Saturday, June 29, 2024

Tommy Robinson and Islamic Extreemism

A controversial anti Islamist from England is making the news in Canada and I think Ezra Levant has lost his mind and his soul. Tommy Robinson is anti mass migration but he is also anti any and all Islamic migration. He wants to stop all Muslims from immigrating and he wants to stop building mosques. What about churches? Are churches OK? Which ones? Are Catholic churches OK or does he just want Protestant churches? This is where I separate myself from everyone.

I do not support Tommy Robinson. I support civl liberty. Hate is too great a burdon to bear.

This brings us back to the circle. Draw a line in the sand and call that democracy. The further you get away from that line to the left or the right the further away from democracy you get and the closer you get to Dictatorship. I am what the Irish call a republican. That means I support a free republic. Even that is slightly different than a complete democracy.

For example, a free Republic guarantees the rights of the minorities. If the majority of the citizens say gas all the Jews or kill all the Muslims, the constitution forbids that because it protects civil liberty by law. If the majority of the citizens say seize all the land and assets of the rich, the constitution would forbid that because property rights are protected by law.

We have all seen how fly by night snake oil salesmen use manufactured emergencies to justify doing away with civil liberty. Not on my watch. The freedom of religion means the freedom of religion. If you want to oppose the mass migration of criminals, then by all means, I support that. We need criminal record checks. We cannot accept shiploads of criminals into our country to rob us blind. We see the WEF's problem, reaction, solution paradigm when it comes to mass migration. They are intentionally creating a problem to justify their insane solution.

These snake oil salesmen, just like the CIA, will telly you nine truths to get you hooked on one lie. They are using this manufactured emergency to rally hate and division because that is exactly what the WEF wants so they can create order amidst the chaos. Their order.

Personally I wouldn't shout Free Palestine. That implies opposition to the Oslo accord which I support. Nor would I stand with Israel in committing a calculated genocide based on a false flag attack. Hitler used false flag attacks and we all saw how that went.

Personally I would say leave Palatine alone. Stop the genocide. That's not antisemitic because that's exactly what the Jews in Israel are saying. I'm really disappointed how Mossad has hijacked Rebel News and the Daily Wire. Let's ask them about Mossad's involvement in Operation Watch Tower throughout Iran contra. Let's ask them about the Investment fraud Mossad runs in Israel. Blind obedience to evil is evil. There's no rationalization for it.

Israel's leaders are not always right. They weren't right when they threw Jeremiah in prison. Look how that worked out for them. Good and evil exist in every nation and it behooves us to shun the evil as we support the good. There are a lot of good people in Israel who want an end to the war.

Now when we talk about Islamic extremism, I think we can all agree that none of us support that. ISIS was so extreme that all the Arab countries united to oppose it. Yet the CIA created ISIS and ISIS K. So we need to shun the CIA's extremism that defiantly endorses the WEF. Just for the record, the Palestinian Muslims get along with the Palestinian Christians just fine. The Palestinian Muslims aren't the ones blowing up ancient churches in Gaza, the IDF is. Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet and Mary, the mother of Jesus, was one of the most important women in scripture. My neighbors are Muslims. They named one of their children Jesus.
Hey Christian - who is your neighbour? Is it the Samaritan? Is it the Palestinian or is it the Muslim? The parable of the good Samaritan sets the standard as does the parable of the sheep and the goats. The people of Gaza are literally starving. "When ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not unto me. Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. As ye sow, so shall ye reap."

Honduras’s ex-president sentenced to 45 years for cocaine trafficking on behalf of the CIA

The Finantial Times is reporting that "Honduras’s former president Juan Orlando Hernández was handed a 45-year prison sentence on Wednesday for facilitating cocaine transit to the US, capping the swift prosecution of a former US ally and sending a warning to leaders across the region. Hernández, who led Honduras from 2014 until 2022, was convicted in a US federal court in Manhattan in March for his role in an armed conspiracy to move more than 400 tonnes of US-bound cocaine through the Central American country." This is a farce.

The CIA rigged the election for him. They were counting the ballots and his opponent was in the lead so they stopped counting the ballots. The army picked up all the ballots, moved them to a central location and the results mysteriously flipped. They started using live ammunition on protesters who then went to America for help. Trump said accept the results or we'll withdraw our aid. In exchange for supporting the voter fraud, Hernández supported Israel's bid to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel and move the embassies there.

Honduras has been a CIA hub for drug trafficking since Iran contra. Hilary Clinton supported a CIA coup in Honduras back in 2009 in support of a president supportive of CIA drug trafficking in Honduras. Right after the election fraud Hernández's brother was extradited for cocaine trafficking. Orlando Hernández gets 45 years. How much does the CIA get?

