Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Significance of the Rafa invasion

Not to flog a dead horse, I just want to point out the obvious so everyone can clearly see what's really going on here. Israel invaded Gaza from the northern with tanks and bulldozers. First it was the city of Gaza. They told everyone to leave. They would order people to a safe corridor, then they would start bombing the safe corridor. They kept doing this over and over as they continued to drive further south. They built an access road for the canal which cut Gaza in two.

They've consistently bombed hospitals and have intentionally killed aid workers. Israeli citizens have been holding mass anti government protests in Israel calling for an early election and for Netanyahu to resign. Our media isn't showing us that and Google is burying that.

Israel launched the invasion October 27th. We're past the 6 month mark. Think about that. 6 months without an income and all the grocery stores aren't just empty, they're rubble. How many of us live paycheque to paycheque in today's economy with record inflation? How many of us could go 2 weeks, 4 weeks or six months without a paycheque?

Remember when the highways flooded and blocked food access to grocery stores from Vancouver to the Interior? If they weren't able to reroute food deliveries through Alberta, all those grocery stores would have been empty. The current famine in Gaza is unprecedented.
So now Israel has forced all of the civilians in Gaza out of their homes demanding they flee south until they've been finally rounded up in Rafah. Then they closed the border and told them to leave. They have nowhere to go. This is Satanic. This is not godly. This is a brazen violation of Moses' commandments to Israel. Israel intentionally killed aid workers because they are intentionally starving civilians. If anyone outside Israel protests that they call them antisemitic.

That is Satanic. We're all familiar with the term synagogue of Satan. That term applies to any religion. If Christians profess to believe in God and pledge to serve him but their acts are deliberately evil, then they are no longer children of God they become sons of Satan. By their fruits ye shall know them. Not by what they say but by what they do.

I realize some of the protests outside of Israel can become extreme. I do not support extremism. Wiping all the Jews out of Israel is just as bad as wiping all the Palestinians out of Gaza and West Bank. However, protesters have a right to protest. I have a right to object to killing aid workers and starving civilians without being antisemitic and without supporting terrorism. I despise terrorism. That is why I denounce what Israel is now doing in Gaza because that is terrorism and no, two wrongs do not make a right. Hamas is evil but Mossad created Hamas to push Fatah out of Gaza. We need to bring Fatah back and enforce the Oslo accord once again.

Macklemore released a new song dedicated to Palestine. I don't support the F*ck the Police rhetoric. Remember what the WEF is doing here. They are trying to divide us and they are succeeding at it quite effectively. They create an injustice to make you mad so you will fight back. Then they try to draw you into violence and extremism so they can then justify taking all our rights away. The WEF burned Maui to steal that land from those people just like they burned Vina del Mar in Chile. Now the WEF is bombing and bulldozing Gaza for the same reason.

Macklemore's new song is called Hind's Hall. Hind Rajab was a 6-year-old girl from Gaza. Her family was trapped in the car while they were being shelled by the IDF. Her parents were killed so her sister called 911 for help. She was shot dead while talking to 911. Hind, the 6 year old girl picked up the phone and said please help me I'm scared.

Relief workers got permission from the IDF to send in an emergency vehicle to rescue her. The IDF shelled the emergency vehicle and the little girl died trapped in the car. That was an evil act. That was not a godly act. People have a right to protest that outrage. Banning that protest is evil.

I know there is a lot of anger out there and it is justified but resorting to violence is exactly what they want. In the spirit of Martin Luther King we must recommit to nonviolence and pledge to keep telling the truth in the face of all these lies because no lie can live forever. So mote it be.

We also need to remember that prior to this Netanyahu has been forcefully evicting Palestinians out of their homes in West Bank and replacing them with Jewish settlers. That is not Zionism. That is theft. So he's been driving Palestinians out of West Bank in completely defiance of the Oslo accord and forcing them into Gaza where he has been literally wiping them off the face of the earth. That is evil. This is where a child of God becomes a servant of Satan.

