Sunday, February 9, 2025

Lindsay Buziak Walk February 2nd 2025: Update

I just saw some traffic on an old blog post and realized I forgot about the Lindsay Buziak Walk in Victoria this year. Vic News is reporting that "Seventeen years after his daughter was murdered, Jeff Buziak continues his quest for justice. He will lead the annual Lindsay Buziak Walk for Justice this Sunday."

"On Feb. 2, 2008, Lindsay, 24, was stabbed over 40 times in a bedroom of a Gordon Head home that she had arranged to show to what she thought were prospective buyers. Almost two decades later, the case remains unsolved, though the Saanich Police Department told Saanich News in 2024 that the investigation is open and active."

"The father, who lives in Calgary, will lead this year’s walk, which begins at Saanich Municipal Hall on Feb. 2 at 10 a.m. and travels to the B.C. Legislature."

Stabbed 40 times was not a gang hit. It was Dr Phil personal like Cynthia Garcia and Messa Mike, the ATF's pimp. I personally don't think the Buziak case will be solved in this life but when this life is over, everyone will know the truth. Sometimes there is no justice in this life but it all works out in the end. 

The two man theories on who killed Lindsay Buziak

There has been a huge interest in this case from day one. A realtor is murdered while showing a house. It was featured on dateline. A blog was set up which received a huge amount of traffic. People started sharing their theories on who done it. It was like team Edward and Team Jacob. 

People would join one of the two main camps and start making statements that presented theories as facts. Since 99% of domestic violence cases involve the ex, many people blamed the Zailos. In response Shirley started suing a whole lot of people in a very punitive manner hoping to destroy them financially. I didn't really mention it because I was hoping everyone would be able to settle out of court. 

Unfortunately the punitive list of demands were completely unrealistic. So the court cases have dragged on and on. I recognize that accusing someone of murder is considered defamation even if they did it as long as you can't prove it.

I accused someone of ordering a murder once and was sued for defamation. Only I could prove it. However, I wasn't willing to put my witness' life at risk so I cut a deal. Likewise I was hopping all the ordinary people Shirley has sued would also have been able to cut a deal. Shirley's punitive greed prevented an out of court settlement. So the case drags on.

Although there are many different theories I will present the two main theories. Since there are more than two theories I will emphasize that means the top two are still only theories. No one, other than Lindsay and the assailants know who did it. Yet people like to review the facts and speculate about theories.

The First Theory:

The first theory is this. Before Lindsay was murdered she visited her father in Calgary and stopped in to see an old friend from High School who happened to be involved in the drug trade. She had dated one of his associates and told him she missed what she had with Mat and that she wasn't happy in her current relationship with Jason. During that visit she told her father she saw something she shouldn't have. 

Shortly after her trip to Calgary, her friend she visited was involved in a large cocaine bust in Calgary that involved Victoria where Lindsay and her high school friend were from.  

The first theory is that the Delalcazars had her killed because they thought she was the police informant that ratted them out. I have to admit that I was fooled by this theory at first until I made some other discoveries. 

When Lindsay visited her father in Calgary and told him she had seen something she shouldn't have, I assumed she meant she had seen something on her Calgary trip she shouldn't have. I was mistaken. That's not what she meant. 

She meant she had seen something in Victoria she shouldn't have. At first I thought drugs? No it wasn't drugs because she had seen that before in her previous relationship. Money laundering through real estate tied to BC Rail? Perhaps.  

Chris Horsley passionately pushed this theory nonstop and even visited Lindsay's father Jeff in Calgary threatening to destroy his reputation if Jeff didn't shut down the blog which was looking into other suspects. Since some people were accusing the Zailos, Chris Horsely held a press conference stating the Zailos had been cleared. Which was somewhat suspicious since the police didn't know who did it. 

I went to Victoria for one of the memorial walks and when people found out who I was they were very open with some of their observations and concerns. Some people were concerned about the amount of real estate Chris Horsley owned as well as some of his side businesses with nightclubs. 

Nothing illegal just conflicted. People admitted that Horsley tried to poison them against Lindsay's father for pursuing alternate theories. Chris Horsley threatened to sue me for even mentioning the concerns about him people shared with me. 

A lawyer who was retained by the district of Saanich contacted me about things I had posted about Chris Horsley. I found it unusual that the lawyer was retained by the district of Saanich regarding things said about Chris Horsely. 

I read over everything I had posted making sure it was all completely factual and I never heard back from them. I did think Horsley's trip to Calgary threatening Jeff was horrible and was just cause to have him removed from the case.

