Thursday, February 13, 2014

Person X implicated in the murder of Duane Meyer

Interesting day at the Surrey Six trial today. I'm told Johnston's lawyer asked DY "Did you know your car was used by Person X in the murder of Duane Meyer?" Duane Meyer,. as we know was with the UN and was murdered May 8 2008. That's tragic. Remember Person X and Person Y got switched around. Seemingly, DY's Silver leased Porsche Cayenne was used by Person X in the murder of UN's Duane Meyer. The same car was taken to RG Auto Parts in Surrey to get a custom hidden compartment. This might have been where Jon Barber worked who was murdered May 9, 2008. He was driving Jamie Bacon's car and they got him instead.


  1. Newton Center 2 P.M Saturday MEETING 15/O2/14 RE TASK FORCE ANOUNCEMENT?

  2. Just more bullsh*t. She did the same stunt when she was first elected. Promised us the world and did nothing. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

  3. No, DY is someone else. Kim Bolan recently wrote about him as a new witness that used to sell drugs for the RS and was the one that gave the accused his FOB to enter the building:

  4. Ah yes, it seems he has already plead guilty. I am just surprised his name is never brought up anymore so I just figured it was under the ban somehow.

  5. He did plead guilty and his name is covered by a publication ban but to my understanding he won't be testifying in this trial.

  6. Rebeckah Faith: You are correct. Not about DY but about the other comment you just made that I'm not allowed to approve regarding the identities of Person X and Y. They did get switched around. I can't really say any more than that publicly because of the ban and because I have the Po Po all in my grill about the ban.


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