made up a large portion of his criminal record. Eva Koral, a pretty Bell Canada switchboard operator, was found the next day. A clump of her hair had been ripped from her scalp as she was dragged across the roadway, her left thumb had been severed, and her skull had been fragmented from blunt-force trauma. She had been beaten to death with a J-hook and tow-truck chains. MacLeod pleaded guilty to second-degree murder.

A disturbing case indeed. Slamming a woman's head into the bar, punching her in the head and dragging her by the hair then beating her to death with a J-hook and tow-truck chains. That's pretty deranged alright. Satan's Choice patched over to become Hells Angels in Ontario in 2001.

Grown men worshiping the devil is hard to comprehend. It'so juville. Then again, so is beating women. Don't get me started on the Nazi emblems. That's what we went war to fight against.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

West Van police accused of sexual harassment: Updated

Evidently this news story is another example of how a Regional police force isn't necessarily the answer to all the many problems within the RCMP because other local forces seem to have the same problems. The Vancouver Province is reporting that West Vancouver’s mayor is promising to deal with a management crisis in his municipal police force after complaints of sexual and racial harassment, bullying, and punishment of whistleblowers. The allegations are found in a 2013 employee survey report.

We know that the New Westminster Police's use of force trainer was involved with a pretty bizarre drunken assault that was racially motivated. We know that Surrey IHIT had a problem with officers drinking and flirting with witnesses.

The class action sexual harassment suit against the RCMP and the fact that Don Ray is still employed with the RCMP is evidence that organization refuses to meet it's legal obligations to remove sexual harassment from the workplace. What I am interested in is Bill Fordy's response to the sexual harassment complaint against him and his coworkers on the Pickton file made by Catherine Gallagher. I understand at the Newton Crime meeting someone asked Fordy why it took the police so long to arrest Robert Pickton and he squirmed.

No doubt there are many more questions about the Pickton file and the sexual harassment claims Bill Fordy should be asked. Is Don Ray in Surrey? Did the new RCMP Headquarters in the Green timbers clear cut unilaterally impose an on site bar against the wishes of the public and against common sense dealing with the numerous complaints of drunk driving and alcohol related sexual harassment in the RCMP? Evidently there is an second ivory tower in Surrey.

Update: After front page coverage of this story the West Vancouver police chief resigned and the West Vancouver mayor said changes need to be made to address the concerns. Contrast that with Stephen Harper who responded to the RCMP class action suit by denying the allegations and slandering the whistle blowers.

Todd Mosher has since come forward claiming he was unjustly terminated from the West Vancouver Police department for being a whistle blower. The new Province article quotes the outgoing police Chief Const. Peter Lepine as claiming that an external investigation by arbitrator Vince Ready found Mosher’s “departure from this organization did not come as a result of retaliation.” However, that is not a true statement.

Vince Ready is a well respected arbitrator. He investigated the initial harassment complaint he didn't make a decision on the grievance. His grievance was denied because of a contested issue around disclosure of his personal file and time limits to file the grievance.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Newton Crime Prevention Gone Bad

Another crime prevention meeting in Newton today in response to the increased drug related crime in the area the police and city hall have been refusing to do anything about which resulted in the tragic death of a Hockey Mom. It was nice to see Penny Priddy moderate the event. She really does care about crime in her community. It's just so sad that this Newton Community Association has been highjacked by so many political agendas. Dianne Watts has been totally bullying them just like she did to that police committee she kicked Barinder off of.

The Aldergrove Judaical Review Board was there. They had a truck parked outside.

No doubt Vern got up and said the police are doing fine, it's the judges that are the problem. Which may well be true with regards to prolific offenders but isn't the case in Newton. The problem is that the businesses in Newton report a drug dealer to the police taking away their business and the police don't do anything about it. That is the problem. Handing out fliers about different ways to report crime to the police was rather ridiculous given the fact that under Bill Fordy's leadership the police haven't been responding to the complaints from the businesses and residents in Newton.

I noticed there was a huge line of reserved VIP parking in front of a special VIP entrance. I asked where the commoners entrance was and if the Prime Minister was coming. No, they said that was for the mayor. You're kidding I said. You've got to be kidding. How typical Dianne Watts would bring her ivory tower of self indulgence to Newton after all that she has done to crush their concerns.

It was somewhat ironic that out of the entire panel of politicians who attended the meeting, there was only one person who took advantage of the exclusive ivory tower parking. I'll let you guess who. Go Godzilla. It's time for a change. ReNewton is more credible than Dianne Watts' bs.

Missing Persons Act crushes Civil liberty

Well this is discouraging but not surprising. CBC is reporting that new legislation that will make it easier for police to search for missing people, even when there is no proof of a criminal act, has been proposed by B.C.'s Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton. This is just another scam that somehow spins a legitimate concern with injustice and negligence into the same old destruction of civil liberty. Both parties are supporting it. Heavy sigh.