I will present the second most popular theory but before I do I will emphasize that although many people are being sued for claiming the Zailos were involved, no one is suing Chris Horsely for saying the Delalcazars were involved. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. 

If Chris Horsley can express his opinion about the Delalcazars which I believe to be false and constitutes defamation, I can present an alternate theory to respond to that defamation.

The reason why I don't think the Delalcazars did it is because stabbing someone 40 times is not a gang hit, it is deeply personal which I will get into later. 

Lindsay was on good terms with Erickson. If she did see any drugs in Calgary there would have been no reason for her to rat them out when she had seen that before when she dated one of his associates. Especially when she confided in him that she missed what she had with her old boyfriend. She wasn't a vindictive ex trying to punish her old boyfriend. 

Instead I think Horsley was the one who had an axe to grind with the Delalcazars. He was out to get them just as his cop friends from Saanich were. I think Jason was the CI that ratted out the Calgary drug bust. That's why the police were protecting him. That's what I think.

The second theory:

As for the second theory, no one is suggesting that Shirley or Jason stabbed Lindsay. Jason had a carefully crafted alibi which in itself was suspicious. Shirley knew her son's relationship was on the rocks. That's why she tried to bribe her to say in the relationship with trips and Christmas gifts which made Lindsay feel guilty and conflicted. 

Jason was a eager participant in the Dateline episode that highlighted Lindsay's murder. He failed to mention that he had overheard a private conversation Lindsay had with a friend stating she was going to leave Jason after this last sale. That's an important detail to leave out. 

A lot of people said oh Jason did it. He has a lot of drug dealer friends. Well so did Lindsay. Although she steered clear of that life she had several friend who were still involved. However Ziggy wasn't just a drug dealer, he was a bit of a sleazebag. 

Ziggy was romantically involved with Shannon Christine Spruyt. Ziggy's friend David Martin Niebergall plead guilty to murdering Kevin Black who was Shannon's new boyfriend after she broke up with Ziggy. Shannon was assaulted when Kevin was shot. Later that year she died of a heroin overdose.

Did Ziggy give Shannon a hot shot? We'll never know. 

Ziggy was found guilty in December 2016 of trafficking a kilo of crystal meth and 10 liters of date rape drug. Ziggy and his coaccused were referred to as Top level drug dealers busted in Victoria. Ziggy's real name is Zachery Matheson.

This top level drug ring was a rival to the Delalcazars low level drug network. Which would also point to Jason as being the Calgary bust's CI since the province was actively pursuing the rat out your Rivals program at the time. 

Interesting to note that I wrote quite a bit about the Delalcazars at the time. I haven't heard a word about them in the news since then. I have heard about Ziggy's co accused Ali and Ali's sister. His sister and two nephews were charged with under age prostitution, twice. 

So what's the second theory?

The second theory is that Jason planned it because Lindsay was leaving him. He obviously didn't do it because he went out of his way to have a witness with him when he was late picking up Lindsay from a sketchy appointment that she was worried about. The second theory is that Jason's brother Ryan did it with his friend Ziggy. Seemingly someone overhead Ryan confess which is hearsay. 

When Jason discovered the body he immediately began performing CPR which contaminated the crime scene. If his brother Ryan committed the murder they wouldn't be able to tell Ryan's DNA from Jason's unless they did a very specific test. Ryan's DNA would be very similar but slightly different from Jason's. Why would Ryan stab her that many times?

As I said, stabbing someone that many times is psychotically personal like in the Cynthia Garcia case. It turns out Ryan was the one originally interested in Lindsay but Jason would bring her coffee every day and eventually wooed her. So Ryan could have resented that rejection. 

Once again, this is just a theory. One of many theories but if Chris Horsley can tell everyone his theory and defame the Delalcazars, then I can present an alternate theory in response to that defamation. 

Why would Jason perform CPR on a stabbing victim?

One thing that puzzles me is the fact that Jason instantly began performing CPR on someone who had been stabbed an insane amount of times and was bleeding heavily. Normally in first aid, if someone has been stabbed or has a bullet wound you put pressure on that wound to stop the bleeding. 

If someone is bleeding heavily from multiple places and you start performing cpr on them, that's just going to make them bleed out faster. So I'm left to wonder was that his intent or was he just in shock? We'll never know in this life. 

I guess it all depends if there was a pulse. If there's no pulse you do cpr. If they're breathing you stop the bleeding.

