Saturday, April 20, 2024

Anti-government demonstrations continue in Tel Aviv

Eagles in the Lowermainland

Speaking of eagles, when I was young my father took me to serve at a seniors camp outside Squamish called Paradise Valley. It was owned by the North Vancouver school district and the United Church would rent it out in the summer for a seniors camp. One day I was cutting through the staff room and saw a picture on the wall. It was a tree with a dozen eagles sitting in it.

I was like where is that? They said it's right here. There are a lot of eagles that come here in the winter. I had never been there in the winter and I had never seen that many eagles in one spot before. Paradise Valley is right beside Brackendale which is called the bald eagle capital of North America. In the winter the eagles come to feed on the rotting chum carcasses after they have spawned. It peaks around December 15th to January 15th.

Several years ago I joined the Fort Langley canoe club. I really liked the Dragon boat but preferred the voyager canoe because we would go on trips instead of just practicing a sprint back and forth. That's how I found out about the Wigeon creek paddle and the Wigeon falls hike.

One time we went on a trip down the Harrison River mid November. We put in at Harrison lake and paddled down to Kilby. It was cold and wet but really nice. There were tons of salmon carcasses. We don't really eat Chum so there are lots lying around. When I saw all the salmon carcasses I said I wounder if we'll see any eagles. In Brackendale the eagles feed on the salmon.

As soon as I said that we came around a bend and saw three trees full of large birds drying their wings. The way the sun was shining we could just see silhouettes and they looked all black. I asked if they were vultures. Then as we got closer you could see the white heads. They were bald eagles. I was like wow. I found a picture I took of one of those trees with the eagles that I put in a YouTube video of sites around Vancouver to the song Wondering where the Lions are.
I've gone back on my own several times since. I put the kayak in at Kilby mid November and paddle up the river past the bridge were it spreads out very wide and very shallow. The big boats can't go up there and you see eagles everywhere. There's a good viewpoint at a gazebo on the golf course but with a kayak you get get up close. Eagles are majestic but peaceful. If you get too close they don't panic they just calmly fly away. They don't like being too close to people.
I suppose this I'll miss but I remember last time I went it was starting to get very busy. They had tour boats roaring up the river with loud music playing. Somehow I think they missed the point. If you're bird watching you're supposed to be quiet. If you make too much noise they just fly away.

Then I saw a helicopter land at the golf course and I was like AYFKM? Eagle watching in a helicopter? That is ridiculous. All that noise will scare them away.

I see there's another version of the eagles learning to fly story. One is an allegory about the mother nudging the young eagle out of the nest so it will learn to fly. In a sense the Fraser Valley has been my eagle's nest. This is where I grew up. The rising cost of housing is nudging me out of the nest so to speak so I will be able to soar once again like many others leaving Vancouver.

Friday, April 19, 2024

A Voice of reason amidst a daily dose of insanity

I was going to take a break from blogging because I'm just not feeling it. I want to be positive and stay positive and I want to stay far away from all the crazy things going on. I see some social media influencers pick on some pretty bizarre extremes and I don't want to do that.

People can be anything they want to be and that includes crazy. I don't want to hate on crazy people. However, today is just another example of a whole list of absolutely insane headlines in the news that need to be addressed. A coworker keeps mentioning that when he reads a news headline now he stops and says wait is this real or is this Saturday Night Live?

He rightfully observes that five years ago no one would have believed all the insane news headlines we're getting every day would ever have been possible. It's like we're getting bombarded with crazy coming straight from the media. Let's start with the complaints from hospital staff of violence from patients using illegal drugs in BC hospitals.

The original articles I saw are buried but I'll link to the new ones. First I heard people were complaining about illegal drug use in BC Hospitals which is not surprising since a former nurse told me when she was in emergency they had patients lined up in the hallways for a safe injection site. Then I read a spin piece in the CBC claiming that the opposition was making it up. Right beside that was an article from the Vancouver Sun stating the concerns were expressed by nurses in the hospital. Now all the articles admit the concerns were coming from nursing staff.

First of all, this is not new. My daughter used to volunteer at the hospital. However, even though we live in Surrey she decided to volunteer at Royal Colombia in New Westminster because Surrey already had a bad reputation at that time for violent outbursts from drug addicts. Then they made it worse by turning emergency room hallways into safe injection sites.

