Sunday, March 15, 2015

VPD join Fire Department in political conflict of interest

CKNW is reporting that "Supporters of the Lower Mainland’s proposed transit tax now have the backing of the Vancouver Police Department, New Westminster Police, and fire chiefs from New Westminster, Surrey, and Vancouver." Talk about George Orwell. This is a huge political conflict of interest. We have just entered the Twilight Zone and officially ushered in the Age of Treason.

Last election the Surrey Fire Department sent out a flyer endorsing Surrey First claiming Surrey's Worst will help fight crime when that is exactly what they promised in the previous election but failed to deliver in a colossal way. Their criminal negligence in refusing to respond to businesses and citizens complaints of open drug dealing in Newton and an illegal booze can behind Green Timbers Pub directly resulted in two if not more homicides. The same pattern repeated itself.

The Fire Department are paid with tax dollars. They have absolutely no business endorsing any political candidate in an election. Period. Neither do the Police. This is a colossal conflict of interest that we let slide by without comment. Are they going to endorse the HST next? Obviously the tax and spend gluttons are desperately putting pressure on anyone they can think of since it is clear the people have woken up to the scam and the No side has surged forward. This has resulted in a surge of propaganda paid for with tax dollars.

There are two issues on the table. The first is tax paid propaganda. The second is political corruption and pork barrel tax and spend politics. The propaganda perpetuates the lie that they somehow want to be fiscally responsible and reduces taxes when they in fact they do the exact opposite. They keep using tax dollars to tell us over and over again the other guys will tax and spend when that is exactly what they are doing. It is an act of deception.

Police response times have not gone down in the DTES. The City closed the police station there to the public to suppress crime statistics. The drug dealers have cell phones but the homeless don't. The drug related violence there is out of control just like it is outside the Front Room in Surrey.

I find it somewhat ironic that the VPD would publicly endorse a criminal act. Giving SNCL the contract for the Evergreen line knowing their history of fraud was criminal. By endorsing this new Transit scam the VPD and the firefighters are endorsing the criminal acts of SNCL and the continuation of that tax payer fraud on the new Evergreen Line. Shameful and Orwellian.

Gwyn Morgan got the contract for the Evergreen line awarded to SNCL when he was acting CEO after they were charged with massive fraud in Quebec. If that is not a criminal act, I don't know what is. The World Bank has banned SNCL from World Bank projects for the next 10 years so we give them billions of tax dollars for a mismanaged Translink project and they still want more money to line their pockets. Go figure. That is bad business.

The VPD and the Fire Department have now publicly endorsed the laundering of tax dollars through SNCL. Hello George Orwell. Welcome to the Age of Treason. No oath keepers here.

Government agencies have no place telling tax payers how to vote. The government is supposed to listen to voters not tell them what to do. This is big brother abusing power. Make sure you're on the voter list or you won't even get a ballot. They made it a mail in ballot to reduce turnout so you can't just show up on voting day with ID. You can make sure you're registered on the Elections BC web site or by calling 1 800 661-8683. Any Canadian citizen 18 or over can vote.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Former gang member speaks at Police Academy in Denmark

On the international scene, Michale Green, the spokesperson for TBM Fresh Start Scandinavia spoke at the Police Academy in Denmark about the non existence of the nation's exit program. He explained to them that if someone whats to leave a gang, there is no exit strategy in place to help them do so. Other then what TBM are doing all on their own. We do need that here in Canada as well. If you're not a police informant you don't get any protection or any support. You should. Especially in prison. That Jay Hall beating in prison was insane. That should not be happening.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Surrey Motorcyclist runs from police through Shopping mall

I'm all for riding motorcycles. For anyone who does ride, there's nothing worse than a pos on a bike passing on the right, weaving in and out of traffic, running red lights. It gives a bad name for all the real motorcyclists out there. Anyone who does that is just a pos kid who never grew up.

In Surrey it gets worse. One loser on a Harley gets pulled over for recklessness driving while leaving the drug area around the Front Room in Whalley and runs from the cops. He even rides through Guildford mall endangering pedestrians in the mall with their kids. Simply because he's a pos that has absolutely no regard for anyone else.

News 1130 ran the story with the video. This is the video on Youtube. If you look at the still at the end of the video you will see the Harley has a Support your Local Hells Angels Haney sticker on it. Don't support you local piece of sh*t any more.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

4 Shootings in Surrey, make that 6

Surrey what?! The Surrey Leader is reporting that the Gang Task Force is investigating three separate shootings in 19 hours. All are believed related and targeted.CBC is reporting that it is now 4 shootings in Surrey in two days. Make that six according to the Vancouver Province.

