Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The De Evolution of Astronomy

Today I want to talk about going down the wrong rabbit hole. People often now ask, how far are you down the rabbit hole? I understand the reference and the intent but the question makes me uncomfortable. The saying comes from Alice in Wonderland when she falls down a rabbit whole and discovers a whole new strange and bizarre world. When people ask that question they mean how enlightened are you as in the red pill or the blue pill in the Matrix. That's what they mean but I tend to get the feeling that some mean how susceptible are you to crazy?
DEVO was a band in the /80's that kind of had a strange look. DEVO was short for De evolution. We're familiar with Darwin's theory of evolution. It claimed that man evolved from the ape and was progressing and advancing in the evolutionary cycle. Well DEVO said the world is pretty messed up right now. I think we are de evolving. We're becoming less advanced and more crazy.

When we look at the world since Covid I think most of would agree the world has gone insane and that we are all de evolving. So I want to talk about that. To start I want to talk about how our basic understanding of astronomy has completely gone out the window and how we got in this bizarre place. Let's start with Isaac Newton and his laws of motion.

Issac Newton wrote three laws of motion. Not theories, laws. You prove a theory and it becomes a fact. The first law was Every object moves in a straight line unless acted upon by a force. That's inertia. You notice that when you're riding a motorcycle on the ice or snow.

The second law is F=ma force equals mass times acceleration. The third law is For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Pretty basic. These laws govern motion which would include car accidents. It's like the development of flight. We can see airplanes fly overhead.

At first that was just a crazy idea but through trial and error we have made considerable progress. We've even built rockets that leave the earth's atmosphere and launch satellites that orbit the earth. Issac Newton also wrote the law of gravitation which covers planets orbiting the sun and moons orbiting the planets.

Einstein amended Newton's law of gravitation very slightly. He recognized that a planet's orbit is three dimensional not two. The elliptical orbit slightly rotates. It doesn't stay fixed on a two dimensional plane. Einstein came up with several other very interesting theories and equations but today I just want to focus on Newton's laws of motion and gravity and how they relate to the solar system's symphony of motion. Let's examine how our understanding of the laws of motion and the solar system is de evolving and why.

Just as the development of the airplane has progressed through trial and error so has our development of rockets and the space shuttle. The space shuttle was a breakthrough because it was reusable. Yet the first challenge was to develop a rocket that could go fast enough to escape the earth's gravitational field.

Some people think the moon landing was faked. I do not. Candace Owen does. Her husband does not. The Hodge Twins put out a funny video about it. This is what I would refer to as a gray area. If you believe the moon landing was fake that doesn't mean the earth no longer orbits the sun and the moon no longer orbits the earth.

Yet this claim is the beginning of the wrong rabbit hole. Some people claim they faked the moon landing and lied about everything. OK hold the door. They didn't lie about algerbra, physics or the laws of motion. They didn't lie about everything. As soon as you start to think they lied about everything you throw away all the proven science and start believing crazy things that aren't true.

Faking the moon landing doesn't mean the Hubble space telescope is fake. It doesn't mean every single NASA mission was fake. It doesn't mean Starlink is fake and all the communication satellites that orbit the earth are fake.

This is where flat earthers lose their mind. They claim everything is fake. They claim NASA is fake and every space probe ever launched is fake. That is utterly ridiculous. Someone tried to post a comment on the other thread with links to the flat earth theory erroneously claiming that the Bible states the earth is flat. That is a ridiculous lie. That is a doctrine of the devil.

I don't want to pick on flat earthers but it's hard not to. The flat earth theory is a big part of QAnon and their false hillbilly prophet. I didn't post the comment because I'm not going to argue about it. As far as I'm concerned flat earth is a mental health problem. I don't hold conversations with them because their arrogance and defiance is unapproachable. Just like sovereign citizens.

My point is flat earthers have thrown away all the laws of science and astronomy. This is why people were freaking out about the recent solar eclipse. Their basic understanding of astronomy has gone out the window. We need to back it up and review the basic laws of physics.

Ramadan ends with a feast called Eid

Ramadan ends at sunset tonight with a feast. Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset from new moon to new moon. This was the first year I tried it. I'm a big fan of religious freedom and intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting has a lot of health benefits. For me, eating a big meal before bed felt uncomfortable. I started going from breakfast to breakfast instead.