Now it's even worse than that because decriminalization has empowered addicts to smoke crystal meth in public even at the hospital. Right beside the no smoking signs. That is criminally insane. That is an example of what my coworker was referring to when he said when he hears a news headline now he doesn't know if it's real or if it's Saturday Night Live.

The answer is simple: no smoking period. The Times Colonist is reporting that "BC United Opposition Leader Kevin Falcon says he would ban open drug use in hospitals, as a provincial task force that aims to standardize smoking prohibitions and use of illicit drugs in hospitals met for the first time Thursday. “It would take five minutes to solve this problem and just say no — absolutely no,” said ­Falcon. “No smoking of drugs, no open drug use in the hospitals, full stop, and it would happen immediately.” That is common sense.

Now in all fairness that recently criminally insane decision from the BC Supreme Court has created a minor hiccup. The BC NDP decriminalized hard drugs like Portland. However, like Portland they quickly discovered a huge flaw. The intent of decriminalization was to help addicts get treatment. It was so the police could focus on the drug dealers not the drug addicts. We quickly saw how that completely backfired.

Instead of confronting drug dealers and helping addicts get treatment it simply emboldened both. Drug dealers became much more brazen and drug addicts started smoking crystal meth in public. The NDP tried to fix the problem by making a law banning the use of illegal drugs in public and the mentally deranged judge said you can't do that. AYFKM? This is a flaming example of why the BC Judicial system needs to change. Illegal drugs are illegal. That judge should not be on the bench. He needs to be removed from the bench immediately.

The interim solution is simple. Repeal the decriminalization of drugs like Portland was forced to do. That's the only way you can stop people from using illegal drugs in public and at hospitals.

The Globe and Mail reported that "British Columbia will require all of its hospitals to provide a designated space for patients with substance-use disorders to consume illicit drugs, prompted by concerns that an increase in such activity in prohibited hospital areas was putting health care workers at risk. Health Minister Adrian Dix announced this week that the province would create a task force to standardize rules and create active supports to help patients manage their addictions while in care." That is crazy. David Eby is thankfully back peddling.

There's lots more to say on that but I just wanted to quickly go through a few other ridiculous headlines. The fake news was going off about how some guy handing out conspiracy leaflets outside Donald Trump's fraud trial set himself on fire. This is just another example of how completely crazy things have become. Personally I don't like Donald Trump. I think he's a dick but I know he'll do a hell of a lot better than Joe Biden. Having said that the media's obsession with defaming and misrepresenting Donald Trump is off the hook. Completely. All these ridiculous court cases against the Republican nomination is as Tulsi Gabbard said, weaponizing the Department of Justice. They are trying to prevent his leading opponent from running against him.

CBC is reporting that "Brad Johns has resigned as Nova Scotia's justice minister. His resignation comes a day after he said he didn't believe that domestic violence is an epidemic." That is bat sh*t crazy. Domestic violence is horrible. Any time it happens is too many times. Yet to cancel someone because he expressed his opinion that he didn't feel it was an epidemic is insane. We can debate whether or not it's an epidemic. We can debate how common it is but we cannot debate the reality of how horrible it is. There was a border guard who shot his ex and then shot himself with his service pistol on Vancouver Island a while ago. That was an insane tragedy. To say it's an epidemic is totally arguable.

The Nova Scotia Mass Casualty Commissions's final report was a farce. There was no motive. I do not believe Abe shot all those people. RCMP officers were caught shooting up a fire hall where civilians were being kept safe. The fake report didn't mention that. The fake report didn't explain why the RCMP deposited all that money into Abe's bank account either.

We saw how Justin Trudeau conspired with Brenda Lucki to use that suspicious tragedy to gain support for his insane gun control grab knowing that none of the firearms Abe allegedly used were legally obtained. There are a lot of dirty things going on and the fake news is a part of it.

I'm not even going to discuss the Surrey RCMP bullsh*t. Those are the clowns that have hijacked the BC Conservatives. F*ck them. The BC NDP is totally on point when it comes to following through with the transition to a municile Police force in Surrey. Those ego maniacs are completely out of control. The Union has filed a class action grievance from several Surrey Police Officers against harassment from the Surrey RCMP. Fire those f*ckers instantly. All of them.

