Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fatal shooting in Vancouver

CTV is reporting that "One person is dead and three people were taken to hospital after what police believe was a targeted shooting in South Vancouver Friday night. The Vancouver Police Department said it was called to East 63rd Avenue and Inverness Street just before 9 p.m. 'for reports of two men shot in a vehicle, which then collided with two other vehicles.' Images from the crash scene at Fraser Street and Southeast Marine Drive show multiple vehicles behind police tape and a tarp covering what appears to be a body on the ground."

"The VPD said in a statement Saturday that one man was taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, while a second, identified as 25-year-old Hitkaran Johal, died at the scene."

CBC is reporting that "Police say a burned-out car was found a few blocks west of the shooting, at East 63rd Avenue and Prince Edward Street." In 2018 City News reported that "Hitkaran Johal, 19, has been charged with conspiracy to commit murder and conspiracy to commit arson." One of his co accused in that bust was shot dead in 2022.

Edmonton man charged in Toronto shooting homicide

2nd arrest made in north Edmonton 97 Street drive-by shooting

Fatal Shooting in Calgary

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Forest Fire consumes Jasper

Update: California’s Park Fire that’s torched over 120K acres ignited by ex-con - ABC News Video

Everyone knew Jasper was high risk for a forest fire because of a pine beetle infestation.

RCMP say arson behind 29 Okanagan wildfires over last four years

Quebecer pleads guilty to setting 14 forest fires

This is clearly another tragedy. Could it have been avoided? I can't help but feel that it could have. I really think the way we fight forest fires now is wrong. We need more emphasis on large water bombers and less emphasis on ground crews. We need to stop controlled back burns. Everyone thinks something shady is going on.

Since massive wildfires have clearly become part of the new normal we must adopt and invest in large scale heavy duty water bombers. A couple of float planes and helicopters won't do it.

Remember, Jason Kenny was initially on the wrong side of Covid lockdowns. He didn't see the light until the end long after Florida and Texas showed it could be done. Danielle Smith Is a huge step forward but she is not flawless. Neither is her party. Jason Kenny had many globalists on his team and they are still in the party. We need to be better prepared.

Forest fires create more C02 emissions than all the cars in Canada. Fighting forest fires doesn't just protect persons and property, it also protects the environment. I've talked about narrow clear cuts instead of controlled burns. Some claim forest fires can move too fast. That is arguable. However, there's nothing stopping us from clear cutting a ring around a town, planting grass and turning it into a park to fortify a city and create a buffer zone against approaching fires.

The WEF government wants us dependent on them. The WEF government wants us to own nothing. That includes homes and property. The WEF government wants us to become victims. The WEF government doesn't want us to be proactive and self reliant yet that is exactly what we must be. We must do better. The future depends on it.

It doesn't look that big on the satellite image. Maybe that's because it's from so far away. If that's from space and you can see the flames then that is big. I just want to see pictures of the fire itself.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Fatal shooting in Scarborough gun battle

Update: The female fatality was Sarah Prehay, 23, of Toronto.

CP24 is reporting that "Two people are dead and two others suffered serious injuries following a shooting that police have described as a gun battle outside a plaza in Scarborough early Wednesday morning. Shots rang out in the parking lot of a plaza in the area of Ellesmere Road and Oakley Boulevard, near Midland Avenue, shortly after 2:30 a.m. Speaking to reporters at the scene on Wednesday, Det. Rod Benson said a significant number of shots were fired during what appears to be an exchange of gunfire." Police said over 50 rounds were fired.

"One male was pronounced dead at the scene and a female later died in hospital. Two other males were transported to a trauma centre to be treated for serious injuries."

Braydon McCann, 22 was the male killed. The Toronto Star is reporting that "Braydon, the youngest of five kids, had turned 22 on Monday and lived at home with his mother near where the shooting occurred, said McCann, who works in construction and lives in Bowmanville."

Justin Trudeau's handgun freeze has obviously not reduced gun violence because criminals don't use lawfully obtained firearms.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Throttle Locker sentenced to 12 years for drug trafficking

Castanet is reporting that "A member of a Hells Angels support club in Kelowna has been jailed for 12 years following a drug trafficking bust in Kamloops. Zale Coty, 54, was sentenced after pleading guilty to conspiracy to traffic fentanyl. Police said Coty was a full patch member of the Throttle Lockers Motorcycle Club, a support club for the Kelowna chapter of the Hells Angels. The investigation was sparked in 2017 by RCMP in Kamloops, who determined the Throttle Lockers were behind a large-scale drug trafficking operation expanding into the city."

