Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Walk by shooting in Ontario

Barrie Today is reporting that "Video surveillance captured a suspect standing on the road during the day and firing shots at a home in Markham last week. York Regional Police responded to a report of gunshots heard in a neighbourhood near Castlemore Avenue and Solace Road on Wednesday, Feb. 28 at 3:15 p.m. They located a home that had been struck by multiple bullets. There was one person home at the time, however there were no injuries."

That was pretty pointless. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

IDF Bulldozing over cemeteries in Gaza

CTV is reporting that "Israeli forces severely damaged a cemetery in Khan Younis in southern Gaza earlier this week, exhuming and removing bodies in what the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) told CNN was part of a search for the remains of hostages seized by Hamas during the October 7 terror attacks." At least 16 cemeteries in Gaza have been desecrated by Israeli forces, satellite imagery and videos reveal. That is inasne.

Why would they bury hostages in a cemetery? If Benjamin Netanyahu didn't take all the soldiers off border patrol and issue the stand down order, there would be no hostages.

They have thousands of dead bodies they aren't able to bury yet. If they killed any hostages Benjamin Netanyahu helped them take, they wouldn't bury them with their relatives they'd do what the IDF does and bury them in an open pit in the desert. This absurd claim is just a ridiculous excuse to commit war crimes by desecrating graves.

Train hit RV today in Langley

I'm not sure why the RV stalled on the railroad tracks but glad everyone's OK.

Monday, March 4, 2024

US Supreme Court rules Trump stays on Colorado ballot

CTV is reporting that "The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday that former President Donald Trump should appear on the ballot in Colorado in a decision that follows months of debate over whether the frontrunner for the GOP nomination violated the 'insurrectionist clause' included in the 14th Amendment." That insurrectionist clause was absolutely ridiculous. They very fact that they tried to take him off the ballot clearly shows how absurd this circus has become.

The Times of Israel ran a racist drawing of Donald Trump along with this story. The photo was of a lone loony protester holding a sign repeating the mains stream narrative Save our Democracy with a drawing of Donald Trump having a swastika on his forehead. They intentionally ran that offensive picture despite Donald Trumps' overwhelming support for Israel.

You don't save democracy by removing the Republican nomination from the ballot. People are fed up with the fake news' lies. First they said Donald Trump was racist. Then Candace Owens led Black Exist and black conservatives came out of everywhere supporting Donald Trump. Then they said Donald Trump was homophobic so Brandon Straka led the WalkAway movement. The lies are ridiculous and represent the credibility meltdown of the mainstream media.

CIA orchestrated Haiti’s 2004 coup

The Gray Zone is reporting that "A classified diplomatic cable obtained by The Grayzone reveals the role of a veteran CIA officer in violently overthrowing Haiti’s popular President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004." Aristide was exiled and his supporters were massacred. Just like in 2021.

Assassinated Haitian President opposed Covid Vaccines

Now thety expect us to support their biolab coup in the Ukraine.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Port Hardy First Nations ban drug dealers

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "The Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations have declared a state of emergency for their reserve north of Port Hardy following the deaths of 11 of its members in the past two months. Many of those deaths were caused by poisoned drugs and alcohol, the nation said." All harmful drugs are poisoned. That's why they are harmful.

"Issued on the direction of hereditary chiefs and matriarchs, Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations council said it will take all necessary measures” to protect its members and to remove drug dealers and alcohol suppliers from Tsulquate 4 reserve. The loss of so many precious lives in such a short time have caused massive suffering, grief and trauma."

Banning drug dealers is the logical response. You don't give alcohol to alcoholics and you don't give drugs to drug addicts. You help them find treatment. You don't target the addicts you target the drug dealers. You don't empower addicts to use drugs in public places in front of kids.

Mycowichanvalleynow is reporting that "It says police have not been helpful, and that RCMP have been reluctant to work with GNN in enforcing GNN bylaws and council resolutions to restrict or remove drug dealers to try and prevent dealers from bringing deadly drugs into the community.”

Leslyn Lewis: Smart Cities and the WHO Pandemic Treaty

On Leslyn Lewis' Substack she made two recent posts of significant importance. The most recent was about the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the one before that was the truth about Smart Cities.

Leslyn Lewis is on track. Listen to what she has to say. We should withdraw from the UN.

Most are not aware of the Marxist origins of the UN. Look at Tedros Ghebreyesus's background.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Israeli News confronts IDF Friendly fire on October 7th

SHFT TV is reporting that "The Israeli press has uncovered damning evidence showing that an untold number of the Israeli victims during the October 7 Hamas attack were in fact killed by the IDF response. While it is indisputable that the Hamas-led attackers were responsible for many Israeli civilian deaths that day, reports from Israel indicate that the IDF in multiple cases fired on and killed Israeli civilians."

"It’s an important issue that demands greater transparency—both in terms of the questions it raises about IDF policy, and in terms of the black-and-white narrative Israel has advanced about what happened on October 7, used to justify its ongoing assault on the Gaza Strip."

We've heard this before. IDF helicopters were caught firing on Israeli Citizens at the music festival on October 7th. After they were confronted with that fact, they came up with the story that they were firing at Hamas and some Israelis were collateral damage. Yet even that claim, which the Israeli news is complaining about, doesn't make sense.

