Saturday, August 28, 2021

Saskatchewan Premier says no vaccine passports

CBC is reporting that "Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe says the government will not be requiring proof of vaccine to visit businesses or participate in activities and it will not make individuals "take the vaccine." The Saskatchewan Health minister says "you're infringing on people's personal rights if you're mandating things." According to Health Canada it is illegal.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Justin Trudeau's ship continues to sink

The Toronto Star is reporting that "Growing anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown protests dogged Liberal leader Justin Trudeau on the campaign trail Friday, forcing campaign officials to cancel a Friday evening rally in Bolton, Ont., over safety concerns. It was the latest in a series of tense interactions between Trudeau and protesters, including some who appear to have followed the Liberal leader to campaign events across provinces."

The circle of life, like the eb and flow of political tides, watch the seasons change. When Justin Trudeau was first elected, Stephen Harper hate was high. Justin had a rock star popularity. Last election, that popularity had plummeted and we saw the rise of Justin hate. People didn't just start not liking him, people started to really hate him.

My daughter noticed the change last election and pointed out at first everyone liked him but last election everyone on social media started to hate him. Now it is much worse. Justin Trudeau has inspired hate. People really hate him as do I. Justin Trudeau is nothing like his father. That's why I call him Commodus from the movie Gladiator.

Justin's father gave us the Charter of Rights. He protected civil liberty by law. Commodus admires the dictatorship of Communist China who kill political prisoners for organ harvesting and are in the middle of a Muslim genocide. It kind of makes his stand on Islamophobia false.

People see Justin as fake. They see him as a fake feminist, a fake Trade Unionist, a fake person. He's plastic and untrustworthy. All he does is spend other people's money. That makes a lot of people angry because it their money he's spending. I do see the tide changing.

Hate for Justin is on the rise because people can see though him now. His ship is sinking. It's like the age old adage, pride cometh before the fall and great shall be the fall thereof. So mote it be.
Canada polls show Trudeau rival gaining weeks ahead of vote

"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party appears to be ceding popularity to its Conservative rivals, according to polls published Saturday, with early elections only weeks away."

The Conservatives of Erin O'Toole, the main opposition party, took a slim lead as support for the Liberals has eroded in recent days, according to a tracking survey by Nanos Research conducted for the CTV network and the daily Globe and Mail. The poll shows Conservatives favored by 33.3 percent of eligible voters, to 30.8 percent for Trudeau's Liberals."

NYC teachers protest against vaccine mandates

Assassinated Haitian President opposed Covid Vaccines

The NOQ Report discovered an interesting anomaly. We all know that Haitian president Jovenel Moïse was assassinated July 7th. It had the hallmarks of a Blackwater operation.

The day after the president was assassinated Bloomberg reported that "Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere, has earned another grim distinction: it’s the only one that hasn’t vaccinated a single resident against Covid-19."

"Haiti was among the 92 poor and middle-income countries offered doses under the Covax Facility. But the government initially declined AstraZeneca PLC shots, citing side effects and widespread fears in the population."

NPR reported that "One week after Haiti's president was assassinated, the country's first shipment of COVID-19 vaccines finally arrived. Earlier this year, Haiti shrugged off two offers of doses AstraZeneca - first from India and then from COVAX, the global vaccine sharing program."

That's kind of suspicious. The fake fact checkers funded by the Communist Party of China and the big Pharmaceutical companies all say it's a coincidence but is it really?

Remember John Magufuli, the charismatic President of Tanzania who discovered that kiwi fruit tested positive for Covid? Well he's dead now too and Tanzania's position has been reversed.

The Lancet reported that "On Feb 2, 2021, in Dodoma, Tanzania's capital, the health minister announced that the country “has no plans in place to accept COVID-19 vaccines”. The message follows days after President John Magufuli expressed doubt about vaccines sourced abroad."

Then in July after John Magufuli died of heart complications, the BBC reported that the new president launched a Covid vaccine campaign. Another coincidence according to big Pharma.

The NOQ Report also observed that "Burundi was the second African country to reject Covid shots in February." In June Burundi's President Pierre Nkurunziza died of cardiac arrest. Then in July Burundi, in reversal, says it will accept COVID-19 vaccines. These are all anomalies.