Trump's October 7th Task Force on Gaza theme Park

Here we go. Donald Trump's fake news ushers in the new dispensation of modern day colonialism in Gaza and the Congo. Oh the cunning plan of the evil one.

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that "A task force devoted to the prosecution of October 7 Massacre perpetrators and supporters was established by the US Attorney-General’s Office, according to a memorandum issued by Attorney-General Pam Bondi. The Joint Task Force October 7 (JTF 10-7) will pursue criminal charges, including for capital crimes, against the perpetrators of the Hamas-led massacre  who murdered 47 US citizens and abducted eight American nationals, among over 1,200 slain and 251 hostages."

Logically, the first person to be tried for treason is Netanyahu. Israel knew about the attack a year before hand. At that time the plan was impossible because of the security on the borderNetanyahu had a year to prepare to make it possible. Netanyahu is the inside man who facilitated that attack. We also need to charge the person who gave the IDF order to fire on Israelis during the October 7th attack.

Next we need to try Mossad for their involvement with Hamas. Mossad created Hamas to push Fatah and the PLO out of Gaza after the PLO agreed to a ceasefire. The Hamas Manifesto is completely unacceptable but Mossad were the ones who wrote it. 

We also need to investigate Mossad's current involvement with Hamas. No one in their right mind would do what Hamas did. Right after they signed an agreement to drill for Natural gas which would greatly benefit the people in Gaza, they started a war they knew they could not win which resulted in the complete destruction of their entire country. 

I think Gaza needs better representation. If a Union did that the people would change their Union. Gaza needs Fatah not Hamas because Mossad control Hamas. It's that simple. 

Now let's look at the timing of Trump's announcement. Right after he sanctioned the International court for issuing an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and right after he announced his plan to steal Gaza and turn it into a Las Vegas theme park. That is evil. There is nothing Godly about that. 

Truth will Prevail - Benedetta Caretta


What's done in the dark shall be brought to the light.

Benedetta Caretta is gorgeous but she also has an amazing voice. In this video the sound emanating from the tenner sax blends very well with her voice. It's a nice balance. 

During the song she shows us small glimpses of the dynamic range and power of her voice. She just shows you the tip of the iceberg but a mountain of talent is revealed. 

A couple of days ago I was in superstore buying groceries. They had background music playing over the intercom that I wasn't paying attention to. Then all of a sudden I tuned in and said I recognize that song. As I listened I said that's Lawrence Whatcha Want. A brother and sister team from New York. They also have a dynamic power and range in their vocals. 

Yesterday they were playing Jelly roll I'm not OK and I just shook my head. I'm not into the obese white emo sh*t. That's not healthy. Even Merk from my crib. These guys have huge followings and I'm just not into it. 

As I said before, Canadian rappers have lost their way. The Montreal and Toronto guys are all still stuck banning their head against the wall doing booty in the club. Tupac left us with the Ghetto Gospel and they all dropped the ball and stopped evolving. They're stuck in a fish bowl of materialism, greed and self indulgence. That's not healthy. 

Benedetta Caretta and Lawrence have a future because they're able to evolve and they're positive. Lawrence put out a funny video where she goes on a date with a guy who brags the whole night. Her response was, it's not all about you.

Blood Diamonds and Cobalt Mercenaries in Congo

After hearing about the current mercenary invasion of the cobalt Mines in Congo I made some shocking and disturbing discoveries about the child labour and exploitation that goes on in the cobalt mines. Cobalt is what they use to make rechargeable batteries for electric cars, IPhones and laptops. 

When I found out about the Cobalt mercenaries and exploitation it made me think of the movie Blood Diamonds and it turns out Congo was deeply involved with that as well and it all revolves around one man name Dan Gertler

Gertler is an Israeli billionaire who made his fortune in blood diamonds and has maintained a ruthless monopoly on cobalt mining in Congo for decades. Congo is the largest supplier of cobalt in the world which is mined with child and slave labour. 

That level of greed is difficult to comprehend. In Alberta working on the oil rigs is hard work yet they are paid well. So if Congo basically has a monopoly of the world's supply of cobalt, why do they use children and slave labour to mine it? To understand that we have to understand the history of blood diamonds as well as Mossad's arms dealing and exploitation in Africa.

