Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Canadian Lawyers sign the Free North Declaration

The Free North Declaration states in part that "We are Canadian lawyers. In our country, civil liberties are under unprecedented attack. Governments, public health authorities, universities, public and private employers, municipalities, and businesses are trampling Canadians’ rights and freedoms. Our free society is at risk. The right to privacy and control of personal medical information has been abandoned. Medical regulators have become dictatorial."

"Covid rules are inconsistent and irrational. We fear the erosion of our free society. We question the single-minded fixation on a virus that poses little risk to most people. We protest the uncalculated harms that Covid policies are causing to people’s health, livelihoods, relationships, and mental states. We oppose the mass hysteria and anxiety that governments and the media are fuelling. Most of all, we object to the deterioration of our civil liberties and the failure of our legal institutions – legislatures, governments, administrative bodies, and courts – to protect them. We are appalled by what is happening in our country."

"We call for the immediate end of vaccine passports and mandates. We propose a public inquiry into the handling of all aspects of the declared pandemic. Canadians should have control of their own lives and have the right to make their own decisions about their health, medical treatments, personal information, travels, and associations. Canada is supposed to be a free country governed by the rule of law. Restore it now or risk losing it for good."

We have the Great Barrier Declaration signed and formulated by medical doctors. Now we have the Free North Declaration signed and formulated by Canadian Lawyers to go along with the Mounties 4 Freedom website opposing vaccine mandates in addition to the various medical coalitions defying the fake science presented in the media.

Doctors, lawyers, nurses, police officers and fireman all opposing vaccine mandates. These are educated professionals concerned about the erosion our civil liberty for good reason. Recently the Hart group posted an article about The changing role of the mainstream media.

Why Communism doesn't work

Communism doesn't work because Communists won't work. They remove incentive from their system so no one has any reason to work. They want everything for nothing. You can't rob the rich forever. Eventually they will run out of money and everyone will starve.

When I was young my father used to say Communism works in theory but it doesn't work in practice. At the time, I was too young to understand what he meant. I certainly understand now.

There are two reasons Communism never works: 1) Everything about Communism is a lie and 2) Communism is always hijacked by Capitalists. Always.

Rich people don't fund Communism to share their wealth. They fund Communism to increase their wealth and their power. Take Bilderberg and the World Economic Forum. When all those rich people meet behind closed doors, they're not trying to think up ways to share their wealth. They're trying to think up ways to increase their wealth by making the rest of the world slaves. They want even more power than they already have and they will use their money to get it.

Everyone associates Bilderberg with Capitalism. Then what the hell is Bill Gates, a died in the wool Communist doing there? The Rothchilds funded the Communist revolution in Russia because they wanted more money and more power. It was an investment.

As I said, when I worked for the Post Office and was involved with CUPW there were a ton of Communists in that Union. Darrel Tingley was just the most abrasive and extreme. There were a lot of educated National URs who considered themselves "true" Communists.

At the Regional Conference where I met Darrel Tingley, a National UR came up to me and said "The Communists in Russia, China and Eastern Europe all call themselves Communists but they aren't really Communists." I snapped back "Then what the hell are they because that's what Communism is." He said "Cuba is the best model of socialism that we have."

"No it's not," I said. "Cuba has political prisoners and practice religious discrimination. It's not as bad as China but you can't be a member of the party if you have a religion and they only allow one party. The best model of socialism we have is the kibbutz movement in Israel. People are free to join or free to leave. They have religious kibbutz or nonreligious kibbutz and all the profits go to raising the standard of living for everyone on the kibbutz."

After the convention he would send me propaganda in the mail about Cuba. The writing on the envelope was always slanted left and there was no return address. Just postmarked from Ottawa. I knew it was him. He was funny and intelligent. I respected him. Oh and when I was fired from Canada Post, I brought in a Communist to represent me because I trusted her.

There was another well-educated staffer that would write the speeches for the president. He was another idealistic Communist. One day Darrel Tingley added him to his attack list and called him a right-wing enemy of the working class. I laughed out loud when I heard that.