Honduras: A Narco-State Made in the United States

Honduran narcodictator convicted, but no accountability for the US role

Honduran President Hernandez was Washington's man, until he wasn't

"Prosecutors had sought a sentence of life in prison, plus 30 years." That is insane.

This guy was a piece of garbage but he was the CIA's garbage. They put him there because he did what they wanted. In Operation Watchtower, Colonel Noriega worked with the CIA and Mossad to overseas cocaine shipments form Colombia to Panama then on to the United States in military aircraft. Knowing that, the CIA put him in power than sent him to prison for doing what they wanted him to do. Just like Hernández. Once again the CIA finds a scape goat so they can continue to traffic drugs with impunity. Disban the CIA. That would greatly reduce terrorism and drug trafficking. The world would be a better replace without the CIA's foreign interference.

Three tonnes of cocaine found hidden in imported crane

Dutch News is reporitng that "Harbour police have found an estimated three tonnes of cocaine hidden in a crane in a warehouse in Moerdijk port. Two Dutch men aged 64 and 43 were arrested, as was a 32-year-old man from Cambodia. Moerdijk is the fourth biggest Dutch seaport, located on the Hollands Diep estuary and has strong links to inland shipping. The police started their investigation after “becoming aware” of several suspicious events at the company. In particular, the company was importing heavy machinery from South America to the Netherlands."

"Last week, a massive crane arrived in Antwerp and was delivered to the Moerdijk firm on Friday, as the police raided the premises. It was found to contain 3,000 kilos of the drug, with a street value of some €220 million. Police also searched homes belonging to the two Dutchmen and found a gun and ammunition as well as some €20,000 in cash. One of the two men is the company owner, police said."

Anniversary of Hardeep Singh Nijjar's murder

CBC is reporting that "A large crowd gathered at a Surrey, B.C. gurdwara Sunday to remember Sikh activist and community leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in the lead up to the one-year anniversary of his high-profile killing." Meanwhile back at the ranch, India slams Canada for holding a moment of silence for alleged terrorist. AYFKM? This was a Temple president murdered outside the oldest Sikh Temple in Surrey. What was his crime? He objected to the Sikh genocide in India and the government of India's persecution of Sikhs in the State of Punjab.

So let's talk about that. The government of India, who are the primes suspects in his murder, keep using the terms Sikh extremist, separatist and terrorist synonymously. The Government of India who executed the Sikh genocide under Operation Blue Star were defiant terrorists. The Hindu extremist who murdered the original Gandhi was a terrorist.

Hindu extremists perform human sacrifice. I think we can all agree we should shun extremism. However, just because you object to the persecution of Sikhs and Muslims in India that does not make you an extremist or a terrorist. Failing to do so does.
India keeps mentioning the Air India bombing but they refuse to recognize that Surjan Singh Gill worked for CSIS and provided the explosives for that attack. If CSIS hadn't provided the explosives, that atrocity never would have happened.

Dave Hayer's father, Tara Sing Hayer confirmed that Surjan Singh Gill was the one that provided the explosives for that attack. Multiple other sources confirm that Surjan Singh Gill worked for CSIS while doing so. Which also makes CSIS suspects in Hardeep Singh Nijjar's murder.

Global is reporting that "One of the alleged hitmen accused of killing B.C. Sikh temple leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar was arrested and released in Surrey, B.C., shortly before the attack, according to court records. Three weeks before Nijjar was gunned down in an ambush that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has linked to the government of India, Surrey RCMP charged Amandeep Singh with fleeing police and dangerous driving."

"Twelve days later, he allegedly opened fire on Nijjar in the parking lot of Surrey’s Guru Nanak Sikh Temple, a killing that some believe has the hallmarks of a political assassination. The case suggests that Singh, who was arrested in Brampton, Ont. on Saturday for Nijjar’s killing, was in the vicinity of the B.C. temple and allegedly behaving erratically prior to the shooting."

OK let's do some math here. "His court file notes that he required a Punjabi interpreter" which confirms what I previsously said. Singh is a Punjabi term and the suspects are Punjabi. So why would a Punjabi murder a Punjabi activist protecting Punjabis from persecution in India? Money. Gang bangers kill people for money.

We know that this case is tied to a failed assassination attempt in New York and a string of bizarre offences right across Canada. All of which constitute a sting operation run by CSIS and the CIA. There is no question the CIA was involved with the failed assassination attempt in New York and entrapped India's Intelligence agency in their plot. The CIA and India's Intelligence agency are equally to blame. Just like how the CIA was directly involved with both sides of Operation Blue Star. That's why it was called an operation. They were arming and grooming extremists and did so to justify and rationalize the Sikh genocide that followed.

