Saturday, June 8, 2024

4 suspects arrested after fatal Surrey shooting - Update

CTV is reporting that "A man is dead following a shooting in Surrey Friday, and homicide investigators say four people have been arrested. Mounties were called about the incident at 8:46 a.m., saying it happened in a residential area near 164 Street and 10 Avenue."

Not long after, police were called about a vehicle on fire on McMillan Road near 20 Avenue. Four suspects had been taken into custody as a result of the quick, co-ordinated response of Surrey RCMP, Air 1 and the Lower Mainland Integrated Emergency Response Team." 6AK_TV vid.

Global is reporting that the victim is Yuvraj Goyal, of Surrey.
The India Express is reporting that he was from Punjab’s Ludhiana. The Vancuver Sun is reporting that "Manvir Basram, 23, Sahib Basra, 20, and Harkirat Jhutty, 23, of Surrey, as well as Keilon Francois, 20, of Ontario, have been charged with first-degree murder."

The Hindustan Times is reporting that "One of those arrested, Harkirat Jhutty was the subject of the public warning issued by Surrey RCMP in December 2022, along with Karnvir Garcha. In July 2023, Garcha, 25, was found fatally shot in the town of Coquitlam."

This local shooting made the Daily Guardian. I guess that's the Canadian version of a British paper. "The authorities continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding Yuvraj Goyal’s tragic murder, aiming to bring justice and closure to the affected community."

Justice and closure doesn't come from convicting the shooters when the police have the people that ordered the murder on their payroll. Speaking of which, whatever happened to those crazy charges against their man Damion Ryan? Are any of the charges against him proceeding?

6AK_TV is reporting that Manvir Basram graduated from Tamanawis secondary while Harkirat Jhutty and Sahib Basra both graduated from Queen Elizabeth secondary school in Surrey but the Ontario guy is "Keilon Deshann being the infamous rapper known as Keyzie (Driftwood WassGang Member)." So does that mean the other three are BK? That means they work for the Edmonton Angels. Justice and closure won't happen until the ring leaders are convicted.
The Wolf Pack hire the Driftwood Crips to commit murder then roll on them as soon as they do the hit. That's Damion Ryan's MO. Damion Ryan hired and rolled on Lil Man for killing Mo.

Shooting someone for a pair of sneakers is pretty messed up.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Why the ATF should and should not be disbanded

I realize this is a loaded question but there's a reason why it's relevant. There has been a lot of discussion about disbanding the ATF and it is worth having that discussion. However, the reason why I think we should disband the ATF isn't simply because of corruption. The CIA corrupted the ATF so if anything we should disband the CIA but that's a separate discussion.

The reason why I think the ATF should be abolished is because it has become an anti Second Amendment lobbyist group. I'm all for law enforcement. The ATF is supposed to enforce the law not lobby to change the law especially when those changes violate the Constitution which the ATF has sworn an oath to uphold. The flip side of the debate is pretty scary.

The Hill is reporting that "The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) should be abolished, because of its inability to enforce gun laws, according to a lengthy report from the left-leaning Center for American Progress. The FBI is better suited to crack down on gun violence, and should absorb the ATF’s agents, the report argues." AYFKM?

"The ATF is undercut by political limitations — from misguided congressional meddling to the failure to confirm a permanent director — that make it difficult to enforce the nation’s gun laws, according to the report." Oh the cunning plan of the evil one.

Here we have two polar opposite reasons for disbanding the ATF. One is because the ATF have broken their oath and are enemies of the Second Amendment. The other is because they don't have enough power to destroy the Second Amendment completely. Can we now see why the CIA infiltrated the ATF? They have an agenda and that agenda has nothing to do with keeping their oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Revisiting the murder of Cynthia Garcia

Since A&E's Secrets of the Hells Angels did such a great job revisiting the Margo Comptom murder I thought we should revisit the Cynthia Garcia murder since it is indirectly related to the murder of Lindsay Buziak as they were both brutally violent stabbings.

The official version of the Cynthia Garcia murder isn't anything remotely close to the truth. Kind of like Noel Bargers rewriting of her historical fight with Sonny Barger. Cynthia Garcia was brutally murdered October 25, 2001 by members of the Mesa, Arizona Hells Angels. She was stabbed 27 times, stuffed in a truck and dumped in the desert.