Donald Trump was the one who sanctioned Dan Gertler. Then he waved the sanction and many human rights groups objected so Joe Biden reinstated the sanctions. This wasn't the first time Dan Gertler was sanctioned. Gertler runs a complex web of shell companies. He created International Diamond Industries Congo as well as Emaxon Finance International Inc in Canada

Both of those companies are sanctioned for dealing in blood diamonds. It's interesting he created that shell company in Canada. Years ago I was having dinner with a lawyer. He had casually mentioned how he represented a Canadian diamond mine in the Arctic. In the Arctic I said suspiciously. Tell me, if someone owns diamond mines in Canada as well as Africa, what's to stop them from taking a conflict diamond in Africa and say they found it in Canada? Oh they would never do that he said. I smiled and said of course not. 

Montreal was where Earl W Brian embezzled $50 million from Nesbitt Thompson’s clients for the CIA and Mossad. Interesting to note the shell companies he used to embezzle the money still exist. Mossad is very active in Montreal business fraud. 

Mossad also has a long history with Congo and Rwanda. Mossad supplied the arms for the Rwanda genocide

Elon Musk uses a Swiss shell company called Glencore to do business with Dan Gertler's conflicted cobalt to circumvent sanctions. Glencore has an office in Vancouver.

Instead of sanctioning Rwanda for invading Congo, this time the EU and the international community is supplying them. Things that make ya go hmmm... As soon as Mossad gets kicked out of Congo they invaded the cobalt mines from Rwanda.

Yesterday there was a large Free Congo protest in London, England. Look at their sign. "Israel Arms M23 Rebels Committing Congo Genocide in Exchange for Diamonds." 

Congo deported Mossad chief on suspicion of planning coup

Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Residential School Debate

Government halts funds for unmarked graves after no bodies found

I've talked about this before but since it's come up again I think we should discuss both extremes. There was a big discovery of children's graves at the site of a Kelowna residential school. It created a lot of animosity and division as well as misinformation. Turns out after further excavation there were no remains found and a few hostile documentaries about it have been produced.

So once again let's balance the extremes and have an honest conversation about it. On one side we have some people on the left exploiting the news to promote their agenda. They scream about a genocide and claim all white people should be ashamed of their heritage and burn churches to the ground.

On the other side we have holocaust deniers that claim the fact that no remains were found proves the whole thing was a hoax. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. 

To claim that no bodies were found isn't entirely true. There may not have been any remains found at that site but there were remains found at other residential school sites. A previous inquiry cited young girls journals who attended residential schools. At the time the spread of diseases like smallpox, measles, tuberculosis, and scarlet fever effected everyone. 

My mother was born in Amherst, Nova Scotia. When she was a little girl her father died of scarlet fever and she had to move out west to live with relatives. 

The young girl's residential school diary the inquiry quoted talked about how many children died from tuberculous. She talked about a funeral they held for one child in their school saying the nuns dressed her in white and gave her a proper burial. So to say no children died is not true.  

To say that it was a genocide where they were slaughtering children is not true either. Pushing that claim had an agenda behind it. Obviously residential schools sucked much like boarding school back in England. Parents sent their kids to boarding school because they wanted them to get an education. Kids hated it.

Residential schools were far more traumatic because they were old school. When I was in elementary school they just started to phase out corporal punishment. I remember in primary one kid was sent to the principle's office and the principle brought him in front of the class and spanked him in front of everyone. It wasn't in any way traumatic. It was just a matter of fact kind of thing. 

So residential schools had corporal punishment but what's worse is that it was English immersion. Here in BC parents line up to put their kids into French immersion so they can learn French. In French immersion they don't speak English they just speak French. They do that to help you learn the language faster. For me I can only learn a few words at a time. Immersion wouldn't really work for me until I had a basic understanding. 

Residential schools were even worse because not only were the kids not allowed to speak their native language, their culture was shunned. That left kids feeling completely abandoned. 

Which brings us to orange shirt day. We see the orange shirts with the logo every child matters. I like that logo because every child does matter. I saw it as moving past the Black Lives Matter hostility. All of a sudden it was OK to say everyone matters. 

I just noticed from the website the reason for an orange shirt. The website tells the story of one First Nations child named Phyllis Webstad who wore an orange shirt to Residential school and they took it away from her along with the rest of her belongings and cut her hair. Back then their aboriginal culture was suppressed it was not celebrated. We have learned from that mistake but we recognize that it did happen. 

There are many political opportunists who cherish the opportunity to embellish and exploit the Residential schools as an attack on "colonialism" which is a cryptic way of promoting their brand of Communism. That I reject as do many others. Colonialism is a thing of the past. Climate change is not a valid excuse to throw away civil liberty and neither is colonialism. In a free Republic everyone's culture is celebrated. Like the traditional potlatch ceremonies which are good. 