CTV is reporting that "Coty pleaded guilty last week to the charges, including conspiracy to traffic fentanyl, after he was arrested alongside associates Jacob Andrew Cavanagh and Shawn William Carlisle, who also pleaded guilty to multiple drug offences. Carlisle, then 49 years old, was sentenced to two and a half years in prison in February 2023, while Cavanaugh, 28, received a four-year sentenced in December of that year."

Kamloops: Redd Alert, Throttle Lockers and Wolf Pack. Can we see a pattern yet?

So this is the MO. They create a puppet club for plausible deniability. It's not us, it's them. After the new puppet club racks up a set of criminal charges, they ditch them and start a new puppet club. Crack was horrible. Crystal meth and fentanyl are even worse.

Throttle Lockers, Renegades, Heavy Hitters... thanks but no thanks. Remember the Kingpin Crew? After Blaze's pal Joey Verma killed Britney Irving he was told his debt to the club would be forgiven and he was promised the VP position of the Kingpin Crew. He continued to sell drugs in prison after his arrest for her murder and got a VP tat. The rest of the group didn't want any part of that so they were disbanded. These names come and go but L&R has nothing to do with it.

Remember back when the Hells Angels in BC never had any criminal convictions? Times have sure changed so they have. Pride cometh before the fall so it does and great shall be the fall thereof. What's done in the dark shall be brought to the light. Welcome to the apocalypse.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Netanyahu launches Polio bio weapon in Gaza

Sky News is reporting that "The virus that causes polio has been detected in sewage samples in Gaza, according to its health ministry. In a statement, the health ministry called "for an immediate halt to the Israeli aggression, providing usable water, repairing sewage lines, and ending population crowding in places of displacement".

Netanyahu's abominations continue to spread like a forest fire.

Heavy Hitters MC Terrace - Update

Looks like there's another puppet club in the toolies. They're called the Heaver Hitters MC and they're from Terrace. Terrace is between Prince Rupert and Smithers. I'd say in the middle of nowhere but those rural communities are really nice. Why do you have to spoil it?
These are big guys on nice bikes wearing full face helmets in the summer. Whatever man. I'm really getting too old for this. If you wanna ride, ride. If you wanna sling crack....

It's hard for me to take any of this seriously because it all seems like one big drug infested ponzi scheme. It's really hard to keep up with all these puppet clubs that come and go like the spinning wheel turns. Everybody wants to be something but what you want to be isn't noble. You're following the wrong model. I'm not going to hate. I'm just going to separate myself from all of that.

Here's my advice. Get rid of the patch. Take off your faring. Get rid of the full face helmet. Strap on a tent and sleeping bag and go camping. Live the dream don't pimp the dream.

Prince George was Red and White. That was Rainbow Rickys jurisdiction. He totally f*cked over Billy Moore, Jason Hall and Joey Arrance. They all were with a puppet club called the Renegades. They in turn sponsored a finger puppet club called the Crew who didn't even pretend to ride motorcycles. They just sold crack. Ryan Chiappe was in his prime. Now, not so much.

OK let's talk about the Renegades. Billy Moore was well liked and respected. The club killed him because he unknowingly sponsored a police agent. They burned his house down and killed him in his truck. After that the Rengedaes started to embrace finger puppets. They oversaw the Crew who sold crack. The Crew got some bad press for violent debt collection. A guy from the Crew cut a guy's finger off for a drug debt and walked around with it in a ring box to remind people to pay their debts. Then came the Game Tight Soldiers who weren't a rival. They were just another group that sold crack for the Hells Angels.

Ryan was with IS so they had a presence in PG at the time as well. IS is Wolf Pack now.

There was some pretty horrendous torture going on for drug debs in the basements of their crack shacks. Then a bunch of very young juvenile delinquents joined the Crew and following their hero Rainbow Ricky's example they sodomized a guy with a broomstick. Those kids were really f*cked up and they all were associated with Rainbow Ricky because PG and the Renegades were his.

Then came Jason Hall and Joey Arrance. They were with the Renegades in PG but for some reason fell out of favor with Rainbow Ricky. They burned Joey's house down and killed his girlfriend's wheelchair bound mother. They shot him dead in Coquitlam. Then they hired a brutal prison assault on Jason Hall and shot him dead when he got out of prison. All of that was Rainbow Ricky and all of that was really f*cked up.

So if the Heavy Hitters are working for Rainbow Ricky, mind how ya go. You're far better off being affiliated with the new Kelowna leadership. Rainbow Ricky is a complete POS. He is not a role model. This goes back to the beginning. Before the HAs came to BC the Gypsies Wheelers in Whiterock were normal but Rainbow Ricky and the Satan’s Angels were f*ck ups.
The Throttle lockers were a MC trying to set up shop in 100 Mile House but we all saw what happened to them. They all jumped Dain Phillips after Rob Thomas got him down with a baseball bat and beat Dain to death with hammers. They were f*ck ups.

