Sunday, July 21, 2024

Joe Biden steps down as 2024 presidential candidate

The New York Times is reporting that "After intense pressure from within his own party, President Biden said he was ending his campaign and backing Vice President Kamala Harris to run in his place. Ms. Harris said she would seek the nomination, adding: “Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.”

We knew a scam was ready to unfold when Biden agreed to a presidential debate and the media were so surprised he wasn't cognitive. We have all known this for a very long time but the powers that be refused to let anyone else run as a nominee. It wasn't just Joe Biden, it was the Democrat apparatus that put him there. They didn't want to let anyone else run. They certainly didn't want to let RFK run. They wanted to control the process and run someone they controlled.

On Joe Biden's first day of office there was a stack of Presidential Orders on his desk waiting for him to sign. He didn't write those. Someone else did. Joe Biden didn't have the ability to orchestrate massive mail in ballot fraud. Someone else did. That was clearly an Intelligence Operation as was the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Angelo Musitano's murder and Wade Cudmore

Since the Ontario Village idiots are following Wally the Weasel's lead and lying about their association with the Luppino-Violi crime family in Hamilton during the Rizzuto war I will address the Jabril Abdalla red herring. Complete Overview: The clue in the murder victim's pocket

The Hamilton Spectator is reporting that "On Jan. 16, 2018, police investigating the murder of Hamilton mobster Angelo Musitano met with Jabril Abdalla at a Tim Hortons on the Mountain, to see if they could get him talking. Seated in the noisy Rymal Road West coffee shop, Det. Jason Cattle tells Abdalla they’re investigating the May 2, 2017, murder and canvassing owners of black Honda Civics, like the one Abdalla had recently sold. The conversation is recorded and lead detective Cattle and Det. Sgt. Peter Thom, the case manager, have a questionnaire."

"They tell Abdalla they’re contacting owners of 2006 to 2011 black, two-door Honda Civics. But it’s a lie. It’s a planned police “scenario” — a deliberate lie they first planted at a news conference days before, one designed to get Abdalla talking."

"Abdalla is not told he’s a suspect in their murder investigation. Nor is he told they already know he is the registered owner of the exact Honda Civic captured on surveillance video before and after two murders. Cattle tells him he doesn’t have to talk, that he has the right to contact a lawyer. Abdalla doesn’t want to sign anything but agrees to answer police questions."

"He tells police that he has owned two different black Honda Civics, but both were sold. He denies being near the Musitano murder scene. Later in court, Abdalla’s lawyer Leora Shemesh suggests this was an attempt to surreptitiously record and interview her client."

"Had the case against Abdalla proceeded to trial, this was among many pieces of evidence likely to have been challenged for admissibility. But that never happened because Abdalla struck a deal last month and pleaded guilty to participating in a criminal organization." He was just a driver.

Registering a car you do a hit in in anyone's name that you know is insane. It's traceble.

OK the Police didn't lie to him, they didn't share information with him. They didn't tell him what they already knew. They wanted to see if he would lie because that would give them something to go on. Yes they lied about the survey. They weren't canvassing all the owners of black Honda civics just him. That's called police work. It's an investigation and it worked.

Admissibility of that evidence would have been contested but it might not have been rejected. He cut a deal and plead out. He pleaded guilty to participating in a criminal organization. I can tell you right now, if the police thought he was the shooter they wouldn't have let him plead out to participating in a criminal organization. That's because they didn't think he was the shooter. They thought he helped Tomassetti track the victim. They thought Michael Cudmore was the shooter.
The shooter was white not black. He also looked heavy. Daniel Tomassetti isn't heavy, he's fit. Cudmore was bigger and heaver. The police believe Cudmore was the shooter associated with the Ontario Hells Angels. Cudmore was the muscle, not the brains of the operation.
It is the investigator's belief that Cudmore had joined Daniele Ranieri, a person of interest in both murders, in Mexico. In March 2018, Ranieri was found murdered and his body left in a ditch in Mexico. Michael Cudmore found dead in Mexico years after Daniele Ranieri was found dead

The tracker placed on Angelo Musitano's truck was purchased at a spy store on Young Street in Toronto. The account use to purchase the tracker was Mike uppercut666. Mike Cudmore was a boxer and used the nickname uppercut. 666 is obviously a reference to the Hells Angels. 666 stands for Filthy Few Fellowship a patch when someone commits murder for the club. Support your local 666 means support your local Hells Angels.
Tracker data and cellphone towers connected Wade Cudmore to the home of Sean Bixby from the Hells Angels affiliated North End Crew. Dwayne Smith was the HA and Wayne Cudmore was the associate. One of the cars tied to the murder of Angelo Musitano was found at Sean Bixby's home. The police matched Wayne Cudmore's DNA to the car used by the shooter.