In addition to forcefully evicting Palestinians out of their homes in West Bank, Netanyahu is frantically building new roads in West Bank for new settlements and outposts. I can tell you right now, he's not building them for the people of Gaza. The new roads go through Palestinian olive groves where Palestinian farmers are being killed by Jewish settlers.

Netanyahu is also forcefully evicting Palestinians out of their quarter of the old city of Jerusalem. What does that mean? Wait 'till I tell ye. Jerusalem is a big city. Within that city is a smaller ancient city surrounded by a stone wall like Quebec city. The old city contains the wailing wall and the Dome of the rock. Studio doesn't care about the Dome of the Rock because they have Mecca and they want a monopoly on everything.

The old city is divided into four quarters Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Armenian. Everyone asks who are the Armenians? They are an ethnic group that have historic ties to the city of Jerusalem. So the old city of Jerusalem was divided into four equal quarters but Israel is forcefully evicting Palestinians out of their homes within their quarter and are replacing them with foreigners.

Forest fires and melting snow

Update: Hiring MacMillan Bloedel to fight forest fires

Today I checked it the snow pack on Cypress. We have a week of sunshine in the forecast and the snow pack is melting fast but that's pretty normal for this time of year. We had an El Niño last winter and will have a La Niña next winter. So the sky hasn't fallen and the El Niño / La Niña cycle has nothing to do with climate change. The sensationalized fake news was going on about how the low snow pack will cause more forest fires this summer. I don't notice an abnormally low snow pack right now. If it melts a week before it did last year that will be insignificant.
What is very significant is the negligent way we start and fight forest fires now in BC. Instead of using water bombers that fill in nearby lakes, we use helicopters with buckets because some pencil neck geek found a way for them to make more money while being far less efficient. That's kind of like the fireman who starts fires to give himself a job. Oh wait, they do that now too.

While we're here, lets calmly and rationally talk about the obvious dangers of preignitions. Let's discuss the theory behind them and why that is so obviously problematic. Say we have a forest fire burning. The wind is blowing south so the fire is moving south. In that situation we want to light a pre ignition south of the fire so when the fire gets there it will run out of fuel. That sounds good but it is inherently problematic for obvious reasons.

The fire is moving south because the wind is blowing south. If you light a fire south of the existing fire why on earth would you expect the fire you start to move north towards the fire when the wind is blowing south? It won't. The existing fire will run out of fuel but you just started a new fire so you accomplished nothing. You simple made it worse which is exactly what we saw in Kelowna last year. They lit fires trying to stop the fire but they simply made it worse much worse.

So we are now forced to question whether or not it was their intent to make the fire worse since we are on a new campaign of lighting forest fires and have stopped fighting them with water bombers. We expect a guy with a shovel will somehow do a better job than a water bomber. That's ridiculous. It's a scam. They are intentionally destroying our province. So now we have to ask why? Kelowna is a conservative riding. Did the NDP intentionally try to burn them out?

What about Lytton? Kelowna is on a lake. There is no reason that fire should have got that close to the town. They can fill water bombers up on the lake but they refuse to do so. That is a criminal act. Just like starting new fires is. The Maui fire was suspicious from the get go but as more abnormalities began to surface that was clearly a criminal act. They shut the water off so residents couldn't keep fighting the fire. They prevented people from evacuating and rerouted them back into the fire where they died waiting in line stuck in traffic.

And then there was Chile and the pattern has been revealed. What happened to tree planting?

CSIS gets more power, warns of anti gender idealogy

The Hamilton Spectator is reporting that "Canada’s intelligence agency predicts violence fuelled by 'anti-gender' ideology is expected to continue over the next year, potentially driven by recent attacks and religion-motivated extremism. “While violent rhetoric itself does not equate or often lead to violence, the ecosystem of violent rhetoric within the anti-gender movement, compounded with other extreme world views, can lead to serious violence,” an annual report released Tuesday from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) notes."

