Thursday, March 5, 2020

Kenny endorses Erin O’Toole as Conservative leader

City News is reporting that "Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, king among leaders of the conservative movement in Canada, is endorsing Erin O’Toole to lead the federal party." King among leaders? Jason Kenny is a dick. He committed fraud to win the Conservative leadership in Alberta and he is deeply involved with price fixing as he knowingly f*cks over Metro Vancouver at the gas pumps. Nevertheless, I do not support Peter MacKay.

Peter McKay will not make any progress in Quebec and without Quebec the party will not win the next election. Erin O’Toole was born in Montreal so that would be a step forward from Peter MacKay. Nevertheless, I'd like to see who else is running before I make a declaration.

Ontario Amber alert Abduction result of drug debt - Update

Global is reporting that "Toronto police said Thursday that 14-year-old Shammah Jolayemi, who is the subject of an Amber Alert, was abducted on Wednesday morning over what they believe is an alleged drug debt. Police said they believe Jolayemi's step-brother owed a “large debt" and has fled the city." A similar tragedy happened in Edmonton many years ago.

Update: Global is reporting that "A 14-year-old Toronto boy who was the subject of a province-wide Amber Alert has been found safe." Thank God. Leave the kids out of this.

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom: Engaged and expecting

I do despise celebrity gossip. However, this one is heartwarming. Wonder wall is reporting that "Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are reportedly looking to start their new life in the Land of the Rising Sun" over the summer." They're engaged. Not only that but she's expecting.

The Independent is reporting that "Katy Perry has revealed she is expecting her first child with fiancé Orlando Bloom. On 5 March, the singer released the music video for her new single 'Never Worn White', off her upcoming fifth studio album. At the end of the short film, the 35-year-old is shown cradling a baby bump. Following the music video’s release, the musician took part in an Instagram Live video with her 90.5m followers, in which she confirmed that she is pregnant."

Katy Perry is kind of known for being a bit of a teenage hothead with a repertoire of heated juvenile breakup songs that appeals to her little girl fan base. Yet Orlando Bloom is stable and classy. I think it's a nice fit. The yin and yang so to speak. Perhaps Katy Perry is maturing and mellowing. She appears ready for motherhood. Congratulations. That is a wonderful time.

I had Katy Perry mixed up with Taylor Swift. I don't know what Katy Perry sings. I think dating an older man would be good for her. Older men aren't gamers and realize it's not all about them.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Kelowna drug bust near the Hells Angels clubhouse

Castanet is reporting that "Three 16-year-old boys were arrested in Kelowna last week after RCMP discovered fentanyl, cocaine, approximately $30,000 and two handguns during a drug raid. The Kelowna RCMP Street Enforcement Unit raided a home in the 1200 block of Ellis Street on Feb. 28 in relation to a street-level drug trafficking investigation and a provincially-known crime group with suspected ties to conflicts in the Lower Mainland."

"RCMP seized about $30,000 in cash along with an undisclosed amount of fentanyl and cocaine that had already been prepared for street distribution, as well as two loaded handguns. Three underage boys from Ontario were arrested and later released on strict conditions to the Ministry of Children and Family Development. The teens who are well known to law enforcement will be in Kelowna court at a later date. This crime group is associated with not only Kelowna and the Lower Mainland but also coast to coast in other areas of Canada, giving associates the ability to move throughout the country to sell illicit drugs, according to Cpl. Jeff Carroll."

The Hells Angels clubhouse is at 871 Ellis Street. There is no way it was a rival. Just sayn.

Congratulations to the Kelowna RCMP Street Enforcement Unit. 30 grand and a couple of spud guns. Like taking candy from a baby. Literally. BTW Where's Waldo? I guess he was jealous the young kids were making that kind of cheddar and wanted a piece of the pie.

Justin Trudeau triggers non confidence vote

Well this is sadly disappointing. One step forward two steps back. Canada's National Observer is reporting that "Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he knows people are impatient for a resolution to tensions involving a disputed natural gas pipeline in northern British Columbia, but time is needed to respect the traditions of the Wet'suwet'en people."

"Speaking to reporters in Halifax Tuesday, Trudeau acknowledged the opposition of some Wet'suwet'en leaders to the Coastal GasLink pipeline has led to difficult times for many Canadians over the past few weeks. He said his government has been focused on trying to find a solution, but added that current tensions stem from Canada's dark history of mistreatment of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. 'We know that centuries of marginalization, of oppressive, broken government policies have created a situation that is untenable,' Trudeau said." AYFKM?

