Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Omicron Crime: Seeing the bigger picture

Everyone can now clearly see the small picture regarding the Omicron fraud. We can all see the media lying, the government overreacting and the pharmaceutical companies getting rich at the taxpayers expense. This is the small picture we can all see.

Previously I compared the pharmaceutical companies to SNC Lavalin and Lockheed Martin. Those corrupt companies underbid and over charge government contracts and make billions from the taxpayers purse. In exchange they give a kickback to the dirty politicians in the form of campaign contributions. We can all see the same MO with Omicron. However, there is a much bigger picture at play here as well. We need to take a step back to see it.

To see the bigger picture we simply have to take a look at the World Economic Forum and to understand it we just have to take a look at a book by Larry Abraham and Gary Allen.
Ezra Levant from Rebel Media made a concise explanation of a Tweet and a video he found from the World Economic Forum. "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy." Not. You'll own nothing because they will take away everything you own. They say you'll be happy because their persistent brainwashing will tell you to. So here we have George Soros, Justin Trudeau and the World Economic Forum. What do those three have in common? Communism.

The World Economic Forum holds up the red flag for all the world to see. When a bunch of rich people meet in secret and conspire together, they are not trying to think up ways of sharing their wealth. They are trying to think up ways to increase their wealth and increase their power. Money is their morals and greed is their motive. Chuck has lost his mind running with them.

Many years ago a patriot named Ezra Taft Benson recommended a book predicting our day called None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Ezra Taft Benson was a pretty funny guy. He was a patriot to the core. He was bold and honest. A refreshing change from anything we see now.

Ezra Taft Benson was the US Secretary of Agriculture from 1952 - 1961. He was an experienced farmer and was tasked with hosting Nikita Khrushchev in his visit to America in 1959. I stay he was a funny guy because his explanation of that visit and the words exchanged between them were priceless. ETB was an absolute better dead than red patriot. Making him host Khrushchev was hilarious. He said I can understand why he came to observe American farming. Russian farming at the time sucked. No disrespect to the AK 47 which was a timeless rugged design.

I've got love for Big Brother. I just hate Communism. Just like I have love for the magnificent Chinese culture which predated Communism by thousands of years. I cannot believe how the fake fact checkers have rewritten history. The fake fact checkers funded by the Communist Party of China claim that "In a recent social media post, Nikki Haley — former governor of South Carolina and U.S. ambassador to the U.N. — attributed a nefarious-sounding quote about socialism to Soviet Union leader Nikita Khrushchev."

"Khrushchev 60 years ago… Your children's children will live under communism. You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright; but, we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism."

"The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.) There is no evidence Khrushchev, who led the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964, ever said this about Americans, though this quote and similar ones have been attributed to Khrushchev by people including President Ronald Reagan and staunch anti-communist Ezra Taft Benson, former secretary of agriculture."

No evidence Khrushchev ever said that?! Yes there is. Ezra Taft Benson said that is what Khrushchev said to him. I heard Ezra Taft Benson say that. His response was that he would do everything in his power to make sure Khrushchev​'s children's children grow up in freedom.

Now they have another fake fact checker that admits Ezra Taft Benson said that but claims he misquoted Khrushchev. That is ridiculous. The fake fact checker was not present during that private conversation. He has no evidence Khrushchev did not make that statement to him. We have Ezra Taft Benson's first hand testimony that he did.

Ezra Taft Benson was known for his bold honesty. He got in an argument with Khrushchev. The verbal exchange completely falls within the realm of believability. Once again we can clearly see how the fake fact checkers, funded by the Communist Party of China, rewrite history just like they deny the Tiananmen Square massacre. We can all see that.

I have two points to make. Ezra Taft Benson quoted a prophecy stating that the US Constitution will one day hang by a thread. That day has come. Notwithstanding that, he said that he had faith the Constitution would be preserved by enlightened members of the Church and men and women who love and cherish freedom. That statement implied there would be a lot of sheep in the Church who miss the battle and we will have to rely on patriots of all faiths to pull together in defence of the Constitution and the civil liberty it protects by law.

Now back to the big picture. How is the World Economic Forum tied to Communism? Aren't they greedy Capitalists? Wait 'till I tell ye. Chapter Two of the book None Dare Call It Conspiracy is entitled Socialism: Royal Road to Power for the Super Rich. There is no sharing the wealth.

