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Showing posts sorted by date for query black lives vaccine. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Free Palestine Bridge Protests: Anarchy in the UK

I haven't seen anything on the news yet but a coworker claimed there was a free Palestine bridge protest somewhere in Vancouver. Before I dive into both extremes of this grossly exploited conflict I want to point out the obvious. As soon as people start blocking bridges, they lose my support. I don't care what the cause is. Glen Beck said it well.

Those kinds of stunts don't win people over to your cause. They make people angry. That's what George Soros wants. He wants people to contend with anger one against the other. He wants people to fight with each other and create chaos. He wants to create division.

A couple weeks ago there was a Carbon tax bridge protest. I oppose the carbon tax but I also oppose bridge protests. If you want to stick it to the man, stick it to the man but if you want to stop me from going home from work or stop me from going to work then F*ck you and F*ck you cause.

Glen Beck discovered an interesting anomaly. The free Palestine bridge protests in the US are funded by George Sorros. Which isn't surprising but when you stop and look at what's really happening, he's indirectly funding both sides of the conflict because he's trying to start sh*t.

George Soros is anti religion anti freedom. Is he a self hating Jew? Not really because he's not Jewish. He's a secular Jew but so was Yitzhak Rabin and Yitzhak Rabin was a good man. George Soros is not. There are different versions of the left just as there are different versions of the right and the Devil is actively trying to infiltrate both sides and stir sh*t up.

George Soros is a globalist just like Benjamin Netanyahu is. They both support the World Economic Forum's twisted brand of Communism. Benjamin Netanyahu claims to be right wing but he's not. He's a right wing globalist which is the same agenda coming from the other side.

They are both trying to promote Corporate Communism. When a bunch of rich people sit down and discuss global dominion, they aren't trying to think up ways to share their wealth. They're trying to increase their wealth by making consumers slaves. We can see that now.

We can also see the set up. The WEF is supporting Benjamin Netanyahu's brutalization of West Bank and Gaza but they are doing it to intentionally create an injustice and create a public uproar over it. It's like the motive of George Soros' Antifa riots. They want to create chaos - anarchy, so they can creator order amidst the chaos - their order. Which doesn't include civil liberty.
Let's take Poland for example. Hitler's blitzkrieg took Poland then Stalin's Communism saved Poland from Hitler only to make them complete slaves. Hitler was the flash in the pan. He was the manufactured problem the Devil used to implement his planned solution - slavery. People aren't going to vote for slavery unless you con them first.

The Israeli people can see this but the fake news isn't showing us them. They're only showing us the a*sholes like Benjamin Netanyahu and Ben Shapiro. The fake news is doing this to misrepresent Jews in an attempt to promote antisemitism while they loudly denounce it.

It's like BLM. Black lives matter to the fake news as long as they are supporting Antifa but as soon as they oppose a vaccine mandate or support conservative values those same black lives no longer matters to the fake news. Likewise if you oppose killing civilians and aid workers in Gaza you're antisemitic but if you are an Israeli like Efrat Fenigson who questions authoritarianism you're a self hating Jew. Or if you're a conservative like Candace Owens you're a self hating black. We can all clearly see the fake news is ridiculous and Larry Fink, the CEO of the BlackRock media empire is a big part of that. So is Global and PostMedia News.

George Soros is a bad man but so is Benjamin Netanyahu. Benjamin Netanyahu weaseled his way in right after Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated. I don't care if you're left or right. I care if you support freedom. I care if you support free speech. I care if you support due process. As soon as you use manufactured emergencies to take away free speech and lawful assembly and as soon as you use that to end due process then you are a tyrant and it doesn't matter what your hat says. This is why we need lawful assembly. Blocking bridges and causing riots is not it.

This isn't a soccer game. It's not about choosing sides - all Israel or all Palestine. Israel and Palestine is a model for the world. We are meant to share. No one has an exclusive right to the planet. Just like Poland was conned by Communism during the war, Israel is also being conned and the rest of the world along with it. Yet if you see the good people in Israel protesting lawfully you can see there is a lot of good there. That makes us question electronic voting.

Israeli firm meddled in more than 30 elections

Tal Hanan head a team working to manipulate global elections

Thursday, February 16, 2023

The Black National Anthem and the Grammys

I have two simple points to make and they revolve around the persistent brainwashing Hollywood and the mainstream media is bombarding us with. I've mentioned the Hollywood cesspool and how the Talk was going off about the Grammys. There's nothing wrong with music awards but the whole spirit of the event has been completely hijacked by Hollywood and right now Hollywood is compromised. First let's talk about the Superbowl and how Hollywood is trying to hijack that.

Rihanna performed the half time show while pregnant. All hail. They also sang the black National Anthem. It's a wonderful song. Lift every voice. Doesn't say lift every black voice. The intent of the song is very unifying but the way it's being used is not. Martin Luther King had a dream. His dream was that the Constitution would be more than a nice piece of paper hanging on the wall. His dream was that the Constitution would become a reality and that it has.