When the fake fact checkers funded by the CCP who launched the pandemic and the big Pharmaceutical companies that profit from the pandemic race to declare that these are all coincidences, I have to lean to Shakespear who said the lady doth protest too much me thinks.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Media confirms Spike's death

The Mapleridge News is confirming that Spike, the chapter leader of the Haney Hells Angels, has died. I had previously reported this August 15th. I don't cover funerals as I believe everyone deserves the right to bury their dead in private. The compromised CFSEU will no doubt try to turn it into a circus side show to distract the world from their own missdeeds.

NYPD 53% Unvaccinated

I've got two points to make here. Apparently there are a lot of unvaccinated police officers within the NYPD despite Bill De Blasio's vaccine passports. In response to that, the NYPD are making unvaccinated police officers mask up. Actually I think that is fair.

There isn't a lot of misinformation about the vaccines out there. There is a lot of misinformation about Covid out there. Any scientific concerns about the non-traditional RNA vaccines are being censored. As for Covid, the media is lying to us on a daily basis and are falsifying the numbers.

As a result, a lot of stupid people are scared. They sit at home and believe everything they are told on TV without questioning it. Tom MacDonald asked how is it that man evolved from monkeys into sheep? Obviously not everyone believes the ridiculous narrative but some do. Some people are scared because they are stupid. Fortunately for them, stupidity is not a crime.

Turns out at my place of employment, if you are vaccinated you don't have to wear a mask. If you aren't vaccinated, you do have to wear a mask. Although I despise the stupidity of masks, I think that's a fair compromise. Some people are misinformed and are afraid of people who are unvaccinated. Making them wear a mask addresses that fear.

We all know that masks are useless because stopping a virus with a mask is like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence but the purpose of masks is not to stop the virus it's to make people feel safe. So if you are afraid of me because I am unvaccinated in a public place, then me wearing a mask will address that false fear. Vaccine passports are illegal.

Sergeant Ed Mullins, head of the NYPD Police union stated that some of the fears about vaccination relate to 9/11. "Everyone was told the air was safe and today we have thousands of people who have died from it." That's a very good point. People are tired of being lied to.

It's interesting that Sergeant Mullins would bring that up. New Yorkers don't like to talk about the possibility of 9/11 being an inside job yet they all know they were lied to about the air being safe. Why was the air not safe? Because it was full of asbestos.

The Port Authority applied for a permit to demolish the Twin towers but were denied one because they were full of asbestos. That's why the Port Authority applied for a permit to destroy them. The asbestos removal was too costly. As we have seen, one lie leads to another. If they lied about that, what else are they lying about? People have a right to their beliefs.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Voter Fraud in California: LA Times is lost in space

The Booster Fraud is Ridiculous

Update: WHO Leader Pleads Against Booster Shots - Questioning Efficacy And Highlighting Risk Of ‘More Potent’ Variants

Traditional vaccines were a one shot deal. This double shot scam before you're fully vaccinated was just a way for the pharmaceutical companies to double their money. This booster shot scam is absolutely ridiculous. Not only are the new gene therapy vaccines more dangerous than traditional vaccines, they don't even work.

Tom MacDonald said that big pharma won't cure you because every person healed is a customer lost. That is exactly what we are seeing with the double dose stupidity.

Instead of filling Bill Gate's pocket, think of what real life saving medical care we could fund with those billions of dollars. People like Bill Gates and Geroge Sorrows don't fund Communism to share their wealth. They do it to increase their wealth at the expense of others.

Over the year's we've discussed the concerns about media mergers. When people like Conrad Black were buying up all the media outlets, people became concerned that the news was biased. Well it still is. Once all the media outlets are owned by the same entity, they become easier to control. Change the ownership and you change the news.

When Post Media News said Charman Mao did great things, that revealed how absurd their propaganda has actually become. It shows who owns the western media now.

I keep harping about how CBC was caught lying about the Manitoba hospitalization rates and rightfully so. When a media outlets make a mistake, that's big news. When they intentionally lie, that is Goerge Orwell. Unfortunately, it's not just them. Post Media News did the same thing. They lied about the Covid ICU rates in Edmonton.

As Dr Simone Gold pointed out, Cases mean absolutely nothing. Especially since the PCR test is worthless. The media is bombarding us with lies on a daily basis. The gargle test is far less invasive. However, there is another concern.

