Thursday, February 24, 2022

BC now firing government employees put on leave over COVID shots

True North is reporting that "It’s a week of reckoning in British Columbia as hundreds of health-care workers and public employees are now being terminated after being forced onto unpaid leave last year by provincial COVID vaccine mandates." That's not very kind or very nice.

Omicron was a fraud. Fire Bonnie Henry. That will solve our problem. #FreeBC

Svend Robinson opposed the use of the Emergency Act

Jordan B Peterson interviews Rex Murphy

Doug Ford shuts down 39 trucking businesses

Update on the Ukraine - the Coal War has now begun

Twinning the natural gas pipeline is a step forward. Industrial coal is not.

We know that the democratically elected president of the Ukraine went into exile.
We know that Biden and China have business interests in the Ukraine including money laundering. We know that Justin Trudeau is a lying POS that has no business anywhere except restoring the Charter of Rights to Canada. That is what we do know.

Remember what Gaddafi said right before we executed him?

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has suspended the certification process for the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline after Russia recognized separatist-held regions in eastern Ukraine. Getting Germany off Industrial coal and on natural gas will greatly improve air quality in Europe and greatly reduce world C02 emissions. China doesn't want that because they want to push their fake environmentalism of electric cars powered by industrial coal.

Industrial coal is the largest polluter on the planet. Trump wanted to sanction Russia over twinning the existing natural gas pipeline so he could sell them American coal controlled by China. None of these lunatics give a rat's a*s about the environment. Secret Empires.

Shipping Fortune Connected To Elaine Chao And Mitch McConnell These lying lunatics are pushing industrial coal as a renewable resource over natural gas. That is criminally insane.

Canadian Fake News lied to the New York Times

Omicron did a better job than the Vaccines

You can support Anita throguh a link on her recent rumble video.

Anita's links:




***If you believe in Anita and want to support her efforts, please consider donating. If every viewer donated $5, she can make a change in media and have a place where people can come to bring real stories to light. Many thanks!

Does MSM understand why no one likes them?

I can tell you what happened. Global Television was bought out by Post Media News. That's what happened. Check out Anita's Newsletter.

This is my previous post when Anita was grossly misrepresented by the Vancouver Sun which is now owned by Post Media News: Global News Director fired for attending Freedom rally

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Stephen Harper is a bad man

Update: Jason Kenny proceeds with judicial review.

Maybe Justin Trudeau saw his downfall in Pluto rising

Wheelburner sugests Justin Trudeau was worried about the senate vote

True North is reporting that Justin Trudeau announced Wednesday that his government would be revoking his implementation of the Emergencies Act which is highly suspect. What changed between Monday night and Wednesday afternoon? Nothing.

True North is also reporting that Stephen Harper would oppose Jean Charest’s leadership run. No f*cking kidding. Harper is the reason conservatives lost the election last time which let Justan Idiot squeeze in. If Stephen Harper opposed Jean Charest’s leadership run last time he'll do it again because he is dirty as f*ck. Mulroney used Jean Charest to get elected then Harper f*cked him over when he wanted to run against Peter Dingledorf, the other war criminal.

No one will be Prime minister without Quebec. We need to kick Stephen Harper out and bring Maxine Bernie back so Jean Charest can run with the full support of the united country.

True North reported that "The boss is of the opinion that Jean Charest is not a real conservative.” GMAFB Stephen Harper is not a Conservative. He is a tax and spend enemy of the Charter of rights. He refused to celebrate the anniversary of the charter. He sounds like a mob boss. We know he's not a freedom fighter. Cut him loose and set the country free.

Biden's business interests in the Ukraine

The Ukraine conflict is about Joe Biden's and Communist China's business interests there.

Damion Ryan busted?

WTTF? Did they bust him or just give him more money for his witness protection contract?

Update: Not a word on charges. Just what I thought.

The Edmonton Hells Angels killed Anees Mohammed for the Wolf Pack so Damion Ryan could take over his drug network. They killed their own guy to give his business to someone else. 88 Rossalnd is a drug house in Ottawa associated with the Alkhalils who are part of Larry Amero's Cub Pack just like Damion Ryan is. In 2016 Damion Ryan was convicted of drug trafficking in Ottawa. After they killed Anees, he's been running the drugs in the DTES for the Cub Pack.

What do you say the odds are the CFSEU pull the plug on Damion's Ryan's bust? You can't arrest him he's working for us. Yeah we know. That's the problem. Maybe it's just another cover.
Update: Dr Spin has picked up on the story. "Sources confirmed that Ryan, considered a leader of the Wolf Pack gang coalition in the Lower Mainland, had been picked up by police at a luxury home in the nation’s capital." So the Compromised CFSEU had nothing to do with it.

"Ryan is a former member of the elite Ontario Nomads chapter of the Hells Angels, which was disbanded after a dispute with other regional chapters of the biker gang." Elite Ontario Nomads - STFU. She's always tryign to misrepreent sh*t. The Ontario Village Idiots were about as elite and the Swine Flu were notorious. The Ontario Nomads were disbanded after the Quebec Charter started capping their a*s because they wouldn't return their drug turf after they got out of prison.

"But Ryan had been lying low, mostly out of province, since he was featured in May with 10 other Lower Mainland gangsters on warning posters issued by both the Vancouver Police and B.C.’s anti-gang Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit." That is a bold faced lie.

Damion Ryan is a f*ck up on the PoPo's payroll. They were probably just giving him more donuts.