Monday, February 22, 2021

Canada's parliament declares China's treatment of Uighurs genocide

The BBC is reporting that "Canada's House of Commons has voted overwhelmingly to declare China's treatment of its Uighur minority population a genocide. The motion - which passed 266 to 0 - was supported by all opposition parties and a handful of lawmakers from the governing Liberal Party. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and most members of his cabinet abstained."

"The motion makes Canada just the second country after the United States to recognise China's actions as genocide. Lawmakers also voted to pass an amendment asking Canada to call on the International Olympic Committee to move the 2022 Winter Olympics from Beijing if the Chinese government continues this genocide."

CTV is rpeorting that "Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not participate in the vote. Foreign Affairs Minister Marc Garneau abstained on the record while the rest of his cabinet colleagues were absent. All opposition MPs who participated in the vote as well as most Liberal MPs, including Garneau’s parliamentary secretary Rob Oliphant, voted in favour of the motion. It was considered a free vote for Liberal MPs."

"The federal Conservatives introduced the motion last Thursday. It states, in part, that in the opinion of the House of Commons, "the People's Republic of China has engaged in actions consistent with the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 260, commonly known as the 'Genocide Convention'.. [and] the House, therefore, recognize that a genocide is currently being carried out by the People's Republic of China against Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims… and call on the government to officially adopt this position."

"MPs also passed a Bloc Quebecois amendment to the motion to include language calling on the International Olympic Committee to move the 2022 Olympic Games "if the Chinese government continues this genocide." This confirms what I previously said - The Bloc Quebecois are our allies. Justin Trudeau is not. Justin Trudeau admires genocide because he is a freak.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Fatal shooting in Halifax

The Halifax Today is reporting that "Halifax police say a 25-year-old man who was shot has died following a single vehicle crash on Saturday. In a news release issued Sunday, police say the man was from Dartmouth, N.S., and an autopsy has confirmed his death as a homicide. Police still haven't said whether the victim was shot before or after the crash."

Bacchus is in Halifax. They were charged with smuggling drugs into the local prison. Stephen Skinner was also from Nova Scotia. He capped Gumby's co accused in Colombia.

Let's not forget an Ontario Hells Angel was shot dead in Toronto last week.

Gina Carano on the Ben Shapiro Show

Who owns Disney now? Who owns Hollywood now? Why are all the new movies so dark?

Gina is producing a movie with the Daily Wire. "You should be more afraid that you're being made to feel afraid for what you think. That's what's what should make you feel afraid." Gina Carano.

Her other tweet was actually quite humours and is very true. All hail:

Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Freedom of Religion and the Holocaust

The reason why Bonnie Henry's outrageous injunction is so offensive is because it ties in with the Holocaust and the current CCP Muslim genocide in China. The US Constitution was framed by people who sought the freedom of religion. They had seen the Holocaust and had experienced religious persecution overseas so they wanted to establish a place where the freedom of religion was protected by law. Where religious discrimination was illegal.

Bonnie Henry is trying to change that and bring back the Holocaust. That is what the UN's NWO is. It's all disguised with lies. Yet one by one, each religion is eliminated until they're all banned. That is the Communist quest. Only Communism doesn't just want to ban religion, they want to ban all forms of civil liberty - free speech, freedom of association, freedom of the press, freedom to move, the right to legal representation and to due process. It's all a very slippery slope.

The Constitution and the Charter of Rights was formed to prevent that. It was designed to prevent a totalitarian dictatorship and another Holocaust. That is why globalists oppose it so much. They claim you have to give up individual rights to give way for collective rights. That is a lie. Once you give up individual rights, there are no collective rights because no one has any rights.

Friday, February 19, 2021

What are you looking forward to?

When we are constantly bombarded with so much insanity in the media on a daily basis, we need to turn it off and ask ourselves what are we looking forward to? Solomon said where there is no vision the people will perish. We all need something to look forward to. I'm looking forward to a kayaking trip this summer. Until then, music can soothe the soul so it can. Ride Hard, Die Free.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Rebel News interviews Maxime Bernier about lockdowns

BC Judge tosses Bonnie Henry's Overreaching injunction

Drea Humphrey from Rebel News is reporting that "BC churchgoers scored a significant win in their fight to defend their right to worship. Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry filed a crazy injunction last week to stop three B.C. churches from holding in-person religious services. But the order went much further than that. The injunction tried to grant police the power to detain anyone they believed was planning to attend those church services. Yes, in the world of COVID-1984, unelected public health officials believe they’re justified in arresting anyone who they think might attend church."

Like I said, Bonnie Henry is a circus freak. You can still attend a strip bar but you can't attend church. These new restrictions have nothing do do with a pandemic. Arresting people who they think might attend church. That is totally over the top even if the pandemic was real. When the pandemic swept over us last year, if people were willing to risk catching a flu virus with a 98% survival rate, that is their choice. Instead of arresting people who they think might attend church, they need to start arresting the drug dealers out of Shakerz. Until then, there is nothing more to say. That would be an insane waste of tax dollars. Just like arresting people for smoking pot.

Shooting in Surrey caught on video

CTV is reporitng that about 10:15 p.m. Tuesday there was a shooting on 145A Street near 82A Avenue that sent one man to hospital. " Surveillance video obtained by CTV News shows a car pulling onto a dead-end street. Another camera recorded a minivan racing up the road and stopping behind the car, which then drives quickly out of frame into a driveway. Moments later, one person appears to fire a gun repeatedly. That person is joined by a second gunman. Eventually they flee" in the van.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Langford arena slated for mass COVID-19 vaccination site

This is good for some comic relief. It is both hilarious and pathetic how Bill Gates' Microsoft News Network links to Global's Post Media Trash as though they were two different sources. It's the same sh*t from the same pile. Headline after headline reads covid this, covid that, cases are dropping but tomorrow lava might fall from the sky.

The Communist News Network is reporting that "The arena at the city's Eagle Ridge Community Centre has begun clearing its schedule and preparing to serve as a mass vaccination site, which will operate until the end of August." Gee what's wrong with that picture?

I thought we weren't supposed to have mass gatherings you idiot. I guess this is good news. Now you can go to Church and have family and friends over because they are allowing mass gatherings again. How about that Bill Gate / WHO tetanus vaccine in Kenya that was spiked with a sterilization drug like the CCP is going to the Muslims in China. Another WE scandal. I guess that's better than mass murder like Chairman Mao ant Pol Pot did.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Justin Trudeau's gun control is not to make cities safe

I just want to point out the obvious, Justin Trudeau's gun control is not to make cities safe. That has nothing to do with it. None of these gang shootings use legally obtained firearms. They use throwaways. Taking guns away from law biding citizens will do absolutely nothing to confront crime or make cities safe. As one gun owner pointed out on Rebel News, since he has a firearm license, he is subject to daily criminal record checks. Legal gun owners are not the problem.

Lawlessness is the problem. Refusing to arrest the Hells Angels drug dealers out of Shakerz is the problem. Dropping the charges when the Hells Angels hire someone to kill someone is the problem. That is criminally insane. Communists do not take away your guns to make cities safe. They take away your guns so they can comit murder. Buyer Beware.