Update: Someone posted a link to another copy of the audio
OK so let's talk about this. In my recent post about the suspicious shooting charges against Jarrod being stayed, I linked to an old blog post about an audio file I posted of Jamie Bacon trying to convince Mathew Johnston, one of his former bodyguards, to join him in the Witness Protection Program and cooperate with the police. I posted the audio on One Drive for people to download then someone else posted it on YouTube.
In that blog post, which I recently linked to, someone just posted a comment saying "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service. Learn more." I checked the link to the YouTube video of the Jamie Bacon recording and sure enough, YouTube has once again censored it and removed it from the Internet. Just like all those videos of empty hospitals during Covid. So once again YouTube has taken down true information because someone was trying to hide it from the public. Now we have Rumble, Odysee and Bitchute.
So what do we know? We know the audio was real. We all heard it. I heard it and wrote two blog posts about what he said in it. Other people heard it and made comments about what he said. Not only that but Post Media News was forced to comment on the leaked video and admitted that "In a stunning audio recording, convicted Red Scorpion leader Jamie Bacon laments gang life and says he is ready to co-operate with police and put other gangsters and killers behind bars."
So that is iron clad evidence what I said was true. If Jamie Bacon was cooperating with the police, that would have put his brother Jarrod's life at risk which made the shooting charges in Nelson highly suspicious. That's why those charges were stayed. So let's talk about who is censoring that true information from the Internet because it goes far beyond YouTube.
I had initially posted it on my Microsoft One Drive for people to download. Only that link no longer works because someone took it down from there as well. Yet I never received any notification that something I posted was taken down because it violated any rules. Not a word. Someone simply deleted it. Not only that but someone went into my Hotmail account and deleted the email with the file someone originally sent me. Imagine that.
Perhaps when Pierre Poilievre is elected and Cameron Ortis finally gets the RCMP Commissioner job, they can look into it. Yet the very thought of that will result in another hacked election like Surrey saw last round.
Now I realize hotmail is insecure. People were making fun of me for still using it but I didn't really care because I have nothing to hide. It was hacked and I was locked out of it for quite some time before I was able to recover the account.
Even before that I knew someone else had access to it because key emails were deleted. After I started my blog I met a couple of cops with the OMGU at Pitt Lake. I spoke to them, told them who I was and they were aware of my blog. I started communicating with one of them who I felt was trustworthy. He seemed, young, sincere and optimistic.
When the OMGU were disbanded he went over to IHIT. I was hopeful about that because he didn't seem to be the swinger type. I thought he was going to make a difference. It turned out he was simply a company man. When the company becomes corrupt, so does the company man.
Before my hotmail account was hacked someone had specifically deleted email correspondence I had with him. There's only one group that would have a motive to do that. Well maybe two. IHIT and the CFSEU.
In the same comment thread someone else posted it on file dropper but that too has been taken down. Oh the cunning plan of the evil one.
I'm not going to bore you with drama. I'm simply going to point out that the compromised BC Gang Task force are sure going to a lot of effort to remove any trace of that Jamie Bacon confession audio from the internet. Maybe that's because they are lying about him cooperating with the police and getting special favors in return. Accepting Jamie Bacon into the Witness Protection Program was the final nail in IHIT's coffin of incompetence in dealing with the Surrey Six investigation which I will itemize in another post.
I have since moved over to protonmail which I thought was more secure. I haven't been locked out of it yet but I doubt anything is secure. All the encrypted cell phone companies are run by the FBI. We learned in the Camron Ortis case that the encrypted email server Tutanota was a FBI honeypot. I wouldn't be surprised if protonmail was too.
On a matter of personal privilege I will emphasize that if Jamie Bacon is cooperating with the police the Hells Angels are well aware of that fact. They're just trying to hide that fact from the public to reduce backlash and a financial audit. The same with Blaze and the Murphey Twins. The people the Murphy Twins testified agaisnt know it was them testifying. I didn't know about them until a guy who knows UN guys told me. He got it from the UN so the UN was well aware of who they were and what they were doing.
Which brings us back to the Conor D'Monte trial. There were two shooters. One was much bigger than the other. That was K9. Cory Vallee and Connor D'Monte are the same size. It was one of them not both. IHITit don't care. They will waste millions of more tax dollars for a false punitive conviction with lying informants like Blaze and the rat pack to make it look like they're doing something when we can all see they're not.