Wally Oppal should be in jail for screwing up the Missing Woman Inquiry. As soon as the Hells Angels were mentioned he shut down the inquiry. As soon as Jim Brown was mentioned the police trashed the whistle blower's home. That is the problem right there. Taking away our civil liberty will not address the real problem at all. It's just another smoke a mirror side show.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Person X implicated in the murder of Duane Meyer

Interesting day at the Surrey Six trial today. I'm told Johnston's lawyer asked DY "Did you know your car was used by Person X in the murder of Duane Meyer?" Duane Meyer,. as we know was with the UN and was murdered May 8 2008. That's tragic. Remember Person X and Person Y got switched around. Seemingly, DY's Silver leased Porsche Cayenne was used by Person X in the murder of UN's Duane Meyer. The same car was taken to RG Auto Parts in Surrey to get a custom hidden compartment. This might have been where Jon Barber worked who was murdered May 9, 2008. He was driving Jamie Bacon's car and they got him instead.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Mafia drug ring tied to New York and Canada busted

Yahoo news is reporting that the FBI and Italian police say they have arrested two dozen suspects in connection with a transnational heroin and cocaine trafficking conspiracy linking Italy's 'ndrangheta syndicate with the notorious Gambino and Bonanno crime families in the United States which was also tied to Canada. Here's the indictment as well as an overview of it.

CNN is reporting that Gambino, Bonanno family members arrested in joint US-Italy anti-mafia raids. CBC is reporting that police are looking for 8 more suspects tied to the ring in Canada. Calabrians in Hamilton perhaps? Or did they move into Toronto and Montreal after Vito died?

Diane Watt's Tower of Fiscal Irresponsibility

The Vancouver Province is reporting that Dianne Watt's tower of fiscal irresponsibility is scheduled to open on Monday. All hail Godzilla. Surrey's own Tower of Babel. This is why we can't afford police in Newton. $5 million for furniture alone. What is the real price tag anyways? We know it's more than what they claimed. The problem is this is not fiscally responsible and neither is Dianne Watts. That's why she wants to toll everything under the sun. To pay for all her trips and her ivory tower of self indulgence. It'd be cheaper to rent out the ULounge after hours for their special events. One local Newton resident thought this was a total waste of money. I agree.

“A few years back, Surrey spent $19 million upgrading city hall, which has been at the same location since anyone can remember. It has served us well and should remain where it is. But Watts just flushed $95 million on a new city hall that was not needed and is a waste of our taxes. That money could have gone a long way toward extra policing and cleanup of Newton. It might have even saved the life of Julie Paskall.” Indeed. They should keep the old city hall and lease out the new one as an investment. That would make more sense then tolling every bridge under the sun.

Black marble walls and Dianne Watts has a penthouse suite with a balcony. That is abominable.

Another concerned citizen wrote in to the Surrey Now and said: "The mayor has the wrong priorities. Surrey has the money to hire more officers, but Watts has chosen to spend big money on other projects, such as a new city hall." No doubt Alex Tsakumis would call this person a whore too for caring more about the community than Dianne Watt's ivory tower of self indulgence.

The Surrey Leader is reporting that the Ivory Tower will cost more like $150 million including interest. Since the city is borrowing the money they will be paying $2 million a year in interest. That's a lot of money for Dianne Watt's penthouse suit with a balcony. I still think it's be cheaper for them to rent out the U Lounge.

Vancouver home to Canada’s first crack pipe vending machines

The Vancouver Province is reporting that Vancouver is now home to Canada’s first crack pipe vending machines. This is the flaming example of everything that is wrong with this country. The DTES is a failed social experiment. Perpetuating that failure is not social justice. It is not compassion it is heartless brutality. This is not the New York model.

Bragging about crack pipe vending machines is the epitome of stupidity. Crack is a highly addictive poison that destroys lives all on it's own. On top of that it is cut with superbuff which gives you flesh eating disease. The only one who benefits from these insane vending machines are the drug dealers that torture and murder drug addicts for drug debts. What the hell is the Drug Users Resource Centre? Do they get tax dollars like VANDU does? That is a criminal insanity.

Glen Louis supports the Prince George Sodomizers

For the record, Glen Louis is that loser pos that raps for Hadan's mother and recently graduated from Prince George foster care with a grade nine education. He raps about collecting drug debts and wants to free Hayden and Mercedes for sodomizing that kid with a broom stick. He instructed his other "friend" to take the fall for the others. The guy belongs in the circus. He is a freak.

Glen claims he has a grade 11 education not grade nine so I'll have to check that out. If he went back and got more education good on him. However, your music is pretty dark man and this whole idea of supporting people who sodomized a guy with a broom stick is really messed up. It is what it is. Just sayin.