Friday, February 28, 2025

Ramadan Mubarak

The sun has set. Ramadan has begun. Tonight is a special meal and the fasting begins from sunrise to sunset each day until sunset March 29th which is a very special meal called Eid. 

I hear dates are a good gift for Muslims during Ramadan. A lot of my neighbour's have fancy lights that took like Christmas lights. We picked some up that have stars and crescent moons. 

Superstore has an Advent calendar for Ramadan. Each window has a small piece of chocolate you can eat after the sun sets. Must be a Canadian thing. They're kind of blending Advent with Ramadan. Last year it was awkward because Ramadan was the same time as Easter. It keeps getting earlier each year so that's not a problem any more. I was looking for videos of Ramadan lights in Gaza before the war but this is all I could find.


Trump and Zelensky's WWF match at the Oval office

Update: Zelensky is a complete sleazebag personally profiting from the destruction of his country. Billions of tax dollars have been laundered through FTX to the Democrat party. The CIA is funding splinter protests opposing peace in the Ukraine because the CIA were behind the coup that started the war.

Pro-Ukraine Propaganda right outside the White House

OK there was a press conference with Trump, Vance and Zelensky at the oval office today that's going viral. Clinton Jaws talked about it as have others. Zelensky accused Trump of being aligned with Russia. Trump said I'm not aligned with Russia, I'm aligned with the United States. That was true. Trump also said he's aligned with Europe and the world. That is not true. Europe is concerned about their border and are still embracing the globalist lie about Ukraine that started the conflict. They want the Ukraine in the EU.  

Trump's trying to make Zelensky look like the bad guy. Zelensky is obviously a bad guy but he certainly isn't the bad guy. Zelensky was NATO expansion's puppet.

Before the war, the population of the Ukraine was roughly 50/50. Half the people were of Ukrainian descent while the other half were of Russian descent. The people of Russian descent were just over half and they elected a president of Russian decent. Europe wanted the Ukraine in the EU while the elected president of Russian descent didn't. 

So the CIA led a coup. They overthrew the elected president and installed Zelensky as their puppet president. The Donbas objected so Zelensky hired literal Nazi's to bomb them. A female Russian weight lifter named Maryana Naumova made an appeal to Arnold Schwarzenegger. She said people respect you. We're being bombed. Please help us. That plea fell on deaf years. 

Then the CIA decided to take it the next step. Not only would the Ukraine join the EU but they would also join NATO and put nuclear missiles on Russia's border. That caused the war. Russia invaded the Donbas to protect the people of Russian descent from being bombed by Zelensky.

The fake news portrayed this as a Russian invasion. The WEF in Davos falsely accused Russia of war crimes. They turned Russia house at Davos to Russia's house of horrors in a huge propaganda campaign to misrepresent the truth.

The truth was Zelensky's Nazi mercenaries were torturing Russian prisoners. They were castrating Russian prisoners so they couldn't have children. That was a very WEF thing to do. Then when Russia captured some Ukrainian prisoners who began to confess, Zelensky wiped out his own people the Russians had captured with white phosphorusZelensky burned them to a crisp. His own people. Just so they wouldn't confess. 

So that's where we're at. Zelensky is indeed a bad guy but he's not the only bad guy. The CIA and the bipartisan war machine are too. Let's not forget the millions of tax dollars Zelensky laundered through FTX into Joe Bden's mid terms. 

The first thing we need is a ceasefire so the Ukraine can have a real election. Something they haven't had since the coup. In the election after the coup the entire Russian half in the east of the Ukraine boycotted the election. How'd that work out for you? Not so well. When you boycott an election, the bad guy wins. 

I supported Trump because I felt he could end this unnecessary war. Trump said he was OK with the Ukraine not joining NATO. That will end the war. That was the reason it started. 