So when we balance the extremes we recognize that residential schools were a bit dysfunctional. Their intent was to educate but the old ways of suppressing language and culture were not healthy. Now we celebrate First Nation's culture. 

So when we see one side get defensive and hostile denying anything wrong with residential schools I shun that extreme. Then we see the Red Braid Alliance for Decolonial Socialism try and exploit and embellish what happened at Residential schools to promote their own twisted agenda of turning everyone into slaves. I reject that extreme as well. 

In balancing the extremes I recognize residential schools sucked. The intent was good but the English immersion leave your culture at the door was toxic. It wasn't a genocide where they were lining up children and slaughtering them. That did not happen. People get angry and defensive when you claim it did. 

So truth and reconciliation means two things. It means telling the truth with the intent of reconciling the past and coming together as one. The extremism on both sides is not productive. Even that website mentions horrific torture. Those kind of statements aren't true or constructive. They aren't made with the intent of reconciliation. Their intent is to divide. 

Now I will say most of these Residential schools were run by the Catholic church. John A Macdonald was a Protestant. It was run by the Catholic church because the nuns were volunteers like Mother Teresa. Yet as we've seen in Boston and back in Ireland, many Catholic schools were plagued with sexual abuse. That is horrific and inexcusable but it wasn't limited to residential schools. It happened all over the world including Quebec

While I'm here I'll give a shout out to the French community in Canada who are a vibrant part of our heritage. The French were explorers that would travel through the back country on voyageur canoes. Those are awesome. I did some voyageur canoe trips when I joined the Fort Langley canoe club. 

The French weren't stuck up and didn't think they were better than the locals. Many of them intermarried with the First Nations. Their children are called Metis a mixture of French and Aboriginal. The Metis are all well respected in Canada as being an important part of our heritage. Everyone matters. 

Gender Dysphoria is a distraction for right wing Globalism

Over the years people have commented on my blog saying that Gender Dysphoria is a Distraction. I agree. It's like the problem, reaction solution paradigm. They create a problem to justify their preplanned solution. Only in this case, they create a problem so they can solve it, then lead you astray with other things. Satan will tell you nine truths to get you hooked on one lie. So in that sense the trans obsession is a trap.

Recently Donald Trump held a press conference surrounded by children signing an executive order banning men from competing in women's sports. That was a good thing and a little bit strange it was necessary. I guess seeing a women get beat up by a man in boxing was the last straw. It was insane. 

All these years the left has been beaking off about woman's rights then threw them all away with the trans obsession. Letting men compete in women's sports is a violation of women's rights. Letting men use women's public washrooms is a violation of women's rights. As I said in my report card post, Donald Trump has done many good things. That doesn't mean everything he does is good. Especially when we see him say and do a few things that are defiantly wrong. 

The United States has always supposed to have been the good guy who opposes tyrants. Threatening to steal Canada's sovereignty and invade Greenland defies that model. Expropriating all the land in Gaza and evicting it's residents defies that model. It's become a tyrant instead of defending people from a tyrant. The purpose of the American revolution wasn't to become the imperialist superpower that conquers colonies. Yet that is what Donald Trump is trying to turn American into. Gender dysphoria is very much a distraction from that departure from the Constitution and that role reversal.

Candace Owens, who I respect and follow, has been going off quite a bit about the theory that Brigitte Macron, the wife of France's president is trans and was born a man. Even if that was true and I'm not sure it is, I really don't see that as being relevant to anything. What if she was trans? Who cares? Why does that matter? If he had married Blair White I'm sure no one would be complaining. 

So I'm not sure what the purpose of all these conversations are. Are we trying to bully her for being trans or are we just trying to expose the fact that she may be lying. I'm not sure she is. She has three kids with her former husband. Her daughter kind of looks like her. The reason I oppose Emmanuel Macron is because he's a globalist. Whether or not he has a trans wife just isn't relevant. 

For me the whole thing about LGBT is balancing the extremes. I have no problem with LGBT. What consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business. The key words are consenting adults. Leave the kids alone. Grooming kids is creepy and abominable. I have a problem with the Q + crusade but I'll get into that on another podcast. 

Mass illegal migration without criminal record checks has caused a rise in racism. Grooming children in school has created people to be anti LGBT. As always I strive to balance the extremes. How do we protect trans youth? Some people claim there's no such thing as a trans youth. I don't agree with that. We see adults who are trans. They were at one time kids. 