Obsessing over Daniel Tomassetti at this point is a waste of time and money. Wade was the shooter and he's dead. Case closed. Excellent investigation work. Tomassetti helped him track targets. Jabril Abdalla was just a driver that kind of got screwed over.
The Toronto Sun reported that Paris Christoforou was at one time a member of the Toronto North Chapter. The Toronto Chapter and the Ontario Nomads were two different chapters. Christoforou was an enforcer and a hitman tied to the Quebec Hells Angels.

April 21, 2004 Paris Christoforou and Peter Scarcella wwere involved in an Ontario mob hit that left a bystanders paralyzed. They were targeting Mike Modica who was causing probems for the Gambinos in New York. Peter Scarcella was a driver for Paul Volpe and was the last person to see Paul alive. Louise Russo was a bystander left paralyzed by a stray bullet.

The Toronto Star claims Paris Christoforou lost his patch in 2017 and was targeted in Toronto and Montreal. Yet he continued to run an illegal gambling ring for the Ontario Hells Angels.

Ireland mass migration and the EU

"Immigration into Ireland has more than doubled over the last 20 years with 22% of the population now made up of non-citizens, meaning Ireland has the fourth largest non-national population of all 27 EU member states percentage-wise, according to published EU statistics" Google.

Fox News is reporting that "The Irish government’s unwavering commitment to housing and feeding an unprecedented influx of migrants in the wake of a severe housing and cost of living crisis has brought the Irish electorate to boiling point. It has many similarities to the migrant crisis in the US." Ireland has the fourth largest non-national population of all 27 EU member states.

OK so we're talking about mass migration and I'll explain why it's important. It's called the Plantation of Ulster. Back in the day, England wanted to conquer Ireland now the EU does. When England wanted to conquer Ireland they started mass migration. They planted English or people loyal to the Crown in Ireland with the sole intent of changing the demographic of voters. Now that's exactly what the EU is doing. We're talking about small towns more than doubling their population. This 22% increase over the last 20 years has increased exponentially in recent years.

It's also a problem because all these people want free food and free housing. No nation can afford or sustain that. The purpose is to crash the system. Ireland joined the European Union in 1973 and was one of the first countries to adopt the euro on 1 January 1999.

In ancient times, countries would invade one another. Now the WEF is using mass migration to promote it's agenda of a one world global government ruled by Communism. A brand of Communism hijacked by greedy Capitalists. This is not James Connolly's dream for Ireland.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Fatal Shooting of another Rapper in Montreal

CTV is reporting that "Two people are dead after a shooting in the Montreal borough of Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension early Friday morning. CTV News has confirmed the identities of the two victims, Guy Love Jolicoeur also know as G Fetty and Peter Dave Alisme." La Presse is reporting that "Guy Love Jolicoeur was also known by his West Indian rap artist name, G Fetty."

This is really sad. You guys really need to get your sh*t together. Life is worth more than this.

TVA Nnouvelles is reporting that this is the 11th rapper killed in 3 years.

July 3, 2021: Mohammed Sayum “SOSO BURGZ”, 21 years old, in Montreal

August 3, 2021: Jerry Willer Jean-Baptiste “Mackazoe”, 29 years old, in Montreal

August 8, 2021: Duckerns Pierre Clermont “Jeune Loup”, 22 years old, in Montreal

October 18, 2021: Jannai Dopwell-Bailey “Twizzy”, 16, in Montreal

December 2, 2021: Hani Ouahdi “El DZairy”, 20 years old, in Montreal

September 20, 2022: Adam Jean-Philippe “Young A Stunnin”, 21 years old, in Montreal

September 15, 2023: Karapet Mikaelyan “Karman”, 28 years old, in Outaouais

October 9, 2023: Gordy Jean-Paul “Young Dev”, 34 years old, in Terrebonne

November 29, 2023: Reuban Ntake “Yung Kartel”, 23, in Montreal

May 14, 2024: Christopher Shawn Jean Vilsaint “Dirty S”, 27 years old, in Montreal