The Aging Rebel added some important details the official version omitted. Kevin J. Augustiniak, who was a prospect at the time, plead guilty to second degree murder and was sentenced to 23.5 years in prison. Paul Eischeid was sentenced to 19 years for second degree murder.

Before I dive into the real story I will share what nudged me to investigate it. I hesitate to share this but I think it's noteworthy. I'm not into weird sh*t. I don't follow moving statues or bleeding paintings and I don't have prophetic dreams. If I have vivid dreams it usually means I ate spicy food before bed or watched a really weird movie. Having said that, one night I did have a vivid dream which encouraged me to dig a little deeper into this story.

Someone was sending me information about an online prostitution ring run by the Hells Angels. I had decided not to write about it for two reasons. What concerning adults do behind closed doors is none of my business and if I wrote about it, all that was going to do was give them more business. I asked the person if they had any info on Mesa Mike as I was more interested in him and they gave me some but I kind of dropped the ball and forgot about it. Until that dream.

In the dream I came face to face with a member of the Hells Angels. He was a big guy and you could tell by the way he stood and spoke, he represented the club. He wanted me write write a blog about a police informant who was an a*shole. He wrote a name on a piece of paper and gave it to me. I was hesitant and said even if he is an a*shole, I can't put the life of a police informant at risk. He just looked me in the eye and said just read the name.

I open up the piece of paper and read the name. It said Cynthia Garcia. That's when I woke up. I remembered the name. The police informant in that case was Michael Kramer also known as Mesa Mike. That's when I started to do some digging and connect the dots.

The Aging Rebel said Michael Kramer was the architect of the murder then became a police informant. Let's walk through what happened. Wikipedia states that "On the evening of Thursday, October 25, 2001, a group of Hells Angels wearing their gang colors were drinking at a bar in Gilbert led by the Mesa chapter president Robert 'Bad Bob' Johnson. When the bar closed at 1:30 am, the Hells Angels returned to their clubhouse to continue drinking. Amongst those drinking were Kramer, Augustiniak and Eischeid."

"The Angels sent out a prospect, Kelby Randolph, on a scavenger hunt for pussy as the Angels wanted women for sex. Randolph returned with Garcia." I was under the impression that Paul Eischeid went with him to invite women to a party at the clubhouse.

Eischeid was a stock broker by day and a Hells Angels by night. He was described as a handsome young man who had his sh*t together. So he was probably a good one to get to invite women to a party at the clubhouse. They'd take a look at him and say yeah sure, I'll come.

Notice the intent. They weren't just sent out to invite women to a party. Kramer wanted to have sex with her. That was his clear intent. The official story claims that when she got to the clubhouse she started disrespecting the club. According to who? According to the people who killed her. There are no other witnesses. Aside from being not credible, that's not believable.

Why would she go to the clubhouse and start trash taking the club. She wouldn't. Kramer wanted to have sex with her and she said no. That's how she disrespected him. She was interested in Eischeid not Kramer. The Aging Rebel went at great lengths to describe the inconsistencies with Kramer's version of events. It's unfortunate his blog wasn't archived after he died of cancer but I will recite what I saw on his blog. The Aging Rebel said Kramer claimed to have a change of heart when Cynthia grabbed his leg after she had been stabbed 27 times and almost decapitated. The Aging Rebel said that was bullsh*t and so do I.

The Aging Rebel pointed out that Kramer was the senior member at the time. Augustiniak was a prospect and if Eischeid had his patch he didn't have it long. Augustiniak and Eischeid were acting under Kramer's orders. Now let's flash back to Pat Matters in the A&E series Secrets of the Hells Angels. Pat said when he was a prospect a full patch member told him to pick up the member's girlfriend and bring her to the clubhouse. When he got there he was told to punch her in the head then f*ck her which he did. He was a prospect and he did what he was told.

Stabbing her 27 times was Dr Phil. Kramer did that because she had rejected him. Domestic violence is deranged but stabbing a woman 27 times is deeply personal. Just like Lindsay Buziak's murder was. Lindsay had rejected someone just like Cynthia Garcia did.

