Sunday, March 25, 2018

Before US Troops Protected Poppies In Afghanistan, There was No Opioid Epidemic in America

The Activist Post is reporting that "The Afghanistan War is the longest in United States history, and despite initial claims that the goal of the invasion was to keep Americans safe by destroying the Taliban and al-Qaeda, the result has been a massive increase in opium production that has fueled an on-going opioid crisis in the United States and ensnared more than 2.5 million Americans in heroin addiction. As whistleblower and former FBI contractor Sibel Edmonds noted, before the U.S. invaded Afghanistan in 2001, there were around 189,000 heroin users in the United States. By 2016, that figure increased to 4.5 million - an estimated 2.5 million heroin addicts and 2 million casual users." The observation is correct.

Jonathan Kwitny's book the Crimes of Patriots stated that the CIA created the Golden Triangle. This fact has been confirmed by Terry Reed in his book Compromised and war hero Bo Gritz. When the Taliban brought opium production in Afghanistan to a grinding halt in 2001, Afghanistan was invaded and returned to the largest opium producers in the world.

What the CIA did in secret during Vietnam they are now doing openly in Afghanistan. US troops are protecting the opium fields using the lie that if we don't do it the Taliban will.

"The C.I.A.'s direct involvement in drug smuggling goes back a long time, not only in Afghanistan but also all over the world as in the Iran-Contras scandal. The now dead governor of Kandahar province, Wali Karzai, one of Afghanistan's biggest drug smugglers, had been for a long time on the C.I.A.'s payroll. Wali was Hamid Karzai's brother, former president of Afghanistan picked by the U.S. shortly after the occupation, in 2001." Just like Honduras.

Now I don't have any love for Communism and I do have a hate for Fascism. Ironically, both roads lead to the same place: totalitarianism. Stalin, Lenin and Chairman Mao were no better and no different than Adolf Hitler. Socialism can only exist within a Free Republic. You cannot protect collective rights by eliminating individual rights. Rachel Blevins aspires to break the left/right paradigm in media and politics by pursuing truth and questioning existing narratives.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Departures visits North Korea

I mentioned that I was excited to see Season three of the TV series Departures is now on Netflix. They went to Russia, Australia, Rwanda, Vietnam and even North Korea. Their trip to North Korea or DPRNK was amazing. It is dividend into two parts Episode 12 and Episode 13.

At first everyone was a bit nervous because they didn't want to say or do something that offended the host country. After it became clear that the intent of the visit was not to portray the DPRNK in a bad light but to sincerely see and experience some of their culture and traditions, their guides started to feel more at ease as well. It was magnificent.

They didn't ask about religious freedom, free speech or lawful assembly. They just went to see what they were willing to share with them. The Korean people love music. That is something we can all appreciate. In Vancouver we host a magnificent display of Chinese culture called Shen Yun. Seemingly North Korea has a similar magnificent display of local culture. We should welcome that display to come to Vancouver. I also think we should do trade with North Korea.

If we can do trade with China we can do trade with North Korea. The Olympics in South Korea went well and it's time to move forward. It's like the absurdity of the Helms Burton law. We may disagree with their ideology but why would we intentionally try and sabotage their social experiment? If we genuinely care about all people we would want to help lift their standard of living too. We don't want to see anyone starve. Regardless of their politics.

We should still do business with China. I object to them owning our oil rights just as I object to Canadian Corporations owning the mining rights in Columbia. That's just not right.

Facebook is a tool: Delete the CIA

It is always astounding to see the sensationalism and hype that plagues the Main Stream Media especially in the United States. The latest mob frenzy was around a questionable query about Facebook. The media ran with an absurd story claiming Cambridge Analytica hijacked our online data to help elect Donald Trump. First it was Russia, now it's England. GMAFB.