July 19, 2024: Guy Love Jolicoeur, “G-Fetty”, 34 years old, in Montreal

Dirty S Shooter arrested in Prince George

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Hells Angel arrested in Hamilton drug ring

The Hamilton Spectator is reporting that "An RCMP-led police team says it has dismantled a well-organized network trafficking methamphetamine, fentanyl and other drugs in Hamilton, Caledonia and Niagara regions. There are 19 people from Hamilton, Binbrook and Caledonia who face a slew of drug, gun and other charges, including three men identified as leaders of the criminal network by the RCMP’s Golden Horseshoe combined forces special enforcement unit (CFSEU). One of those charged was previously arrested in a Mob murder, and another is a full-patch member of the Hells Angels outlaw motorcycle club, The Spectator has confirmed."

"Many of the arrested parties are also associated with the Hamilton street gang North End Crew, the RCMP said in response to questions from the Spectator. The investigation, dubbed Project Opensky, began last year after police uncovered a sophisticated drug trafficking network. The RCMP told the Spectator that they seized kilograms of crystal meth and cocaine, along with significant quantities of fentanyl and prescription pills."

"Among the trio of alleged leaders identified by police is Sean Bixby, a 41-year-old Hamilton man who is well-known to Hamilton police for his alleged criminal ties. Another alleged leader, 38-year-old David Langhorn, faces similar charges. The third alleged leader, 43-year-old Dwayne Smith, faces multiple charges of possession of drugs for the purpose of trafficking — including, meth, fentanyl, codeine, oxycodone and psilocybin."

"The RCMP said Smith was a full patch Hells Angel at the time of his arrest. The Spectator has confirmed that Smith is thought to be an original member of the North End Crew (NEC). Cudmore was also tied to the gang, which is known for its close ties to Hells Angels. Members of the Hamilton chapter of the motorcycle gang are said to be recruited from NEC."

This connects the Ontario Hells Angels to the May 2017 murder of Hamilton mobster Angelo Musitano and his older brother Pat. "Rizzuto formed an alliance with the Musitano brothers" so the Ontario Hells Angels capped them while the Quebec Hells Angels supported the Rizzutos.

Murder of Angelo Musitano

The National Post reported that "Michael Graham Cudmore, a violent career criminal, was wanted as the triggerman for two high-profile murders in Ontario: the 2017 shooting of Mafia figure Angelo Musitano in Hamilton and a botched hit weeks earlier in Vaughan that inadvertently killed Mila Barberi. Hamilton police announced last week that Cudmore was found dead in a vehicle at the side of a rural road in Mexico."

"The cause of death was unknown and it was rumoured he had died from a drug overdose rather than gangland retribution. Given his unrelenting criminal antics and drug dependency, either prospect was possible, perhaps even probable. But murder is now the declaration."

Michael Cudmore was a friend and associate of Sean Bixby who is tied to Dwayne Smith and the Ontario Hells Angels along with their North End Crew drug traficking organization.

I didn't make this sh*t up. Years ago I spoke with someone in Montreal who was French. They said that the Mob war they had was between the Rizzutos in Montreal and the Calabrians in Hamilton. They said the Ontario Hells Angels supported the Calabrians in Hamilton while the Quebec Hells Angels Rizzutos in Montreal. That was common knowledge there at the time.

Everyone knows Mom Boucher and Greg Wooley supported the Rizzutos in Montreal. Walter Stadnick was from Hamilton not Quebec. He played both sides like he always does. Loudly supporting Mom Boucher while secretly supporting the Calabrians in Hamilton.

The Calabrians in Hamilton has a mob war of their own between the Musitano brothers and the Luppino-Violi crime family. Wikipedia claimed that Vito Rizzuto supported the Musitano brothers. I didn't make that up. This new drug bust now connects the Ontario Hells Angels and their North End crew to the murder of the Musitano brothers. Which confirmed what I was previously told in that the Ontario Hells Angels were supporting the Rizzuto rivals in Hamilton.

I'm not going to argue about it. Wally the Weasel is going to lie about it and promote a narrative because that is what he does. I will simply reject the narrative and provide and alternative view.