The staffer was died in the wool. I made a post on my website about it and said "What's the matter, Is Darrel upset about another Trot?" The staffer wrote me and said "Trot I am not." He too was educated and genuine. I respected him. I wrote a lot of satire on the CUPW National conventions where Darrel was defeated. I billed Dale Clark as Luke Sywalker and Deborah Burque as Queen Amidala. Darrel was Darth Vader of course.

Dale Clark defeated Darrel Tingely for the National President. After his term was up, I said if Denis Lemelin ran for National President, I would bill him as the Scorpion King. I liked him. He was French - passionate and sincere. He was trustworthy.

There was a co-worker at the time who said he thought I was a Communist for the same reason I thought he wasn't - we both believed in democracy and free speech. When he told me that I was speechless. Democracy and free speech are the exact opposite of Communism.

I will now concede that there are some people who call themselves Communists who actually believe in the lie Communism tells them. These are the people Communists will use and exploit to attain their true goal - to make themselves rich by making everyone else slaves.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn boldly declared that Lenin wasn't the leader of the workers revolution in Russia, it was Alexander Shliapnikov. Lenin was an emigre who highjacked the movement and had Shliapniko executed in prison. When the Union went on strike he sent in the machine guns to kill them. The families were too afraid to collect their dead.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn stated that the motto on the Communist Manefesto “Workers of the world, unite!” was a lie. He said "never have the leaders of the Communist Revolution in the Soviet Union used these words sincerely and in their full meaning. When so many lies have accumulated over the decades, we forget the radical and basic lie which is not on the leaves of the tree but at its very roots." Trade Unions don't have the right to strike in Communism.

That's why Che Guevara was executed. He believed the lie just like Gadhafi did. The CIA convinced the West to execute Gadhafi because he nationalized their oil. The CIA executed Che but who betrayed his location? None of Che's men would. IMO Castro was the only one who had a motive to kill Che after he exploited him. The CIA did it for him.

Nelson Mandella was a true socialist. He protected civil liberty by law in the South African Constitution. Yet he was also called a Nationalist. Does that mean he was a Fascist? Of course not. Communists state you have to give up individual rights to allow for collective rights. That is a lie. Once you give up individual rights there are no collective rights. Everyone becomes slaves.

James Connolly was a true socialist. He protected civil liberty by law in the Irish Proclamation. Yet he was also called a republican because he believed in a free republic. I submit that true socialism can only exist within a free republic where civil liberty is protected by law. Any system that refuses to protect civil liberty is a dictatorship that ends in slavery. Mark my word.

So now, workers of the world unite. You have everything to lose except your chains. The Communists will take your house, your car and everything you possess. They will rob you blind and shackle you in chains. History repeats itself until we learn from it.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Conrad Black has been replaced

Update: Darrell Tingley's letter in the Marxist Leninist Weekly

Today I want to take a walk down memory lane because as Pitbull once said, "To understand the future, we have to go back in time." Many years ago, I was a letter carrier with Canada Post. Since Canada Post is a pretty confrontational employer, I got involved with the Union. I became a grievance officer, shop steward and vice president of my local.

One day I was sifting through Union correspondence at the office and came across a stack of newspapers called the Marxist Leninist Weekly. I was like WTF is this? The local paid for a subscription. As I was browsing through them, I came across a letter written by the CUPW National President at the time, Darrel Tingley who was from Halifax.

In the letter he sent his "Revolutionary Greetings" on behalf of all the CUPW members and said Vivala Cuban Revolution Comrades. I was like AYFKM? Turns out that Darrell was a died in the wool Communist and there were many more like him in CUPW.

This was all very new to me. I thought it was batsh*t crazy. I asked what does promoting Communism in Cuba have to do with delivering the mail? I met Darrel at an Area Council and hand delivered him a letter asking him point blank what gives him the authority to endorse Revolutionary Communism on behalf of all the members including me.

Darrel was defiant. He put his response in writing and mailed it to me with a Conrad Black Stop the Greed stamp on it the Union had made up. That was the first time I had heard about Conrad Black. Darrel was not apologetic and did not backpaddle in the slightest. He boldly declared that the policy papers in the CUPW National Constitution known as the Orange Papers gave him the authority to do so. There's a story behind those orange papers.