Update: In today's Vancouver Province they gave a break down of some of the shootings. The shootings appeared to be on the Indo Canadian community which would imply retaliation for the shooting of a Hells Angels associate last Friday, Skeeter's brother. The two new shootings would appear to support that theory.

However, I do have a credible source that claims Donald Salahub, the person of interest in Skeeter's brother's shooting, was with the FOB in Calgary when he was charged with drug trafficking there. The reason that is significant is because the FOB or Fresh off the boat were supplied by the Independent Soldiers who work for the Hells Angels. It was the FK, FOB Killers that were supplied by the UN. So when it comes to Skeeter's associates, with friends like that, who needs enemies? It reminds us how Hells Angels associate Eric Sandberg told a police agent from the Zig Zag Crew visiting Vancouver that "they" were ready to wipe out all the competition in Surrey. Evidently so.

Today's Province reported that Linda Hepner, the new mayor of surrey was unavailable for comments because she's away on a "trade mission" in Israel but someone said she was very concerned about all the new shootings and hoe someone doesn't something about it finally. Bill Fordy said he's making it a top priority right as soon as he straightens out the embarrassing sex text his co worker sent the whole grip instead of just him. Ya gotta hate it when that happens. Bill Fordy is a clown. He's to worried about getting laid to care about his job. TRANSFER!

*Scan BC is reporting that #Burnaby #RCMP are investigating shots fired between two vehicles on 6th Street. Reports of at least 50 shell casings on the ground. Things are heating up again.

March 14 protest against Harper's secret police Bill C-51

Activists across the country are referring to events planned this Saturday as a day of protest against Harper's secret police Bill C-51. Facebook group. Make that six according to the Vancouver Province.

Here are some pictures from the day's event:

Montreal and Ottawa were well represented as well.

Bob and Doug McKenzie make jihad video

Well the Daily Dose of Nuttall Nonsense has finally reached it's climax. Our esteemed media has become an episode of the Wizard of Oz with dancing scarecrows singing if I only had a brain. The Vancouver Province reported that they played the jihad video made by the RCMP staring two Surrey drug addicts in the pressure cooker entrapment case. This video certainly is an eye opener. If the RCMP can get two drug addicts to fake that video, how many other videos have been faked?

The suspects didn't make the video, the RCMP did. The suspects appeared in the video the RCMP made. They were in a hotel room the RCMP rented for them. The RCMP gave them the black flag with the Arabic writing on it because they don't know Arabic.

In the video Amanda Korody states the enemy is evil, “Fight them, light or heavy, with whatever you can,” says Korody. “If you have a stone, throw it, if you have a bomb, drop it. If all you can do is give them the finger, then give it to them.”

Then John Nuttall says wait a sec I think we should re do that part. Blowing up people is fine but giving people the finger isn't very polite. A real Muslim wouldn't say or do that. That's a Surrey Jack saying slipping through. If we want people to think this is a real video made by Muslims we should edit that part out. Good point Surrey Jack. That last dose of heroin must be wearing off. We didn't think about that. We do want to make this sound like a real jihad video even though anyone with a brain can tell it isn't.

The police drove them around with a shipping list and paid for the pressure cookers the two suspects were not intellectually capable of turning into a bomb. I don't care how long you put a surrey drug addict in a hotel room you paid for with a pressure cooker and a toy clock. He is not going to be able to make a bomb that works out of them. I couldn't do it. If you filled the pressure cooker with gunpowder as the original recipe claimed, how are you going to secure the lid so it explodes? With duck tape? That's not going to be a very big explosion. How are you going to ignite it? With a fuse you light with a match. That'll work. He is not going to know how to make a timer set off the black powder electronically. He's certainly not going to know how to ignite the C-4 the RCMP agent gave him or how to use the accelerant to make the C - 4 explode. I couldn't do that and neither could a pair of surrey drug addicts.

The article states cop told the B.C. Supreme Court jury that the plan for June 30 was to pick up Nuttall and Korody at the Delta motel and have them transported to Vancouver Island. Why because the couple didn't have a car and the police had to drive them around the whole way, pay for everything because the drug addicts didn't have enough money to buy food for themselves and they had to keep reminding the drug addict to not get distracted all the time and stay on task making a fake bomb he was not able to make.