The Michael Kramer story gets worse. Kramer killed a prospect named Richard Hyder who disposed of their blood stained clothes. He ran him over at a funeral. It also ties in with the prostitution ring run by the Hells Angels. Aside from being the architect of the Cynthia Garcia murder, Micheal Kramer was a rat. He became a paid police informant to avoid doing jail time.

After he became a police informant Micheal Kramer ran a prostitution ring called Humaniplex. When a witness saw Kramer with active members they said what are you doing with him? That guy's a rat. They were told to shut up and drop it. That rat works for the club and the ATF.
Humaniplex is a CIA sting operation like Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's Mossad op. The ATF run the site for the CIA and track you so then can extort you. As soon as you click enter their scripts are on your computer. As Jason Goodman pointed out, after 9/11 all the intelligence agencies started to merge. That's why the ATF ran Operation Fast and Furious for the CIA. The CIA infiltrated them. They are the Octopus Danny Casolaro referred to.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Black Market Organ Harvesting with Mariana van Zeller

Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting

China is sequencing Uyghur DNA for organ harvesting

Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting

RFA is reporting that "Chinese authorities are collecting genetic data from the country’s Muslim Uyghur minority as part of a forced organ-transplant program marketed to Muslim medical tourists from Gulf states, experts told a U.S. congressional committee hearing on Wednesday. The medical tourists are willing to pay premiums for organs from fellow Muslims who abstain from pork and alcohol, the experts said, with DNA-matched Uyghur “donors” being rendered brain-dead and flown from Xinjiang in the country’s west to hospitals in the east."

"Chinese authorities insist that forced organ harvesting of executed prisoners has been banned in the country since January 2015. Testifying to the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Ethan Gutmann, a research fellow at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation and the author of 'The Slaughter', a book about forced organ harvesting, said Uyghurs aged in their mid-20s to early 30s are being taken from mass internment camps and killed for their organs."

"While China’s organ harvesting industry began a decade ago using adherents of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement, he said, it switched focus to Uyghurs and other Muslims interned in Xinjiang around 2017 due to demand from Middle Eastern medical tourists."

Brighter World is reporting that "China is the only country in the world to have an industrial-scale organ trafficking practice that harvests organs from executed prisoners of conscience. This practice is known as forced organ harvesting."

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Israelis continue to protest against Netanyahu

Israelis rightfully believe Netanyahu will torpedo a hostage deal to further his agenda. The problem is Benjamin Netanyahu is Hamas, Gill Rosenberg is Mossad. Globalism sucks.

Donald Trump receives thunderous applause at UFC 302

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Greg Martel accused of fraud in Victoria

CTV is reporting that "The trustee appointed to manage the bankruptcies of a Victoria mortgage company and its owner has concluded that they committed "numerous offences" and operated as a "massive Ponzi scheme." PricewaterhouseCoopers shared these conclusions in a document(opens in a new tab) submitted to the B.C. Supreme Court and the federal Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy this week. The document, known as a "Section 170 Report," details the trustee's reasons for opposing the discharge of Greg Martel from bankruptcy."

"It also indicates that more than 930 creditors have come forward to claim Martel and his company My Mortgage Auction Corp. owe them a total of more than $317 million. Martel operated MMAC under the name "Shop Your Own Mortgage." Last year, he and the company became the subject of multiple lawsuits from parties claiming millions of dollars owed to them."

CBC is reporting that "Bankruptcy proceedings for disgraced Victoria mortgage broker Greg Martel found he was operating a massive Ponzi scheme that helped fund a lavish lifestyle."
Here's an interesting twist. I knew I heard that name before. Remember that famous picture of Jason Zailo holding a knife posing with Lindsay Buziak? Well the third person in the picture is Greg Martel. Greg Martel knew Lindsay and was friends with Jason. He was there to celebrate her last birthday before she was murdered. Greg Martel was also the mortgage broker Greg Haney used when he ripped off the Pacific Rim resort for the BCMI.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Israeli police arrest someone for criticizing Rafah invasion on social media

Efrat Fenigson is reporting that "On May 30th, Rasha Karim Harami, an Israeli-Arab citizen who lives in Israel, published a story on social media against Israel's activities in Rafah and was arrested for disturbing public order. The arrest, which was recorded on a policeman's body camera, was leaked and went viral." They zip tied her hands and blindfolded her.