The Musitano brothers are dead. I don't even know if the Rizzuto network still exists. It's only logical that the club will align itself with their successor. I'm just saying during the Rizzuto war the Quebec Hells Angels and the Ontario Hells Angels were on different sides. That much is clear.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Guo Wengui, Jimmy Lai and the WEF

Update, Yeah the charges against Guo Wengui are a scam. He's accused of defrauding donors. People donated to him he can spend it on whatever he wants. It's like saying a TV Evangelist defrauded donors. They did but they all do.

CTV is reporting that "Guo Wengui, a self-exiled Chinese business tycoon whose criticism of the Communist Party won him legions of online followers and powerful friends in the American conservative movement, was convicted by a U.S. jury Tuesday of engaging in a massive multiyear fraud that ripped off some of his most devoted fans. Once believed to be among the richest people in China, Guo was arrested in New York in March of 2023 and accused of operating a racketeering enterprise that stretched from 2018 through 2023."

Is that real or fake? I don't know. Given the Trumpifaction and politicization of the American judicial system I'm not sure if we'll ever know. The only reason I cite him is because he was a Chinese Billionaire who teamed up with Stephen Bannon because he wanted to become President of China. It's one thing to fight for freedom. It's another thing to fight to become the new dictator that replaces the incumbent dictator. That brings us to Jimmy Lai.

VOA News is reporting that "A top U.S. House member has pledged to work with a coalition of rights groups to be a special advocate for Jimmy Lai, the founder of Hong Kong Next Media, and is urging the Hong Kong government to release Lai from prison as soon as possible."

"Lai and his newspaper, Apple Daily, which has been out of operation for three years, supported Hong Kong's 2019 pro-democracy movement that was later crushed by China's national security law (NSL) in Hong Kong. Lai, a British citizen, was arrested on fraud charges in August 2020. He has been in prison and denied bail since December 2020. He also faces charges under Hong Kong's national security law of conspiracy to collude with foreign forces and conspiracy to publish incitement." This is going to be very difficult because Homg Kong is f*cked.

We love our Hong Kong friends who passionately protest for freedom. As I've said, they are fun and fearless at protests. That's because they were raised with freedom and now it's being taken away. The problem is, the lease is up. England was under contractual obligation to return Hong Kong to mainland China. If you think you are going to win your freedom through protests, I applaud your idealism but I sincerely don't think that is a realistic expectation given the situation.

That means we're going to have to rethink our strategy . We need to change our approach and reassess our allies. The CIA is not a friend of freedom. The CIA only supports regime changes in support of the WEF and the UN's NWO. A regime change in China right now is an unrealistic expectation. The CIA doesn't care. The CIA will sacrifice any and all patriots to maintain the fight for a regime change which ultimately will be no better. The WEF's brand of Communism is worse that Russia and China's brand of Communism. Let's remember a few key points.

Remember how the WEF defamed Russai at Davos? They turned Russia house into the House of Horrors and made up a bunch of ridiculous lies about Russia in the Ukraine. They accused Russia of torturing prisoners when that is exactly what they were doing. Now CSIS and the CIA are going after China. As CSIS tries to demonize China let's remember that CSIS says parents who disagree with gender ideology are neo Nazis and enemies of the state.

China and Russia do not agree with gender ideology and the sexualization of children in school. That is why CSIS and the CIA are demonizing them. It has nothing to do with human rights. China and Russia oppose the WEF's brand of Communism and so do I.

The VOA article stated that "'The Chinese Communist Party — like other authoritarian regimes — abuses government power by suppressing and persecuting dissent,' Raskin said in a statement to VOA." That is true but that is exactly what Biden's DOJ did to Trump. Two wrongs don't make a right. They're both wrong. If Jimmy Lai is willing to cut a deal, then I suggest he do so.

The CIA would rather Jimmy Lai spend his entire life in prison so they can use that for their unrealistic regime change quest in favor of the WEF's gender ideology and Oil monopoly. The war in the Ukraine assisted the Saudi Oil monopoly which inflated fuel costs and inflation because the WEF wants to create energy crises to make everyone poor and dependent on them. As my Russian neighbour once said, "First they give you cake, then they starve you. After that, you take whatever they give you." This is the WEF's brand of Communism which the UN has embraced.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Colion Noir on Trump's Assassination Attempt

Update: Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, said: The sniper that took out the shooter took a 488 yard shot. Only is wasn't 488 yars to Crooks it was 488 yards to the Water Tower.