If a parent objects to child grooming in schools they are labeled a violent religious extremist. So to rationalize cracking down on wholesome responsible parents CSIS plans new under cover sting operations to create and crack down on extremists paving the way for the UN's NWO to take away religious freedom and every other freedom after that. CSIS is bad.

CBC is reporitng that "Government pitches foreign influence registry, new powers for CSIS in attempt to curb foreign interference." New powers for CSIS. How is that not a bad thing? That's like saying more powers for the NSA to break the law. Only now it's not illegal.

Can we not see where this road leads? We've got to fulfill the book.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Playing for change: Soulshine

I was at the gym today sitting on the bike doing cardio and I see this black guy on the treadmill just kicking it. He was going really fast for quite a while and he had a big ear to ear grin. He was holding his arms out, bringing them in. Waved at a friend. After he finished I said you were kicking it and you're smiling too. The rest us us when we do cardio we're all crying. He just laughed and said I love cardio. I can tell. Good for him. It says a lot about someone's attitude. He was inspiring. He had a good attitude. It showed in is performance. He was fit and he was happy.

India admits rogue agents ordered assassinations

Punjabi lawyers in Lahore, Pakistan held a protest and the police charged them with batons and used water cannons on them so the lawyers are calling for a general strike tomorrow May 9th. India has lost their mind. They are actually charging Khalistan supporters with terrorism.

Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, the American target in the assassination plot was charged with 20 cases of terrorism. This is what you call the weaponization of the DOJ. India calls him a Khalistani terrorist. Now India is claiming that rogue operatives in India's Intelligence ordered the murder of Gurpatwant Singh Pannun and Hardeep Singh Nijjar. They rationalize it by comparing it to rogue agents in the American government being involved with Iran contra.

Right now I see a whole lot of crazy. India is screwing with the farmers in Punjab because they are NWO just like Justin Trudeau is screwing with the farmers in Canada. In addition to that, the government of India have been pretty ruthless towards any Sikh who wants out. India claims Hindu priests have been persecuted in the Punjab. Can't we all just f*cking get along?

Who the f*ck cares what religion you are? All this bullsh*t is part of the Agenda to ban all religions. Y'all need to look at the big picture and get your sh*t together. You're insanity is giving them a reason to ban all religions. Once they do that they will take away all our rights. So give your head a shake and figure it out. All these intelligence agencies are dirty. Don't trust them.

I still say this was an inter provincial sting operation. Meaning CSIS set it up. That's the only explanation for all the numerous arrests. The CIA said to India's Intelligence Agency, do you want us to take care of this for you? Yeah sure they said. Then after they do it they bust India for what they did because they were doing it for India. That's a sting operation. It's also called entrapment.

I still say every time CSIS raises it's ugly little head we need to bring up Surjan Singh Gill and Grant Bristow. That's the only way we can prevent future terrorist attacks in Canada. If it wasn't for this sting operation they orchestrated, Hardeep Singh Nijjar would still be alive.

Armed Veteran Jewelry Store Owner Forces Thief to Flee

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Israel closes Rafah crossing and orders everyone to leave knowing they have nowhere to go

The US and the UK oppose the Israeli invasion of Rafah

In steps the UN and the WHO. This is how they create an emergency to justify a reaction.

Netanyahu just closed the Rafah crossing in Gaza and dropped leaflets ordering everyone to leave but they have nowhere to go and he knows it. Like I said the new Port wasn't for humanitarian aid. This is terrorism. Israelis are still calling for Netanyahu's resignation.

Red Cross warns hunger in Gaza beyond catastrophic

Israel's military operation in Rafah completely unacceptable: Joly

Red Cross chief warns over Rafah closure - How is this not a genocide?

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East: "As Oxfam has warned, Israel has repeatedly and deliberately targeted civilians and aid workers in so-called safe or humanitarian zones. Overnight, the Israeli military then took over the Rafah crossing, cutting off the occupied territory’s connection to Egypt and halting the already limited movement of goods and people. The UN warns that this closure has choked off Gaza’s main arteries for humanitarian access, and CJPME is further concerned that this closure will erode the ability of Palestinians to escape, including Canadians and their loved ones. CJPME notes that Israel’s invasion of Rafah coincides with its rejection of a ceasefire proposal that was accepted yesterday by Hamas, demonstrating Israel’s consistent unwillingness to end its military campaign."