I didn't make the whole 30 days but we did put up Ramadan lights and an inflatable. I guess this year we wanted a positive way to remember the suffering in Gaza. It's hard not to have antisemitic feelings when you see guys like Ben Shapiro and Benjamin Netanyahu. Those guys are a*sholes. Yet when I saw the magnitude of the recent protests in Israel of Jews who disapprove of Netanyahu, my heart began to be lifted.

Then when I saw all the Israelis singing and dancing for peace at the 60th and 70th anniversary my heart was warmed. Those Jews are nice people. Segregation and fake news obsesses over misrepresenting people to promote contention and conflict. The sad reality is that war mongers provoke war to use that as a justification for turning us all into slaves.

Gaza is suffering. I do not support terrorism but I do not support brutality either.

Monday, April 8, 2024

The CIA created ISIS and ISIS K

We survived yet another solar eclipse

Update: Pictures of the solar eclipse on earth from space

CTV posted a video of today's solar eclipse in southern Ontario. Seemingly Niagara Falls was supposed to be a good spot to see it but it was cloudy so City News just filmed darkness covering the city during the eclipse. Vancouver was pouring rain. I heard there were a lot of crazy people saying crazy things about this eclipse and I didn't understand any of it.

It made me think of neanderthal days when people were afraid of things like this because they didn't understand them. But we do understand them so I don't understand why anyone was concerned. As a kid I was interested in astronomy so I'd try and get a tinted glass to watch them. They said you could also poke a pinhole in a piece of cardboard and watch the reflection of the solar eclipse but that was kind of anticlimactic. Now we can just watch it on YouTube.

Someone tried to explain the frenzy to me and said all the power was supposed to go out. I was like why? Then they said well this one is different because it's not an eclipse with the moon and sun it's one with another planet. I was like OK stop right there. We have the earth, the sun and the moon. How is another planet going to get between us and the sun? Well this one's supposed to be an alien planet that moves. I was like tell me you don't believe that. That is ridiculous.

I did hear a funny video where someone asked Alexa if we were going to die during the eclipse and Alexa said yes unfortunately then quoted some ridiculous website. Here's the problem. The mainstream media has being lying to us since Covid. Now some people are starting to believe really crazy things. Like QAnon or the flat earth theory. My daughter tells me I'm supposed to be nicer to people who believe in the flat earth theory but I can't. It's f*cking stupid.

It's like humoring someone who identifies as a cat or a dog. It's ridiculous. I'm not doing you any favors by humoring you. I can't have a conversation with you about anything because your credibility is lost in space. I'm sorry. I can't do that. I can't help you and I'm not going to encourage your delusion. I see QAnon as a psyop. The CIA created QAnon to try and lead truthers astray. They try and convince people to believe crazy things to discredit them.

Once they've hooked you on a delusion they say to the rest of the world, see those anti vaxxers or Trump supporters are so crazy they believe in a flat earth. They do that so regular people won't listen to anything they have to say. Even if they say something else that's true. Certainly there has to be a gray area. People are allowed to disagree. It's just that some of the crazy claims are so crazy we should stay away from them completely. Seek the truth and shun the extremes.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Fatal shooting in Laval. Same old.

CTV is reporting that "A man in his 20s is dead after a shooting outside a gym in Laval late Wednesday night. The case was transferred to Quebec provincial police after a torched vehicle was later located on Camille Street in Montreal's Ahuntsic-Cartierville borough."

Actual News Magazine is reporting that "Frederick Michel, 29, was found unconscious shortly before midnight in the parking lot of a gym located on the service road of the Jean-Noël-Lavoie highway (highway 440). Wounded by gunshots, the victim was transported to hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The victim was known to the police and had several criminal records, notably for assault." The Dirty Newz is reporitng on the story. Laval is red and white.

"According to our police sources, he is associated with a street gang in the Saint-François sector. This is the 24 Gang, allied with the Flamehead Boys (FHB) of Laval-des-Rapides. These two Laval street gangs are linked to several shootings that have occurred in the last three years. They are involved in several conflicts with blue street gangs in Montreal and Laval."