Postal workers used to be represented by two different Unions. Letter Carriers were represented by LCUC and Internal workers were represented by CUPW. LCUC was a Business Union while CUPW was a Social Union or more accurately Socialist. They had two completely different philosophies. Reading over some of the old LCUC bylaws, I got the feeling there was a Masonic influence historically like with the Carpenter's Union but I digress.

The Corporation got tired of dealing with two Unions and said they only wanted to deal with one Union so figure it out. CUPW had more members so they won the vote. Sadly, after the vote CUPW kicked out all the former leaders from LCUC which created a lot of animosity and subsequent raids. The members were divided and the company won.

The new CUPW pissed off all of Quebec at a National convention. Quebec said f*ck you and they all walked out. CUPW looked around and smiled. They said we still have a quorum and all our opposition just walked out the door. They then proceeded to cram every ridiculous policy they could think of which became known as the Orange Papers. Quebec rejected them but because they had walked out in protest, CUPW crammed them through behind their back.

Now back to Conrad Black and his replacement. Darrel compared me to Conrad Black. He compared everyone to Conrad Black. Everyone that disagreed with him including his died in the wool comrades were in his mind right wing enemies of the working class. Our local president was sent to a convention in Cuba on the Union's dime. He was originally from Colombia. He came back from the convention in Cuba and said he saw FARC there. He said he didn't support that. I lost it and made buttons that said No FARCing around. The old guard hated me.

It is true that Conrad Black was buying up all the media outlets and under his ownership the media was biased but that has all completely changed. As I have said, that's the problem with media mergers. Once you consolidate all the media outlets, they become easier to control. Change the ownership and you change the news. That is exactly what we have seen with Conrad Black's replacement. We've gone from one extreme to the other and far beyond.

The Chinese Communist Party bought Disney and turned Captain America into Captain Communist. We saw a year of ANTIFA hate promoted by their media and the Black Lives Matter movement get completely highjacked. 72 % of Blacks in New York are unvaccinated. Those Blacks don't matter to the media because it goes against their agenda.

Global News has become absolutely ridiculous. They cram their agenda over and over again with misinformation. They still have the audacity to say follow the science when they do anything but. That's why all these medical alliances like the Hart Group, Canada Health Alliance, Canadian Covid Care Alliance, the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Carre Alliance and America's Frontline Doctors have all posted websites to counter the false information the media is bombarding us with. They support the Science. The media does not. Why Communism doesn't work.

Body found in Kelowna porta potty

Castanet is reporting that "Kelowna RCMP confirm they are investigating after a body was discovered in a park near Sutherland Ave. An eyewitness on the scene indicates that a body may have been discovered in the porta-potty around 8 AM." That's kinda messed up.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Beijing Olympic protest in Vancouver

A friend from Hong Kong told me about a Bejing Olympic protest in Vancouer today so I head out early and went to North Vancouver first then crossed over on Lions Gate bridge. This is a picture of the Lions from Clevland dam at the foot of Grouse Mountain. I have never seen the water that low at the Capilano water shed. Something fishy is going on. Obviously they've let extra water through in preparation for more rain. Yet the whole flood in Abbotsford could have been avoided.
The protest was at Canada Place. I knew Post Media News wouldn't cover it. That means no one locally would. Our media is biased. They won't cover protests against Communist China's human rights violations but they will print insane articles claiming Chairman Mao did great things. That is climate change. Our climate has changed and the media is worthless.
These people come here escaping the atrocities of Communism only to find Communism is coming here and now controls our media. The Dalai Lama isn't even allowed in Tibet.
Muslim aboriginals from China are crying out about their oppression by the Communist government. The same government that is trying to rewrite Canadian history and con aboriginals here. We can see how Communism treats aboriginals. Tibet, Mongolia, the Uyghurs - it's all the same. Communism represents oppression and slavery. That's what Communism is.

Climate Change: Alarmists and Deniers

I always strive to avoid extremists on either side of the spectrum. Some people are divided into deluded political camps referred to as Climate Alarmists and Climate Deniers. I am neither. We all know that pollution is bad. We also know that zero CO2 emissions is unrealistic. Human beings exhale CO2 and trees need CO2 to survive. That is the ecosystem in which we live.

Climate change deniers oppose the absurd agenda behind climate change alarmists that want to use Climate Change as an excuse to implement Communism under the guise of Globalism. That is bat sh*t crazy. We all know that Communism is bad and the media is compromised.

