Sunday, April 21, 2024

Vaisakhi in Surrey is a big deal

CTV is reporting that "Hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Surrey on Saturday to participate in the annual Khalsa Day Vaisakhi Parade, which organizers say is the largest celebration of the Sikh event in the world. It’s estimated more than 550,000 people attended the parade, which began in the morning at the Gurdwara Sahib Dasmesh Darbar on 85 avenue and lasted throughout the day. On display were floats, live music, and dancing. Vendors also offered free vegetarian food along the route, as seva, or selfless service in the Sikh faith."

There are a lot of good principles in the Sikh religion. Religion encourages bad men to be good and good men to be better. There's no reason to ban that. We have a big screen TV at work for announcements. One of the pictures that shuffled through were the 5 Ks of Sikhism.

I'm all for religious freedom and educating people about the various religions breaks down barriers of prejudice based on ignorance. At first I was kind of like WTF? If that was talking about the Christian religion people would be losing their sh*t. I'm not saying they shouldn't be talking about it because education is good. I just think the double standard is amusing but ride on soulja.

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