I don't want to sounds like a geriatric but this sh*t is getting old. It's like Eminem's 8 Mile on repeat. People don't do that battle rap any more. These petty beefs are stupid. Picture yourself 20 years from now looking back at this and asking yourself was it worth it? Of course not. You bored? Find something constructive to do. Take a course. Learn a trade. For f*ck's sake man grow a pair. Capping people over drugs is not bravery. Taking a job and providing for your kids is.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Examining the political climate within Israel - Breaking

Update: The Guardian is reporting that "Tens of thousands of Israelis took to the streets on Saturday to protest against Benjamin Netanyahu, as Israel’s war in Gaza reached its half-year mark. Organisers said about 100,000 people converged at a Tel Aviv crossroads renamed, Democracy Square, since mass protests against controversial judicial reforms last year. Chanting elections now, protesters called for the Israeli prime minister’s resignation, with the war in Gaza set to enter its seventh month on Sunday." Signs say Bibi Escobar. Our news isn't reporting this.

Ben Shapiro claims if you object to killing civilians or aid workers and if you oppose any aspect of the war in Gaza, you are antisemitic. Are all these thousands of Jews in Israel antisemitic? I think Ben Shapiro is a bad man and it has nothing to do with him being Jewish. Just say'n.
Look at how the fake news is spinning it. The BBC twists it by claiming "Tens of thousands of Israelis rally in Tel Aviv demanding Gaza hostage deal." No, that's not what they are demanding. They are demanding an election now because they oppose Benjamin Netanyahu. Just like they did before the October 7th attack was orchestrated." Police are cracking down on the protest.
Aid agencies say the Israeli military has been attacking them for months.

LA Times: 83-year-old Jew who celebrated Israel’s creation is now outraged

Let's have a heart to heart. I'm feeling a bit zen meaning I'm at peace. Don't worry I could have a crappy day at work on Monday and all those enlightened feelings will quickly go out the window but let's explore them while they last. Let's have an honest conversation. Honestly is a rare commodity these days especially within the mainstream media. Ever since Covid and the Convoy the media's misrepresentation of things has been extreme. Let's also have a constructive conversation away from the trolls that are obsessed with hijacking free thought.

Desiderata is pretty zen. Sound advice that's basically common sense. "Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit." Blaze is a vexation of the spirit. He just likes to argue for the sake of arguing. Well in his case there's a purpose and a paycheque behind it. If he can convince enough people of his lies, the CFSEU will pay him some more money to lie in court about rivals so the people they have in witness protection can sell drugs. It's shameful.

Blaze claims he posted a link to an article that claimed the Wolf Pack hired former military hitmen once. Yeah they did. Overseas. They also hired that professional hitman from Quebec to cap Harb Dhaliwal. That doesn't mean they always do. Everything I said was true. They also often hire kids and they often hire amateurs so they can have a drug debt forgiven.

I'm not going to argue about it because I don't care. The CFSEU aren't going to pay me to lie like they pay Blaze. The world is full of lies, liars and false accusers but there is also people out there telling the truth. If you are wise and thoughtful you can discern the truth from the lies. Which brings us to the present political climate within Israel. I know people don't care but you should because it's important. Israel is a testing ground for the New World Order.

OK so let's look at the political climate within Israel eight months before the October 7th attack. There were massive protests against Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership. February 11th 2023 the Times of Israel reported that "Many tens of thousands of Israelis took to the streets in mass rallies on Saturday evening against the government’s legislative efforts to dramatically weaken the High Court of Justice and secure political control over judicial appointments."
This was a big deal. A lot of people were rightfully concerned with the Globalist's attempt to secure political power over the judicial courts. Especially since he was facing several trials for corruption. "Protest leaders say 145,000 rally in Tel Aviv, 83,000 in other cities; police allow demonstrators to march on Ayalon Highway." Pictures and videos confirm there were a huge number of people in attendance. The largest protest ever in Israel's post Independence history.

That fact alone makes the October 7th attack highly suspicious. Now let's look at the situation honestly. I haven't examined the merit of all the charges against him. Some looked kind of silly. He accepted a bottle of Champaign from someone. Big deal. Take a look at how much money that person donated to his campaign. That might be more revealing.

