Update: House of Horrors murder has been released from prison.
Burt Renolds and Dolly Parton starred in the comedy, "The Best Little Whore house in Texas." Unfortunately there's nothing funny about the famous crack house in Surrey that was known as the House of Horrors. That's where sex trade workers were tortured and murdered. Police claim Annette Allan was murdered there and dumped in the Fraser River.
Yvonne Marie Boen's DNA was found there as well as on Picton's Pig Farm. That's a sick connection. Perhaps this is Surrey's dirty little secret. Perhaps it's not so secret. It would be interesting to find out what they found at the Cloverdale dig site. It would also be interesting to find out how the House of Horrors was connected to a Surrey grow rip involving a Hells Angel. The gag order involving Juel Toss Stanton should be over by now.
The thing that gets me wondering is some graffiti I saw a few doors up the street at the same time period. I had heard about the crack house known as the House of Horrors but didn't realize the exact location. Turns out it was a few doors down from a meth lab that burnt down. Someone wrote graffiti on the burned out house that said "Hells Angels Pimp Whalley Girls."
At the time I sluffed it off as unlikely but then I read about Otis Garrett and I saw a Hells Angels enforcing for the crack dealers in Surrey Central. That really surprised me. What were the Hells Angels doing in Surrey Central and why were they enforcing for crack dealers there? I had no idea. I guess I was just naive.
So here's the math. If the Hells Angels are connected to the crack trade in Surrey and if the Hells Angels are involved in prostitution, then maybe that graffiti I saw was a cry for help. It makes me very upset the Hells Angels are now allowed to broadcast their Jesters Puppet Clubhouse in Surrey. That's the last thing we need here.