Alberta COVID-19 Pandemic Task Force Report

Canadian Citizens Care Alliance is reporting that "Led by Dr. Gary Davidson, the Alberta Task Force undertook a detailed critique of the province's response to COVID-19. Contributors to the report include CCCA members Drs. Byram Bridle, David Speicher, David Vickers, and the newly appointed Director of the US National Institutes of Health, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya." 

"Officials veered from previously established evidence-based emergency management policies. Instead, they relied on inaccurate data modelling and unproven public health interventions while ignoring scientific evidence supporting alternative therapeutics and management strategies."

This is where you can read the actual report.

The Calgary Herald is reporting that "Alberta's 'contrarian' COVID-19 review task force releases final report, including recommendation to halt vaccines." 

Contrarian means a person who opposes or rejects popular opinion. The Calgary Herald is now owned by Post Media News. This task force of medical specialists in the field contradict the WEF's false narrative the mainstream media pushes. 

Global Fake News goes far as to claim "Health experts call Alberta COVID-19 report an attempt to rewrite history." Global is also owned by Post Media News now and since that acquisition Global's credibility has collapsed. 

The article states that "The task force was chaired by Dr. Gary Davidson, a former chief of emergency medicine at Red Deer Hospital, who, during the height of the pandemic, accused the province of exaggerating COVID-19’s impact, saying the number of hospital admissions was overblown and being manipulated to justify public health restrictions."

That is a true statement. Global is quoting that statement pretending that it is false and he should be ashamed for making it. That's because Global has an agenda and a narrative. 

Omnicron was one of the subsequent mutations of the Covid 19 virus. As we know, when viruses mutate they get weaker not stronger. By the time Covid 19 mutated into Omnicron it was weaker than the seasonal flu. During the Omnicron outbreak hospitals started giving everyone admitted to the hospital a PCR test which had a 90% false positive.

They started testing more and claimed there was a rise in case numbers simply because they were testing more. Dr Alan Mordue, the virologist specialist from the UK clarified that there is no such thing as asymptomatic cases. For a case to be considered a case two things were required. Symptoms and a positive test result. One without the other was not a case. 

So Dr. Gary Davidson's statement that Global objected too was true and their contrarian article opposed the truth which once again destroys Global's credibility and reveals their narrative. If you went into the hospital for a scheduled surgery, had no Covid symptoms at all, the hospital would report that as a Covid hospitalization. As Dr. Gary Davidson said, that was misrepresenting the numbers. Yet Global is still pushing that misrepresentation.

They did the same thing with death rates. Doctors said Covid doesn't cure cancer or stop heart disease. The fact that they were attributing many deaths from cancer and heart disease to Covid shows they were misrepresenting the death rates. The same number of seniors died during Covid as they did each year before Covid. Same with the world population. 

The world's overall population did not decrease curing the pandemic. All cause mortality rates didn't rise until after the Covid Rna vaccines roll out. We never had such an increase in healthy athletes collapsing from heart problems until after the Rna Cvoid vaccine roll out. We also saw a huge increase in young men with myocarditis until after the Covid Rna vaccine roll out. That's because traditional vaccines stayed in your arm. RNA vaccines bypass the immune system and enter you organs. That's why there was an increase of myocarditis. The rna sent the live virus right into the heart. 

Rob Smith counters Don Lemon over Megyn Kelly

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Trump posts AI Video of Gaza with statue of himself


A golden statue of Donald Trump? This is CTV not Saturday Night Live. WTF? Trump did say he wants Canadian jobs. He actually said that. Border security from the north south is fake.

Listen to the freaking soundtrack to the movie promoting Trump Gaza. It's mentally ill. It's got Elon Musk partying on the beach and children dancing in a rain of money walking around with Trump balloons. All the news outlets are reporting this. 

What children? He still wants to kick all the Palestinian children out of Gaza and not bring them back. He said they won't want to come back. People can oppose this mentally deranged insanity without supporting Hamas who were created and are controlled by Mossad. Fatah is a political organization not a terrorist group. They are the ones Mossad replaced with Hamas. 