Another twist is how the fake news is misrepresenting the conflict in Gaza. Killing aid workers and starving women and children is fine for some reason and to express any concerns about it is somehow antisemitic. Our news is completely ignoring the mass weekly protests within Israel demanding Benjamin Netanyahu resign. Netanyahu was now banned those protests.

Instead of covering that they defiantly declare any protest outside of Israel about killing aid workers or starving civilian is branded as anti Israel or pro Hamas. That kind of insanely biased reporting is yet another example of the new crazy that has become acceptable or at least common. Israelis who have severed on the Gaza border know that Hamas could not have gotten in and out with hostages unless Benjamin Netanyahu took everyone guarding the border off that assignment and issued a stand down order. They all know that. That's why they are protesting.

They all know the conflict in Gaza was manufactured yet our media is completely silent about that. In this one video a Jewish protester in Israel comes right out and mentions Netanyahu's ties to Hamas. Hamas didn't assassinate Yitzhak Rabin, a Netanyahu supporter did. Netanyahu and the fake news is actively trying to create division and conflcit in support of the New World Order of insanity. Before that Israelis were singing and dancing to songs of Peace.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Broadening your horizons

This morning on the ride into work it was clear and you could see an orange glow on the horizon before sunrise. The landscape was the mountain range familiar to the Fraser Valley. This picture someone else took and they named all the peaks. I know the peaks on the North Shore but I certainly don't know the peaks out that direction except for Baker which wasn't visible from my ride into Langley. You see Baker when you ride out to Abbotsford or drive down Fraser Highway in Surrey towards Langley. I remember the view driving into Langley in my Triumph Spitfire with the top down when I was young. Mountains all around you. I really liked that.

Now I'm ready to see what's beyond those mountains. I'm ready to expand my horizon. Vancouver's nice but it's too expensive. So I'm looking forward to a new chapter and a new journey. This morning there was a couple with buggies going through the dumpster and my heart sank. That is a hard life. Sometimes we get stuck in a rut and I think we could all expand our horizons. I always used to encourage my kids to travel. Get out of the fish bowl and see what it's like in other places. Don't let Surrey be your moral measuring stick.

Both my kids ended up falling in love with foreign countries. My daughter went to Central American and my son went to Asia. They are both fluent in foreign languages. That impresses me. I was never very good at foreign languages but I always encouraged it because I see it as a sign of being educated. I see the current turmoil as part of the gathering. The gathering of good and the gathering of evil. BC is becoming a liberal sh*t hole and it doesn't have the political will to pull itself out of it. That's why it's time for me to leave.

BC is beautiful but it is not the best place on earth. There is good and bad everywhere you go. I know a lot of people here are discouraged. I think the key to staying positive is to not get overwhelmed. All this stupid stuff was foreseen. People arguing about this and arguing about that. It's important to stand by your principles but it is also important to let other people have different views. Without that we have nothing. It's also important to get off social media and get out of the city. Feel the peace that comes from riding against the wind.

Friday Update: This morning as I was walking towards my motorcycle on my way to work I could see and year a couple of crow and seagulls as I put some items in the recycling. Then in the distance behind me I could hear a faint cackle. I thought that sounds like an eagle. Then I heard it again and I said yeah, that's an eagle. So I turned around and looked at the top of a group of cedars and fir tress. Sure enough at the top branch of the higher tree an eagle was perched and a couple of smaller birds were dive bombing it like they always do.

The bird here freak out whenever they see an eagle because they see it as a predator that's going to eat their eggs. There were a few videos of some blue herons in Stanley Park freaking out because a couple of eagles were eating their eggs. The eagles basically ignored their hysteria and kept eating. It was kind of sad but that is the circle of life. I always thought it was irritating when the smaller birds pester the majestic eagles all the time but now I understand why.

I remember seeing an eagles nest cam watching the eagles sit on their eggs. One time the male sat on them for a while and when the female came back she pushed him off them. Then sadly one time when they were ut a couple of ravens came and ate their eggs.

There are a couple of motoivational stories about eagles. One is about how an eagle teaches it's young to fly. The other was about an orphaned eagle raised with chickens. Seemingly the mother flies through the air with her young and drops it to see if it will fly. Then if it doesn't figure it out, she swoops down under it and catches it before it hits the ground.