Mossad has created some false social media accounts for Rasha Karim Harami.

Arresting someone for objecting to a cruel war is insane. Blindfolding them is punitive. It's freaking Guantanamo bay. There is no need to blindfold anyone accused of any crime. Free speech is an inherit right as is due process. This is how the WEF wants to treat all dissidents around the world.

Under the Guise of War: Israel Government Restricts Rights of Israelis

New Israeli law requires universities to fire all academics who express dissent

Israeli teachers who criticize the war have been yanked from the classroom — and thrown in jail

Robert Pickton is dead - Update

APTN News is reporting that "A spokesperson for the Sureté du Québec says serial killer Robert ‘Willie’ Pickton has died in hospital. On May 19, Pickton was attacked by another prisoner at the Port-Cartier Institution where he was being held. “The 74 year old who got hurt on May 19 has succumbed to his injuries,” said Hugues Beaulieu, spokesperson for the Quebec Provincial police. The news was confirmed by Correctional Service of Canada."

"Pickton was in critical condition in hospital after the attack. At the time of his death, Pickton was now eligible to apply for day parole. Federal law would have allowed Pickton to apply for day parole three years before his full parole eligibility. He would have been eligible for full parole until 2027." The question is, what secrets died with him? I can tell you right now, whoever contracted his murder didn't do it so the victims could have justice. They did it to hide accomplices.

Everyone here knows Robert Pickton didn't act alone. Willy was a pig farmer. He could slaughter a pig and prepare it for a barbecue but he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. He was a bit slow. He wasn't the mastermind of anything. After the assault global reported that "Alan Mullen, a former corrections officer at the Kent Institution in Agassiz, B.C. when Pickton was incarcerated there, told Global News on Wednesday that some of that pain comes from knowing that if Pickton dies now, some of the truth will die with him."

"It’s no secret that Robert Pickton didn’t act alone here,” Mullen said, speaking of the many missing and murdered women believed to have been killed on the Pickton farm. “If you talk to (Pickton) or listen to (Pickton), it’s pretty obvious that he did not act alone,” Mullen added. “If he dies, yes, a lot of information and truth that we may be able to garner from him through further investigation, dies with him and that’s concerning to me,” Mullen added.

Mullen said “If you talk to (Pickton) or listen to (Pickton), it’s pretty obvious that he did not act alone,” He means everyone here knows Pickton was a bit slow. That's the first point. The second point is the fact that Dianne Rock was gang raped on the farm. That implicates more than one suspect and I can tell you right now Robert Pickton wasn't one of them.

When the court heard about the Diane Rock gang rape the judge changed the instructions to the jury. The judge said the jury could convict Pickton if the wasn't the only suspect or even the main suspect just an active participant. That's pretty significant.

As soon as the Hells Angels were mentioned at the first Missing Women's Inquiry Wally Oppal shut down the inquiry and turned it into a panel discussion so he could more easily censor evidence. He said the inquiry was not mandated to investigate other suspects.

The Hells Angels were never mentioned in Robert Pickton's trial. That's because the Vancouver Province reported at the time that one of the women who was going to testify that she saw Hells Angels in colors at Piggy's Palace had bikers show up at her home so she left town and never testified. Yet it was reported that the Hells Angels had a grow up on the farm and ran two after hours across the street. Big Tony worked the door at Piggy's Palace.

Later the Vancouver Province reported that a local band who played Piggy's Palace said they saw Hells Angels in colors there all the time. In Stevie Cameron's book On the Farm she stated that it was well known locally that the Hells Angels controlled the area. That information was never admitted to the court during Pickton's trial.