All the soldiers guarding the Gaza border were taken off that post right before the attack. The IDF was given a stand down order. That's how Hamas was able to get in and out with hostages without meeting any resistance. Now they are claiming they met some resistance but that resistance was shooting Israeli citizens. Haaretz refers to it as the Hannibal Directive.

Let's look at the facts and consider another possibility. Hamas made it in and out without resistance. Yet the IDF were caught firing on Israeli citizens just like they were ordered to fire on the USS Liberty. Their claim that they were firing on Hamas doesn't make sense. If the IDF engaged Hamas during that attack they would have radioed for back up and the handful of Hamas insurgents would have been annihilated. The only thing that makes sense is that this was another Operation Northwoods and they were caught red handed just like with the USS Liberty.

The white guys leading the insurgents and blowing up the border fence didn't look Arabic.
The Times of Israel is reporting that "An IDF officer has recounted a tough decision he made on October 7 to order a tank to fire two light shells toward a house in Kibbutz Be’eri in which Hamas terrorists had been holding 14 Israelis hostages during the Palestinian terror group’s onslaught — fire that killed at least one Israeli."

This is damage control. The IDF were caught firing on civilians and this report attempts to rationalize why. It admits an IDF tank fired two shells at a house they claim Hamas terrorists had been holding 14 Israelis hostages. The house was destroyed and they admit at least one Israeli hostage was killed. If the house was destroyed I'd say it's safe to say all 14 hostages were killed as well ass the alleged kidnappers. The problem is, if the house was destroyed we have no way of proving there really was any hostage takers in it.

That's just a story they came up with rationalizing why they did it after they were caught. Were there hostage takers on the USS Liberty? Nope. The third red flag in the October 7th attack was the claim that Hamas was ISIS. We now know that the CIA created ISIS.

ISIS were doing horrible things. They were beheading people and raping civilians. It was extreme violence designed to create an extreme response. Were all ISIS members CIA agents? Of course not. The CIA hired, armed and funded extremists and told them what to do.

That forces us to ask, if Hamas is ISIS and the CIA created ISIS does that mean the Mossad created Hamas? Amazingly enough they did. Before Hamas was the PLO. Mossad created Hamas to push the PLO out of Gaza. The political wing of the PLO remained in West Bank but were literally kicked out of Gaza. Obviously not all Hamas members are Mosaad agents. If the leaders are, they can easily recruit people to join them. The PLO was gone so whoever would have joined the PLO were forced to join Hamas which Mosaad ultimately controlled.

Most of if not all of the Hamas operatives that attacked Israel on October 7th were Mosaad agents just like ISIS. They were trained by Mosaad and the CIA. They used American weapons. That high altitude drone footage was Mosaad not Hamas. The parasailers were trained by Mosaad and the CIA. Those precision Arial strikes were Mosaad operatives not Hamas.

Obviously Hamas has many members in Gaza who are not affiliated with Mosaad but their leaders are and this October 7th attack was orchestrated to provoke a specific response.

Fatah was the political wing of the PLO that signed the Oslo accord. Hamas was created by Mosaad to push Fatah out of Gaza. We need to bring Fatah back to Gaza and remove the Mosaad leaders of Hamas. Both sides need to come back to the Oslo accord. Globalism sucks.

Mossad and the CIA support fanatics to justify military action against them. The CIA gave Saddam Hussein chemical weapons to use on Iran. The CIA trained the Taliban to fight Russia. The CIA created ISIS. Then when they assassinated the Iranian general responsible for defeating ISIS they brought ISIS back. Has there ever been a terrorist organization the CIA hasn't trained?

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago

The CIA, ISIS and the IDF stand down order

Teen charged after fatal shooting at north Edmonton home

The Edmonton Journal is reporting that "A 19-year-old man has been charged after police called Monday to a north Edmonton home for a shooting found a 38-year-old man fatally injured. Northeast patrol officers called to the home near 147 Avenue and 77 Street around 5:30 p.m. Monday found Ryan Lariviere suffering from a fatal gunshot wound, police said in a news release Wednesday night. Officers rendered first aid until emergency medical services arrived. Paramedics attended and treated the man, but he was declared dead on scene."

"Muktar Mohammed-Ali is charged with second-degree murder and pointing a firearm. Homicide detectives continue to investigate as it is believed there are additional suspects involved in Lariviere’s killing." The case is one of two Monday deaths homicide detectives are investigating.

Friday, March 1, 2024

High Treason in Canadian Courts

Global Fake News is reporting that "The B.C. government has hit another roadblock in its attempts to prevent drug use in public areas. On Friday, the B.C. Court of Appeal refused to grant the province leave to appeal an injunction blocking Bill 34, the Restricting Public Consumption of Illegal Substances Act. In December, the B.C. Supreme Court issued an injunction pending a legal challenge, blocking the legislation until March 31, 2024, ruling it could cause "irreparable harm" to drug users at risk of a fatal overdose." That is f*cking Satanic. It is High Treason.

"In a statement, Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General Mike Farnworth said the government was disappointe" by the appellate court's ruling. 'The legislation that passed in the legislature last November aims to help people feel safe in community spaces while also encouraging people struggling with addiction to connect with the services and supports they need,' Farnworth said. 'We think it makes sense that laws around public drug use be similar to those already in place for public smoking, alcohol and cannabis.'" Obviously. The Canadian courts are Broken.

The obvious solution is to repeal the decriminalization of hard drugs just like Portland had to do.

Ronald Skolrood is a Servant of Satan. Ronald McDonald, we meet again. God Damn you.