Now let's dial it back and take a look at the political climate within Israel back in 1995 when Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated. Things were amazingly different. Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin signed the Oslo I Accord in Washington, D.C., in 1993; and the Oslo II Accord in Taba, Egypt, in 1995. This was ground breaking. People were singing songs of Peace.

That stirring good will continued long after Yitzhak Rabin's assassination in 1995. May 14, 2008 on the 30th anniversary of the Creation of the State of Israel, Shiri Maimon sang the song Shir Lashalom with an audience full of Israelis, many of whom were soldiers, singing and dancing for peace. It was astounding. Almost 13 years after Yitzhak Rabin's assassination.

Now let's talk about how the devil infiltrated that good will and destroyed that peace so he could make both sides slaves. Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated two months after the second Oslo accord was signed. Assassinating a President or Prime Minister is pretty extreme. It's actually prophetic in a bad way. He was assassinated by a "right wing" extremist who opposed the Oslo accord. Kind of like how Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Not. In Israel he did Mossad's bidding.

The fake news would have us believe that there were extremists on both sides who felt the Oslo accord went too far and neither side were willing to compromise anything. While I'm sure there were some people that felt that way it is clear they were in the minority. The outpouring of good will in the videos on Israel's 60th and 70th anniversary showed that. Hevenu Shalom Alehem.

Mossad opposed it. That's why Mossad created Hamas. To push Fatah, the ones who signed the Oslo accord out of Gaza. Mossad wanted to create contention on both sides to sabotage the peace agreement. Mossad's agenda was a Jewish Slave State from the River to the Sea.
Fast forward to 2023. Mossad could clearly see their globalist puppet was in trouble and they needed a huge distraction. October 7th was it. Efrat Fenigson recently stated the rage and anger against Benjamin Netanyahu within Israel right now is high. These recent massive protests confirm that. She pointed out that Benjamin Netanyahu wasn't the only one involved in taking all the soldiers off border patrol that day. She pointed out that he was a puppet and that many others were also involved and need to be prosecuted. The news in Israel reported that the IDF was caught increasing civilian casualties on October 7th. Our news is not reporting on that.

The purpose of false flag attacks are two fold. The most obvious is a pretext for war but the second is much more subtle. It is to erode and remove civil liberty. Benjamin Netanyahu wants to make everyone slaves Jews and Palestinians both. So does Mossad. Iran contra déjà vu.

"Hamas is ISIS." The CIA created ISIS. Mossad created Hamas. Oct 7 is Israel's 9/11.

Friday, April 5, 2024

BC Conservatives drop the ball

Gangstersout: BC Conservatives have already been hijacked

Cameron Ortis granted bail during his Appeal

CBC is reporting that "Cameron Ortis — the former RCMP intelligence official sentenced to 14 years for leaking secret information to police targets — has been granted bail while he waits for an appeal of his case. John Doody, one of Ortis' lawyers, confirmed the news with CBC. The Globe and Mail first reported the development." I have much more to say about this.

The Crown and the Defense have both filed appeals. As I have previously reported this case is shameful and sheds light on how low the RCMP will go to remove civilian leadership and public accountability. Bob Paulson created the OR and put Cameron Ortis in charge of it. This was a task force mandated to work with foreign intelligence agencies to bring Canada up to snuff with the Five Eyes. So when Cameron Ortis testified that a foreign intelligence agency contacted him that completely falls within the realm of believability because that's what his task force was mandated to do. Cameron Ortis was a patriot. He was not a two bit criminal.

Cameron Ortis was a civilian just like William Elliot. Bob Paulson was grooming him to become the next RCMP Commissioner when he retired. When Bob Paulson put Cameron Ortis in charge of the NIC the old boys club lost their sh*t and recruited outside help to set him up.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Israel intentionally killed 7 foreign aid workers

Well it looks like True North has lots their freaking mind as well. A headline at True North reads "Antisemitism comes to your neighbourhood elementary school." They go on to explain "A Jewish mom living in downtown Toronto can’t believe her 10-year-old daughter was recently harassed during recess by a loud and aggressive crowd of pro-Palestinian protesters."