CBC is reporting that "A former Israeli ambassador says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might have rejected a ceasefire deal this week in order to safeguard his own political future. 'He is prolonging the war, because what awaits him after the war is a very inhospitable, to say the least, political and public environment,' said Alon Pinkas, who was Israel's consul general in New York from 2000 to 2004, and a former foreign policy advisor to Israeli foreign ministers."

"Reports Monday indicated Hamas had agreed to an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire, which would have seen the exchange of Israelis held by Hamas and Palestinians held in Israeli prisons."

The Secrets of the Hells Angels on A&E Episode 4

Episode 4 of A&E's series Secret of the Hells Angels aired last Sunday. It is entitled The Brotherhood is a lie and features former Hells Angels president Charles "PeeWee" Goldsmith. The previous episode was the Killing of Margo Compton and contained her audio diaries.

This is the episode where PeeWee talks about the Filthy Few Fellowship.

Evidently Peewee wrote a book about it entitled Brotherhood: Greatest lie ever told. Someone had mentioned that he was out in bad and I was not aware of that. Evidently it's true. I don't know his story. I don't know what his beef is. I'll have to read his book and watch the episode.

This isn't some fake a*s wannabe whose claim to fame is lying to the club. This guy is the real deal who walked the walk. A lot of people say the gang life isn't what it pretends to be but when you say gang life I'm forced to ask what you mean by that. There's no brotherhood in drug trafficking. Everyone knows that. I don't think anyone pretends there is a brotherhood within drug trafficking. I think the argument is that the Hells Angels aren't just about drug trafficking.

The term 1% is kind of stupid. Some cop said 99% of motorcyclists were law biding citizens so some clown gets the idea of making a 1% patch meaning they represent the 1% of motorcyclists who are not law biding citizens and they all ran with it. So the term 1%er is a boast of criminal activity. Which in my opinion really isn't anything to boast about.

It's like the line from that AC/DC song which says if your evil, you're a friend of mine. That makes no sense whatsoever. Betraying a brother is evil. If I do that am I your friend? Ratting out someone so you don't have to go to jail is evil. Pedophilia is evil. Raping someone's mother, sister or daughter is evil. That's not OK. So this blanket pledge to evil is stupid.

The same with bragging about being a criminal. Stealing cars and motorcycles is pretty low life. Nobody likes or admires a thief. Even if it's luxury cars like in the GTA. Stealing those cars all the time raises the cost of insurance for everyone. That means people who steal cars are parasites. They're not liked or admired. Same with B&Es.

If you break into someone's house and steal their sh*t you're a dirt bag. Same with grow rips. Most Hells Angels think these rats that do grow rips are low life's that deserve to get their a*s kicked. But what about when they rob their own grow and then tell their grower you f*cked up and now you owe us. That is straight up Dr Phil. Nobody admires that kind of sh*t.

So when they say the brotherhood is a lie I say in what context? There's no brotherhood in stealing cars or fencing stolen property and there sure as hell isn't any brotherhood in selling drugs. That world is driven by greed and selfishness. That's why they keep shooting each other.

I guess that makes the term brotherhood within the Hells Angels problematic depending on what you're in it for. If you're in it to sell drugs or steal cars then you're better off not joining. You're better off staying an associate. Some guys just like to go on rides and attend parties. For them it's all about tits and a*s scooping up some of those patch pounders. Me, I just like to ride.

Those trailer trash parties are pretty sleazy. I am not a 1%er. I am a law biding citizens. I support law and order. My guns are all legal. I don't believe in committing crime but I do believe in defending persons and property. Those are sailors rights so they are.