Chapter four is Bankrolling the Bolshevik Revolution. Chapter six is the Rockefellers and the Reds. This book explains the connection between the World Economic Forum and Communism. It is the road to Bilderberg. It talks about our day. This is the Big Picture.

Ezra Taft Benson said we should pull out of the UN because it was a Communist organization. At the time I thought that was a bit extreme. Yet now we can clearly see everything he said about the UN and the secret societies conspiring to take over the government has come true.

Mitt Romney is indeed part of the White Horse prophecy Ezra Taft Benson talked about. Only he is on the wrong side of the prophecy. He isn't defending the Constitution, he is the enemy from within Ezra Taft Benson talked about that only the enlightened members of the Church would be able to see. Ezra Taft Benson is a patriot. Mitt Romney is not. Mitt Romney is a Gadianton robber.

We first heard the term New World order from George Bush who was another globalist like Mitt Romney. I didn't make this logo. I got it from the UN's New World Order website. After I blogged about it and linked to it, they took the website down and went back into hiding. Just like they took down the "You'll own nothing" tweet Ezra Levant talked about. This is the Big Picture.
Interesting to note that the fake fact checkers funded by the Communist Party of China refer to Ezra Taft Benson as Anti Communist. They say it as though that was a bad thing. We are all Anti Communist. At least we should be. Communism represents murder, slavery and censorship. We all should oppose that. That other fake fact checker that wrote a book about him refers to someone who is Anti Communist as a right wing extremist. No, someone who is Anti Communist is normal. Anyone who supports Communism is the extremist. We can all now see how ridiculous these partisan fake fact checkers are. That is the Big Picture.

Pfizer Joins China’s Vaccine Passport Platform. You have just entered the Twilight Zone.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Uncovering the Omicron Conspiracy

Today I want to take another look at the biggest and most obvious conspiracy we all face but before I do I want to define what a conspiracy is. Usually the term conspiracy is thrown out to discredit someone from investigating concerns. Yet we all know conspiracy to commit murder is very real. It is the reason this blog was started. The Surrey Six was the result of people conspiring to kill Corey Lal and his associates. They planned in secret to commit a criminal offence. People don't usually commit a crime without planning it first. That is why we need to address it.

It is painfully obvious that the media is criminally culpable in their malicious misrepresentation of Omicron. Fauci admits that Omicron is weaker than Covid. Even if it was more infectious, which it is not, that would be a good thing. It's more infectious but less harmful. We get it, get over it and get on with it like we have always done. Cases mean nothing if they are asymptomatic.

If the Hells Angels slaughter a thousand rival drug dealers, that would not affect me in the slightest. Yet what these criminals are doing does affect me and everyone else.

Today a double vaccinated coworker was mocking Bonnie Henry and said they really have to get someone else talking about this. Everyone is sick of her. Then he says "Scientists are now saying that Omicron is weaker than the seasonal flu. So why did we close the gyms down? Why did we bring in new restrictions and limit gatherings over Christmas? Good job guys." Exactly.

The stupidity of the Omicron fraud is painfully obvious for everyone to see as is the media's malicious misrepresentation of it. So is the governments mindless mishandling of Omicron. We've already established that lockdowns were a mistake. So then they turn around and reintroduce restrictions for a weaker virus. We can't keep committing economic suicide and we can't keep printing money forever. That kind of irresponsibility has no regard for our children's future. In October the government admitted that reintroducing restrictions had nothing to do with limiting the spread of the virus. It was simply used as an incentive to get vaccinated. Likewise, reintroducing restrictions now has absolutely nothing to do with limiting the spread of Omicron. It is simply incentive to sign onto the booster shot scam. As one Canadian said on Twitter, "If I got three polio vaccines in nine months then still got polio, I'd have questions. Just sayn." No doubt. We all should. The vaccines don't work. That's why they are selling the booster shot scam. So they can keep making billions of dollars at the taxpayers expense. That is organized crime.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Oregon bans education and trains slavery

Candace Owens mentioned Bill Gates ridiculous claim that math is racist. Bill Gates claimed math is racist and to expect a back child to get a right answer was white supremacy. We all scoffed because that is the most ridiculous statement ever uttered. Yet the wacked out Governor of Oregon just banned reading, writing and arithmatic from high school graduation. As Candace Owens explained that is the most racist act ever promoted. Education is power. The Leftists are removing education from the educational system to train kinds how to become salves of the state.