That story was used as a metaphor to describe how a higher power guides us in our life. The story about the orphaned eagle raised with chickens also had a metaphor to go along with it. Sometime when we hang around trailer trash we forget our own self worth. In that setting it's time to leave the chickens behind and soar with the eagles. Peace.

Fable of the Eagle and the Chicken

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Free Palestine Bridge Protests: Anarchy in the UK

I haven't seen anything on the news yet but a coworker claimed there was a free Palestine bridge protest somewhere in Vancouver. Before I dive into both extremes of this grossly exploited conflict I want to point out the obvious. As soon as people start blocking bridges, they lose my support. I don't care what the cause is. Glen Beck said it well.

Those kinds of stunts don't win people over to your cause. They make people angry. That's what George Soros wants. He wants people to contend with anger one against the other. He wants people to fight with each other and create chaos. He wants to create division.

A couple weeks ago there was a Carbon tax bridge protest. I oppose the carbon tax but I also oppose bridge protests. If you want to stick it to the man, stick it to the man but if you want to stop me from going home from work or stop me from going to work then F*ck you and F*ck you cause.

Glen Beck discovered an interesting anomaly. The free Palestine bridge protests in the US are funded by George Sorros. Which isn't surprising but when you stop and look at what's really happening, he's indirectly funding both sides of the conflict because he's trying to start sh*t.

George Soros is anti religion anti freedom. Is he a self hating Jew? Not really because he's not Jewish. He's a secular Jew but so was Yitzhak Rabin and Yitzhak Rabin was a good man. George Soros is not. There are different versions of the left just as there are different versions of the right and the Devil is actively trying to infiltrate both sides and stir sh*t up.

George Soros is a globalist just like Benjamin Netanyahu is. They both support the World Economic Forum's twisted brand of Communism. Benjamin Netanyahu claims to be right wing but he's not. He's a right wing globalist which is the same agenda coming from the other side.

They are both trying to promote Corporate Communism. When a bunch of rich people sit down and discuss global dominion, they aren't trying to think up ways to share their wealth. They're trying to increase their wealth by making consumers slaves. We can see that now.

We can also see the set up. The WEF is supporting Benjamin Netanyahu's brutalization of West Bank and Gaza but they are doing it to intentionally create an injustice and create a public uproar over it. It's like the motive of George Soros' Antifa riots. They want to create chaos - anarchy, so they can creator order amidst the chaos - their order. Which doesn't include civil liberty.
Let's take Poland for example. Hitler's blitzkrieg took Poland then Stalin's Communism saved Poland from Hitler only to make them complete slaves. Hitler was the flash in the pan. He was the manufactured problem the Devil used to implement his planned solution - slavery. People aren't going to vote for slavery unless you con them first.

The Israeli people can see this but the fake news isn't showing us them. They're only showing us the a*sholes like Benjamin Netanyahu and Ben Shapiro. The fake news is doing this to misrepresent Jews in an attempt to promote antisemitism while they loudly denounce it.

It's like BLM. Black lives matter to the fake news as long as they are supporting Antifa but as soon as they oppose a vaccine mandate or support conservative values those same black lives no longer matters to the fake news. Likewise if you oppose killing civilians and aid workers in Gaza you're antisemitic but if you are an Israeli like Efrat Fenigson who questions authoritarianism you're a self hating Jew. Or if you're a conservative like Candace Owens you're a self hating black. We can all clearly see the fake news is ridiculous and Larry Fink, the CEO of the BlackRock media empire is a big part of that. So is Global and PostMedia News.

George Soros is a bad man but so is Benjamin Netanyahu. Benjamin Netanyahu weaseled his way in right after Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated. I don't care if you're left or right. I care if you support freedom. I care if you support free speech. I care if you support due process. As soon as you use manufactured emergencies to take away free speech and lawful assembly and as soon as you use that to end due process then you are a tyrant and it doesn't matter what your hat says. This is why we need lawful assembly. Blocking bridges and causing riots is not it.

This isn't a soccer game. It's not about choosing sides - all Israel or all Palestine. Israel and Palestine is a model for the world. We are meant to share. No one has an exclusive right to the planet. Just like Poland was conned by Communism during the war, Israel is also being conned and the rest of the world along with it. Yet if you see the good people in Israel protesting lawfully you can see there is a lot of good there. That makes us question electronic voting.