Past history has absolutely nothing to do with this and saying that it does demonstrates to the world he has completely lost his mind and is unfit for office. This is about opposing the democratic will of the Wet'suwet'en people on the natural gas project. That is what this is about. This is about standing up to bullies and stopping a coup against Democracy.

"Five Wet'suwet'en elected chiefs from councils that support the pipeline released a statement saying they are pleased that progress was made in the talks with the provincial and federal governments but they said the agreement was reached without input from all the Wet'suwet'en communities." Exactly. The elected chiefs and band councils of the Wet'suwet'en people approved the natural gas pipeline. In addition to that, 8 of the 13 hereditary chiefs approved it.

Wanting to overrule the democratic decision of their people, three female hereditary chiefs who approved the plan were stripped of their title and replaced with three males who opposed the plan. That was a dirty deed done dirt cheap and we should not support it. Whatever happened to Justin Trudeau's girl power? It appears that was just lip service.

In contrast, John Horgan nailed it "There was not, at any time, any objective to go in and convince people to have a different point of view. We had a frank discussion. There was disagreement. The project will proceed. Dissent is appropriate. Unlawful dissent is not."

When you lose an election or a referendum it is well within your right to record your dissent. It is not your right to prevent other people from going to work. John Ridsdale refuses to listen to his own elders and his own clan members. He shouldn't even be at the table. We should not support him. The three chiefs who were stripped of their title for supporting the plan should have their titles restored to them. That would be the right thing to do. No Justice, No Peace.

It's as though the blockades were a false flag attack to get the Conservatives elected. That's the effect they are having. Canadians don't support that kind of lawlessness. I told ya, if Justin Trudeau learns towards Andrew Scheer on this one and away from Jagmeet Singh, he will float. If he learns towards Jagmeet Singh he will sink faster than he would with cement shoes.

Anciently, the aboriginals in Central America practiced human sacrifice. Just because they did it back then, does not mean we should allow it now. Some traditions are great. Others are not.

In Fort Langley the Natives got along very well with the British fur traders because they did business with them. The fur traders had guns and protected them from raiding tribes that would attack them and carry them away slaves. Just because slavery was an aboriginal tradition on the West coast, does not mean we should allow it today.

Historically the residential schools were horrible. Yet the British did business with the local natives and had a history of treaty making. Cortez slaughtered them. We all need to accept responsibility for ourselves and move forward. Free Wet'suwet'en! Stop the coup. God save the people.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Fixing the ICBC fraud

Looks like another frosty day in hell. Mike Smyth said something I agree with. Don't wory the sun came out and he concluded with another bold faced lie. Mikie said: "For years, the previous B.C. Liberal government used ICBC like their own personal ATM machine, siphoning “excess capital” out of the auto-insurance corporation like a midnight gas thief. They even changed the law to do it, amending the Insurance Corporation Act to authorize the government’s pickpocketing of B.C. drivers. The Liberals sucked more than a billion dollars out of ICBC over the years, money that should have been returned to drivers to reduce their insurance premiums. Instead, the money flowed into the greedy clutches of government, at the same time the Liberals went around bragging that they hadn’t raised taxes. Don’t kid yourself! All those ICBC rate hikes were taxes in disguise, as the government used the Crown corp. like a driver-financed piggy bank."

Is he on crack? Everything he just said was true. Then he goes on to say "The new NDP government loves to remind voters about those devious Liberal stealth taxes of the past. It’s a great way to deflect the blame from the ICBC financial dumpster fire still burning drivers’ wallets to a crisp." You lying POS. There is no dumpster fire at ICBC.

ICBC was breaking even. If the Liberals didn't extract that dividend to balance their fudgeit budget, everything would have been fine and it still is. Except for the soaring premiums to pay back the dividend which the NDP will rectify with no fault insurance.

David Eby promising to once again make it illegal to transfer money out of ICBC and into government coffers is somewhat ridiculous. If the next government wants to do it again they will. All they have to do is change the law he just made so that law is basically pointless.

Pinocchio also claims that "First, even if the Liberals didn’t drain that $1.2 billion out of ICBC’s bank accounts, the auto-insurance corporation would have still been an economic basket case, losing billions more." That is another bold faced lie. Have you no shame? Before the Liberals extracted the dividend, ICBC was breaking even. How is that losing billions more? It's not. Mike Smyth is a compulsive liar. The credibility meltdown of Post Media Trash continues.