How stupid do you think we really are? The source of this absurd frenzy is found when Jesse Ventura was elected governor of Minnesota. Jesse Ventura was a wild card. When he was elected he was taken to the basement of the capital to be interviewed by 23 members of the CIA. What did they want? They wanted to know how he pulled it off. How did he win the election. His first question nailed it. He asked them what is the CIA doing operating in the USA when that is out of their jurisdiction. More importantly what is the CIA doing meddling in a US election?

As I've previously stated, I don't like Donald Trump. I think he is a dick and I oppose his position on immigration. I didn't like Hillary Clinton either because of her long time ties to CIA drug trafficking out of Mena Arkansas and her authoring Operation Fast and Furious. As an impartial observer it is obvious the CIA wanted Hillary elected and didn't want Trump elected.

The CIA wanted Hillary elected because of her long time ties to arms dealing and drug trafficking. It had nothing to do with supporting immigration. Consequently all this absurd nonsense about Russia or England hacking the election has become ridiculous. The bottom line is that the CIA fears social media for the same reason every other dictator obsessed with removing civl liberty does. Facebook is a tool and like the internet it can be used for good or evil.

Donald Trump's Twitter fire has helped open up communication from the head of state. Justin Trudeau uses Twitter as well as Facebook. Granted his Tweets aren't as wild and crazy as Donald Trumps but social media does help officials get information out to the public. Even the Dalai Lama uses Facebook and Twitter now. Justin Trudeau states that his party is not turning it's back on social media in future campaigns. Everyone pays to advertise on Google and Facebook.

I deleted my Facebook because I wanted to go off the grid. Consequently I have lost touch with many old friends scattered all over the world. C'est la vie. We all manage our time as we choose.

Friday, March 23, 2018

NDP Offers corporate tax breaks for LNG

We're certainly shattering stereotypes left, right and centre. The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "Premier John Horgan offered billions of dollars worth of tax breaks to liquefied natural gas producers Thursday in a move to entice the construction of an export facility in Kitimat."

Oh but they said the NDP would tax and spend. Evidently not. As soon as the NDP were elected they lowered taxes by removing bridge tolls. Now they are offering tax incentives to attrack business. Imagine that. The flip side of that shattered stereotype is another shocker. The environmentalists are actually opposing it as if coal was cleaner than natural gas. Go figure. These environmentalists don't care about the environment. They're just mental.

"Horgan said he was heavily influenced by a trade mission to Asia in January where he met with project proponents and saw the pollution caused by coal-fired power plants. B.C. could help displace coal in Asia with cleaner LNG." No kidding. Have you seen the pollution in Beijing from all the coal? It is astounding. Don't the environmentalists want a reduction in the coal exports out of the Surrey docks? This project would greatly reduce CO2 emissions world wide.

I lived in Ireland for two years in 1988 and 1989. At that time eveyone heated their homes with coal fires. In the south it was open coal fireplaces. In the north they had enclosed fireplaces that burned coal which heated water that was pumped through radiators. The pollution from all that coal was incredible. Cork had a thick fog of coal smog daily. When I wrote home about it my father said that was what it was like in West Vancouver when your mother and I were first married. We had a coal fireplace and the smoke from those coal fires covered everything.

I was shocked to discover that only one generation ago we had coal fires in Vancouver and all the smog that went with them. Natural gas has eliminated that problem quite effectively.

Another lesson I learned from Ireland back then was providing tax incentives to attract business. Not much was happening economically in Ireland at the time so the government came up with an idea. 50% of nothing is nothing but 10% of something is something. The government of Ireland offered tax breaks to large corporations as incentive to open up shop in Ireland and it worked. All of a sudden the Shannon Development centre was created in the middle of nowhere.

High tech industry cropped up right beside Paddy and Mick's sheep farm. People had jobs and started paying income tax from those jobs. The government also made some tax from the large industries that moved into town. That's why Google has it's headquaters in Dublin. The Irish Govenemnt gave them tax breaks and the people have jobs that pay income tax.