So again, we've seen a lot of names come and go. None of them lasted very long. My concern is if you look at the pic of the Heavy hitters, the two look like President and Sergeant at arms. The guy in the shorts is just a regular member.

The Hells Angels will often hire big guys to be enforcers but they don't usually hire big guys to sell drugs for them in case they break off on their own. The HAs usually empower idiots like Jamie Bacon who could never make it on their own. That makes them easy to tax.

These two Heavy hitters are in a dangerous position. They might not want to put up with Rainbow Ricky's bullsh*t. That means they could end up dead. I certainly hope that will not happen. I'm just saying be very careful. It's a dirty business so it is and there's no L&R in it.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Joe Biden steps down as 2024 presidential candidate

The New York Times is reporting that "After intense pressure from within his own party, President Biden said he was ending his campaign and backing Vice President Kamala Harris to run in his place. Ms. Harris said she would seek the nomination, adding: “Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.”

We knew a scam was ready to unfold when Biden agreed to a presidential debate and the media were so surprised he wasn't cognitive. We have all known this for a very long time but the powers that be refused to let anyone else run as a nominee. It wasn't just Joe Biden, it was the Democrat apparatus that put him there. They didn't want to let anyone else run. They certainly didn't want to let RFK run. They wanted to control the process and run someone they controlled.

On Joe Biden's first day of office there was a stack of Presidential Orders on his desk waiting for him to sign. He didn't write those. Someone else did. Joe Biden didn't have the ability to orchestrate massive mail in ballot fraud. Someone else did. That was clearly an Intelligence Operation as was the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Angelo Musitano's murder and Wade Cudmore

Since the Ontario Village idiots are following Wally the Weasel's lead and lying about their association with the Luppino-Violi crime family in Hamilton during the Rizzuto war I will address the Jabril Abdalla red herring. Complete Overview: The clue in the murder victim's pocket

The Hamilton Spectator is reporting that "On Jan. 16, 2018, police investigating the murder of Hamilton mobster Angelo Musitano met with Jabril Abdalla at a Tim Hortons on the Mountain, to see if they could get him talking. Seated in the noisy Rymal Road West coffee shop, Det. Jason Cattle tells Abdalla they’re investigating the May 2, 2017, murder and canvassing owners of black Honda Civics, like the one Abdalla had recently sold. The conversation is recorded and lead detective Cattle and Det. Sgt. Peter Thom, the case manager, have a questionnaire."

"They tell Abdalla they’re contacting owners of 2006 to 2011 black, two-door Honda Civics. But it’s a lie. It’s a planned police “scenario” — a deliberate lie they first planted at a news conference days before, one designed to get Abdalla talking."

"Abdalla is not told he’s a suspect in their murder investigation. Nor is he told they already know he is the registered owner of the exact Honda Civic captured on surveillance video before and after two murders. Cattle tells him he doesn’t have to talk, that he has the right to contact a lawyer. Abdalla doesn’t want to sign anything but agrees to answer police questions."

"He tells police that he has owned two different black Honda Civics, but both were sold. He denies being near the Musitano murder scene. Later in court, Abdalla’s lawyer Leora Shemesh suggests this was an attempt to surreptitiously record and interview her client."

"Had the case against Abdalla proceeded to trial, this was among many pieces of evidence likely to have been challenged for admissibility. But that never happened because Abdalla struck a deal last month and pleaded guilty to participating in a criminal organization." He was just a driver.

Registering a car you do a hit in in anyone's name that you know is insane. It's traceble.

OK the Police didn't lie to him, they didn't share information with him. They didn't tell him what they already knew. They wanted to see if he would lie because that would give them something to go on. Yes they lied about the survey. They weren't canvassing all the owners of black Honda civics just him. That's called police work. It's an investigation and it worked.

Admissibility of that evidence would have been contested but it might not have been rejected. He cut a deal and plead out. He pleaded guilty to participating in a criminal organization. I can tell you right now, if the police thought he was the shooter they wouldn't have let him plead out to participating in a criminal organization. That's because they didn't think he was the shooter. They thought he helped Tomassetti track the victim. They thought Michael Cudmore was the shooter.
The shooter was white not black. He also looked heavy. Daniel Tomassetti isn't heavy, he's fit. Cudmore was bigger and heaver. The police believe Cudmore was the shooter associated with the Ontario Hells Angels. Cudmore was the muscle, not the brains of the operation.
It is the investigator's belief that Cudmore had joined Daniele Ranieri, a person of interest in both murders, in Mexico. In March 2018, Ranieri was found murdered and his body left in a ditch in Mexico. Michael Cudmore found dead in Mexico years after Daniele Ranieri was found dead

The tracker placed on Angelo Musitano's truck was purchased at a spy store on Young Street in Toronto. The account use to purchase the tracker was Mike uppercut666. Mike Cudmore was a boxer and used the nickname uppercut. 666 is obviously a reference to the Hells Angels. 666 stands for Filthy Few Fellowship a patch when someone commits murder for the club. Support your local 666 means support your local Hells Angels.
Tracker data and cellphone towers connected Wade Cudmore to the home of Sean Bixby from the Hells Angels affiliated North End Crew. Dwayne Smith was the HA and Wayne Cudmore was the associate. One of the cars tied to the murder of Angelo Musitano was found at Sean Bixby's home. The police matched Wayne Cudmore's DNA to the car used by the shooter.