There's a new hotel with a Las Vegas Trump Gaza sign out front and a giant golden statue of Donald Trump. It looks like a Saturday night live skit where truth is stranger than fiction.

Hillary Clinton was a horrible human being. As Tulsi Gabbard said Hillary Clinton “personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long.” That was a true statement.

When Trump debated Hillary he made a funny come back when Hillary said it's a good thing someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country. Trump snapped back because you'd be in jail. It was funny because Hillary did a lot of things that were unlawful.

The Clintons used a Canada shell company to sell Putin uranium for nuclear missiles. However, the way we saw the Biden administration weaponize and abuse the department of justice for punitive partisan reasons was shameful. 

Yet one thing Hillary said was true. This is not the guy you want in charge of the nuclear codes. He has a very thin skin and lashes out at anyone who challenges him. 

We can now see that clearly. I already explained that the false claim Trump was just concerned about securing the border was a lie for two reasons. Now there's a third. 

First was the obvious. All the mass migration of illegals comes into Canada from the US, they don't go from Canada to the US. The Roxham road crossing showed that. They don't come from the Darian Gap to Canada then into the US. 

Hard drugs have always come from the US into Canada. Before pot was legalized they used to bring BC Bud into the US and exchange it for cocaine which they would then bring from the US into Canada. All the cocaine in Canada comes from the US. 

All those trucking routes that were recently busted  Canadian truckers were bringing cocaine from Mexico, through the US into Canada. Before Trump even said secure the border he said he wanted Canada to become the 51st State. That means securing the border had nothing to do with it. All the illegal unregistered guns that gangs use to use in Canada comes from the US. 

The third reason securing the border is a fake excuse is because of the 51st State quest. If Canada was to become a US State, there would be a less secure border than there is now. Borders between states and provinces are less secure than borders between countries. 

Remember when they had that cross border US policing plot? They wanted to allow armed US law enforcement onto Canada to enforce law. Whose law? Which law?  What law?

As soon as US law enforcement found out Police in Canada can be used for murderer if they kill someone wrongfully they said they wanted diplomatic status. Meaning if they killed a civilian during a roadside stop they couldn't be sued because they had diplomatic immunity. That would be insane. At the time I said that was a bad idea and it still is. Canada becoming a state allowing US law enforcement to do whatever they want in Canada would be a bad idea. 

Someone recently posted a link to a video of an Edmonton cop being a dick to a woman with a service dog. Similar to the viral video of cops taking down a peaceful citizen in Calgary during Covid. That video prompted the creation of Police on Guard. Noble Canadian law enforcement who believed in keeping their oath to defend the Charter of Rights. 

The George Floyd incident was taken out of context. US law enforcement do that to white people all the time too. When I was in New York back in the /80's we did volunteer work on the subways. We were all poor and sometimes jumped the turnstiles to get in since we were working for free. 

One time an undercover cop caught me and yelled at me to stop. I looked around, assessed the situation and complied. Afterwords my partner who was from Queens came up to me and said WTF was that? What do you mean I said.

He says I saw you. You were going to run. I said yeah I thought about it but I thought it was just going to be a ticket so who cares. Then he comes unglued and says you don;t run from a New York City cop. They will shoot you dead. I said yeah? Well I guess it's a good thing I didn't run then. We don't want that kind of law enforcement in Canada which is exactly what would happen if Canada became a state. 

ALERT bust Montreal Human Trafficker in Alberta

Meanwhile, back in the free world, the Western Standard is reporting that "A Montreal man with a history of human trafficking convictions has been arrested in Calgary and charged with multiple offences. Authorities say Kristof Dion-Pons, 26, a self-identified member of the FSO gang, was trafficking women in Calgary and Edmonton over a two-year period."

"Dion-Pons was arrested on January 30, 2025, by ALERT Calgary’s Human Trafficking unit with assistance from the Calgary Police Service." So not only does ALERT actually make drug busts they also have a human trafficking task force. BC doesn't. Ask yourself why. 