I used the boiling frog cartoon as it is totally relative to the dilemma we all now face. Climate change is a colossal concern that directly relates to our individual and collective liberty but it has nothing to do with global warming. It has to do with the media and the World Economic forum. They are the ones boiling us alive not CO2. Justin Trudeau is a perfect example of the fraud.

Drea found a clip where Justan Idiot declared that he admired the Dictatorship of China because of their ability to turn their economy around on a dime and go green. That is an insane lie.

Communist China has not gone green. They are still the biggest polluters on the planet. Industrial coal is the largest contributors to CO2 emissions there is and China is the worst offender. If they changed their industrial coal plants over to natural gas, they would be green. Now they are not.

This lie shows us how Globalists are trying to exploit climate Change to implement Communism and eliminate free will. Real climate change relates to how the UN has been hijacked by Communism. We have to face that. Agenda 21 has nothing to do with saving the environment.

When we talk about climate change honestly, we need to address the lunatics desperately trying to exploit climate change to promote an insane agenda. Greta Thunberg is mentally retarded and those who follow her are delusional. That is why we also need to examine mental health.

Hilary Clinton was straight up evil but Donald Trump was far from perfect and Qanon was a liar. They'd tell you nine truths to get you hooked on one lie. I have no doubt Bill Clinton was shagging under age prostitutes with the rest of them but I do not believe he was raping babies. Prince Charles' endorsement of the World Economic Forum's globalization is a colossal concern but the royal family reptile race claim is insane. Both extremes are crazy.

It's like 9/11. That was a controlled demolition. No conspiracy theorist made up Operation Northwoods. That declassified document is outrageous. Yet you get some in there insisting it was a nuclear explosion. That makes no sense. Controlled demolition is a common procedure. They don't use nuclear explosions, they use thermite on the load bearing beams.

A nuclear explosion would result in massive amounts of detectable radioactivity, a mushroom cloud and the tower wouldn't collapse into its own blueprint like every other controlled demolition, it would be blasted all over the place along with all the buildings beside it. Yet some insist it was a nuclear detonation. This is why I shun extremism becuase it exists on both sides of any argument

I'm a big fan of common sense. That's why I like Candace Malcom's fake new Friday over at True North. She calmly and rationally highlights some of the weeks fake news and illustrates how ridiculous it is. When Post Media News claims chairman Mao did wonderful things, that is climate change. The climate of our media has changed and its integrity has been lost.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Snowshoeing on Seymour

Today I rode up to Seymour and the snow was awesome.
There was a lot more than 10 cm.
Seymour's not open for skiing and snowboarding yet but it will be soon. Today they were training staff on the chair lifts. Search and rescue were training new recruits in the backcountry showing them how to make snow caves and look for people buried in avalanches.
I went up to Brockton Point again. What a difference from October 30th.
The nice thing about winter is that all the roots and rocks are covered in snow and it's smooth sailing. Most people use crampons on Seymour because the trail is so well travelled.
This is the gateway from Brockton Point to the trail to First Peak. I could have easily continued on because the trail was awesome but I'm breaking in gradually as I'm still recovering from my hip replacement. One step at a time. The season has just begun. It's better than sitting in a gym.
I always used to say coming down into the rainy city after spending a day in the snow on the mountains was like waking up from a pleasant dream. When I got home I thought was that real? Then I remembered and said yeah it was. I have pictures so dream on soulja. Dream on.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Sumas Lake and the Nooksack River

CTV is reoriotng that " In the hours before the Sumas Prairie flooded, the rain was coming down hard and fast in the Fraser Valley. However, experts say, the rain is not what put the prairie underwater. “A lot of that water is coming from spillover from the Nooksack (River),” said Dave Campbell, head of the B.C. River Forecast Centre. The Nooksack River flows north of Bellingham in Washington State. When it overflows, Campbell says, floodwater can end up in the Sumas River. From there, the water flows northeast, crossing the border into Abbotsford."