The second Gandhi had Sikh bodyguards. She did so because she didn't trust the Hindu extremists that assassinated the original Gandhi. She didn't order Operation blue star. She was trying to stop it. The CIA and India's intelligence agency ordered it and had her killed.

CSIS orchestrated this cross Canada foreign interference plot to justify getting more power.

PEI Man faces Crystal Meth charges

CBC is reporting that "A 40-year-old man from Miscouche, P.E.I., has been charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking, as well as several other charges, after a targeted traffic stop in Summerside that left two police cars severely damaged. RCMP said they seized about 11 grams of crystal methamphetamine, other pills and a pellet gun from the car. A single dose of crystal meth is 0.1 grams, so the amount seized is roughly 110 doses of the drug."

CBC is also reporting that "A 29-year-old man from Stratford, P.E.I., has been charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking as a result of a drug bust in Charlottetown Friday evening. Officers seized 339 grams of fentanyl and 1,000 Xanax tablets following an investigation by Charlottetown Police Services' street crime unit, according to a news release."

CTV is reporting that "The Saint John Police Force has arrested six people as part of a three-month drug trafficking investigation. The release says police arrested an occupant in a stolen Honda Civic in the 100 block of McAllister Drive on March 21. Officers searched the vehicle and found a bag with $65,000 worth of drugs in it, including cocaine, meth pills, crystal meth, and hydromorphone0." Harmful drugs increase violent crime.

Friday, June 28, 2024

US will remove Gaza aid pier due to weather and may not put it back

City News is reporting that "The pier built by the U.S. military to bring aid to Gaza is being removed due to weather to protect it, and the U.S. is considering not re-installing it unless aid begins flowing out into the population again, several U.S. officials said Friday."

"While the military has helped deliver desperately needed food through the pier, the vast majority of it is still sitting in the adjacent storage yard because of the difficulty that agencies have had moving it to areas in Gaza where it is most needed, and that storage area is almost full."

So the humanitarian aid claim was a lie. The pier was used for a military operation using aid trucks. Israeli protesters are calling for an end to the war and a negotiated release of all of the hostages that Benjamin Netanyahu intentionally allowed to be captured.

Netanyahu is still blocking the distribution of aid in Gaza.

Democrats consider replacing Joe Biden with ventriloquist

CBC: Biden's debate disaster: U.S. president freezes up against Trump

"How bad was it? It had the Democrats on post-debate panels asking if Biden will drop out."

MSN is reporting that "After today's debates between Democratic President Joe Biden and Republican candidate Donald Trump, discussions have arisen within the Democratic Party about a potential replacement for Biden in the upcoming presidential election, reports New York Times."

A new Trump presidency may be one step closer after Biden ‘implodes’ at CNN debate

I saw a short clip from the debate on the American news when I was at the gym. The way the fake news misrepresented it was laughable. They ran a clip of Biden reading a teleprompter about January 6th and Trump responded with you should be ashamed at how those protesters were mistreated comparing their treatment with how the ANTIFA rioters were treated.

It is mentally deranged how they keep going off about January 6th. The FBI raided Dr Simone Gold's home because she walked through an open door and filmed herself giving a speech. Branda Straka didn't even enter the building and they treated him like it was Guantanamo Bay.

It was another example of how the Patriot act has been misused denying Americans the right to due process. People Magazine is admitting that "The Supreme Court has ruled that the Justice Department went too far in its prosecution of hundreds of rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 — and Donald Trump. In a 6-3 decision on Friday, June 28, the court said that a federal obstruction statute cited in cases against more than 350 Capitol rioters was not applied properly, which could complicate their sentences."

When you look at the complete incompetence of Joe Biden and the deranged witch hunt trying to prevent Donald Trump from running one thing is crystal clear. The CIA has got to go.

In the Land of Saints and Sinners

I just watched In the Land of Saints and Sinners with Liam Neeson. It was well done so it was. My initial concern was the title. Ireland is known as the land of saints and scholars not saints and sinners, yet a thought provoking plot was revealed in the movie. Once again it causes us to reflect on the sanctity of life and moving past bad choices. Mind how ya go.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Protocol 7 the Movie in Theatres June 28th - Update

Police on Guard is reporting that "Protocol 7 explores the crucial issue of corporate fraud and the fight for health freedom. Written and directed by Andrew Wakefield, the film delves into the real-life story of two whistleblower virologists from Merck’s MMR laboratory who witnessed fraud at the highest level. It’s a gripping, eye-opening narrative that resonates deeply with those who value informed consent and the right to make personal health choices."