“FSO,which stands for Fly S--- Only, is a Montreal-based gang allegedly involved in human trafficking across Canada." Sounds like that crew was named after Donny. However, that's not French so it doesn't make sense. The guy raps in French.

ALERT even has a Human Trafficking First Nations Task Force. Now that is actually doing someone about the missing and murdered indigenous women. Not like Wally Opal's fake inquiry that swept it under that carpet or the MMIWG that refused to address the problem

Marilyn Poitras said "if you want to know who the problems are and how to fix them you go talk to the sex trade workers. They're going to tell you who they are. It's not a mystery. This isn't some person coming out of the blue and randomly taking women off the street. People know who they're threatened by. Let's go talk to them. We weren't doing any of those things."

This ties in with the Dianne Rock story and the Janice Shore story. Addicts who were forced into the sex trade and ended up dead because they owed money. 

Speaking of human trafficking, maybe if Brandon Herrera becomes ATF director he can look into Humaniplex. That's a human trafficking network run by Michael Kramer and the ATF. The ATF track you on that site BTW just like Epstein and P Diddy. Here's how I put that one together

IHITit's disastrous investigation of the Surrey Six

October 19th 2007 a rural gang murder occurred known as the Surrey Six. Four drug dealers were killed and two innocent bystanders were executed simply for being witnesses. That created a public outcry which resulted in this blog and website.

Not to flog a dead horse but the unprofessional manner in which IHIT conducted that investigation goes down in history as a shameful disgrace and it all revolves around  Derek Brassington. Brassington was a married RCMP investigator on that case who had an affair with a witness - Jamie Bacon's girlfriend. That's not all. He also had an affair with Denis Karbovance's girlfriend. DK was one of Jamie Bacon's bodyguards. DK ended up cooperating with the police but was upset when he heard Brassington had slept with his girlfriend. 

So it wasn't one investigator having an affair with one witness. Brassington was having threesomes with witnesses while other officers watched. We don't know if it was with DK and Jamie Bacon's GFs or other witnesses. It wasn't just Brassington. Another female witness admitted under cross examination that she and other female witnesses would often go out drinking with the IHIT investigators and engage in sexualized conversations with them. It was all consensual so that made it all OK in their minds. While they racked up overtime bills for partying with witnesses at the tax players expense. 

It wasn't just BC's IHIT. E Division was a swinger's paradise. Local RCMP members referred to the group of swingers as the FOCCers - Friends of Craig Callen. He was the commanding officer in charge of BC which is known as E Division. 

Bill Fordy was one of the Friends of Craig Callen. So was Tim Shields. There were several class action lawsuits for sexual harassment within the RCMP that were all settled out of court with gag orders. Catherine Galliford's lawsuit was separate. She settled before the others did. I didn't realize Krista Carle had committed suicide. I'm sorry to hear that. She's not the only one. So did Nicole Chan and Jasmine Thiara.

Nicole Chan was being stalked by a fellow RCMP officer she had a relationship with. Jasmine Thiara was excited about her pregnancy with one of her superiors. It's not so funny when officers actually commit suicide over this insanity. 

So inappropriate relationships and sexual harassment in the RCMP wasn't limited to the Surrey Six investigation team. It was a climate of unprofessionalism that permitted the force and it all began at Depot.  Depot was old school verbal abuse but it was also riddled with sexual relationships. 

When speaking about his time in Depot, Clinton Jaws said the women at Depot are the horniest women you'll ever meet. In Derek Brassington's cry baby affidavit he said he noticed several officers at Depot who would call home to their wife and children then have an affair at Depot. He said he thought that was inappropriate but he did the exact same thing during and actual investigation.

It turns out there was a huge problem of Depot trainers having inappropriate relationship with recruits. They turned a once noble training program into a shameful disgrace. 

