Friday, August 28, 2020

Black Panther Star, Chadwick Boseman, dies of cancer

Variety is reporting that "Chadwick Boseman, star of Black Panther, died on Friday after a four year battle with colon cancer, his rep confirmed to Variety. He was 43." Tragic. The brother was solid. Wakanda forever. His Twitter account has confirmed his passing.

Jamie Bacon's Sentencing

Jamie Bacon's sentencing is today. This case represents the failure of the Surrey RCMP to uphold justice despite their good intentions and broken promises. Actions speak louder than words. Threesomes with witnesses is police misconduct. Jamie Bacon is an idiot.

Rumina Daya is reporting that Justice Kerr will hand down sentence on Sept 11th. The plea deal was 18 years for orchestrating the Surrey Six and putting a hit on his former body guard DK who participated in the Surrey Six. If the judge accepts the deal, Bacon would receive another 2,046 days in jail less one third for statutory release. Just under 6 years.

CTV is reporting that Eileen Mohan address the court and said in her victim impact statement: "“We were a simple, happy family,” Mohan said, until that day. “That is when my son Christopher Mohan’s loving heart stopped beating and his beautiful, innocent spirit was horribly, violently and forcefully snatched by money-hungry, evil men,” she said. Mohan added that their "natural identity of mother and son was replaced with 'victim' and 'victim's mother.'"

Global also reported on Eileen Mohan's heartfelt statements. As Ed Schellenberg's brother in law once stated, they were not at the wrong place at the wrong time. They were exactly where they were suposed to be doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing. Chris was safe at home. Ed was busy at work. Murdering two innocent civilians was a game changer. Everyone and their dog flipped on Bacon and no one called them a rat for doing so. Jamie Bacon is the rat.

Jamie couldn't go to the gym without a body guard. Everyone thought he was an idiot. Spike would tax him. Jamie tried to tax Corey Lal and Corey told him to F off because Jamie was an idiot. Jamie wanted Anton to kill him but Anthon wouldn't do it. Anton did confiscate Corey's gun from him so DK and the other POS knew they were going in against unarmed victims.

Jamie wasn't taxing Corey for himself, he was taxing him for the Red and White. His connection to the club was through Larry Amero and his dead preppy brother Jonathon. Larry was not acting on his own. After he was shot in Kelowna the club gave him a job running cocaine in Ontario. If the club had shot him, they wouldn't have given him a promotion. The Hells Angels are the reason the Surrey Six happened and the Surrey Six was the reason this blog was created.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Sweden's New Normal June 25 2020

America's Frontline Doctors - Fear is the Virus T-shirts

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Erin O’Toole is a Sleazebag

The Huffington Post is reporting that "Erin O’Toole Says He Won Conservative Leadership Race As A Pro-Choice Conservative MP." Well that's the first lie that came out of his mouth as the leader of the Conservatives. I never heard anything about that in his platform. He is now forcing us to embrace Maxime Bernier. I have just rescinded my membership in the conservative party.

Derrick Sloan and Leslyn Lewis' supporters endorsed Erin the Tool on the final ballot. They did not endorse killing babies. Leslyn Lewis clearly opposed gender based abortions. Betraying all those people who helped you win in less than 24 hours was a really sleazy thing to do.

Religion has nothing to do with it. If I left a baby on a hillside to die or put it in a dumpster, I don't need religion to tell me that's wrong. I have a brain. Gender based abortions are insane. If you kill all your daughters, who are your sons going to marry? It is sheer stupidity.

BTW the Sikh religion does not believe in abortion or the legalization of drugs. Jagmeet Singh is a fake Sikh just like Justin Trudeau is a fake Feminist and Erin O’Toole is a fake Catholic.

3 charged with human trafficking in Nova Scotia

Soo Today is reporting that "Three men are facing charges in connection with a human trafficking investigation in Nova Scotia’s Pictou County area. Nova Scotia RCMP say the investigation began after its provincial human trafficking team received information that people were trying to target and recruit young women from the area into human trafficking. Multiple police departments launched Operation Hush, which led to the arrest of three men."