A group of high school protesters walked past her school. "She says their chants of 'Free Gaza,' 'Free Palestine,' and 'From the River to the Sea' caused her daughter and a fellow Israeli student to burst into tears. To make matters worse, some of the young kids outside with her daughter started chanting right along. She said 10-year-olds know that 'Free Gaza' is a derogatory term."

AYFKM? Would chanting Free the Jews during the Holocaust be a derogatory term? This shows how insane even the "Independent media" has become. They are murdering civilians, children and aid workers. Give your head a shake. They are targeting aid workers and starving civilians.

Parents of Quebecer killed in Gaza say Israeli strike was a targeted killing of aid workers. "Flickinger's parents, Sylvie Labrecque and John Flickinger, say the attack on Flickinger and six of his colleagues was a clear targeted attack by Israel Defence Forces (IDF) because of how obviously marked the World Central Kitchen convoy was. It was also travelling on a well-used humanitarian route and the group had co-ordinated its movements in advance with the IDF."

Did you see how they destroyed the largest hospital in Gaza? Did you see the anti government protests in Israel? Candace Owens was right. This kind of defiant refusal to see the bad on both sides causes antisemitism to increase. When you call me antisemitic for saying I object to murdering civilians and aid workers that is inflammatory and offensive. It also means your credibility goes out the window. How can True North blindly endorse a globalist in Israel?

What about all the 10 year old girls literally starving in Gaza from a manufactured conflict?

The saying From the River to the Sea is indeed offensive but that is exactly what Netanyahoo is doing and he's using a false flag attack that would not have happened if he didn't assist it to rationalize his river to the sea quest. This blind devotion to evil is shameful.

Red Cross: Relief organisations unable to work safely in Gaza

"The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said yesterday that humanitarian relief organisations are unable to work safely in the besieged Gaza Strip in light of the destruction of hospitals and the targeting of humanitarian workers." That means civilains are starving.

Debunking harmful narratives about the Red Cross in Gaza

"The workers were driving through a deconfliction zone in marked vehicles when they were repeatedly targeted, leaving one Palestinian and six foreign aid workers dead. That the seven dead were working with World Central Kitchen, headed by the widely admired chef José Andrés, made it almost impossible to ignore." 6 day has turned into 6 months of starvation.
Update: In Jeffrey Peel's recent interview with Efrat Fenigson about Bitcoin and digital currency at 23:40 they talk about Benjamin Netanyahu and his criminal culpability in the October 7th attack. Efrat states that the levels of rage and anger towards Netanyahu in Israel right now is very high. They want him and those responsible for allowing October 7th to happen to be prosecuted. Gaza is the most heavily guarded border in the world. Netanyahu took everyone guarding the border off that assignment to facilitate the attack and distract from the protests against him.

600 stolen vehicles recovered from sea containers in Montreal, most from Ontario

City News is reporting that "Provincial police along with Canada Border Service Agency officials say they have recovered almost 600 stolen vehicles as part of a four-month auto theft investigation involving police forces in Ontario and Quebec. Police officials say 75 per cent of the stolen vehicles recovered from sea containers in Montreal – or 483 – were from Ontario and had a potential value of almost $35 million."

"The operation, dubbed Project Vector, which ran from Dec. 12, 2023, to March 9, 2024, involved the inspection of almost 400 shipping containers and the recovery of 598 high-end vehicles, which have been connected to various types of vehicle crimes, including carjackings and home invasiona. OPP deputy commissioner Marty Kearns told reporters in Montreal on Wednesday that investigations by police in Ontario led them to believe that a large percentage of stolen vehicles in that province 'were destined for illegal export via the Port of Montreal.' As a result, he said, police and federal agencies in Quebec and Ontario launched Project Vector.

“'As our intelligence indicated, the vast majority of recovered stolen vehicles, more than 430, were taken from the Greater Toronto Area,' Kearns said. Thieves target relatively new vehicles, including high-end pickup trucks and SUVs, which are then exported to markets in Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and South America, he said."

We saw this in the CBC report that covered the guy who tracked his stolen SUV through Apple Air Tags from Toronto to Montreal then to Dubai. This is a good start but it's just a start. We need more tracking and more cooperation between the ports, railway and the police. We also need bait cars because the same group of thugs are stealing a whole lot of cars.

Telling people to leave their car keys by the front door was criminally insane.