Back to the Surrey Six. Since the police misconduct in the Surrey Six case was so severe they split Jamie Bacon's trial off of the others. Then everything was so delayed because of cover ups Jamie Bacon got off over trial delays and the right to a speedy trial. Since letting him off was not in the public's best interest, Jamie's conviction was upheld on appeal. 

Letting Jamie Bacon into the Witness Protection Program after all that was not only shameful but criminal. He got off because of police misconduct but the crown appealed and won. Then they threw that appeal in their face and let him off for what? Ratting out Lolo Lanski for a murder Jamie Bacon was a part of? IHIT and the CFSEU are f*cked.

Nobody likes a dirty cop. Criminals hate all cops while law biding citizens hate dirty cops so indeed, no one likes a dirty cop. Especially when they're in management.

Why aren't other media outlets talking about all this? Because it wasn't in a CSIS or RCMP press release. That's why. All they do is print whatever CSIS and the RCMP tell them.

DK cooperated with the police because Jamie Bacon tried to kill him. Jamie Bacon hired DK to commit the Surrey six. Then Jamie Bacon hired someone else to kill DK. Only they missed and he survived. There were four shooters in the Surrey Six: Matthew James Johnston, Cody Rae Haevischer, and Denis Karbovance. Jamie Bacon recruited them to do it because he tried to tax Cory Lal and Cory laughed in his face.

Jamie Bacon wasn't even there. He simply ordered the hit like he ordered the hit on DK. Then when the hit missed, Jonathon tried to convince DK it wasn't Jamie. So once again we have people who ordered a murder getting off because they rat out the people they hired. 

The only person that didn't flip was Cody. So IHIT flips everyone except for one guy. The Jamie Bacon confession audio was trying to get his other body guard, Mathew Johnston to join him in ratting out the club and cooperating with the police. Only as soon as the audio was leaked Mathew Johnston mysteriously died of cancer. Why would Jamie Bacon risk his life and his family's life to make an audio recording if he knew Mathew Johnston had terminal cancer. He wouldn't. Do the math. 

Anita Krishna on the shady disqualification of Ruby Dhalla

Ruby Dhalla is a Canadian born Sikh so the false allegations of foreign interference are absurd. Modi, the Prime Minister of India is a Hindu persecuting Sikhs and Muslims in India so she is clearly not tied to him. The allegations are once again a lie.

Jamie Bacon's Confession Audio Censored

Update: Someone posted a link to another copy of the audio

OK so let's talk about this. In my recent post about the suspicious shooting charges against Jarrod being stayed, I linked to an old blog post about an audio file I posted of Jamie Bacon trying to convince Mathew Johnston, one of his former bodyguards, to join him in the Witness Protection Program and cooperate with the police. I posted the audio on One Drive for people to download then someone else posted it on YouTube.

In that blog post, which I recently linked to, someone just posted a comment saying "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service. Learn more." I checked the link to the YouTube video of the Jamie Bacon recording and sure enough, YouTube has once again censored it and removed it from the Internet. Just like all those videos of empty hospitals during Covid. So once again YouTube has taken down true information because someone was trying to hide it from the public. Now we have Rumble, Odysee and Bitchute.

So what do we know? We know the audio was real. We all heard it. I heard it and wrote two blog posts about what he said in it. Other people heard it and made comments about what he said. Not only that but Post Media News was forced to comment on the leaked video and admitted that "In a stunning audio recording, convicted Red Scorpion leader Jamie Bacon laments gang life and says he is ready to co-operate with police and put other gangsters and killers behind bars."

So that is iron clad evidence what I said was true. If Jamie Bacon was cooperating with the police, that would have put his brother Jarrod's life at risk which made the shooting charges in Nelson highly suspicious. That's why those charges were stayed. So let's talk about who is censoring that true information from the Internet because it goes far beyond YouTube.

I had initially posted it on my Microsoft One Drive for people to download. Only that link no longer works because someone took it down from there as well. Yet I never received any notification that something I posted was taken down because it violated any rules. Not a word. Someone simply deleted it. Not only that but someone went into my Hotmail account and deleted the email with the file someone originally sent me. Imagine that. 