Yet I realize kids are impressionable. Grooming kids to change their gender is abominable. Giving kids puberty blockers is abominable. Puberty blockers blocks the development of a child's brain. Giving gender reversal surgery to anyone under the age of 19 is abominable. So how do we protect trans kids? 

It's pretty simple. A kid in elementary school says I'm trans. Oh that's nice. I want surgery. Oh, well you have to wait until your body is fully developed. When you're 19 you can have the surgery. When you're old enough to vote, you're old enough to make that decision. So once again, that's all common sense.

The far left has abandoned common sense and pushed the extreme to create a reaction. Then a globalist on the right comes in to save the day by protecting the children while he sweeps us all away into globalism and slavery on the right.

Several years ago I read a powerful book from the library. I thought it was by Winston Churchill and was called A Warning to the West but I can't find it. The closest thing I can find by Churchill is his 1946 Iron Curtain speech.

The point behind the book was to not let Fascism distract you from Communism. Both are bad. In Poland one could argue that Fascism was created so that Communism could save everyone from Fascism while making everyone slaves just like Fascism. Now we see it the other way around. 

We have globalists on the left pushing all these crazy extremes. Then we have globalists on the right offering to save us from those extremes while they enslave us with the exact same agenda. On that note, Stephen Harper was a bad man.

Now all of a sudden Harper is in the news and people are quoting him like he matters. They completely forget the horrible extremes he brought in that were in complete violation of traditional conservative principles. Stephen Harper and Brian Mulroney were globalists not conservative. Mulroney brought in the GST while Harper brought in the HST. They were both pork barrel politicians with their own insider trading shady deals that wasted tax dollars and made them rich.

Candice Malcolm from True North is a good person. She met her husband working for Stephen Harper's campaign. She believed in the linear political model where conservatives were on the right while communists were on the left. The problem is Harper was right wing but he wasn't a conservative. Harper and Mulroney are the reason the Reform Party was created. 

The Reform Party rejected pork barrel politics and believed in fiscal responsibility. When taxes are low, everyone is working. When you raise taxes businesses move away and you have less tax revenue then before you raised taxes. 

Harper and McKay supported torture in Afghanistan. I do not. Michael Ignatieff, the one time leader of the Liberals wrote a book that rationalized torture. It was insane. 

As I said in my last podcast, Globalists use false flag attacks to lure the right into globalism. As sincere as Candice Malcom is, I don't think she can admit 9/11 was an inside job. That leaves her vulnerable to the Neocon globalists on the right.

Ben Shapiro on the other hand is a d*ck. He's not a good person. Ben Shapiro and Ezra Levant are obvious fronts for Mossad who are WEF globalists just like the CIA.  

Netanyahu is a globalist.You can support Israel without supporting globalism. When IDF soldiers were caught sexually assaulting Palestinian prisoners, right wing extremists stormed the courthouse demanding the soldiers be released. 

They admitted in court that they thought sexually assaulting prisoners was acceptable. I do not. That abominable conduct defies and mocks the commandments of God. Those are the right wing extremists that support Netanyahu. Those are the extremists Netanyahu is catering to.

Rebel News and the Daily Wire talk quite a bit about gender dysphoria but they use that to distract conservatives from the globalists on the right. Expansionism is not Zionism. Expansionism is a defiant disregard for the commandments of God. I had a friend in Belfast who was a Levite. That means he held the priesthood by birthright like John the Baptist. 

Historically the Levites would read the Torah in the synagogue. I was always astounded at how the Levites duty was to read out the blessings and the cursings of obedience to the law. The cursings of disobedience was in my opinion, very extreme. 

Why would God's punishment of the Jews be so extreme for disobedience? Jesus said let he who is without sin cast the first stone. However, when I look at Netanyahu and these defiantly delusional right wing extremists rationalizing murder and sexual assault, I start to understand why God's punishments for them was so extreme. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Steve Bannon is a Whack Job

I don't want to hate but I'm just going to clarify that Steve Bannon is a Whack Job. He was ranting about absolute nonsense. What he says does not matter. 

His last suicide mission was teaming up with a Chinese Billionaire trying to overthrow the government of China. What makes us think this Chinese Billionaire is going to be any better? All these rich ego maniacs need to take a seat.