They obviously gave Trump the B Team Secret Service. I thought before he won the nomination they refused to give him any secret service. Colion made a good point about the 2A. The government can't protect you. That's why you need to be able to protect yourself.

I'm going to add to that. The government can't protect you and in some cases the government won't protect you. The government is cramming this UN New World Order down our throats which is in direct opposition to the US Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights. So if you oppose the narrative and if you oppose the UN's NWO the government has no desire whatsoever to protect you. Don't forget, even with all the mass shootings, orchestrated or not, governments have murdered far more civilians than criminals have.

OK so the FBI claim the shooter was Mathew Crooks but that video of the guy saying you've got the wrong guy isn't Mathew Crooks or it isn't that Mathew Crooks. The only pictures the FBI have released are the two with short hair one before and one at grad. The video of the guy with long hair in the video isn't him. The picture of the shooter before he was shot shows long hair as does the picture on the right. I'm not sure where that was taken. The anomalies are starting to pile up.

I don't think a 20 year old kid without a lot of experience could have made that shot. Not with an AR. I have a hunting rifle with a scope and those kind of shots from that distance aren't that easy.

For example, there was a pretty amazing graphic on Twitter which seems to have been deleted that showed how Trump tilted his head right before he was shot and in so doing moved his head just enough for the bullet to miss him and graze his ear. Compare that with the other shots that killed and injured bystanders. Those shots weren't even close compared to the first shot. I don't believe the kid made that first shot. I think a second shooter working for the CIA did.

My indoor gun range is 30 meters or 98.4 feet. The distance between the shooter and Trump was approximately 120 meters or 494 feet. That's 4 times the length of my range. That well over a football field. Say your sitting in the end zone and you aim your AR to shoot someone in the head on the opposite end zone. Well this was further than that. Trolls keeps saying oh that's an easy shot but it's not. Not with an AR.

I have a cheap scope on my hunting rifle and getting better optics makes a world of difference but an AR is not a sniper rifle. People keep asking why haven't they shown the rifle used? Because that rifle didn't fire the shot that pierced Trump's ear.

This brings us back to the grassy knoll in JFk's assassination. JFK was assassinated right after he vetoed Allen Dulles' Operation Northwoods. Russia didn't have a motive to kill him, the CIA did. Just like Libya didn't have a motive to kill Major Charles McKee and prevent him from testifying about the CIA's drug trafficking in Lebanon. A bitter tree cannot bring forth good fruit.

John Brennan is a f*cking Communist. They all are. Don't believe a word they say.

If it was a .50 cal sniper rifle it'd be an easy shot but it wasn't. It was an AR. So we're told but they blurred out the rifle and they haven't shown it to the public yet. You'd think the gun control freaks would be all over that. If it was a .50 cal sniper rifle a trained soldier could make that shot from a mile away. This kid wasn't a trained soldier. The whole thing was obviously a huge distraction. Look at the guy on the roof. He's got a gun. Everybody look at the kid on the roof. Whatever you do don't look at the real shooter. I think a trained soldier made the shot from behind the kid.

There was more than one shooter. The shot that grazed Trump came from the Water Tower.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Copa America and Euro Cup Finals

England and Spain are playing each other in the Euro Cup finals today. Right after that Colombia and Argentina play each other in the Copa America Final. Shakira is performing for the half time in the Copa America Final. Karol G is singing the Colombian national anthem. Vamos Colombia.

Spain beats England 2-1. Congratulations. While we're waiting for the main event, I just wanted to comment on Darwin Núñez's lie about his fight with the Colombian fans. Charles Darwin said he was protecting their families from Colombian fans. That was a lie. Before he rushed the fans the only fight was the one in the centre of the pitch. After that display of poor sportsmanship the Colombian fans near the end zone were booing him and fingering him calling him a b*tch. Darwin loses his sh*t tries to throw a chair at them then finally storms them and fights with them. After that fight he climbs up at centre field and goes get his son. Nobody likes a liar.