The Washington Examiner is reporting that "Oregon Gov. Kate Brown privately signed a bill last month ending the requirement for high school students to prove proficiency in reading, writing, and arithmetic before graduation." It was quietly signed in June and the media just caught on.

If Black Lives Matter then you want to educate them and help them become successful. This is suppressing them by denying them and everyone else access to proper education. We saw how extreme Oregon has become when it comes to ANTIFA. That's why half the State wants to leave Oregon and join with Idaho. The wacked out Leftists in Oregon have completely lost their mind.

Drug addiction is a disease that requires treatment

Last month is was revealed that BC had the highest drug overdose rate ever. That is what science declares is empirical evidence that what we are doing is not working. Yet the leftists still want more. They want more harm done as if the harm we are currently doing wasn't enough.

Now leftists are running paid commercials on TV declaring that my son has a disease. It's drug addiction. Until we remove the stigma associated with that disease, he will never get the help he needs. That is simply not true. Satan will tell us nine truths to get us hooked on one lie. Right now we are consistently being told many lies and finally we can clearly see where those lies lead.

The Guardian ran an article stating that the addiction is a disease campaign removes hope and fails to get addicts the help they need. Look where this logic leads. Pedophilia is a disease not a choice. We need to legalize pedophiliac. Not. Rape is not a choice, we need to legalize rape. Not. Crime is not a choice. We need to legalize crime. As crazy as that sounds the next post will show that is exactly where that road takes us.

Drug addiction is a disease that requires treatment. Cancer is a disease that requires treatment. If left untreated cancer will kill you just like drug addiction will. Stigma has nothing to do with it. The reason they want to remove stigma is so they can hand out free drugs not so they can get treatment. The leftists don't want treatment because they don't want addicts to recover.

The reason BC had the highest overdose rate ever is because they abandoned the Four Pillars Program and in so doing turning harm reduction into harm promotion. Prevention is one of the Four Pillars. We would go into schools and tell kids that drugs are bad for you and educate them on the science about the harmful effects of drugs.

The leftists refuse to do that. They are science deniers. Instead of telling kids drugs are harmful they want to tell kids drugs are safe and teach them safe ways to do drugs. There is no safe way to put poison into your body. This helps organized crime. It promotes slavery and addiction. Drugs are harmful. It's OK to say that. It's not OK to deny that. It does more harm than good.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Magic

We got a dusting of fresh snow Christmas morning. Ya gotta love that. Normally in Vancouver we have to head up to the mountains to see the snow on Christmas. I always say Christmas is for kids. A child's anticipation, excitement and joy is truly magical. Yet my kids are all grown up now and for the most part that magic is lost. One day I'll be a jedi and have have grandchildren. Right now there's a bit of a void and that's OK. The magic is still there after all these years.

Booster shot facial recognition tattoos

Breaking news: Since the vaccines clearly don't work and since Omicron is 80% weaker than Covid, it appears that they are now offering free facial recognition tattoos for those who sign on to the booster shot program. This way everyone can easily distinguish the sheep at a glance from the rest of the world who are still capable of rational thought. It's an L on the forehead.

For those who support the program but haven't had access to booster shots yet you can simply made the sign with a finger and a thumb. Let's Go Brandon.

Christmas 2021: Hells Bells Ring Loud and Clear

I heard the bells on Christmas Day so I did. Only in 2021 the sound of Hells Bells can be heard loud and clear. I don't want to be negative on such a holy day but the song says "Then rang the bells more loud and deep God is not dead, nor doth He sleep. The wrong shall fail, the right prevail." That's why it behooves us to call out Hells Bells when we hear them so clearly now.

The headline reads BC closes gyms, bars, clubs and bans indoor Christmas parties as Omicron cases surge on the night before Christmas. This is not only ridiculous, it is straight up satanic.

Omicron is 80% weaker than Covid. There is NOTHING to be afraid of. You get it, you get over it and you get on with it just as we have always done. I heard one clown claim that the hospitals in the Okanagan are full of unvaccinated Covid patients. That is a ridiculous lie. Nobody is that stupid. Nobody. Due to vaccine passports, the unvaccinated haven't been doing anything.