Israeli firm meddled in more than 30 elections

Tal Hanan head a team working to manipulate global elections

Monday, April 15, 2024

Efrat Fenigson update from Israel

Efrat Fenigson is reporting that "Everyone is asking what’s happening in Israel and if I’m ok, so here’s a short update: It all feels to me like a scripted Truman Show. Lots of videos of lights in the sky, (like fireworks) in a much slower pace than they should be if we’re talking about such fast missiles (but hey, I’m not a military/weapons expert)."

"I’m not glued to the news. It’s a disease. They’re playing with people’s minds & raising anxiety levels, weakening them, it’s cruel. Last night Israeli government/IDF announced the closure of education system, meaning parents who have to go to work are stuck. No gatherings in public places for more than 1000 people - reminds you of Covid?"

Let me get this straight. The weekly mass protests demanding the Prime Minister of Israel resign are now banned by the same government the people want to resign. Isn't that convenient?

Thousands rally against Netanyahu government in Tel Aviv - 2 days ago

Protesters In Tel Aviv Demand Israeli PM Netanyahu's Resignation - 2 days ago

US to Israel: If you strike back at Iran, you'll do it alone

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Manitoba Warriors in West Kelowna

Castanet is reporting that "A West Kelowna man and woman—found with multiple guns, drugs, and gang gear inside their home—have been released after being arrested two weeks ago. RCMP on March 28 executed a search warrant at a home in the 2400-block of Drought Rd. Police seized drug trafficking paraphernalia along with trafficking amounts of suspected fentanyl, methamphetamine and marijuana. Other drugs seized included prescription morphine, believed to have been diverted for resale. Officers also located and seized British Columbia Warriors gang clothing, a restricted firearm, several replica firearms, and a Taser."

That's the Manitoba Warriors logo staking a claim in BC. I'm going to be careful how much I say about this. I had heard there were some Outlaws MC in West Kelowna. This might be tied to that. However, I don't support anyone who sells drugs. I'm not cheering on more rivals. I don't beef with the Kelowna HAs any more as I don't have a problem with their new leadership.

I hear there's a split within RA is the DTES. Well it's not really a split it's more of a takeover like what happened to IS. Redd Alert are a First Nations gang run by the Edmonton Hells Angels. Since RK didn't go anywhere the Cub Pack have created a new group also called Redd Alert. Only they're non-natives that sell drugs for the cub pack. Outside of prison the original RA does have black, white, brown and Asian members. The Cub Pack is setting up a second group.

That's exactly how the Hells Angels took over the Independent Soldiers. After the Loft Six shooting Larry Amero got a couple of IS guys like Randy Naicker with a bunch of white guys and started using the name IS. Eventually the independent leaders of the IS were killed and the new puppets were all that was left. That's what the Cub Pack is trying to do to the RA.

I don't want to hate, I just want to state. No lie can live forever.

Why the f*ck don't you just let Redd Alert have the DTES? They earned it. Let the Cub Pack tax them instead of Edmonton. That would be a whole lot easier than starting all these new groups to f*ck with them then betraying the new groups you created. Make money. Don't be stupid.

The Iron Dome withstands Iran's drone counter attack

Thousands rally against Netanyahu government in Tel Aviv - 1 day ago

Protesters In Tel Aviv Demand Israeli PM Netanyahu's Resignation - 1 day ago

US to Israel: If you strike back at Iran, you'll do it alone

OK this is ridiculous. The Iron Dome withstood Iran's drone counter attack just like we all knew it would. There were no human casualties but many Israelis are being treated for anxiety. AYFKM? How do you think the women and children in Gaza feel? This insane misrepresentation constitutes extremism. I'm all for the Iron Dome missile defense system. I think Canada should have one. I'm tired of the lies behind the agenda seeking to ensnare all of us.

We can all see how this provoked attack is another distraction from the huge protests within Israel against Netanyahu that the fake news is not covering. There are a lot of good people in Israel just like there are a lot of good people in Iran, Canada, America, Syria, Jordan, Gaza and everywhere else. The good people in Israel oppose Netanyahu's lies just like I do. That doesn't make them Antisemitic, they're Jewish. That makes them honest.