Now we hear that Amanda wanted to back out. Big surprise. The court already heard wiretaps from a private conversation between the two drug addicts where John Tells Amanda don't screw this up because the police agent would turn from Mr nice guy into a monster and would kill them.

So when the RCMP agent told the drug addicts to come up with a plan they suggested two. One was to plant a bomb at a military instillation and the other was to plant a bomb at a public function like a firework display. The RCMP agent told them to do the public bombing. He paid for the fake bomb parts and drove them around to pick the parts up. Under questioning from prosecutor Peter Eccles, the cop told the B.C. Supreme Court jury that the plan for June 30 was to pick up Nuttall and Korody at the Delta motel and have them transported to Vancouver Island. Simply because the Surrey drug addicts didn't even have money for the ferry trip.

This case is the epitome of entrapment. We are spending too much tax dollars trying to convince drug addicts into committing acts of terrorism all to fulfill Harper's dream of destroying civil liberty and the Canadian Charter of Rights.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Harvey Riach

In 2013 the CBC reported that the Vancouver police are warning the public that a 66-year-old man with a lengthy criminal history was released from prison Friday afternoon and will be living in Vancouver after spending more than six years in prison for aggravated assault. His name is Harvey Riach. He has been deemed a high risk to reoffend. Police state he poses a risk of significant harm to vulnerable people, including substance abusers, sex workers, and others with whom he may come into contact. Vulnerable people. Pathetic. People are claiming this is James Riach's father.

Donald Salahub

1130 News is reporting that IHIT has identified Donald Salahub, a reckless car jacker from Kelowna as a person of interest in the murder of Skeeter's brother. Salahub was also charged with fraud in Calgary back in 2011. In that same year he was also charged with trafficking and possession with the purpose of trafficking in Calgary.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Beyond the Edge: Climbing Mount Everest

Two weeks ago I watched an inspiring documentary about the first successful ascent up Mount Everest called Beyond the Edge: Climbing Mount Everest. The movie was made in 2013 with actors and documents the 1953 expedition which resulted in the first team to make it to the summit. It's pretty impressive. Although I saw it on Netflicks there appears to be a 3 D version for Imax that both the Globe and Mail as well as the New York Times discussed when it came out.

Although it was a British Expedition the only ones that made the summit was a New Zealander and a local guide. No doubt it was very much a team effort with local Sherpa paid to carry gear up to the various base camps along the way. Yet going the distance and ascending the summit was indeed a grueling and colossal feat. Hat's off to Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. Mad harsh respect. It appears that they knighted the New Zealnder to make him sound British. He's referred to as Sir Edmund Hillary now. He was noble before the Crown gave him the title. What about Tenzing Norgay? Why didn't they knight him? He did the same feat and one could not have made it without the other. Mad harsh respect to Shriya Shah-Klorfine, a Canadian woman from Toronto that made it to the peak of Everest but ran out of oxygen and froze to death on the way down. Peace.

Now another challenge is the wait time for traffic from all the people climbing it. That kind of thing is somewhat beyond me. I have a passion for hiking and snowshoeing in the local mountains but I'm just a day tripper. Power up a ridge get an awesome view then head home. That kind of altitude where you have to carry oxygen is beyond me. Everest is over 29,0000 feet or 8,848 m. The local peaks are around 4720 feet or 1440 meters. The lions is only 5400 feet or 1646 meters. Mount Baker is the nearest glacier and that's only 10,781 ft or 3,286 m. That's plenty high enough for me. I still haven't made it to that summit. I keep running out of steam part the Roman Wall. The summit of Baker really is an over night hike.

After watching the documentary the next day I headed out to St Mark's Summit on Cypress along the Howe Sound Crest trail to check out the receding snow pack. The trail was bare until the summit of St Marks. Tons of people there from all over. Two large groups speaking Farce. Two couples speaking Russian. It's nice hiking with so many people from all over the world that share the same interests. My next quest is to do the Lions when there's still snow on them.

I'm nobody special. I'm just a broke ass thug from the ghetto who likes to get away from the inner city insanity and chill out in the mountains. At least I read the rules before I broke them. I rather lose a fight then miss the war. I never dwell in the darkness because the sun always rises. Word.

