Sunday, February 28, 2021

World Health Organization profited from the pandemic

Sky News is reporting that the World Health Organization profited from the pandemic. They made $500 million by issuing pandemic bonds. "The World Health Organization was scheduled to repay investors around $500 million in 2020 unless of course a pandemic was declared. The investors lost all their money but that became the World Health Organization's game."

The Driftwood Crips World Tour

February 1st I made a post about Naseem Mohammed who is with the Brother's Keepers in Surrey and how the Hells Angels were ready to roll on him after hiring him to bring more violence to Surrey when they killed Ali. The Hells Angels in BC hired the Driftwood Crips to come to Metro Vancouver to help them eliminate the Kang group so they could solidify their monopoly on the drug trade. Well there's been a series of unfortunate events and it's worth connecting the dots because they all point to one thing: betrayal. Just like in the Vancouver Christmas of 1995.

Turns out that Naseem was already on the police's radar. January 29th Dr Kim reported that Naseem had illegally entered Montana. Well, he crossed the border and the US agents finger printed him but found no US warrants and let him in. He lied and said he was a US citizen.

The interesting thing that opens pandora's box is who he was with when he previously tried to enter the US illegally. A month before Naseem walked across the border and the US agents let him in, he was involved in a previous border crossing attempt near Spokane with another murder suspect that resulted in a high speed car chase. US authorities chased down the car and apprehended several suspects but Naseem got away.

The Western News is reporting that "One of the men Rastesfaye Neil, 39, is thought to have helped cross into the U.S. on Jan. 23 is accused of second-degree murder. Canadian news reports indicate that Afrah Ahmed Abdi, 32, was on the run following an August 2020 shooting in a Saskatoon restaurant. CTV News has reported that Canadian authorities believe Abdi shot and killed a 30-year-old Ahtahkakoop First Nation man."

OK so Naseem Mohammed, the connection between the Brothers Keeper and the Driftwood Crips in Surrey, was trying to illegally cross the border with Afrah Ahmed Abdi who shot someone in Saskatoon. This leads us to a series of unfortunate events tied to the Driftwood Crips in Calgary and Regina. The question we need to ask is, how are all these guys getting busted?

As soon as they do a hit for the Hells Angels, they become known to the police and warrants are issued for their arrest. This Rick Roll thing is getting out of hand. The Hells Angels hired the Brother's Keeps to bring violence to Surrey and eliminate the Kang Group to secure the Hells Angels complete monopoly on the local drug trade. After the Edmonton Hells Angels had Ali killed, they hired the Driftwood Crips to bring violence to Surrey and eliminate the Kang Group. Now that the Hells Angels have rolled on the Driftwood Crips, who are they going to hire next? The Hells Angels are making a lot of enemies in Surrey and the police can't protect them forever.
If Kim Bolan is posting about Naseem, that means the Hells Angels have rolled on him because she only posts what the Gang Task Force tells her to and they only go after Hells Angel rivals or people they've rolled on. Here in BC the Hells Angels figured out that if they have someone testify against someone they hired to commit murder, the police would pay them well and give them police protection to sell drugs so that's the way they roll.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Finding my Religion - Finian's Inferno

This post is the antithesis to the song losing my religion by REM. When trials emerge, many people lose their religion. Let's face it, sh*t happens. The true test of character is the ability to carry out a worthy decision after the emotion of making that decision has passed.

Wikipedia claims that "The phrase losing my religion is an expression from the southern region of the United States that means losing one's temper or civility or feeling frustrated and desperate."

Over the years I've talked a bit about my own religious beliefs. Zen and the Art of Christianity so to speak. Trying to see the spirit of the law as opposed to the letter of the law - Finian's ghetto gospel. When I was young two books by Josh McDowell struck home - More than a Carpenter and Evidence Demands a Verdict. I could relate to logic and the scientific method.

Yet I couldn't stand most born agains. They were the most intolerant hypocrites I had ever met. They insisted that as long as you say I believe in Jesus, you were saved and it didn't matter what you did after that. You could rape, murder and steal but still go to heaven. I suppose that was the Tony Terezakis' lie. He was the ultimate freak. The devil knows who Jesus is and that knowledge doesn't save him. James said faith without works is dead.

Jesus taught "Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 7:21 He explains that many will say Lord did we not prophecy in thy name? In thy name did we not cast out devils and do many might works? To which he tells us he will respond "I never knew you: depart from me ye that work iniquity." What we do is more important than what we say.

The Bible tells us that one of the primary purposes of life is to discover the true character of God and to develop those characteristics in our own life. When I saw the born agains and heard their doctrine I said well if that's what God is like, then no thanks. Later I found out that's not what God is like. Now I don't claim to be a good Christain any more than the Hodge Twins do.