John Robert Bonnar, 21, from Pictou County has been charged with Trafficking a person under 18, Trafficking a person over 18 while Abelardo Sanchez Villar, 45, from New Glasgow was charged with Obtaining sexual services from a person under 18 and Obtaining sexual services from a person over 18. Justin Stanley MacDonald, 22, from New Glasgow was charged with Sexual assault, Sexual interference and Breach of probation.

Previous human trafficking rings in Nova Scotia were tied to the Hells Angels. It's a slippery slope. In BC the Hells Angles have a monopoly on the exotic dance industry. First it's all strippers and blow. Then they tell them, ya know, you can make a lot more money being an escort. Then they end up dead on the Pickton farm or in Caitlin’s case, on a Kelowna beach. They had Caitlin addicted to cocaine mixed with Xanax.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Weeding out the Globalists from the Conservative Party

Before we unify the party we need to do a bit of weeding like Moses did when he came down from the mountain and saw everyone dancing naked around a golden calf. I'm going to use that allegory and compare it to Stephen Harper's love affair with Communist China.

Jim Karahalios recently posted a link to an old article from Macleans dated July 22nd 2011 entitled Playing footsie with Beijing. In that article it referenced how the president of the Conservative party was at that time in bed with Communist China. That was during the reign of Stephen Harper. The one who sold our oil rights to a communist dictatorship.

The article does raise valid concerns. Conservatives believe in civil liberty and human rights. Stephen Harper did not. That presented a problem for the party. The book Secret Empires by Peter Schweizer is an excellent road map for nonpartisan corruption in American Politics. The Democrats have lost it. They are so far left they have become Marxist.

Yet Corporate Communists like Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell have infiltrated the Republicans as well. Globalists from both parties are trying to merge and create one party, the Communist Party of China. The same thing is happening in Canada.

Peter McKay was obviously from Stephen Harper's Corporate Communist clan of Globalists who say one thing and do another. These fake tax and spend Conservatives are what gave rise to the Reform Party. Instead of going that route again, I think it's time to confront the fake Conservatives within the party. Corporate Communists do not believe in small business and free markets. They believe in Corporate monopolies. They do not believe in fiscal responsibility either.

Erin O'Toole saw Peter McKay's dirty tricks first hand. He knows that Peter McKay's supporters did not vote for him, Derrick Sloan and Leslyn Lewis' supporters did. That means he needs to include them and their policies in his vision for the future of the party.

If Peter McKay had won the leadership race, we would all be looking to Maxime Bernier. He did not. That means we need to extend the hand of fellowship to Maxime Bernier and Jim Karahalios inviting them back. Yet I'm not sure they want it. They're pretty bitter. If Derrick Sloan joins them he will likely lose his seat in the next election just like Maxine Bernier did.

There are many things that Derrick Sloan and I agree on. The one flaw that Derrick Sloan, Maxime Bernie and Jim Karahalios share is their Muslim hate. Muslims are being bitterly persecuted by Communist China. They are our allies. Radical Islam is not a threat any more than White Supremacy is. We all see both groups as hillbilly extremists. Their fringe following is insignificant. Communist China's influence over the UN, the WHO and our country through lobbying and the Confucius Institute is a huge threat. That is what we need to address. We have no time to be side tracked with petty hate. Diversity makes us strong.

The Sharia law paranoia is a red herring. Imposing Sharia law would be a violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights. We believe in the freedom of religion. That is what we believe in.

Andrew Scheer stated "In our party we believe in the fundamental equality of all human beings. We don't play the identity politics game. We believe that every single human being has inherent worth and value. It was John Diefenbaker who brought forward the the Bill of Rights. It's Conservatives that believe that the government must be there for all people. We don't reward the rich and powerful the way the Liberals do. So our party has tremendous amount of grass roots support throughout every ethnic community in this country."

Maxime Bernie and Jim Karahalios' concerns about Peter McKay are completely justified. Erin O'Toole is a different person and can help fix the party if we let him. After speaking highly of Leslyn Lewis and Derrick Sloan, Rebel News had this to say about Erin O'Toole:

"Our job here at Rebel News remains the same; tell the other side of the story — the conservative side of the story. We’ll call it like we see it; we’ll be fair and hopeful. If O’Toole backslides, if he pulls a Patrick Brown, we’ll be here to let you know. But for now — as flawed as he is, Erin O’Toole is the best chance of beating Justin Trudeau in the next election. It’s our job to make sure that if he gets there, he gets there as a conservative." So mote it be.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Erin O'Toole wins Conservative leadership race

CBC is now reporting that "Erin O'Toole has won the leadership for the Conservative Party after technical glitches caused significant delays in the results. On the third and final ballot, O'Toole took 57 per cent of the votes, compared to 43 per cent for second-place contender Peter MacKay. O'Toole claimed victory after taking support from Leslyn Lewis, who finished with a surprisingly strong performance but finished in third spot. Derek Sloan dropped off after the first ballot."