Chairman Mao had a different dream and the mainstream media is trying to hijack Martin Luther King's dream and replace it with Chairman Mao's dream. Let's not forget that Martin Luther King was a Baptist minister. Just sayn. Hollywood hates religion. Does that mean they also hate Martin Luther King? They sure hate his dream because they're constantly misrepresenting it.

I just want to remind everyone that the world is not black and white. It's not 50 Shades of Gray either. A few years ago I saw down with a brown friend and showed him the First Nations sacred hoop. It's a circle divided into four colours - black, white, red and yellow. I explained how it represents all the races of the earth working together in harmony.

He took one look at the diagram and said yeah, well I'm brown so I'm not included in your little club. I looked at the diagram in shock and then said I think you're missing the point. It means all the races of the earth working together. Of course you're included. He didn't feel included.

On the weekend when I took the Skytrain back to Surrey I saw a poster with a white member of the Vancouver Canucks advertising Black History month. I'm all for studying history and I'm all for black inclusion. It's just that I look at the poster and then look at the train and see so many different races other than black or white and I wonder how it makes them feel. Do they feel included? I have absolutely no doubt that Martin Luther King's dream included everyone.

The world is not just black and white. The world has a rainbow of different ethnicities. It is a magnificent mosaic tapestry. Yet we are constantly being bombarded with racism and victimization by the mainstream media. It's so Chairman Mao to rewrite history and completely misrepresent it. What happened at the Tienanmen Square Massacre again? Oh right, Google erased that event from the Internet in China. Google is burring and erasing a lot of true information in North America as well. As Candace Owens pointed out it all has an agenda.

Communism lies to every group under the sun trying to trick and trap them into slavery. There are no LGBT rights in Communism because in Communism no one has any rights. Before the pandemic it was all Black lives matter. However, as soon as Black Lives Matter were marching beside the police in New York protesting vaccine mandates, not a word was spoken about it in the mainstream media. Black lives only matter to them if it fits their agenda. A lot of black people in New York didn't trust the vaccine for good reason. Now they are vindicated.

Yet now that the vaccine thing has died down, the fake news is starting to push black lives matter again. They are determined to politicize everything and divide us. It's kind of like my blog. We always have trolls trying to lead us astray. Likewise, everywhere we go in life people are passionately trying to lead just astray. Like I said in the theme for the New year, the struggle between good and evil continues because it's always misrepresented.

There's also the constant erosion of our morals. The book 50 Shades of Gray is the perfect example. S&M is not erotic. That is deranged. Yet look at how the mob ate it up. We've talked about their determination to keep coming back with Minor Attacked Persons as they strive to normalize pedophilia. They shock us with the absurd then pull back with public outcry only to keep coming back over and over again until we are no longer shocked and accept what is morally unacceptable. That is the erosion of our morals. The road to hell is paved with immorality.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Justin Trudeau takes a knee at the Truckers Protest

This is why Justin Trudeau hate is on the rise and this is why support for the Truckers is growing exponentially. Justin Trudeau took a knee for the ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter protest. Yet he refused to meet with the truckers and lied about them consistently. He claimed they were a fringe minority of white supremacists - that was a bold faced lie. The concern was vaccine mandates for truckers who sit in a truck all by themselves and don't interact with the public. That was a legitimate concern and he refused to recognize it. If Black Lives Matter, do unvaccinated Black Lives matter? The vast majority of Blacks in New York are unvaccinated.

Today the Conservatives submitted a bill to end the mandates which would have ended the blockades. It was supported by the Bloc because Quebec respects lawful assembly. Communists don't. The bill was defeated by the Liberals and the NDP. We need to remember this next election. If the PPC didn't split the vote, Justin Trudeau would not be Prime Minister.

Instead of recognizing the Truckers legitimate concern, Commodus invoked the War Measures Act. That's what the Emergency Act is. It is the amended War Measures act. It's only supposed to be used in times of war. This is exactly what Adolf Hitler did and what Senator Palatine did in Star Wars. This is why people are losing their sh*t. They see the lawless agenda behind it.

I told you, the reason the blockade worked in Alberta is because they have a Conservative Prime Minister. It won't work in Ottawa because Justin Trudeau is a Communist. He does not respect the right to Strike just like all the other Communists before him. The reason why Texas and Florida are free is because they elected Conservatives. If you want to be free, go and do likewise.

A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. See you on the battle field.

Moammar Gadhafi was a Socialist. Justin Trudeau is a POS.
The Last Straw for Canadians and for Truckers

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Calgary Police Officer speaks out off duty

This police officer is a good person. Corporal Daniel Bulford is a good person. So is Constable Erin Howard. They are people of integrity like Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire. Refusing an unethical order is a very Canadian thing to do. Canadian soldiers are not mercenaries. They are volunteers. They have ethics. If we lose our ethics, we become the enemy.