You can oppose Globalism without being Antisemitic. Let's back it up to October 7th. Hamas' mission statement is unacceptable but Mossad created it. That's because Mossad has an agenda and promoting the freedom of Jews in Israel is not part of it.

Mossad is joined at the hip with the CIA who are the largest drug traffickers on the planet. Mossad was there during Operation Watch Tower in Iran Contra. Was Mossad there during 9/11? Perhaps as observers but we know they were there at the false fa]lag attack on the USS Liberty. Deception and dishonesty is their MO. Along with investment fraud of course.

Now I want to be clear about one thing. I support the US Constitution and Israel's right to exist. Israel has an inherit right to some of the lands within Palestine but they do not have an exclusive right to all of the lands within Palestine. We are all meant to coexist. Tyrants and dictators provoke conflict to gain power through force. What Netanyahu is doing in Gaza is wrong. The majority of Israelis agree that it is wrong. That's why they are protesting and calling for an election now. Netanyahu keeps provoking wars to avoid another election and to avoid his corruption trials.

I also recognize that all other countries also have a right to exist in peace. Free from foreign invasion and interference. I also recognize that wherever there is good, evil seeks to infiltrate it and overthrow it. The secret combination seeking to take over America also seeks to take over Israel. Netanyahu is a bad man but he's not the only one. Mossad has lost it's way.

List of Crews the Wolf Pack have betrayed in Vancouver

The Wolf Pack hired and betrayed the Driftwood Crips in Vancouver. That's why they brought in Zone 43. The Wolf Pack keep paying people to kill people then roll on the people they hired.

OK so let's do the math and look at the cause of the post UN gang violence in Vancouver not just the symptom. The Edmonton Hells Angels hired the Redd Alert to take back all the drug dealers in the DTES from the UN. Before that, Shane Knox was selling for the UN at the Balmoral where he grew up. Before that the UN and the Bacon brothers were in a violent conflict and Larry Amero played both sides until he came out of the closet and was shot in Kelowna.

That was a long time ago. Now Blaze and the CFSEU are trying to blame every HA hit on the UN and that is simply not true. I don't support drug trafficking but I don't support lying either. So let's do the math and look at some of the groups the Wolf Pack have betrayed in Vancouver after they hired them. First they betrayed the First Nation guys from Redd Alert that took back all the drug dealers in the DTES from the UN. After the Redd Alert took back all the drug dealers in the DTES they said OK this is our Money now. The Edmonton Hells Angels said no it's not. The Wolf Pack gets that now. Glen Nelson said bullsh*t so they killed his wife.

The rest of the Redd Alert weren't convinced so they created RK a fake rival they tried to blame on the UN. Only it wasn't the UN it was them. That didn't last long after everyone found out the truth. So Wolf Pack move in to the DTES and Redd Alert kind of step back and stay WTF.

Then the Edmonton Angels hired a bunch of Brown guys to rip sh*t up in Surrey called the Brother's Keepers. Ironic name since the Biblical reference related to the first recorded betrayal when Cain murdered his brother Abel. When they asked Cain where Abel was after he killed him he said I don't know. Am I my brother's Keeper? So it's a fitting name for a club that works for the two biggest betrayers in Canada, the Edmonton Angels and the Wolf Pack.

OK so let's talk about Suminder Grewal aka Ali. The Wolf Pack and the Edmonton Angels betrayed him. Ali was brown. They gave him a real patch and assigned him to the Hard side chapter in Surrey which isn't a real chapter. They're just a couple clowns in a rental. The club was worried about the government seizing clubhouses so they created this cut out I refer to as the Soft side since Jamie likes softball so much. Chad, Ali and Jamie - Huey, Dewey and Louie. Two out of three are dead and the third one does what he's told.

OK so they gave Ali a patch and they assigned him to the fake cut out in Surrey. Yet he was the connection between the club and the Brother's Keepers. The Brother's Keepers are brown, he was brown, they gave him a patch, wow, a love affair in process. So Ali says OK I'm doing all this work, I want a cut. Edmonton says go f*ck yourself. Ali starts keeping some of the drug money. Edmonton says you owe us. Ali says go f*ck yourself so Edmonton cap him.