K2 is insane. It's way too dangerous.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Departures: Libya and Beyond

Taking a brief intermission from the troll drama I'm still really enjoying this TV series Departures on Netflicks. It's rather profound. Two Canadians take a year off to travel the world. Right from the get go Justin explains that this isn't a holiday. A holiday is me getting stoned every day on the beach. This is an adventure. Indeed it is. They avoid the typical tourist destinations and get the inside look by meeting and traveling with locals. However, it was more than that. Scott talked about how much Justin had grown early on from their experiences as it was the first time he had been out of North America. Justin was living with his girlfriend in Hawaii after spending two years in Las Vegas which was as he described pretty much him getting drunk every day.

Season one concluded their year of traveling and resulted in their return to Canada. Justin's girlfriend hadn't waited for him so what he had before he left was gone. No doubt after a year on the road returning home was a bit of a culture shock. It sure was for me after spending 4 years on the road. I'm from Vancouver and after spending two years in Ireland I couldn't get over the greed and materialism here. I just could relate to it any more. I really wanted to leave when I got engaged so my kids would be born in Ireland. After calming down and thinking about it, I thought I'd be able to provide my kids a better standard of living if I stayed. There is good and bad everywhere you go.

It's just the materialism I found really irritating. They call Vancouver lotus land. Rich people riding around in ridiculously expensive luxury vehicles. The yuppie drug dealers make it ten times worse. They don't have a clue about what life in the hood is really like.

So anyways, after a year of traveling Justin hadn't had enough and went on his own to Europe. His friends Scott and Andre end up meeting him in Spain for a festival and then toured Morocco. Then they decide to start another season of adventures and go to Libya. What an amazing place. Lots of well preserved Roman ruins and of course the magnificent Sahara desert. They rent sand boards which is like snowboards except for the sand and decide to try wake boarding in the sand behind their land rover. Great idea. Only they forgot to rent helmets. Justin catches an edge, lands on his head and gets knocked unconscious. It was hilarious. Yet sand boarding down a slope beside an amazing oasis was astounding.

The thing is right now television sucks. Completely. It all went down the toilet with all those stupid episodes of Survivor. Trying to be sneaky and vote others off the island while you promote your own political agenda. That is so typical North America it's embarrassing. What ever happened to chivalry or sacrificing for someone else? You don't see any of that there. Instead it's all about me and has spiraled downward in an ongoing ridiculous tirade of reality television that is ultimately a complete waste of time. Don't even get me started on Sons of Anarchy. I love riding motorcycles. It's all the crack head drama that I can't stand.

The thing is after the first year Justin had changed. He matured. In a previous post I recommended people travel and get out of the fish bowl. That's not possible for everyone. The cost of housing is off the charts right now. Parents have to make sacrifices for their kids. Braces for your kids are more important than travel for you right now. Everything has it's time and place. I recommend young people travel so they can see what it's like in other parts of the world. I'm not talking about the yuppie drug dealers that go to the beach in Mexico every year. They aren't learning anything from that and as a result they simply aren't growing up.

Yet if you simply watch the series you can get a glimpse of what I'm talking about. My daughter took a couple trips to Colombia. She loves Spanish and had an awesome time. Recently in our financial struggles she said to me in Colombia the people are dirt poor but they are really happy. Imagine that. No one likes to starve or live in poverty. It's just this bizarre sense of greed that we are constantly bombarded with on television that is so empty and unfulfilling.

Blaze is an idiot. Everyone can see that. A 41 year old man selling drugs to high school kids riding around on a bmx is the epitome of loser. Every word that comes out of his mouth proves it further. Another toll, Naniamo girl, sees Blaze's trash and takes courage. He says What's the obsession with crack cocaine? These aren't the /80's. You must not get out much. You must never have been to the DTES or outside the Front Room in Surrey where the crack epidemic is alive and well. That's why they hand out freaking crack pipes at the taxpayers expense.

Many years ago on my second trip to New York City, we had just broken up a fight between two crack heads with kitchen knives on the deuce (East 42nd Street) which was like the Main and Hastings of crack. One guy comes up to me, calls me Dirty Harry and says I've been watching too much television. I scoff and reply yo bro I don't have a television. This isn't a zoo. This is the city and what these clowns are doing isn't acceptable. There are families and regular people here that just want to do business without seeing that kind of crap. Everyone else agreed. They said we were doing a good thing. That was the New York model.

When we were busting up crack shacks in South Seattle, one lady says to me those crack dealers wouldn't leave from outside my doorway until I poured bleach on their heads from the window. They left in a hurry after that. I smiled and laughed. Now that is a New Yorker. I love New York.