I believe in law enforcement. The Canadian Charter of Rights is the highest law of the land. That is the law we need to enforce. Trailrunner's disdain for law enforcement is not only toxic and unhealthy, it is suspect. He is quite right in that the Americans are watching what's going on in Ottawa. So is the CIA. The CIA is the driving force behind the media's misinformation and the lockdown lie. The CIA does not want the police to support the Truckers. They want to sabotage that relationship and will send agent provocateurs to promote hate and division.

Police on Guard statement in support of the Truckers

In this press conference Former Canadian military & police call on veterans & retired police to come to Ottawa and support the truckers just like they did in Amsterdam to Hold the line. I will say a word about minorities in a free republic.In a constitutional republic or in our case a constitutional monarchy, the minority is protected from the majority by law. For example, if the majority said let's gas all the Jews or gas all the Muslims, that would be forbidden by law even if the democratic majority called for it.

Last year the media promoted the Black Lives Matter riots. Yet now that 72% of blacks in New York are unvaccinated, all of a sudden those lives don't matter to the Mainstream media because it doesn't fit in with their narrative or should I say agenda. So when Liberals say should we listen to the 10% the answer is most definitely yes because the rights of minorities are protected by law.

However, we are looking at more than the 10%. Locking down over Omicron was a fraud to promote boosters. That demonstrates the problem with vaccine passports. As soon as you hit immune system fatigue and stop getting your booster, you are banned from public events. Some people were OK with double vaccination but many of them don't support perpetual boosters. Look at how many billions of tax dollars the pharmaceutical companies are stealing from hospitals and sick kids. That is organized crime.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Melissa Tate kicked off Twitter

Melissa Tate is a female black Conservative who was just kicked off Twitter for posting a link to a Joe Rogan interview with cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough. I guess black lives only matter to Twitter when they support Communism. God help them if they express vaccine hesitancy.

I saw Melisa on the Candace Owens show. She has morals and a brain. No wonder the left hates her. She wrote the book Choice Privilege. Whats Race Got To Do With It?

Cardiovascular Business is reporting that "Cardiologist Peter A. McCullough, MD, has made headlines once again after discussing COVID-19 at length for an episode of Joe Rogan’s popular podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience."

"During his Dec. 13 interview with Joe Rogan, which was nearly three hours long, McCullough said that he thinks there was an intentional, very comprehensive suppression of early COVID-19 treatments to promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization and death. This deliberate strategy, he said, was put in place to push the general public to receive FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccines. He also claimed that as much as 85% of COVID-19 deaths could have been prevented had early treatments been more thoroughly embraced by healthcare providers."

This is not controversial. It's a sound observation. Dr Charles Hoffe made a similar observation. "If safety really is the issue, why do they withhold treatment from people who get Covid? That is not safe. We don't do that with any other infectious disease." If you get Covid they say go home and do nothing. If you get hospitalized, we'll start treatment then. That is insane.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Unvaccinated Soldier

We’ve all heard about the tomb of the unknown soldier but how would we feel about the unvaccinated soldier? Would we cast them aside like the 4,000 hospital workers Bonnie Henry just fired or would we give them the respect and admiration they deserve?

During the pandemic the media hailed healthcare workers as heros. Now they are portraying unvaccinated healthcare workers as villians. We see a similar misrepresentation in New York.

Rob Smith recently pointed out a legendary breakthrough in New York that the media is refusing to cover. He said there are massive protests in New York against the vaccine mandate when BLM activists are marching side by side with police officers. The media won’t cover that because they don't want you to know that. Black Lives only Matter to the media when they push the Communist narrative. As soon as they express their own opinion the media censors them like everyone else.

As we prepare for Remembrance Day I’m seeing a lot of Liberals wear Poppies who don’t support the freedom those soldiers died for. The website Mounties 4 Freedom articulated it well.

"Each year, on the 11th of November, we remember those who sacrificed their lives for our freedoms. From Flanders Field to Juno Beach, many Canadians have bled and died fighting tyrannical nations. We need to remember past events to prevent the repetition of history’s greatest mistakes. We find it ironic that an organization that preaches the honour and respect of Canadian values, and the sacrifice of their veterans, would support actions that contradict the values our veterans fought to uphold."

Personally I’m not against vaccines, I'm against RNA vaccines. My body, my choice. If you’re going to wear a poppy this year, stop pissing on good soldiers graves while you wear it. That kind of hypocrisy is offensive. 73 medical doctors in Alberta oppose the vaccine mandate.

In addition to remembering those who have lost their lives in war, we need to remember the 4,000 healthcare workers Bonnie Henry just fired because they were fired for the same cause.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Why We Are Vaccine Hesitant: Black Lives Matter