Only BK wouldn't do it because the Brother's Keepers respected Ali. So Edmonton has to get locals from Edmonton who owned them money to do it so their debt would be forgiven. They even attended his funeral for f*ck's sake. The HAs are the only ones I know who attend funerals of people they killed pretending they are mourning his death. There were even associates from Edmonton who came. They were pulled over on the Surrey off ramp to the freeway looking at a map so I gave them directions to the funeral. Ali was killed by the club. He wasn't killed by a rival.

They even tried to claim Chad was killed by a rival. They fooled me on that one at first because they dumped his body under the bridge on Spike's Side of the river. Only that was them too. Chad was on thin ice when he came to Canada. The club in the US were pissed he testified in the Outlaws trial down south. In the US the club isn't supposed to dial 911. Except for Michael Kramer of course. Here in BC the Soft side were jumping over the police tape to talk to the Po Po when Chad was killed. None of these relatively recent murders were killed by rivals.

So we clearly have a disinformation campaign under way. The CFSEU is intentionally trying to misrepresent the current gang conflict. OK so let's start adding up the list. They killed Ali and they killed Glen Nelson's wife for the same reason. They didn't want to share drug profits. Now let's look at Mo - Anees Mohammad. Mo sold drugs for Damion Ryan and the Wolf Pack in the DTES. Mo steps out of line so Damion Ryan hired Naseem Mohammed aka Lil Man, BK's connection to the Driftwood Crips to kill him. Lil Man was Somalian and he had a BK tat. BK was brown.

Then Wolf Pack did what Wolf Pack does. They rolled on the guy they hired and had people rat him out to the police. So now that they f*cked over the Driftwood Crips they've brought in Zone 43 from Montreal. How long until the Wolf Pack f*ck over Zone 43? I don't know. They are running out of replacements. I suppose someone will always be willing to step up to the plate for their five seconds of fame. Let's not forget how Larry Amero played the UN. Sarah Trebble shared a car lease with Larry Amero. That wasn't his babby's momma. That was just another hockey card.
Sara was in the car with the UN guys who did a hit on the Bacon brothers associate outside TBarz which is now called Shakerz. Larry sends Sara to ride with the UN guys to prove his allegiance then warns the Bacon brothers about a hit and tells them to bring the vests.

When the UN was at it's peak, Larry Amero played them he never confronted them. Clay Roueche was arrested in Dallas May 19 2008. Only he wasn't flying to Texas he was flying to Mexico and didn't schedule a stop over in the US on purpose. So the CFSEU contact the DEA and have his plane diverted to Dallas so the Americans could arrest Clay there without having to extradite him. It was a dirty deal so it was but they got away with it.

Larry Amero keeps playing the UN until the rest of the club takes over all their networks. Then in August 2011 Larry Amero comes out of the closet with his long standing love affair with his best friend Jonathon Bacon up in Kelowna. It wasn't a secret meeting like at Castle Fun Park before the Surrey Six. It was loud and proud. They had Spike's niece and the gingerbread man with them. James Riach was at the Castle Fun Park meeting too so none of this was new.

They weren't being discreet in Kelowna. They were racing around on that ridiculous boat Steroids and Silicone screaming like lunatics trying to pick fights with civilians. That is when they were capped. After Larry Amero went public with his support for Jonathon Bacon which he had been hiding and lying about to the UN for all those years until Clay finally went to prison.

Nobody cares but the new kids this clown keeps recruiting and betraying need to know the truth.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Israel provokes a conflict with Iran

Update: The Iron Dome withstands Iran's drone counter attack. Big surprise.

Politico is reporting that "For weeks, Iranian leaders have vowed they would avenge the deaths of two top Iranian Revolutionary Guard commanders who were killed in an airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, on Apr. 1. Israeli officials said Saturday they had confirmed more than 100 drones had left Tehran and were heading towards Israel. Iranian state media reported that Tehran launched ballistic missiles and drones against targets in Israel."

The Iron Dome is pretty effective but the point is Netanyahu has intentionally provoked this attack by bombing the Iranian consulate in Syria. If anyone else had done that they would have referred to it as a terrorist attack. The CIA created ISIS and the Mossad created Hamas. Knowing that, Rebel News is selling F*ck Hamas gear. That is really offensive. You're going to put the Star of David beside an obscenity confronting an evil Mossad created right after they intentionally murdered aid workers and are literally starving a nation full of civilians. Shame on you. You've lost my support. Benjamin Netanyahu is simply creating another distraction from his own misdeeds.