Sunday, March 10, 2024

IDF Build new road across Gaza for the Canal

The BBC is reporting that "The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has finished building a new road which runs across northern Gaza from east to west, according to satellite images verified by the BBC. The IDF told the BBC they were attempting to gain an operational foothold, and facilitate the movement of troops and equipment. But some experts fear it will used as a barrier, preventing Palestinians from returning to their homes in the north." The Oslo accord has been broken.

This land theft is obviously for the canal. They've stolen the ancient city of Gaza through treachery and deceit. And then there's the natural gas. Money talks and the lies never stop. You could have shared those profits with your neighbors but your greed has consumed you.

Statement from Canadian Red Cross on the Middle East Humanitarian Crisis - Donate. I don't support Hamas but I do support Gaza. Mossad created Hamas and assassinated Yitzhak Rabin.
I think building the new Canal is a great idea. Cutting Gaza out of a share of the profit is greed.
Look at the amazing place Israel was in before Benjamin Netanyahu came with his pulpit of hate.


  1. I for one support new innovation, too many monopolies in this world.

    1. Yeah but they didn't have to orchestrate Oct 7th and start a war to do it.

  2. So your saying they should have built the canal partially on the Palestinian part of the area? Then Hamas would just attack all the shipping going through the canal don't u think?

    1. No I don't because Mossad created Hamas. If Netanyahoo embraced the Olso accord and stopped evicting Palestinians out of West Bank forcing them into Gaza they wouldn't be bombing anything. They complain about Palestinians having the slogan from the river to the sea. Yet that are saying the exact same thing.

    2. If Gaza was making money off the canal, Hamas would have no motive to blow it up. Unless of course they were still working for Mossad.


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