BC Hydro is losing billions because Gordon Campbell privatized the Independent Power Producers that sell power to the public company at above market rates. The NDP could fix that pandemic before we all drown in that deferred debt. Christy Clark did extract a dividend from BC Hydro as well as ICBC knowing full well they were already in debt. Fix the Fraud.

Harper and MacKay endorsing Trudeau Majority

CBC is reporting that Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum will try to trigger another election if Tweedle Dum wins the conservative leadership. I supported Andrew Scheer and I supported Jean Charest but I do not support Peter MacKay. Since Stephen Harper sabotaged Jean Charest's leadership bid and prevented the conservative party from rising above it's dark extremism, he must now face the consequence of his decision. His dinosaur ideals will become extinct. You will fail without Quebec. Quebec will not endorse Peter MacKay.

Stephen Harper's insistence his pet idiot win the leadership bid has ensured Justin Trudeau's reelection. That is sadly unfortunate. Nevertheless, if Justin Trudeau leans towards Andrew Scheer and away from Jagmeet Singh the country will be in good hands.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Lindsay Buziak Petition in the Vancouver Sun

The Vancouver Sun is reporting on the petition asking that Mike Farnworth, the minister of public safety, remove the Lindsay Buziak murder investigation case from Saanich police department and turn it over to another agency.

"In an emailed statement, Const. Markus Anastasiades said Saanich police would not speak to media. Anastasiades said Saanich police has been in a partnership with the RCMP that began at the initial crime scene. That partnership continues to this day. Anastasiades said the RCMP has conducted two comprehensive reviews of their investigation, one in 2008 and another in 2019, and that Saanich police are moving forward with the recommendations of the most recent review.” It sounds like they are frantically trying to cover their a*s instead of solve the murder.

Given the conflict of interest, Saanich PD should hand that file over to IHIT. That would be in everyone's best interest. Their stubborn refusal to do so forces us to examine the merger campaigns. Catherine Holt is the CEO of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce. She wrote an article for the Times Colonist regarding the amalgamation of the Sanaach and Victoria police force. After attending the recent Lindsay Buziak Rally in Victoria, it became crystal clear how close Saanich and Victoria are. They are both part of the same community.

We walked from the Saanich City Hall which is right beside the Saanich PD to the Parliament buildings in Victoria. They are two small communities right beside each other. Surrey, New Westminster, Vancouver, Langley, those are all separated by a geographical distance. Saanich and Victoria is not. The CEO of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce supports the merger of the Victoria PD with the Saanich PD and so do I. That is the logical solution to the conflict.

The Sooke News Mirror reported that "Victoria councillors unanimously endorsed a resolution that calls on the province to establish a regional police, with funding following established Capital Regional District (CRD) guidelines. Leading officials in Victoria starting with Mayor Lisa Helps as well as Chief Del Manak of the Victoria Police Department, which serves both Victoria and Esquimalt, favour the idea of creating a regional police force, and Victoria’s resolution reads like an attempt by that municipality to ratchet up the pressure on would-be resisters like Saanich."

The mayor of Saanich opposes the plan as he could be out of a job. His concerns are self interest. "Bruce Kennedy of the Grumpy Taxpayer$ of Victoria applauds Victoria’s appeal. 'It has bewildered us why Mayor Haynes has voiced opposition of a consolidated police force,' he said. 'We would call on the Saanich Mayor and [council] to be proactive and to ask their residents through a series of town hall meetings and online surveys whether they support this idea.'”

Amalgamation Yes is reporting that there was a referendum in both Saanich and Victoria. Victoria voted: 66% YES and Saanich voted: 56% YES. So the yeahs have it. It's time to move forward.

Remembering the Aboriginal misrepresentation before the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics

The recent Aboriginal misrepresentation in the Natural gas dispute reminds me of the Aboriginal misrepresentation right before the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. For those of us who were here, everyone remembers the Vancouver Winter Olympics as being a very positive experience for the entire city. Most of us don't even remember the wingnuts trying to stop it, but I do.

I was with a volunteer group at the time when the Anti Poverty Committee from the DTES started disrupting family events leading up to the Olympics and even started throwing rocks at civilians who attended the pre Olympic functions. They were the Anarchists we warned you about.

I brought my daughter to one of these events with a friend of mine at City Hall in Vancouver. There were hereditary chiefs there from the Squamish First Nations and surrounding areas in Whistler where the Olympics were going to be held. The thugs from the Anti Poverty Committee were there and started yelling "No Olympics on Stolen Native Land!"