John 17:3 states that "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. The question is, what is God really like?
I've heard it said "If Satan rode into town, he'd be on a Harley. But so would Jesus."

Mel Gibson showed the rugged toughness of Christ who endured the atonement and crucifixion in the movie the Passion of Christ. I don't see Christ as a flowery wimp. I see him in times of war dressed in a blood soaked robe, his eyes were the flames of fire and ​he was clad with zeal as with a cloak. Christ would wage war like no other in defense of those who could not defend themselves. When the troops went to battle, he was there. That is who I see Christ to be. Yet his courage and valour comes from his lion's heart because perfect love casteth out all fear.

The scriptures tell us he who knoweth not love knoweth not God for God is love. But what is love? Is it something fake and superficial? I think not. It is very real and heartfelt. Paul listed several qualities of God so we could strive to develop them. To be more Christlike.

Yet humility appears to be at the very heart of growth. When we are humble, we are teachable. When we are humble, we are filled with love and love gives us strength. Peace: find it.

Sky News confronts the Fake Reset - you'll own nothing

Vancouver protesters decry reported genocide in Ethiopia

Drea Humphrey from Rebel News is reporting that " Recently, while covering the B.C. Grand Freedom Rally in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery, another group of protesters arrived, whose desperate chants immediately demanded the attention of everyone near. The small but mighty group of around 50 men, women and children were holding signs alleging that genocide is taking place in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. I couldn’t help but notice that the local mainstream media appeared to lack any interest in covering these Tigray protesters, desperately claiming that horrendous acts were happening to their loved ones back home."

She mentioned the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). They are communist. Tedros Adhanom, the director of the World Health Organization was a leader in that violent paramilitary organization. Hence the term "Front" in all these communist spin offs groups.

It is interesting to note that the ruling party which recently changed its name to the Prosperity Party was originally called the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front.

"The EPRDF consisted of four political parties, namely Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), Amhara Democratic Party (ADP), Oromo Democratic Party (ODP) and Southern Ethiopian People's Democratic Movement (SEPDM). After leading the overthrow of the Communist People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it dominated Ethiopian politics from 1991 to 2019."

"In November 2019, the EPRDF dissolved, and Prime Minister and EPDRF chairman Abiy Ahmed merged most of the constituent parties of the coalition (except the TPLF) into a new party called the Prosperity Party." So the Tigray People's Liberation Front was part of the coalition that overthrew a Communist government but were kicked out in 2019."

A coalition group overthrows a communist dictatorship then kicks out a splinter who wants to bring communism back. Tragically, Ethiopia has become another Rwanda complete with ethnic cleansing. That needs to be addressed.

Friday, February 26, 2021

U.S. airstrike in Syria sends message to Iran

Bloomberg is reporting that "President Joe Biden said U.S. airstrikes in Syria that killed militants linked to Iran were a warning to the Islamic Republic to be cautious as its proxies challenge American allies in the Mideast." In other words, surrender your pipeline. Joe Biden supports Saudi oil first and he's wiling to spill innocent blood to get it. That is evil. Quatar supplies ISIS.

Winnipeg Police join BC's profit from crime quest

CTV is rpeoritng that "The Winnipeg Police Service seized a total of $11.5 million in assets, including drugs, Bitcoin and cars, during a months-long investigation into an multi-provincial drug network between British Columbia and Manitoba."

"Officers alege the drug network imported multi-kilogram quantities of cocaine into Winnipeg and distributed the drugs through a “sophisticated operating network of high/mid-level operators and local couriers.” Police said the drug network’s primary criminal activities entailed transporting cocaine from British Columbia into Winnipeg for distribution, as well as collecting large sums of cash proceeds to give back to British Columbia as payment for the drugs."

"On Feb. 10, 144 police officers executed multiple search warrants in both Winnipeg and British Columbia. Police executed 13 search warrants in Winnipeg, nine vehicle search warrants in Winnipeg, one search warrant in Surrey, B.C., one search warrant in Vancouver, and two vehicle search warrants in Vancouver." Wilfred Gerein, 63, from Surrey, BC. 63 - WTF?
17 kilos of cocaine were seized. That is significant. That's because the Winnipeg Police make drug busts. The BC GTF don't. 21 pounds of cannabis were also seized. Who cares? Pot is legal. The purpose of legalization was so that we don't fill up our prisons with people for pot offenses. We leave room for those who sell crack, meth and fentanyl.

