Saturday, May 19, 2012

Aaron Derbyshire and the Dobbins

Aaron Derbyshire is another Kelowna murder that concerns us. Aaron used to work for David Giles’ friend Dobby. Aaron was working as an engineer for the Dobbins when he disappeared. Previously, there was another murder connected to that same construction firm. Perry Walsh was killed riding his bicycle in a hit and run by a car registered to BF Dobbin Construction.

People who knew Aaron claim he wasn't the kind to even get involved with kids doing drugs. Within a day of Aarons disappearance, some of the Dobbins took a Mexican Vacation and weren’t available to speak with the police. Kind of like the owner of the cocaine snorting reindeer shop last Christmas. It’s sad to see any murders in Kelowna. Yet two murders involving a construction firm tied to a friend of David Giles would be considered suspicious.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Hells Angels in Okanagan Falls

Looks like the OK coral is going to be the new Slack Alice’s after it burned down in Penticton. It shows an interesting criminal association so it does. They sure like to bring the heat and bring attention to themselves. A prelude to the Kelowna Summer Jam I suppose. If you get jammed up, don’t mention my name. Don’t support the Kelowna Hell Angels. I rather support Britney Irving, Geoff Meisner and Dain Philips.

What’s up with the Trusst Uss clothing right beside the Kelowna Hells Angels booth selling support your local Red and White stickers? What a bizarre motto. Trust Us You will lose. Doesn’t really sound very promising.

Some of those T-shirts look pretty bizarre. Somehow I don’t think it’ll be a real money maker. A front for something else maybe but not a stand alone money maker. He has Gimli selling them over at Primal Instict.

I can't believe that butt ugly idiot CJ Spoon is still hanging around like herpes. That's a face only a mother could love. Poor girl. Have a little self respect. The money just isn't worth it.

Whiterock Hells Angel caught with a kilo of cocaine

Big news. Kim Bolan is reporting that full patch Whiterock Hells Angel Brent Douglas Milne was caught with almost a kilo of cocaine in his Langley home. The bust was made by the Abbotsford police who were investigating drug trafficking in their city.

Once again we see the Hells Angels bringing cocaine into Abbotsford even after Larry Amero was shot and Jonathon Bacon was killed. The Whiterock chapter appears to be deeply involved in cocaine trafficking. Randy’s brother Trevor Jones' indictment shows how large scale it really is.

Drug mule swallows 42 condoms of cocaine

This is rather bizarre. A guy at YVR swallowed 42 condoms of cocaine en route to Australia. 1.26 kilos of liquid cocaine. That’s kind of nasty. Did you know you know where your cocaine has been? Buyer Beware.

Gerald McCabe

The Truro Daily News is reporting that a man charged with accessory after the fact to murder of an ex-Hells Angel member will return to Supreme Court next month for a resolution conference.

Gerald McCabe, of Salmon River, is scheduled for the conference on June 22. Resolution conferences are sometimes used to help reduce time and costs associated with a jury trial. He's charged with accessory after the fact in helping Jeffrey Lynds of North River escape in 1999 knowing that Lynds murdered Randy Mersereau.

Ron Lising granted Bail

Well, well, well. Kim Bolan is reporting that we Ronnie has been granted day parole. We remember Ron Lising. He’s the full patch “East Van” Hells Angel that got beat up in Surrey. A guy from Surrey beat him up and took his patch. The brothers weren’t impressed. Then he gets the roid man Michael Plante to come with him to the guys place and asks Michael Plante to shoot him. How lame is that?

Plante, who turned out to be a police informant, fired a few shots over the guys head and said the gun jammed but testified in court that Ronnie didn’t believe him when he said the gun jammed. So what’s Ronnie gonna do? Beat up Michael Plante? Not likely. You can read all about it in Neil Hall’s book, Hell to Pay.

Ron Lising was convicted of drug trafficking along with John Punko who is more of a scrapper but could end up like Juel Stanton just because the boys like to screw a brother when it profits them. The article says Ronnie claims he wants to retire. Good idea. Better retire than expire like Juel did.

Harper shuts down Vancouver Canadian coast guard office

Harper continues to apostatize from traditional conservative values by shutting down the Canadian coast guard office in Kitsaliano. The Canadian coast guard is already drastically under funded. Shutting that base down is irresponsible.

Again we see bizarre extremes. Millions on a fleet of over priced jets that can’t be used in the Canadian arctic and aren’t for self defense, billions on banks that didn’t need a bail out, while they cut military services and the Canadian coast guard. These are not conservative values.

Neither is promoting cross border shopping. Harper continues to attack small business and destroy the free market in Canada. The neo con continues.