Here's the kicker. In the previous thread someone posted a link to an old CTV article from 2010 where Robert Pickton had an exclusive interview with CTV from prison and actually named the Hells Angels. So it looks like that story died with him.
Update: So here it is. Robert's brother Dave knew where the bodies were buried. He was involved. He was a Hells Angels associate. He objected to having testify in Willy's trial because he was going to Sturgis that week. Jim Brown was friends with Dave. Dave said Big Tony was a Hells Angel. That wasn't completely true. Tony Terezakis was an associate who sold drugs for the Hells Angels but he wasn't a full patch member. Dave Pickton claiming Tony was a Hells Angel meant he used the name of the club to do business.

Big Tony filmed himself beating the life out of drug addicts in the DTES that owed him money. When his ex got a hold of the tapes she gave them to the police. When they played the tapes in court Tony couldn't stop laughing. He claimed it was a reality TV series called Bible Thumpers and all were willing participants. The court didn't believe him.

A lot of people claim they were making snuff films and that the police found video equipment on the farm. That's the evidence the RCMP want to destroy. It's entirely possible they were making snuff films since Big Tony liked filming himself beating up addicts who owned him money but it is unlikely. If the Hells Angels were involved they wouldn't support making incriminating videos.

Which brings us to Justin Trudeau. Some people claim Justin Trudeau was involved. That's why the cover up goes so deep. I do not believe that is true. Justin Trudeau is an idiot and an a*shole but we can't blame him for everything. Big Tony acted with the authority of the club. There were a whole lot of sketchy hang arounds dong shady sh*t. The people that were gang raping and killing sex trade workers would have eaten Justin Trudeau for breakfast. He didn't fit in with their crew.

Some people are determined to make this a pedophile pizza gate that involved the elites. I don't believe it did. Gang raping, torturing and killing sex trade workers is deranged but the freaks that do that usually don't like Pedos. That's why a lot of hang arounds joined Creep Catchers in Surrey. Dirty cops were definitely involved but I don't see this as a Hollywood elite thing.

The mayor of Port Coquitlam attended parties on the farm and he was a freak but that doesn't mean a lot of Hollywood elites were there. Dave Pickton held parties on the farm for years. It was called the Dominion because it was at 953 Dominion Ave. It was separate from the two after hours across the street. I know a guy who grew up in the area. He said back then everyone went to the parties at the Dominion. It was the place to be if you wanted to drink under age.

That same guy went to Piggy's Palace a couple times and said it was really sketchy. He said biker types would be staring at your girlfriend and it was really uncomfortable. Yet I know another guy who used to go there all the time and just laughed. He said it was the cheapest beer in town.

Just because some Hells Angels attended parties at Piggy's Palace in colors doesn't mean they were gang raping and killing sex trade workers. A lot of off duty cops attended parties at Piggy's Palace as well. Some cops and some hang arounds were clearly doing sketchy sh*t but not all cops or Hells Angels were. In the CTV interview Robert Pickton said the sex trade worker that claimed he tried to kill her was lying. She stabbed him in the head and tried to steal $3500 from him. That is believable. Willy isn't a big guy and isn't very physically intimidating. His brother Dave is much biger and has been convicted of sexual assault.

The answer to the mystery is found in the Second Missing Woman's Inquiry. Not in the Inquiry itself but in the reason one of the Commissioners left the Inquiry. In that second inquiry Marilyn Poitras resigned from that commission because she felt it was not addressing the real problem, the elephant in the room. She said "We've been down this road before... We had people tell us if you want to know who the problems are and how to fix them you go talk to the sex trade workers. They're going to tell you who they are. It's not a mystery. This isn't some person coming out of the blue and randomly taking women off the street. People know who they're threatened by. Lets go talk to them. We weren't doing any of those things."

They are threatened by the drug dealers they owe money to. Often addicts are forced into prostitution like Diane Rock and Janice Shore. Sometimes they lure strippers in by saying you could make more money if you were an escort. The video diary of Margo Compton helps put things in perspective. They mean they could make more money if you become an escort.

As I've previously said, one local author claimed they were making the popular steroid HGH on the farm back then. You made HGH from human cadavers. Now they have a synthetic form from Germany. Robert Pickton didn't kill all those women but he could have harvested their pituitary glands for the HGH. Surrey meth cook Kerry Ryan Renaud was also involved with the farm. So was CSIS. Ryan could have been the one making the HGH. That is organized crime.