Perhaps when Pierre Poilievre is elected and Cameron Ortis finally gets the RCMP Commissioner job, they can look into it. Yet the very thought of that will result in another hacked election like Surrey saw last round. 

Now I realize hotmail is insecure. People were making fun of me for still using it but I didn't really care because I have nothing to hide. It was hacked and I was locked out of it for quite some time before I was able to recover the account. 

Even before that I knew someone else had access to it because key emails were deleted. After I started my blog I met a couple of cops with the OMGU at Pitt Lake. I spoke to them, told them who I was and they were aware of my blog. I started communicating with one of them who I felt was trustworthy. He seemed, young, sincere and optimistic. 

When the OMGU were disbanded he went over to IHIT. I was hopeful about that because he didn't seem to be the swinger type. I thought he was going to make a difference. It turned out he was simply a company man. When the company becomes corrupt, so does the company man. 

Before my hotmail account was hacked someone had specifically deleted email correspondence I had with him. There's only one group that would have a motive to do that. Well maybe two. IHIT and the CFSEU. 

In the same comment thread someone else posted it on file dropper but that too has been taken down. Oh the cunning plan of the evil one. 

I'm not going to bore you with drama. I'm simply going to point out that the compromised BC Gang Task force are sure going to a lot of effort to remove any trace of that Jamie Bacon confession audio from the internet. Maybe that's because they are lying about him cooperating with the police and getting special favors in return. Accepting Jamie Bacon into the Witness Protection Program was the final nail in IHIT's coffin of incompetence in dealing with the Surrey Six investigation which I will itemize in another post.

I have since moved over to protonmail which I thought was more secure. I haven't been locked out of it yet but I doubt anything is secure. All the encrypted cell phone companies are run by the FBI. We learned in the Camron Ortis case that the encrypted email server Tutanota was a FBI honeypot. I wouldn't be surprised if protonmail was too.

On a matter of personal privilege I will emphasize that if Jamie Bacon is cooperating with the police the Hells Angels are well aware of that fact. They're just trying to hide that fact from the public to reduce backlash and a financial audit. The same with Blaze and the Murphey Twins. The people the Murphy Twins testified agaisnt know it was them testifying. I didn't know about them until a guy who knows UN guys told me. He got it from the UN so the UN was well aware of who they were and what they were doing. 

Which brings us back to the Conor D'Monte trial. There were two shooters. One was much bigger than the other. That was K9. Cory Vallee and Connor D'Monte are the same size. It was one of them not both. IHITit don't care. They will waste millions of more tax dollars for a false punitive conviction with lying informants like Blaze and the rat pack to make it look like they're doing something when we can all see they're not.

Canada's American soccer coach tells Trump to lay off 'ridiculous rhetoric' of Canada as a 51st state

MSN is reporting that "Canada soccer coach Jesse Marsch waded into politics Wednesday, telling United States President Donald Trump to "lay off the ridiculous rhetoric about Canada being a 51st state." The 51-year-old Marsch, a former U.S. international who was born in Racine, Wisc., made his comments at a CONCACAF news conference at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, Calif., the site of next month's CONCACAF Nations League Finals featuring Canada, the U.S., Mexico and Panama."

"He was asked about the recent Four Nations Face-Off hockey final between Canada and the U.S. and, as an American coaching the Canadian men's team, how comfortable was he with "all this political stuff happening right now." "As an American, I'm ashamed of the arrogance and disregard that we've shown one of our historically oldest, strongest and most loyal allies," Marsch said. 

"But one thing's for sure, when I look forward to a month from now, I know that this will fuel our team — the mentality we have, the will we have to play for our country, the desire we have to go after this tournament in every way and to show on and off the pitch exactly what Canadian character is."

I told you the American soccer coach for Team Canada was awesome.