Interesting to note that this large cocaine drug network was importing cocaine from Vancouver to Winipeg. The Winnipeg Police made 11 arrests. Who did the compromised BC GTF give up? Two guys. One of them was 63. Were they even involved? Why don't we ever cut the head off the snake? Because the BC GTF is in bed with the snake.

Let's turn back the hands of time and name affiliations. The Hells Angels have a long history of drug trafficking in Winnipeg. Famous Amos from the Zig Zag crew was caught on video cutting crack cocaine for the Hells Angels in Winnipeg. In that operation, Agent 22 came to Vancouver where a Hells Angels associate told him he could acquire any type of gun the agent wanted and spoke of plans to wipe out all of the competition in Surrey. This is our crib.
Former Manitoba Hells Angels president Dale Donovan was arrested with them as well as Hells Angel Ian Grant. He's the one that had that confidential RCMP file in his home listing all the Hells Angels in Winnipeg as well as their associates and rivals. Wayne Shuttleworth a former Mountie was also arrested at that time. Only in BC the upper echelons of the RCMP gang enforcement are all compromised just like little Wayne was. That's why there are no drug busts here.

To cover that fact up they just had Dr Kim go off about a nine year old case about a HA rival.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Surrey RCMP profit from the Proceeds of Crime

The Peace Arch News is reporting that "Surrey Mounties say the Surrey Gang Enforcement Team seized an Alfa Romeo Stelvio, drugs and cash during a bust in Newton." The driver was a 24-year-old woman. Police discovered multiple pre-packaged baggies of suspected cocaine, meth, crack cocaine, and $1320 cash and arrested the woman for possession for the purpose of trafficking. This was a street level drug dealer. Arresting drug dealers is a good thing. However, seizing the proceeds of crime means the police profit from crime and thereby have no incentive to stop crime. It's not just the Surrey RCMP. It's the RCMP in BC and the NDP government. Their mandate is to profit from crime not to stop crime.

They're obviously very selective in who they bust. They refuse to touch the drug trafficking out of Shakerz since it's a hub for supplying drugs in Whalley. That means they are conflicted and everything they do is suspect. I'm certainly not going to hate on Randy. Sometimes the devil ya know is better than the devil you don't know. Can you imagine what would happen if one of those Surrey girl idiots were in charge? I'm simply pointing out that this bust is a farce.
How many kilos were seized? Zero? A few baggies of meth and crack? Again, something is better than nothing but this bust was just an excuse to seize the car without interfering in the Hells Angels drug trafficking network. Look at that picture I posted. That Harley is blocking the front door. Everyone who goes in and out of that sh*t hole sees it. That bike parked there is a message just like dumping Janice Shore's body beside that tree was. That tree was where the drug dealers demand free service from the sex trade workers they supply. Dumping Janice's body beside that tree was a message to all the sex trade workers to pay their drug debts and not complain that the boys take all their money when they get a trick. That is straight up shameful.

That is what the BC Gang task force, IHIT and the Surrey RCMP endorse. I do not.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Borderlandbeat Blog is back

I see the Borderlandbeat Blog is back posting about the Mexican cartels fast and furiously. Last October I reported that they shut their blog down to deal with some litigation. Although the litigation is still ongoing, their blog is back and they are posting regularly. Personally, I won't touch the Mexican cartel or the Quebec HAs. They are in a very different league than the hillbillies out here. On that note, I want to give a shout out to Felina. Life does not end at death. Peace.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Sylvio Sauliner on the lam for New Brunswick drug bust

CBC is reporting that "An arrest warrant has been issued for the son of a Dieppe couple found dead in their homes in 2019 after he failed to appear in Moncton provincial court Monday morning. Sylvio Saulnier, 46, faces charges of possession of methamphetamine and cocaine for purpose of trafficking. Saulnier owned a duplex on Dominion Street that was raided by RCMP on Aug. 28, 2019, as part of an alleged drug-trafficking operation in the Moncton, Fredericton and Woodstock areas."

"An RCMP news release from 2019 says eight people between 17 and 49 were arrested when five search warrants were excecuted, resulting in the seizure of about 14.5 kilograms of what was believed to be methamphetamine and about 880 grams of what was believed to be crack cocaine."

"While police said several of those arrested were given promises to appear in court in December 2019, in the summer of 2020 RCMP indicated only one person had been charged. The charges laid against Saulnier allege he possessed methamphetamine and cocaine on Aug. 28, 2019, the day of the RCMP searches."

So his house was raided Aug. 28, 2019 and his elderly parents were murdered on Sept. 7, 2019. Do the math. We are told that the Hells Angels control the cocaine and crystal meth in New Brunswick just like here in BC. Sylvio Saulnier is obviously not a mmember but Éric Blanchette and his twin brother Yannick are prospects.