Recently the mainstream media claimed there was an Omicron outbreak on a cruise ship. 98% of those infected were vaccinated. If the local hospitals were full of unvaccinated Covid patients, do explain what the unvaccinated have been doing to cause another outbreak. They haven't been dong anyhting to cause one. They haven't been going to the gym. They haven't been going to any bars or restaurants. They haven't been going to any concerts or sporting events.

In short, the unvaccinated in BC haven't been doing anything that could possibly cause another outbreak so the claim that the local hospitals are full of unvaccinated patients is a bold faced lie. It's ridiculous as well because we're at almost 90% vaccination rate now. The Americans are all singing Let's Go Brandon while here in BC we are singing bend over idiots.

Closing the gyms before Christmas due to a variant that is 80% weaker than Covid is the epitome of stupidity. People need to be healthy to fight off viruses. Going to the gym is important. It appears that they are doing everyhting they can to make sure we get sick. They deny treatment. If you test positive for Covid they say go home and do nothing. If you end up in the hospital we'll start treatment then. That is insane. Yet even when you are hospitalized they still deny treatment. You need a court order to try ivermectin. Ventilators do more harm than good.

We've already established that lockdowns are morally and scientifically wrong. Last year the purpose of reintroducing lockdowns was not to control the spread of the virus, it was to promote the vaccine like a horse and a carrot. Likewise, reintroducing restrictions the night before Christmas has nothing to do with controlling the spread of a virus. Its sole purpose is to promote the booster shots so the drug companies can continue to make billions off the pandemic.

A few weeks ago protesters outside the parliament buildings in Victoria hanged effigies of politicians. No one is suggesting anyone lynch anyone. No one is sugesting that. However, Bonnie Henry is clearly guilty of treason as is every politician that aides her. There is no way of sugar coating that fact. What they are doing is straight up evil and constitutes treason.

Since the vaccines obviously don't work, I suggest that everyone who is double vaccinated be given the option of donating the money that would be spent on their booster shots to charity. Donte the money to the Children's hospital, cancer research and treatment or any other charity of choice. Anything would be better than giving the pharmaceutical companies any more money because their greed is clearly completely out of control. Since Bonnie Henry has single handedly cost BC billions in lost revenue, we need to fire her. Saving the money spent on her outrageous wages and preventing further economic damage to the province would help save the world.

Friday, December 24, 2021

8 Top Pfizer & Moderna Shareholders $10 Billion Richer After Media Hypes Omicron Fears

Children's Health Defense is reporting that "Global Justice Now on Saturday released data showing just eight top Pfizer and Moderna shareholders and their CEOs made $10.31 billion since the new COVID variant, Omicron, emerged, but doctor who discovered it says it’s mild, and may even be useful." Things that make ya go hmmm.... Follow the rich white man.

These guys make the Hells Angels look like boy scouts. When the Hells Angels murder a rival drug dealer that doesn't affect me in the slightest. When these Pharmaceutical companies use lies and deceit to take our freedoms away and steal the bread off our table, that does affect me.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Children's Heath Defense cites CIA's ties to the Media

The Defender wrote a very interesting two-part article on the CIA's role in the mainstream media. Part one is called CIA’s Extraordinary Role Influencing Liberal Media Outlets Daily Kos, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone. Part 1 of a two-part series takes a deep dive into the history of the CIA’s central role in orchestrating news and editorial coverage in America’s most influential liberal national media outlets — and its continued hold today."

Part 2 is called The Belly of The Daily Beast and Its Perceptible Ties to the CIA. Sadly, the CIA has it's tentacles in all the mainstream media outlets. Operation Mocking Bird is still in effect.

Which once again proves the CIA is on the wrong side. They do not support civl liberty.

McCarthy was right about one thing. The CIA has been taken over by Communists.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

8 year old boy shot dead in Halifax

The Canadian Press is reporting that "Community members in a Halifax suburb were in disbelief Wednesday after an 8-year-old boy known for his infectious smile was fatally shot while inside a vehicle with an adult. Halifax police identified the child shot Tuesday afternoon in Dartmouth, N.S., as Lee-Marion Cain. A 26-year-old man who was with Lee-Marion was also shot and was treated for non-life-threatening injuries." That is f*cked up. Dartmouth is red and white.