"The most important part about this film is that the actual case (United States vs Merck) has been in litigation for 14 years and is currently in the appellate court in Pennsylvania due for a decision this summer. In Cineplex Theatre’s June 28th. Click here to book your tickets."

"Protocol 7 is a medico-legal thriller based on the true story of two Merck lab scientists who, in 2010, blew the whistle on the company’s fraudulent manipulation of lab data to support the company’s efficacy claim about the mumps component of its MMR vaccine. The case has been tied up in courts ever since." Interview with Dr. Andrew Wakefield.

Again I think my body my choice applies to both sides. I chose not to get a Covid RNA vaccine but I chose to get the shingles vaccine. The flat earther bullied me for that choice. People are allowed to choose. That's the whole point. After the shingles shot your arm gets a bit sore. I saw that as a good thing. To me that meant it was a traditional vaccine that stayed in your arm. You bodies then sends anti bodies to the arm to f=developed immunity.

That's how it's supposed to work. The RNA vaccines bypass the immunize system and sends the vaccine into all your organs including your heart, lungs and brain. That's why some young men and healthy athletes develop myocarditis after the Covid RNA vaccine.

Recently I sliced my hand right open on a sharp edge of my rusty exhaust and got 10 stitches. I made sure I got a tetanus shot. That's not RNA. Again, that's my choice. Others have every right to make their own choice. People are allowed to disagree and people are allowed to decide what risks they are and are not willing to take when it comes to medical treatment.

Update: OK I've seen the movie. Wow. At first I found it a bit difficult to watch because it was a little too real. I did find it very informative. It deals with a real court case that has been stuck in litigation for decades involving the mumps vaccine. Apparently the problem was an outbreak of mumps occurred among vaccinated people in the United States and the FDA said prove your effectiveness or lose your approval so they falsified the data.

Protocol 7 was how they falsified the data by using rabbit's blood in the tests. It showed how concerned pharmaceutical companies are with profits. It also shows the vaccine was simply not effective. Similar to the Covid RNA vaccine. It also shows that there was an increased risk association with the vaccine. At the end of the movie it showed some interesting stats about how the number of vaccines kids have to take now has skyrocketed as it is big business.

It claimed that children who were vaccinated were 4.2 times more likely to develop autism and over 5 times more likely to develop some form of learning disability. So here's the deal. Autism is "relatively" rare. So being 4.2 times more likely to develop autism isn't terribly significant. One could easily say that it was not related to a vaccine just like one could say that heart complications after the Covid RNA vaccines are not related. Yet some are. This means that there is a risk of a child developing Austin's from the mumps vaccine. It's not a significant risk but it is a serious risk parents should be made aware of making that vaccine optional not mandatory.

4.2 times more likely to develop autism isn't a 4.2% increase it's a 420% increase.

On that note, the Canadian Covid Care Alliance put out several informative videos about Covid vaccines and showed that Pfizer also falsified or misrepresented their data just like Merck did. The movie Protocol 7 is about how Merk falsified the data for their Mumps vaccine. October 2021 I reported that Merck was in discussions to sell a new COVID-19 pill to Canada.

The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good

Oracle Films also put out a movie called Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion.

Police on Guard on Unlawful Orders

Speaking of laws that violate the constitution, Police on Guard is reporting that "In our continued effort to restore the Rule of Law in Canada, members of Police on Guard, in communications with lawyers, are initiating an effort which endeavours to remind active-duty police officers and military members of their obligation to uphold the laws of Canada and take suitable action when faced with unlawful orders. Corruption is being allowed to run rampant while too many of our police and military continue to “just follow orders”.

Taking a stand against corruption begins with these individuals, by acknowledging their oath and their duty to protect, and taking action against these attempts to unlawfully impose harm on the citizens of Canada. We have well-established laws in place to address these criminal matters, what is needed is for those tasked with upholding these laws to find the fortitude to stand for what they know to be just. Stand with us and support this initiative.

To read the Duty to Protect document and download it for yourself, click here

This is why I support Police on Guard. They are a voice of reason in a confused world full of lies and agent provocateurs trying to promote extremism to justify their attack on civil liberty.

Police on Guard declare that law enforcement officers in Canada swear an oath to uphold the Charter of Rights. Why is that a requirement? Because the Charter of Rights is the highest law of the land. If police are to enforce the law, they are to defend the Charter. When any level of government makes a law that violates the Charter of Rights, that law is illegal. That brings us to obeying illegal orders which is something we need to discuss calmly and rationally.