G20 Report

The other night CBC reported the findings of a study into police violence at the G20 summit on the National. CBC’s report seemed more realistic. Recently other versions of the report were discussed claiming the police did no wrong. Those reports claimed that the only real concern was about the use of corralling which is against RCMP policy but since the Toronto Police were in charge it was used.

Corralling means you corner protesters without giving them an exit. It was used quite effectively in England for many years. The police would line up side by side and confine strikers or protesters. Then they would send in police on horseback to beat the tar out of them with truncheons.

The violence at the G20 summit and the way the police handled it represent two distinct concerns. First was the crazy violence. Waco’s exploited the moment and started looting. That has nothing to do with a lawful protest. The next day the police over reacted and kicked the cat by attacking peaceful protestors which was just plain wrong.

There are many valid concerns about the G20 summit. Big corporations ripping off taxpayers is but one example. The ridiculous expenses of the Fake Lake Summit by a fake conservative government pretending to be fiscally responsible. The right to lawful assembly is a fundamental right in a democratic society. Removing that right is a huge concern. Logic dictates that we need to crack down on violence and looting not peaceful protests.

Just like in Montreal. The students are behaving like spoilt brats. You can't outlaw lawful assembly but you can outlaw breaking windows and vandalism. That already is against the law. We need to stop kicking the cat.

Former UBC rugby player loses appeal in murder of Vancouver prostitute

A former University of B.C. rugby player has lost his appeal of his conviction of the murder of a Vancouver prostitute. In October 2009, a B.C. Supreme Court jury found Andrew William Evans, 27, guilty of second-degree murder in the August 2007 slaying of Nicole Parisien, 33.

Evans, who confessed to police that he found Parisien's sex-for-hire services on Craigslist, paid $200 to have sex with her at a Kitsilano highrise following a night of heavy drinking at the Roxy nightclub. The accused became angry or hurt after he couldn't achieve an erection and hit Parisien and then strangled her. He dragged her body down five flights of stairs and into some bushes. At trial he argued that he was heavily intoxicated at the time of the killing and lacked the necessary intent for murder.

It is yet another tragic case of the murder of another Vancouver prostitute. Being drunk is not just cause for committing murder. It also shows that murder is not an act that you find on the path to peace and enlightenment. There is no happiness in murder.

All of us are free to make choices and all of us have to live with the consequences of our choices, good or bad. Consequences aren’t always bad. The decision to have children, as challenging as that may be, can give one’s life a deeper meaning.

All of us will be remembered by someone for something. Andrew Evans is going to be remembered for eternity as the Rugby player with displaced aggression because of his erectile dysfunction. Isn’t that special. That’s really not something I’d want to be remembered for.

That’s not the kind of thing a guy is going to brag about. Even in prison. So what are you in for? I paid for a prostitute and couldn’t get it up so I killed her. Other inmates would be like seriously? Dude, there are pills for that. They’re not going to say good for you that bitch probably deserved it. They’d be like what a complete loser in every sense of the word. Sad.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Military guns sold to gangs

Well here’s another disturbing one that shows corruption on yet another level. This one involves the bottom up not the top down. Guns stolen from the Military sold to gangs in the US.

A wide-reaching investigation by military and civilian authorities has uncovered a criminal conspiracy within the Armed Forces to steal and sell nearly $2 million in guns and combat gear to gangs in the U.S. and foreign countries including China, military officials have confirmed.

With cooperation from Marine and Navy officials, NCIS has been able to conduct 66 investigations involving 47 active duty Marines and sailors to include enlisted and high-ranking officers and 21 civilians who are now in various stages of prosecution. A sergeant with Marine Corps Special Operations Command was found guilty of stealing and reselling military property, said MarSOC spokesman Maj. Jeff Landis.

Sgt. Daniel Adam Reich, a former member of 3rd Marine Special Operations Battalion, was convicted of four separate counts: Article 80 for attempt to sell military property of a value more than $500; Article 81 for participating in a conspiracy; Article 108 for selling military property of a value more than $500; and Article 134 for wrongfully receiving military property of a value more than $500.

Sadly it is reminiscent of Huntsville. What Al Martin described as the vortex of corruption. A military installation where stealing fro the military was rampant. Profits from those stolen arms went into individual off shore banks accounts. That has nothing to do with doing somehting bad to obtain a good objective. It is simply theft driven by greed. Stealing from taxpayers and what’s worse, arming enemies of the State. That is treason.

Sadly, it must be a large problem because the day before 9/11 Donald Rumsfeld said the Pentagon was missing $2.3 trillion dollars. That is a huge amount of money. Privatizing the military and thereby removing what little public accountability there is is not the answer.

The FBI Announces Gangs Have Infiltrated Every Branch Of The Military. Including bikers.