Offering tax incentives to LNG in Kitmat is good business simply because 50% of nothing is nothing but a smaller percentage of something is something. Do the math.

In contrast, Andrew Weaver has lost his mind. He said he might withdraw his support of the minority NDP government. What will that solve? Do you think the Liberals won't push for a LNG facility? We need to oppose coal exports not natural gas. Give your head a shake.

MPs arrested at Kinder Morgan Protest

Global is reporting that "Two Members of Parliament have been arrested at the Kinder Morgan facility on Burnaby Mountain after they defied a court injunction that banned protesters from disrupting construction work at both Trans Mountain terminals. Saanish-Gulf Islands MP and Green Party leader Elizabeth May, and Burnaby South NDP MP Kennedy Stewart joined several dozen protesters and marched to the gate of the Kinder Morgan tank farm."

Saturday protesters defied the court order on Burnaby Mountain and were arrested. Tuesday, 59 protesters defied the court order and were arrested. The Globe and Mail reported that "Amina Moustaqim-Barrette, who spoke on behalf of a coalition of demonstrators under the banner Protect the Inlet, said each protester was ready to be arrested to send a clear message against Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project. “The community isn’t going to lay down and just accept that this pipeline is going to be built,” she said. “They’re going to show their opposition very loudly and very purposefully.” Twenty-eight demonstrators began blocking the entrance to Kinder Morgan’s work site at about 10 a.m. Saturday. Four hours later, some of the protesters tied themselves to the gate using zip ties, Moustaqim-Barrette said."

The Seattle Times reported that "Thousands of demonstrators marched Saturday to speak out against a pipeline expansion project that would nearly triple the flow of oil from Canada’s tar sands to the Pacific Coast." As did the Toronto Star. CBC is reporting that "The governor of Washington says his state is "allied'' with British Columbia in questioning whether the Trans Mountain pipeline should be expanded." I told you this project is dead in the water.

King 5 News is reporting that "About 30 kayaktivists with the group Mosquito Fleet surrounded a large oil barge near the Port of Seattle and held a large banner that read Stop Kinder Morgan."

Evidently Alberta's BC wine boycott and their second unjustified spike in gas prices at the pump hasn't deterred the public opposition it has only fanned the flames of indignation. One reader wrote into the paper and nailed it. The second pipeline is not for local consumption, it is for foreign markets in China. There is absolutely no justification for the two recent spikes in the price of gas at the pumps. The problem is tar sands sludge and petroleum coke.

Alberta could refine the tar sands sludge there and send the refined oil through the existing pipeline. They want a second pipeline to send raw unrefined tar sands oil without refining it. Nobody in the US wants it. Detroit and Chicago both held public protests about their mountains of petroleum coke that was a byproduct of refining the tar sands sludge. They were able to send their petroleum coke to India but India doesn't want it any more so we are going to have to talk about what will happen to it. We don't want it in Vancouver. Alberta making demands of entitlement without addressing our concerns is bad business.

Initially, I supported the project. After Alberta's BC wine boycott and their entitlement demands they lost my support. The second spike in the price of gas is proof we need to break the oil monopoly in Canada. If we cant break the oil monopoly, we need to nationalize our oil because right now we do not have free market.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

70th Anniversary of the Hells Angels

I just clued in that St Patrick's Day was the 70th Anniversary of the Hells Angels. The club was founded on March 17th 1948. There's good and bad in every organization and the case law for criminal organization status for the Hells Angels is staggering. However, I think George Christie and Kerri Krysko put the controversy to rest.

Kerri Krysko said that the Hells Angels aren't a criminal organization, they are an organization of criminals. She states that there are a lot of members with criminal records but there are far more who don't have any criminal records at all. Maple Ridge is a good example. There are a lot of Hells Angels in Maple Ridge. They don't all sell crack.

George Christie said the Hells Angels aren't a criminal organization because the members of the club that are involved with criminal activity are stingy and don't share the proceeds of crime with all the other members. Now that is believable.

