Sunday, September 15, 2024

No regrets. Well, not many.

I was at the gym today and a Yong gun had a T shirt that said No Regrets. I smiled. I used to be like that. Young and confident. Now I'm old with a few battle scars but as the Terminator remix said old but not obsolete. I'm not dead yet. I always used to say I have no regrets but in all honesty that's not really true. I have many regrets but I'm grateful for the experiences I've had.

People say wouldn't you like to be young again and I'd be like hell no. People's say but wouldn't you like to know then what you know now? I'd be like nope. If I knew then what I know now there'd be a whole of sh*t that I wouldn't have done and I wouldn't have all those experiences now. Experience is a good thing. I don't regret trying my best in life.

I'd rather be old with a blank canvas in front of me ready to embark on a new journey. I feel like Bob Seger in that song Roll Me Away. Maybe this time we'll get it right. For me that ship has sailed but my kids still have the whole world in front of them and it looks hopeful so it does.
I do regret some people died. I regret I wasn't able to do more for some of the youth I've worked with over the years. I guess I do have a few regrets. It's like that song about Derry called the Town I loved so well. "What's done is done. What's won is won and what's lost is lost and gone forever. All we can do is hope and pray for a bright brand new day in the town I loved so well."

Not like Trump AI Remix

The Pentagon Attack during 9/11

Dan Dicks recently made a video about the attack on the Pentagon since it was the 23rd anniversary of 9/11. His video starts off with a clip from a talk by Barbara Honegger who interviewed many eye witnesses of 9/11 and is a very credible source.

She interviewed many experts who said the round hole the impact explosion created was not from an airplane. I remember news reports at the time saying no airplane debris was found at the site. Loose Change 9/11 also raised many relevant questions about that attack and also concluded that a plane did not make that hole in the wall a missile did which is confirmed by their own video surveillance. Loose Change 9/11 also pointed out that is was virtually impossible for any skilled pilot let alone a new pilot to make the turn and hit the Pentagon from that angle.

Dan Dicks put out a documentary called Press for Truth Presents: 9/11 Decade of Deception. This is very relevant because any media outlet that portrays 9/11 as a foreign terrorist attack is part of the New World Order of deception. It was George Bush Jr who coined the term New World Order during his unlawful invasion of Iraq based on a lie. The Bush family and the Clinton family were untied in their fraud. That showed us how globalists infiltrate the right as well as the left.

Barbara Honegger wrote a book called the October Surprise which discusses George Bush Sr and William Casey's plot to bribe the Iranian hostage takers to keep the hostages until after the election. Barbara is a former White House policy annalist.

She did an in depth interview many years ago about the Iran Contra Arms sales which wasn't just selling arms to Iran. It was also about selling cocaine in the US to raise money for the Contra rebels in Nicaragua. Gary Webb pointed out that the CIA were responsible for the US crack epidemic back in the /80's. So there are a whole lot of lies here we need to circumnavigate.

Another fact we need to discuss is that although a huge number of people question the 9/11 narrative, many of the so called independent media outlets don't. We're forced to conclude that sometimes it's not simply a matter of agreeing on some issues and disagreeing on others. When you look at the big picture it clearly appears to be a brazen attempt to infiltrate and lead astray. We see this happen from two different angles both are connected to the Mossad and the CIA.

Three outlets I'd like to cite are True North, the Daily Wire and Rebel News. Rebel News has always been a local source of inspiration. Yet their misrepresentation of Benjamin Netanyahu has been a colossal disappointment. I wonder how they feel about Larry Silverstein. I think I know. I don't think Rebel News will admit 9/11 was an inside job and that represents a large concern. It represents the Mossad influence which is joined at the hip with the CIA influence which is tied to Iran Contra and the UN's New World Order. Ben Shapiro from the Daily Wire is an a*shole.

Chris Sky once called Rebel News Fake News simply because Chris Sky is an idiot. Chris Sky is indeed a racist and an anti Semite. Yet Rebel News' blind endorsement of a globalist in Israel makes their justifiable concerns about Klaus Schwab complete hypocrisy. If one is bad, they both are. This brings us to True North. Is gender ideology really a red herring?