At least he can speak French. Nevertheless, I tend to agree with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson. This is not the result we had hoped for. He may be celebrating but we are not.

Rebel Media is still Canada's legitimate voice and Leslyn Lewis remains a shining star.

Conservative Leadership Race underway

CBC is reporting that "Peter MacKay has taken a narrow lead over Erin O'Toole in the first round of voting for the Conservative leadership race. The first ballot results gave MacKay 33.52 per cent, with O'Toole close behind with 31.6 per cent. Leslyn Lewis took 20.49 while Derek Sloan took 14.39 per cent. The race now moves to a second ballot without Sloan. The numbers are likely disappointing for the MacKay campaign. Observers said he would have a tough time emerging as the winner after a showing of less than 40 per cent on the first ballot."

This is kind of what I expected. Although I would completely support him if he won the leadership, I kinda figured Derrick Sloan would be the first eliminated even though he did have a growing support among rational minds. This ballot also represents the end of Peter McKay which is cause for great celebration. I agree with Rebel News in that Derrick Sloan's supporters are not going to vote for Peter McKay. That means it doesn't look good for Globalist Pete.

This is how Andrew Wilkinson won on the final ballot over Dianne Watts for the Liberal Leadership in BC. Dianne Watts was the globalist glutton with the most corporate donors wanting a piece of the tax and spend pie. As each candidate was eliminated, Andrew Wilkinson gained more and more of the votes until he was victorious in the final ballot.

Ezra Levant and Sheila Gunn Reid kinda roasted Andrew Scheer and although I respect them and recognize they had valid points, I do think Andrew Scheer made huge progress for the party. He was the voice of reason in a circus side show of extremism last election.

In his farewell speech, Andrew Scheer made excellent points about the leftist lie. No one got shot trying to leave West Berlin and climb over the wall into East Berlin. There is a reason for that.

Rebel News is right about Peter McKay. McKay is too much like Justin Turdeau to make a difference in Canada. Derrick Sloan could have made a difference and without question there is still an important place for him in the future of our country. This was just the first round.

Spike in Overdoses in the DTES linked to CERB

Rebel News is reporting that the spike in overdoses in the DTES links directly to Justin Trudeau's CERB benefit. Drug addicts were given more money and bought more drugs. This is why Theresa Tam is the Doctor of Death in addiction promotion. Vancouver's overdose problem is because of the abandonment of the Four Pillars. Enforcement, Treatment and Prevention are key pillars that the Maxists have abandoned which ties into the Commie Con.

The Portugal model succeeded because of mandatory drug treatment. Legalized drugs do not exist in Communism just like there are no gay rights or women's rights in Communism. Enforcing the law and helping addicts get treatment saves lives. Promoting crime and addiction does not.

Rebel News exposes the COVID Con in Edmonton

Ezra Levant from Rebel News exposed the COVID fraud in Edmonton. The Edmonton Journal which is now owned by Post Media News as is the National Post, fraudulently misrepresented the situation in Edmonton. "On Friday's episode of The Ezra Levant Show Ezra examined a recent Edmonton Journal article that suggested, according to a local intensive care doctor, a surge in COVID-19 cases had his ICU full to the brim."

"After reading through the whole story - six paragraphs later - the Journal explains that there are only 12 people in ICU beds in all of Alberta for COVID-19, while claiming there has been an increase in opioid and mental health admissions too, not to mention a backlog of elective surgeries that had built up." That is fraud. Order your COVID1984 T-shirts from Rebel News.

Ezra Levant made a good point. The average life expectancy in British Columbia is 82. The average age of COVID deaths in BC is 85. The average COVID deaths in BC the patients have three underlining health issues. In Calgary they falsified an unrelated COVID death.