With the launch of the new illegal vaccine passport scam people are scrambling to find alternatives. How about getting a Covid test three times a week instead of getting the vaccine? AYFKM? Who do you think is making money off those unnecessary worthless Covid tests? The same people pushing the fake RNA vaccines.

When we first reopened after the lockdown employees in the movie industry had to take an up the nose Covid test three times a week. That is insanely expensive. It is a complete waste of money on a misrepresented fraud. The vaccine companies are making billions off this fake pandemic. So are the people that run the fake tests fostering the fraud.

During the pandemic, testing outlets in Florida were caught falsifying test results. People had signed up for the test but after seeing the long line, went home without getting tested. They then received notice that they had tested positive for the virus when they never took the test. This didn't just happen in Florida. On top of that the CDC admitted that a positive covid test might mean you simply have the common cold because their test can't tell the difference.

Several months ago I had a conversation with someone who said. "But they can't fake the death counts." Of course they can and of course they did. That is a really stupid thing to say.

Dr. Scott Jensen, a US state senator and Dr. Annie Bukacek, MD blew the whistle on the falsified death counts. CTV reported that since the beginning of the pandemic, 10,947 people had died from Covid 19 in Canada. 10,781 of those deaths were the elderly living in care homes. Yet the same number of elderly died this year as last year and the year before that.

Senator Ron Paul exposed the fact that the second wave was a fraud. So is the fourth wave.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Sea to Sky Gondola

I went up the Sea to Sky Gondola today for the last time before they implement the vaccine passports. It was alright. Traffic on the way home was very unpleasant. This summer has pretty much passed me by. I had hip surgery but I'm back on the bike. I'm glad I got it done. It just takes a while to recover completely. Each week it's getting stronger so at least I'm on the road to recovery. Before the surgery I was just spinning my tires. Now it's time for the BC NDP to leave.

BC's Vaccine cards are illegal

They say a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. They say it is easier to take a city than a brother offended. I am a brother offended. Bonnnie the Freak is introducing vaccine cards in BC like Socialist Bill De Blasio in New York. This is illegal.

I don't care about restaurants or sporting events but I do care about the gym. Bonnie Henry is Satan. If anyone is aware of legal challenges to this, let me know. I want my name on a class action. I will not submit. I will not conform. I have the right to choose.
Tom MacDonald has a new hit single out called Brainwashed. He claims that not all liberals are srtupid and not all republicans are racist. I'm going to have to disagree. Not all liberals are stupid but most of them are. That's the problem. I can confront evil but I can't fix stupid.

Dr Vernon Coleman from the UK was yet another medical doctor who spoke up against the media's persistent misrepresentation of Covid. He has his own website and has published a white paper on the subject wherein he refers to Covid-19 as the greatest hoax in history.

Dr Coleman stated that “The coronavirus is no more deadly than the flu- COVID19 is merely the annual flu season rebranded as deadly pandemic. Doctors and hospitals have been bribed with a ‘bonus’ for listing ordinary flu deaths and COVID-19."

Dr Vernon Coleman pointed out that in the UK as soon as Covid hit, there were zero cases and zero fatalities from the flu. It is the same in Canada. CBC was caught red handed lying about the hospitalization rates in Manitoba. They didn't make a mistake. They lied.

Dr. Roger Hodkinson from Alberta boldly declared that Covid does not cure cancer or heart disease. He said the dramatic decrease in cancer and heart disease fatalities during Covid is proof they are misrepresenting the numbers. They still are on a daily basis.

The Canada Health Alliance confirms that the PCR test is worthless. The Portugal court declared that the PCR test is so unreliable that lockdowns based on that test are unlawful.
Last month after masks became optional one guy said to another guy at the gym why are you still wearing a mask? The second guy says have the rules changed? The first guy says yeah, masks are optional now. The second guy takes off his mask and says finally.

Then the first guy says to the second guy, I've been vaccinated so I don't have to wear one. The second guy says oh I won't do that and lists some concerns about side effects of the vaccine. The first guy sluffs it off and says I'm not worried about the side effects. I just want to be able to travel and go to Vegas again. Some people aren't worried about the side effects of the vaccine. I'm not worried about Covid because Covid is less dangerous than the vaccine.

The media's misrepresentation of Covid has become ridiculous.