I don't think True North has the same obvious Mossad influence Rebel News and the Daily Wire has but they have Harper history. They blindly supported Harper because he was a conservative but he wasn't. Harper was a globalist just like George Bush. Harper was the reason the Reform Party was created. His tax and spend pork barrel politics were anything but conservative.

George Bush Jr and Sr were tied to Bill Clinton and Mena Arkansas. None of that was good. That corruption was non partisan. Stephen Harper and Brian Mulroney were a part of that. Lyin' Brian was tied to investment fraud and arms dealing in Iran Contra. Brian Mulroney and George Bush were both directors on Bre X. Stephen Harper was an enemy of the Charter of Rights just like Commodus is. Blind support of Stephen Harper and Brian Mulroney is not a good thing.

I don't think True North, the Daily Wire or Rebel News will entertain the conversation that 9/11 was an inside job. That means they promote the divisive lies 9/11 was created to foster. The agenda of those divisive lies is Globalism and the UN's New World Order. This leads us to the infiltrate and lead astray agenda. Yet there is another angle to that same agenda.

Another way the intelligence community seeks to lead truthers astray is by infiltrating them with nine truths to get them hooked on one lie. The CIA will set up fake independent media outlets or movements that draw people in with gender ideology. Then they ad a whole bunch of crazy a*s nonsense. The reason they do that is to mock the resistance.

They start going off about aliens and flat earth. Then they con the public by claiming people who think 9/11 was an inside job are just a bunch of flat earthers. Not so. I know I've been hard on flat earthers in the past. The reason I am hard on them is because that is a CIA psyop.

Rumble had paid ads linking to QAnon's false prophet that taught flat earth. Flat earthers are like sovereign citizens. They both like to argue about stupid sh*t. If you don't pay your taxes you're going to go to jail. We can argue about high taxes and how taxes are spent but if you drive on the roads, go to the hospital or want police and firemen, some taxes have to be paid. Zero taxes is not realistic. Likewise flat earth is nonsense. It defies astronomy and common sense. Put a GoPro on a weather balloon and you can see it for yourself. Case closed Flat earth is a psyop.

Just like this pet eating claim. Trump probably got that from the Intelligence Community who wanted to make him look bad. Sure they probably had stats of some migrants in some areas eating pets. The majority obviously don't. The stereotype is in Asia some people will eat cats or dogs. Pretty creepy but not much different than eating cows or moose. It's all animal flesh. The CIA will lead people astray with nonsense to make them look bad. It's part of their disinformation.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Tamara Lich & Chris Barber's trial comes to an end

CTV is reporting that "After 45 days of evidence and legal arguments the criminal trial of Freedom Convoy organizers Tamara Lich and Chris Barber is finally at an end. A verdict could be as much as six months away. 'I don’t know in this moment when I will be in a position to give my decision,' Justice Heather Perkins-McVey said Friday. She said 'it's a little daunting,' given the unusually great volume of evidence and legal questions associated with the case."

That is ridiculous. As I said in my interview with Tamara Lich, the case never should have went to trial. It's that simple. This whole kangaroo court is a stain on the nation. Western Standard article.

Elizabeth May & Kennedy Stewart defied a court order. Tamara Lich & Chris Barber did not.

The CIA, Iran and the Hells Angels

The Washington Post, a died in the wool propaganda outlet for the CIA and their Iranian Contra mirror recently posted a follow up nonsense piece about the Damion Ryan Iran dissident lie and the Toronto Sun took the bait. Not a word about the fact that Dammion Ryan's co accused Naji Sharifi Zindashti is a Kurd and sold drugs for the CIA not the government of Iran. Not a word.

Instead they're trying to blame Donald Trumps assassination attempt on Iran. That is ridiculous. It was the CIA. Their MI6 Iraq's WMD mirror picked up on the fake story as well. Let's review what we know and examine the test of believably. The CIA are international drug traffickers. They assassinated Major Charles McKee on Pan-Am Flight 103 then blamed Libya so he couldn't testify about the CIA's drug trafficking in Lebanon. The CIA lie about everything they do.