Obsessing over Daniel Tomassetti at this point is a waste of time and money. Wade was the shooter and he's dead. Case closed. Excellent investigation work. Tomassetti helped him track targets. Jabril Abdalla was just a driver that kind of got screwed over.
The Toronto Sun reported that Paris Christoforou was at one time a member of the Toronto North Chapter. The Toronto Chapter and the Ontario Nomads were two different chapters. Christoforou was an enforcer and a hitman tied to the Quebec Hells Angels.

April 21, 2004 Paris Christoforou and Peter Scarcella wwere involved in an Ontario mob hit that left a bystanders paralyzed. They were targeting Mike Modica who was causing probems for the Gambinos in New York. Peter Scarcella was a driver for Paul Volpe and was the last person to see Paul alive. Louise Russo was a bystander left paralyzed by a stray bullet.

The Toronto Star claims Paris Christoforou lost his patch in 2017 and was targeted in Toronto and Montreal. Yet he continued to run an illegal gambling ring for the Ontario Hells Angels.

Ireland mass migration and the EU

"Immigration into Ireland has more than doubled over the last 20 years with 22% of the population now made up of non-citizens, meaning Ireland has the fourth largest non-national population of all 27 EU member states percentage-wise, according to published EU statistics" Google.

Fox News is reporting that "The Irish government’s unwavering commitment to housing and feeding an unprecedented influx of migrants in the wake of a severe housing and cost of living crisis has brought the Irish electorate to boiling point. It has many similarities to the migrant crisis in the US." Ireland has the fourth largest non-national population of all 27 EU member states.

OK so we're talking about mass migration and I'll explain why it's important. It's called the Plantation of Ulster. Back in the day, England wanted to conquer Ireland now the EU does. When England wanted to conquer Ireland they started mass migration. They planted English or people loyal to the Crown in Ireland with the sole intent of changing the demographic of voters. Now that's exactly what the EU is doing. We're talking about small towns more than doubling their population. This 22% increase over the last 20 years has increased exponentially in recent years.

It's also a problem because all these people want free food and free housing. No nation can afford or sustain that. The purpose is to crash the system. Ireland joined the European Union in 1973 and was one of the first countries to adopt the euro on 1 January 1999.

In ancient times, countries would invade one another. Now the WEF is using mass migration to promote it's agenda of a one world global government ruled by Communism. A brand of Communism hijacked by greedy Capitalists. This is not James Connolly's dream for Ireland.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Fatal Shooting of another Rapper in Montreal

CTV is reporting that "Two people are dead after a shooting in the Montreal borough of Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension early Friday morning. CTV News has confirmed the identities of the two victims, Guy Love Jolicoeur also know as G Fetty and Peter Dave Alisme." La Presse is reporting that "Guy Love Jolicoeur was also known by his West Indian rap artist name, G Fetty."

This is really sad. You guys really need to get your sh*t together. Life is worth more than this.

TVA Nnouvelles is reporting that this is the 11th rapper killed in 3 years.

July 3, 2021: Mohammed Sayum “SOSO BURGZ”, 21 years old, in Montreal

August 3, 2021: Jerry Willer Jean-Baptiste “Mackazoe”, 29 years old, in Montreal

August 8, 2021: Duckerns Pierre Clermont “Jeune Loup”, 22 years old, in Montreal

October 18, 2021: Jannai Dopwell-Bailey “Twizzy”, 16, in Montreal

December 2, 2021: Hani Ouahdi “El DZairy”, 20 years old, in Montreal

September 20, 2022: Adam Jean-Philippe “Young A Stunnin”, 21 years old, in Montreal

September 15, 2023: Karapet Mikaelyan “Karman”, 28 years old, in Outaouais

October 9, 2023: Gordy Jean-Paul “Young Dev”, 34 years old, in Terrebonne

November 29, 2023: Reuban Ntake “Yung Kartel”, 23, in Montreal

May 14, 2024: Christopher Shawn Jean Vilsaint “Dirty S”, 27 years old, in Montreal

July 19, 2024: Guy Love Jolicoeur, “G-Fetty”, 34 years old, in Montreal

Dirty S Shooter arrested in Prince George