David Giles said not all members are involved with criminal activity but anyone who uses the name of the club for criminal activity must get permission from the local executive. That implicates the local executive of any chapter where members are found guilty of criminal offenses.

Sonny Barger founded the Oakland chapter. George Wethern was the former Vice-President of the Oakland Chapter. In his book A Wayward Angel Wethern claims: "The Oakland Angels began issuing new charters and assisting chapters set up their own drug operations. The additions were designed to contribute to our image and business concerns, by providing a drug route link, manufacturing a drug, supplying chemicals, or distributing drugs in an untapped area."

Not to hate, but I will point out that former Navy Intelligence officer Al Martin claimed that the CIA did use the Hells Angels to help distribute their cocaine during Iran Contra. Al Martin claimed that Oliver North met with the president of the Hells Angels himself. That's OK. Jim Delashmit is now a preacher and Oliver North is now a Fox TV News host.

Gary Webb was right. The real villains in this drug war are the CIA. Just say'n.

Kill the Messenger and Freeway: Crack in the System are now both on Netflix.

Moving forward: Zen and the Art of Civl Liberty. Watch for it.

Police search homes, vehicles linked to Hells Angels

CBC is reporting that "Police targeted the Hells Angels this morning in a series of raids in the Laurentians, the Montérégie and the Outaouais, searching several locations linked to drug trafficking." Only in Quebec you say? Pity. No doubt the RCMP compromised that mission again. In BC they refuse to investigate organized crime. That's why we need to bring back the OMGU.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Damion Ryan's shooter walks over charter delays

Keith Fraser is reporting that "A judge has found that a man accused of conspiracy to commit murder and attempted murder had his rights violated following his arrest by Vancouver police. Knowah Ferguson of Hamilton, Ont., was charged with trying to shoot and kill Hells Angel Damion Ryan at the Vancouver airport on April 10, 2015. The allegation is that he approached Ryan while Ryan was seated at a table with an Asian male in a food court at the airport and pulled out a firearm. There was a clicking sound and the gun failed to fire, according to a ruling on the rights violation. All three people at the scene then took off running, according to the ruling."

As we know, Damion Ryan became a member of the Ontario Village Idiots until the Quebec brothers disbanded them. Kim Bolan is reporting that Damion Ryan is now living in Greece where the Edmonton scum bags ganged up on a local father and beat him to death.

China's president returns to draconian totalitarianism

The president of China just removed term limits making him king of the Communist dictatorship and just announced Beijing is ready to fight a bloody battle against all it's enemies. Do you think it's finally time to break their corporate monopoly on Canad'as oil? Do you think it might be time for us to stop funding the military expansion of a Communist state that murders political prisoners to order for organ harvesting every time we fill up with gas at the pump?

ABC is reporting that "Human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng did the unthinkable in Xi Jinping's China. In an open letter, last October he criticised the President's "totalitarian rule" and called for immediate political reform and democracy. The next day, as he was walking his son to school, he was detained by a squad of security police and man-handled into a van. His wife, Xu Yan, hasn't seen him since." There is nothing democratic about these draconian reforms in China.

China state media merger to create propaganda giant

The Guardian is reporting that "China has confirmed plans to merge its state television and radio stations to create a new broadcaster that will be one of the largest propaganda platforms in the world." Can we not see where this is going? Letting that evil profit from our oil is insane.

2018 Free Tibet and Free Yourself

Mobility pricing is a driver tax for the Mayor's glutton council

It is clear that the Mayor's glutton council needs to be disbanded. All they do it try to think up new ways to raises taxes for them to spend. A letter to the Vancouver Province says it well: “Mobility pricing is a shiny, friendly term from consultants for the Mayors’ Council because driver’s tax is less palatable." Leave the ten cent a litre billion dollars a year regional gas tax and stop there. No new drivers taxes. Removing bridge tolls and replacing it with a driver tax is fraudulent.