King 5 is reporting that "The east Sumas Prairie, which sits on a dried lake bed, continues to fill up with floodwaters from the Nooksack River. Braun said that waters from the Nooksack River continue to flow northeast over the U.S.-Canada border into the Sumas Prairie, the eastern two-thirds of which sits on the bed of a dried lake. (The Sumas Lake) The Barrowtown Pump Station, constructed for this very reason, continues to pump water from the east prairie into the Fraser River to the north at full capacity, but even at 500,000 gallons per minute, it has been unable to catch up to the amount of water coming in, Braun said."

They are referring to the Sumas lake. 100 years ago, Abbotsford had a lake. The Abbotsford News is reporting that "Sumas Lake was drained and the Vedder canal was built in the early 1920s, using a pump station to divert the lake’s in-flowing rivers for irrigation and allow European farmers to access the fertile soil. It was described as an engineering marvel at the time."

"Over the next 10 years, thousands of acres of some of the most productive farmland was created in the Lower Mainland. Barrowtown Pump Station was built in the early 1980s for $27 million. It’s the second busiest pump station in North America; four pump engines running full tilt can pump 500,000 gallons of water a minute."

"The Nooksack River breached in 1990, swamping the Whatcom Road interchange and the western portions of Sumas Prairie, and shutting down all traffic on Highway 1 for 26 hours The U.S. river carries water from Mount Baker to the Puget Sound near Bellingham, but when it breaches, the floodwater flows north towards the Sumas Prairie."

"An international task force was created after the 1990 event to try and prevent a future disaster from occurring, but was inactive from 2011 to 2018. It was called a one-in-35-year event. One 1995 study found that a larger “avulsion” flood event could change the course of the river permanently, diverting its flow north into the former Sumas Lake, draining into the Fraser River."

Unfortunately that international task force didn't do anything. We need better dykes and a secondary pump at the Barrowtown Pump Station. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

King 5 is reporting that "Flooded communities in Whatcom County are being warned of asbestos exposure from a decades-old landslide on Sumas Mountain. Swift Creek, located on the west side of the mountain, can carry the naturally-occurring asbestos from the landslide sediment when flooded. The Sumas River, which joins the creek, can also contain asbestos, according to the Whatcom County Health Department."

This is all due to climate change right? Not. "The Nooksack river currently supplies the nearby town of Glacier with hydroelectric power from a dam near Nooksack Falls on the North Fork. The Middle Fork was also partially blocked with a diversion dam built by the City of Bellingham in 1961 for diverting water into Lake Whatcom, Bellingham's drinking water supply. As of July 2020, this old water diversion system has been modified to remove the dam and restore the river channel for the benefit of critical salmon spawning habitat."
B.C. has been warned for years of potential for key Sumas dike to fail

Even Post Media trash is citing a 2015 report that said the height of the Sumas dyke was unacceptable and was .6 meters below design. That was 5 years before the US got rid of the diversion dam built in the /50's to divert water from the Nooksack river to the Whatcom lake. When they got rid of that diversion dam in July 2020, that sent more water down the Nooksack river. The BC NDP are completely useless. We can all see that now.

The US claims they removed the diversion dam from the middle fork of the Nooksack river to restore 16 miles of fish habitat. That is true but me thinks the fact that it was also diverting some naturally occurring asbestos from Mount Baker into their drinking water at Whatcom lake might have also had something to do with it. Either way, more water is coming from the Nooksack so we need to build a higher dyke and get a second pump.

Cypress mountain downhill skiing open today

I had the day off so I rode up Cypress mountain to check out their season opening. It's a bit early but they just received 10 cm of fresh snow and they have their snow machines working. They only work when it's below freezing so they can turn them on at night.
This is the beginning of the trail to Hollyburn Ridge.
I went over to the cross country area to see if there was enough snow to snowshoe and there was so I dusted off my snowshoes and tried them out. I didn't go very far because it was foggy and I'm really out of shape since my surgery. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step and today I took that step. It's nice snow and an early start to the season.

Kyle Rittenhouse acquitted of all charges

Today the jury acquitted Kyle Rittenhouse of all charges in his self-defence shooting of three violent criminals during the riots. The matter never should have gone to trial. The star witness testified that Kyle never shot him until he pointed a gun at him. He was running away from them and they were chasing him. He fell and they started giving him the boots so he shot them in self-defence. Joe Biden and the mainstream media suck.