A salute to Jesse Marsch and Team Canada. We didn't roll on the ground like children.
Argentina beat Colombia 1-0 in the final. Bad luck. At least they weren't rolling all over the ground like idiots this time. Colombia played very well. Lionel Messi tripped and twisted his ankle when no one was near him. "And Messi is down again for Argentina. That was a non contact issue."
As for the storming of the gate, they do that in Colombia all the time. You can't blame the Americans for that. It usually works in Colombia. It's a bad habit that needs to stop.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Canada loses to Uruguay in penalty shots

Canada was ahead 2-1 but they played an extra 5 minutes of stoppage time and Uruguay scored to tie it up. Now it's down to penalty shots. Uruguay won 4-3 in penaty shots. Very close. I guess the clown in the sports bra won't have to jump the fans this time. Viva la Colombia.

"Luis Suárez tied the score two minutes into second-half stoppage time, and Uruguay beat Canada 4-3 on penalty kicks after a 2-2 draw to finish third in the Copa America" ABC News

Shots fired at Trump rally, shooter dead - Motive Missing

Sky News is reporting that "Gunshots have reportedly been fired at Donald Trump's rally in Pennsylvania, with the former president rushed off-stage by security staff." F*ck the CIA.

The audio says shooter down. "Shooter and attendee killed in incident at Trump rally."

ABC is reporting that "Two people have been killed at a Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania, including the person who fired shots in the former president's direction. Mr Trump was seen with blood on his face, and evacuated from the stage to safety." The extra shots were them taking out the alleged shooter. "Another person is in serious condition, the prosecutor said."

"The Secret Service confirmed the shooter is dead, one audience member was killed, and two were critically injured." Witness alerted police to shooter, secret service hesitated.
There is a slight anomaly with the trajectory. The shooter was on the site of the venue. For a bullet to graze Trump's ear he would have to have been stationed behind it not beside it. However, he did turn his head to face that direction when he was shot at.

Logistically, that location would minimize collateral casualties since he was firing from the side. If he was firing head on everyone behind Trump would be a t risk. I'm not sure where Corey Comperatore the 50-year-old volunteer fire chief and the other two injured were sitting.

CTV is reporting that "The FBI identified 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania as the suspect in Saturday's attempted assassination of former U.S. president Donald Trump at a campaign rally."

Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a Netanyahu supporter. That assassination assisted Mossad's quest to destroy the Oslo accord and sabotage the peace process. NBC is reporting some stereotypical hearsay that doesn't make sense. "A high school classmate, Jason Kohler, 21, said Crooks was a "loner" who was “bullied so much in high school.” Crooks would regularly wear hunting outfits and was made fun of for the way he dressed. He often sat alone at lunch, Kohler added."

Michael Dudjak, 20, went to school with Crooks for most of his life, recalling him as a relatively reserved and quiet classmate. He didn't hear or see Crooks being actively bullied by their peers, but Dudjak did describe Crooks as someone who was "on his own a lot." He couldn't recall Crooks ever being outspoken about politics or very active on social media. Dudjak was with some friends and acquaintances from high school on Saturday night when he learned that Crooks was the shooter. They were all "in shock" and "couldn't fathom" the news, Dudjak said.

He supposedly wore hunting outfits. Hunters support Trump. Hunters don't support Biden. One person said he was bullied all the time yet a friend who knew him all his life said e never saw him bullied. Gun control Activist's claim he used and an AR style semi automatic rifle. Yet an AR is a military rifle. It's not really a hunting rifle or a long range sniper rifle. It certainly can be used for hunting but it's more for mid range as opposed to long range.

The CIA has a long history of orchestrating political assassinations and rigging elections. The CIA supported Hilary Clinton over Donald Trump. The CIA supported Joe Biden over Donald Trump. The CIA is not your friend. The CIA has a long history of drug trafficking, They support the WEF and the UN's New World Order. Every crime has a means and a motive.

OK so let's talk about motive. FBI are investigating a possible motive. We know that the leftists who hate Trump and the CIA who support Biden want him dead. They have a motive.

A non political 20 year old kid who just graduated from high school with awards, doesn't really have a motive to commit suicide and try to shoot the man ready to save the nation form the leftist lies. Let's get domestic production of oil going to break the Saudi and the WEF monopoly that's driving inflation out of control. Only the people that support the Saudi oil monopoly and manufactured energy crisis would want Trump dead. Motive means who stands to benefit.

It would make sense how a shady organization like the CIA or the WEF would want him dead but it doesn't make sense how a 20 year old kid would. I realize no mass shootings make sense but I also realize many not all mass shootings are orchestrated.

Speaking of the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr and the CIA were behind that on too. Just sayn.