Canada doesn't need your Napoleanoic plan. Freaking clown.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Tech Wars: Rwanda invades Congo for minerals

Update: So Elon Musk uses a Swiss shadow company to do business with an Israeli Billionaire exploiting child labor in the Congo to get rich from cobalt mines for Tesla batteries. Mossad was involved with the former president of Congo then gets deported for planning a coup. Now Mossad is backing M23 to invade that part of Congo to steal the mines by force.

CBS is reporting that "The United Nations on Friday voiced alarm at rampant violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, as the M23 armed group pushed deeper into the country, warning of summary executions and widespread rapes. The group's capture of most of Goma, the capital of North Kivu province, earlier in the week was a dramatic escalation in a region that has seen decades of conflict involving multiple armed groups."

During the Rwandan genocide in 1994 as portrayed in the movie Shake Hands with the Devil, Hutu militias committed a genocide against the Tutsi ethnic group. Many fled to the Congo. 30 years later the same conflict rages on but it's evident the M23 mercenaries have corporate backing. 

Rwanda did not send a mercenary army into the Congo to liberate the Tutsis. They've been stealing cobalt from their mines and selling it. Now that the court case is trying to stop Rwanda from smug ling cobalt out of the Congo they have invaded to mines. They aren't freeing anyone. 

April 2024 CBS reported that "The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo has threatened U.S. tech giant Apple with legal action over what it says are illegally exploited minerals from the impoverished nation in its products. U.S. and French lawyers representing the DRC's government sent a letter to Apple on April 22 warning the company it could face legal action if it continues with the alleged practice."

"The letter accuses Apple of purchasing minerals smuggled out of the DRC into Rwanda, where their origin is allegedly obscured so they can find their way into the global technology supply chain. It makes clear that the DRC government intends to address the matter and is looking into legal options to do so."

Now Rwanda has hired a mercenary army with the backing of big tech to invade the area that makes the minerals and take it by force. Hey if Donald Trump can steal Gaza I guess his tech busies can steal the minerals to make their phones. 

It was very suspicious to see the white mercenaries in the Congo so quickly and eagerly surrender to M23. It looked as though they had been bought out. 

Blood Diamonds of Batteries: Congo is home to the world’s largest supply of cobalt, a key ingredient in electric cars.

How 'modern-day slavery' in the Congo powers the rechargeable battery economy - Smartphones, computers and electric vehicles. Cobalt is used in the manufacture of almost all lithium ion rechargeable batteries used in the world.

Tesla cobalt deal with Glencore allegedly benefits sanctioned billionaire at the center of corruption scandal in DRC. "Tesla Inc...struck a deal last month with Glencore Plc to buy as much as 6,000 tons of cobalt annually for use in the rechargeable batteries that power its electric vehicles. Glencore, in turn, is obligated to pay Gertler about 2.5% of sales from its mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo...What makes the arrangement eye-catching is that Gertler has been blacklisted from the U.S. financial system since December 2017."

"U.S. companies are barred from doing business with sanctioned entities, such as...the Gertler company that receives royalties from Glencore's mines in Congo. But Tesla's contract is with Glencore, which is based in Switzerland." 

Elon Musk uses a shell company to do business with Dan Gertler, a banned Israeli slave owner in Congo. Did M23 have the backing of Mossad? Is that why the white mercenaries surrendered so quickly and were unharmed?

Sanctioned Israeli Billionaire Gains From Elon Musk Cobalt Deal.

Mining dot com is reporting that "A dispute between a Glencore Plc unit and the Democratic Republic of Congo centers around a deal Israeli businessman Dan Gertler struck years ago. Congo’s mines minister said the spat between authorities and a Glencore-owned copper and cobalt mine revolves around royalty payments the unit makes to Gertler, who the US sanctioned in 2017 over alleged corruption. Congo now says part of the funds should have been paid to the state instead."

Dan Gertler, who went form blood Diamonds to blood cobalt was sanctioned by Biden after Trump waved his sanctions. Several Human rights groups objected to Trump's waver.