The CIA are supporting Iranian terrorists known as the MEK short for Mujahedin-e Khalq in their bid to overthrow the current Iranian government. MEK supported Saddam Hussein in the Iran Iraq war who was using US mustard gas on Iranian civilians with the CIA's blessing. The CIA is demonizing Iran because they have oil and the CIA's oil wars reduce oil supply in favor of the Saudi oil monopoly. The CIA are not patriots. They train terrorists all over the world.

The CIA created ISIS and assassinated the Iranian general who was responsible for defeating ISIS in Syria. Then the CIA created ISIS K in Pakistan. Meanwhile back on the ranch, the Mainstream media is reprinting every lie the CIA send them. BTW Gaza has natural gas.

Don't forget Damion Ryan's fake bust is tied to FBI honeypot Sky Global.

Jerusalem's arm sales to the Islamic Republic during Iran-Iraq War

Friday, September 13, 2024

Donald Trump, the Deep State and the Pet parade

I didn't watch the debate but I heard a few comments. Evidently the fake news gave Kamala Harris a list of the questions they were going to ask ahead of time which is not surprising. More like the CIA gave the fake news a list of questions they were allowed to ask. Yet that is all irrelevant. The only thing we need to remember is Kamala Harris' track record with Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is a blundering idiot and under his administration the country went to sh*t. Kamala Harris was a big part of that. People can argue she was just VP she wasn't in charge. Do you really think Joe Biden was in charge? Either Kamala Harris was telling him what to do or someone else was. If it was someone else, we know that someone is pulling Kamala's string just like Uncle Joe's because they are the ones that got her on the ticket without a party election.

RFK was not allowed to run. RFK and Tulsi Gabbard both left the party for a reason. We need to remember that and not be distracted by the smoke and mirrors. The way the media referenced the debate was once again comical. The Guardian highlighted Kamala's facial expressions during the debate which according to them said it all. Again no substance, no policies, no ownership for the current economic fiasco, only smoke and mirrors bullsh*t. The Guardian is MI6. The ones that assured us Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction when they didn't.

I saw several memes about Donald Trump claiming some mass immigrants were eating pets. I don't know how Haitians were associated with that. Canada has a large Haitian population and they don't eat pets. Obviously that was a stupid statement like the one about putting Lysol in coffee during Covid. Trump is unscripted. Sometimes he says stupid things but most of the time he is right on the money. He knows business and he speaks about real issues. The US economy prospered under his leadership. No one can dispute that. Everyone is leaving Liberal sh*t holes that promote crime and high taxes for a reason. Portland's decriminalization didn't work. The insane self destructive economic polices of the World Economic Forum are also undisputed. Supporting the Saudi oil monopoly so they can jack up the price of gas is criminal.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Woman charged for shooting at Hells Angels Clubhouse

Northern News now is reporitng that "According to the criminal complaint, on Sept. 2, at around 6:15 a.m., officers responded to a report of a woman in a silver Jeep who shot at the front door of the Hells Angels Clubhouse on Grant Avenue in Eveleth (Minnesota). The caller told police they were sleeping on a couch and awakened by a disturbance at the front door."

"A different Hells Angels member confronted a woman, later identified as Gunderson, at the front door, told her to leave, and shut the door. The caller said they then heard loud banging noises and the member who answered the door ran out of the line of fire."

"Authorities say they located fourteen 9mm casings scattered around the street and sidewalk in front of the clubhouse. In addition, they found apparent bullet holes on the front door of the clubhouse and apparent bullet damage inside the front entryway. Police say street camera footage shows a Jeep Commander parked in front of the Hells Angels clubhouse."

"Gunderson walked to the front door, pointed a handgun at the door, and fired multiple rounds. She then got back in the Jeep and drove away. Police say Gunderson made statements, including but not limited to: “I ***** hate the Hells Angels right now,” and “My gun is in my backpack.” Officers then entered Gunderson’s room and found a backpack containing a 9mm handgun, multiple magazines, and rounds of ammunition. Gunderson can’t possess a firearm based on a prior conviction from a 2016 incident for a crime of violence; third-degree controlled substance. Gunderson is looking at up to 15 years behind bars for the incident."