PeeWee Goldsmith has a website with more history and background. You can order his book from there or if you have Amazon Prime you can order it from Amazon and get free shipping.

Update: OK I watched the episode and it's kind of a sad story. I wouldn't say the Hells Angels screwed him over. It was just a dumb technicality. In the US the Hells Angels really get anal about not cooperating with the police. I don't mean ratting people out I mean just giving a statement to the police. Micheal Kramer is allowed to talk to the cops. Here in BC the criminals are in bed with the PoPo. When Chad was shot they were jumping over the police tape to talk to the cops.

In fact there's a pretty funny affidavit that was submitted to the court by a former member of the club but I guess we'll save that for the hereafter. I think Peewee is a really good guy. I think he did make a couple of bad decisions but that's what life is all about. Live and learn. I think what he had with his first MC was a brotherhood but the Outlaws, Mongols and the Hells Angels are something else. That's a business. When I look at that life I once again say that is not something I want. That is not something I aspire to. It's really sad his son won't talk to him any more. Hopefully one day his son can forgive him. It's not worth dwelling on the past because it robs the future.

On that day (the fight at the wedding) I would have chosen to stand down and I wouldn't have given a f*ck about what anyone else said or thought. I think the rivalry between the big clubs is petty. There's more important things in life to worry about. Papa was a good guy but those guys did kill him. Oh wait, now I get it. Papa must have been the one that gave him his patch. Peewee got his colors in San Francisco. That means Papa's murder hit home.

So here we are. Choose which road you will travel but be aware of where that road leads. Be mindful of the direction you're heading because if you don't change directions, that is where you'll end up. Mind how ya go. What we do in life, echoes in eternity. Peace.

CSIS promotes violence to justify a reaction

The Toronto Star is reporting that "The Israel-Hamas war has led to a spike in violent rhetoric from extremist actors that could prompt some in Canada to turn to violence, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service warns."

So does that mean CSIS and their new friends in the RCMP terrorist squad will launch another terrorist attack in Canada? Good thing you locked up Cameron Ortis so he couldn't warns us first. Remember the Surrey pressure cooker bomb plot they created?

Let's take a step back and think about this calmly and rationally. CSIS and the CIA promote extremism to justify a reaction. Right now these intelligence Agencies are off the hook with their latest campaign of bullsh*t. Let's start with the Spike in violent rhetoric since Oct. 7 attack from extremist actors claim. CSIS can barely contain their excitement.

CSIS provided the explosives for Air India. CSIS created the Heritage Front. CSIS and the CIA specialize in funding, arming and motivating violent extremists. So now that CSIS has taken centre stage we need to start playing whack a mole. Every time CSIS raises it's ugly little head we need to mention Surjan Singh Gill and Grant Bristow over and over again.
OK let's look at the first article. The picture is two groups of protesters squaring off in Ontario. One side is pro Israel the other side is pro Palestine. Both sides are missing the point. We're all being conned. The fake news is misrepresenting the conflict and polarizing it.

The fake news isn't showing us anything about the weekly mass protests in Israels of Jew calling for Benjamin Netanyahu to resign. The atrocities in Gaza are unprecedented. I can oppose the murder of aid workers and the starvation of civilians without being pro Hamas or anti Israel. I'm not pro Israel or pro Palestine. I'm pro ceasefire. I'm pro peace.

There is a reason the Fake News isn't showing us the weekly mass protests of Israeli Jews calling for Netanyahu to resign. Everyone in Israel knows the October 7th attack was orchestrated. Everyone in Israel knows the Oct 7th attack could not have happened if Netanyahu hadn't facilitated it. Everyone in Israel knows that because they all serve in the military and know the Gaza border is the most heavily monitored border in the world.

The fake news refuses to recognize Netanyahu's role in that attack. The fake news here refuses to show the documented concerns of IDF troops increasing casualties on Oct 7th through friendly fire. We need to talk about that and the fake news over here refuses to do so.

It's not about the Jews kicking the Palestinians out of Israel or the Palestinians kicking the Jews out of Israel. It's about supporting the Oslo accord and living together in Peace.