We all wondered WTF they were on about. The Hereditary chiefs there were in support of the Olympics and signed an agreement where they financial benefited from them and were permitted to showcase their culture at the event. When the elders started speaking the thugs started heckling them. Even during a song on the prayer drum. That's when I lost it. I started heckling the hecklers and yelled out real Natives Respect their elders.

My point is the clowns from the anti poverty committee did not respect the Hereditary Chiefs from the Squamish First Nations and surrounding areas. They had their own agenda and they were using violence and abuse to exploit and misrepresent the First Nations community just like the fake environmentalists are doing now. In hindsight, nobody remembers that. Everyone just remembers what a positive event the Olympics were for all who attended.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Proposed arrangement in pipeline dispute reached

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that a Wet’suwet’en hereditary chief and senior government ministers say they have reached a proposed arrangement in a pipeline dispute that has prompted bullying and lawless extortion across Canada in recent weeks.

"Fraser says that while the Coastal GasLink natural gas pipeline at the heart of the dispute is already approved and underway, the talks have helped develop a protocol to deal with such projects in the future. Chief Woos, one of the Wet’suwet’en hereditary leaders, says the proposal represents an important milestone for everyone involved. But he says the hereditary chiefs remain opposed to the pipeline in their traditional territory." OK so nothing has been achieved.

This is the typical example of bad hippie parents. You do not reward unacceptable behavior. If a child throws a temper tantrum you give the child a time out and you ignore them. That is what you do. The natural gas pipeline is already approved and underway. John Ridsdale refuses to listen to his own elders and his own clan members. He shouldn't even be at the table.

3 Hereditary chiefs who supported the pipeline were stripped of their title

Alaska highway News is reporting that “There’s one chief that talks for the whole nation and that’s not our way,” said Gary Naziel, a hereditary chief. “In our feast hall, each chief gets up and talks for their own clan. And this one chief goes around saying he speaks for all the chiefs. And it’s not the Wet’suwet’en way. We need to include all the other house chiefs, all the wing chiefs, in the decision-making. Democracy is in our feast halls. That’s where decisions are made. We need to restructure the office [of the Wet’suwet’en].”

“Looking at how this has blown up into a national media event ... it would be appreciated and respectful to our culture if people would leave us to our own devices.” Troy Young Moricetown

“The Wet’suwet’en Nation being publicized in the media right now, it’s only a small group that does not represent the nation,” said Bonnie George of the Witset First Nation (Moricetown), one of five Wet’suwet’en bands. “Traditional law is clear and it’s not being respected,” Dovgal said. “That’s coming through universally. “Every single person we’ve spoken to, whether they are named chiefs … all the way through to children of house chiefs, the traditional laws – the unwritten constitution that exists in this community – has just been flagrantly disregarded.'

“There has been this confusion that has been created about who has the rightful claim to a name.” Hereditary chief titles are not automatically conferred on someone as a birthright. Recipients are groomed for the title and must earn it. It is given to them at a feast, at which the members of that house confirm the title. Three female hereditary chiefs who support the pipeline project, and tried to form a coalition that would bring the Office of the Wet’suwet’en and elected band councils together, were stripped of their hereditary chief titles for their efforts."

"Those titles were then given to male members who oppose the pipeline. So, whereas only five of 13 hereditary chiefs originally opposed the project, a majority of hereditary chiefs now oppose it." After they stacked the deck. Stripping three female hereditary chiefs who support the pipeline project then giving their titles to male members who oppose the pipeline was a dirty deed done dirt cheap. Helping these gangsters oppress their own people is not the right thing to do.

The elected chiefs and Band councils all support the natural gas project. John Ridsdale is the one that should be stripped of his title not the three women who listened to the Band councils and Clan members. 3 Hereditary chiefs who supported the pipeline were stripped of their title.

Talking stick tradition comes to B.C. legislature

"On the west coast of British Columbia, Talking Sticks are traditionally used during potlatch ceremonies. While the history and design of each Talking Stick is unique, they often take the form of a carved wooden staff that resembles a small totem pole. Talking Sticks are a powerful symbol and communication tool used to foster an atmosphere of active listening and respect. Only the bearer of the Talking Stick has the right to speak, and those present must listen quietly to what is being said. The Talking Stick is then passed on to other speakers in turn."

I know about the talking stick tradition because I was born here. My father had close ties to the Squamish First Nation and taught me to respect the ancestral heritage of Vancouver. He had one. Here they are tall thin, and have a Thunderbird on top like a totem pole. All my relations.