Wow, I thought Hells Angels aren't supposed to dial 911. Not only did they dial 911, they pressed charges and the woman got a jail sentence because of them. Rats. Times have sure changed.
Wasn't he a member of the Village People? Pat Matter rolled on his chapter to get a reduced sentence. Pat punched a woman in the head and raped her in their clubhouse as a prospect.

Tim Shields’ sexual assault trial settled and gagged

The Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal is reporting that "RCMP say a settlement has been reached in a lawsuit that alleged a former spokesman for the force in B.C. sexually harassed a civilian employee. The lawsuit against former inspector Tim Shields had been scheduled to go to trial on Tuesday but court documents show the parties agreed to dismiss the action without costs in May. RCMP Sgt. Janelle Shoihet says the terms of the settlement are confidential."

Another gag order on another RCMP sexual harassment lawsuit. Tim Shields was a member of the FOCCers in BC. The Friends of Craig Callens who were a bunch of dirty a*s swingers in RCMP E Divison management. No lie can live forever. Welcome to the real world order.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Israel bombs tent city of refuges in Safe Zone - Update

Buisiness Day is reporting that "Israeli strikes blasted a huge crater in a designated safe zone in southern Gaza before dawn on Tuesday, setting tents ablaze and burying Palestinian families under sand. Palestinian officials said scores of people had been killed or injured in the strikes, with at least 19 dead bodies brought to hospital and other victims feared lost or buried. Reuters journalists saw several bodies in the morning aftermath."

Nation of change is reporting that "Israeli airstrikes in Gaza on Tuesday targeted the overcrowded al-Mawasi tent city, designated a “safe zone,” leaving dozens of civilians dead and wounded. The attack, which Israel claims was aimed at Hamas militants, has drawn sharp criticism for the civilian casualties, especially since the bombs used were reportedly supplied by the United States. The assault has added fuel to growing international outrage over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the complicity of countries like the U.S. in providing military support."

I'll add a overview but this is Satanic. No lie can live forever.

Overview: Let's remember what has happened here. Netanyahu invaded Gaza from the north and targeted civilians. He went to each major city and dropped leaflets demanding they evacuate and leave their homes for they would be killed. Then he would bomb safe areas right after he evacuated each city. Finally, the whole country was evacuated and forced into Rafah near the Egyptian border. Netanyahu closed the border and ordered all the displaced civilians to leave Rafah and forced them west into tents on the beach. Now he's bombing the tents.

There is nothing noble about any of this. This is a genocide that the people of Israel do not support. The whole time Israelis have been hold mass demonstrations demanding a ceasefire and for Netanyahu to resign. The whole time Netanyahu, a globalist in action, has been defying the people and unilaterally proceeding with his own evil agenda.

We know that the October 6th false flag was not possible without Netanyahu's assistance due to the heavily monitored border. Netanyahu took all the soldiers monitoring the border off that watch to facilitate the attack. Then he issued a stand down order so the operatives could get in and out with hostages. They were his operatives. Mossad created Hamas to push Fatah and the PLO out of Gaza after the Oslo accord was signed. Netanyahu wants conflict.

Netanyahu benefited from the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and has done everything in his power to defy that agreement and the peace process ever since. He is a vaccine loving, electronic voting, lockdown supporting globalist with the WEF. We have seen how the CIA has hijacked the mainstream media in support of the UN's New World Order of lies.

We have also seen how Mossad has hijacked two independent media outlets who both pretended to opposed the WEF but are in reality actively supporting it through Netanyahu. For them to denounce Klaus Schwab and the WEF then blindly endorse Netanyahu is complete hypocrisy and reveals their deceptive agenda. Infiltrate and lead astray. Buyer Beware.

Mississauga woman in Lamborghini in life-threatening condition after shooting

The Toronto Sun is reporting that "A 33-year-old Mississauga woman is fighting for her life in hospital after being shot in Mississauga. Police said the woman and two other women were in a black Lamborghini SUV at the time of the shooting that possibly occurred along this stretch of ritzy Mississauga Rd. just before 4 a.m. on Tuesday. Const. Mandeep Khatra of Peel Regional Police was unsure where or when the shooting happened, only to say where the high-end luxury vehicle ended up — in a construction zone of the South Sheridan Way below the QEW."

A Lamborghin is a pretty amazing luxury car but a Lamborghin SUV is pretty plain.