The fake news misrepresents the conflict to polarize it. The fake news doesn't want to find common ground and build bridges. They want to promote hate and intolerance so they can burn bridges. The fake news breeds extremists because they want extremists to rise so they can justify cracking down on them. CSIS and the CIA are a big part of that. They control the fake news.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Felix Rodriguez lying on Tucker Carlson

Speaking of Intelligence agency insanity former CIA Agent Felix Rodriguez was just on Tucker Carlson. AYFKM? That man was an Anti Christ. He's a liar. Is there a full moon? That guy was in the famous picture with Barry Seal that was on the cover of the book Barry and the Boys.
The picture is of Barry Seal and Felix Rodriguez with members of Operation 40 which Allen Dulles created. Wikipedia claims it was disbanded in 1970 due to allegations that an aircraft that was carrying cocaine and heroin in support of the group crashed in California. As we know, Barry Seal was a cocaine smuggling kingpin for the CIA out of Mena, Arkansas.

Allen Dulles was a dirt bag. He was the one that came up with and signed Operation Northwoods. The CIA didn't kill Che until after the Communist revolution in Cuba was successful because Che actually believed in the romantic promises of socialism like Gaddafi did. They killed Che to give Castro absolute power. They killed Gaddafi because he was also a threat to their brand of Communism that they are promoting which is currently referred to as the New World Order. The CIA is the secret society Kennedy wanted us about. Even that warning has been buried.

Gary Webb confirmed that the CIA was responsible for the US crack epidemic in the /80's. The CIA rationalized that drug trafficking to fight Communism in Nicaragua. So they claimed. Yet the two wars they fought against Communism in Cuba and Nicaragua failed so if they really were trying to fight Communism, they weren't very good at it.

Look at the Bay of Pics invasion. The CIA intentionally sabotaged that operation. I submit that the CIA claims to fight Communism to rationalize an extensive drug trafficking network but that rationalization is a lie. They aren't trying to fight Communism they are trying to hijack it. The CIA are Big supporters of the WEF and the UN's NWO. That is Communism.

Think back to Covid. Who controls the fake news? The CIA. Remember all those false reports of US hospitals full of Covid patients with people lined up in the streets waiting to get in? Civilians and radio news journalists would go to those same hospitals and film thise same hospitals on their phones completely empty. Then YouTube would delete those videos. It was a huge misinformation operation run by the Intelligence agency.

Even Post Covid the fake news kept misrepresenting hospitalization numbers. The fake news kept saying hospitals were full of Covid patients when that was simply not true. Post Covid empty hospitals started to fill with patients catching up with the backlog in surgeries.

The hospital would give everyone a PCR test which was useless and produced a 90% false positive. The hospital would take these new numbers are say there has been a surge in Covid hospitalizations which was not true. The spike was because they started testing patients. The fake news would say the hospitals are full of Covid patients which was not true. The hospitals were full of patients filling the backlog of surgeries and they happened to test positive for Covid.

There is a big difference between people in the hospital for Covid and with Covid. They weren't hospitalized because they had Covid symptoms. They were hospitalized for other things and happened to test positive for Covid. Despite the fact that most of them were asymptomatic.

A renowned​ virologist from the UK explained that there is no such thing as asymptomatic cases. They said for a case to be a case you need symptoms and a positive PCR test. One without the other is not a case. The fake news completely misrepresented that fact and the CIA was a big part of that disinformation campaign. Just look at all cause mortality pre and post Covid compared to pre and post Covid Rna vaccines. All cause mortality did not rise throughout the pandemic.

The CIA support the Biolabs in the Ukraine and created that manufactured conflict. The CIA support the oil wars that promote the Saudi monopoly and the apocalyptic spike in the price of gas. The CIA supported Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton over Donald Trump. QAnon was a CIA operation to discredit Trump supporters and lead them astray. The CIA are enemies of the Constitution. They aren't trying to stop Communism they are trying to hijack it.