Controversial billionaire Dan Gertler appears to have used suspected international money laundering network to dodge US sanctions and acquire new mining assets in DRC

Dan Gertler - the man at the centre of DR Congo corruption allegations

Glencore Said to Face U.K. Bribery Probe Over Congo Dealings

Glencore convicted following corrupt mine deals in the DRC

Glencore’s murky deals in the DRC

Glencore and the Gatekeeper

‘Like slave and master’: DRC miners toil for 30p an hour to fuel electric cars

Tesla, Apple among firms accused of aiding child labor in Congo

Inside the Congo mines that exploit children

D R Congo deported former Mossad chief on suspicion of planning coup

In 2022 MEM reported that "The former head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, Yossi Cohen, was deported from the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2019 after he was suspected of planning a coup against the country’s president, Haaretz revealed on Tuesday. Details of the visit have been covered up by the military censor in Israel until now." So instead of a coup, Mossad hired M23 to invade Congo. Was former President Kabila, Jr a Mossad asset

Israel’s Heart of Darkness in the Congo

Mossad Meddling in the DRC

Israel helped prop up Rwanda’s Hutu regime before the genocide

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Talking about Trump's Trade War with Canada and Gaza

Costco buyers in Canada have had to change their purchasing. They're bringing in more Canadian made items and it has nothing to do with tariffs. It's simply  matter of supply and demand. Canadians want to buy Canadian products now and they don't want to buy American products. It's going to take four years and a different president to fix that. 30 days won't cut it. 

Trump threatened to destroy our economy and steal pour sovereignty. There's no going back after they. Once he burned that bridge it was gone. There's nothing left to negotiate. Trump's trade pick gets an earful on Canada tariffs

Canadians booing the American national anthem at three different hockey games is something we need to talk about. Glen Beck says why does the world hate us? Well it's not because of your righteousness. It's because of your pride, arrogance and unrighteousness. God is not a respecter of persons and every nation that feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted of him. Every nation.  

Australia in an awesome country similar to Canada. I've never met an Australian I didn't like. I would never say we don't need Australia. That would be arrogant and rude. I would never say we don't need the French in Canada. Quebec is a huge part of our history and cultural identity. 

The Canadian mosaic is different from the American Melting pot. It's not better it's just different. We would never say to one small tile in the mosaic we don't need you. Every piece of that mosaic makes us better and is an important part of who we are. The blind devotion to Trumps mistakes is indeed cult like. Everyone makes mistakes. Denying that is dysfunctional. 

1) Canada 2) Greenland 3) Gaza - Three strikes you're out.

Then there's the red flags. Why did he pardon the dark web silk road drug dealer? Why? Why did he pardon him then start military maneuvers against the cartel? Why did he pardon him not Edward Snowden. That is a red flag.

Why didn't he pardon Julian Assange? Joe Biden did. That is a red flag. Why is Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka actively participating in the World Economic Forum? That is a red flag. 

Why is Donald Trump promoting Bill Gates' AI Star gate? Why is he removing all AI safety protocols and letting it take over Nation Security, Internet censorship and everything else that involves out every day life? Why? That is a red flag. Donald Trump hops into bed with Bill Gates and no one sees that as strange?

Why is Donald Trump deporting people who protest his theft of Gaza? That kind of censorship is what Fascists do. I'm not saying Donald Trump is a Fascist but I am saying he is swinging the pendulum awfully far in that direction and no one seems to notice because they're all distracted by gender dysphoria.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Trump says US will 'take over' Gaza: 'We'll own it'

Update: Candace Owens on Gaza: This is evil.

Another wild card from the raging lunatic. ABC is reporting that "In a stunning proposal, President Daffy Duck said Tuesday that the U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip, level the site and rebuild it, after earlier saying Palestinians living there should leave." This guy is a f*cking maniac. Out of the frying pan, into the fire. 

"They instead can occupy all of a beautiful area with homes and safety, and they can live out their lives in peace and harmony in other areas or countries, he said at a news conference with Globalist Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu."

Donald Trump does not own Gaza. That's like me saying I own all the Trump Towers. Trump has to hand over the keys. I can't do that. It's called theft. It's against the law. It's like Donald Trump saying he owns Canada or Greenland. Everyone in Canada and Greenland have to leave. No they don't.

The guy has lost his mind. All the executive orders flying around from both sides are a complete abuse of power. They're only for emergencies. Donald Trump wasn't given special powers in the last election and he wasn't the only person elected. Donald Trump is bound by the Constitution and the Democratic process. 

We have a parliament in place. We submit bills, debate those bills and all the elected representatives vote on those bills. We've gone from extreme left to extreme right. Both extremes are wrong. The purpose of the Constitution is to give power to the people not to one man. It's a free Republic not a monarchy.

It's like Donald Trump saying I own all the farmland in the United States or all the residential property in California. Everyone has to get out. He can't do that. The fact that he is trying to do that reveals his complete lack of character. He has lost his mind.