Thursday, April 25, 2024

Gangsters, Soldiers and Freedom Fighters

OK let's put the last 15 years of blogging about the Vancouver gang wars into perspective. When I first started the blog it was right after I launched gangsters It was a result of the public outcry over the Surrey Six. Doing outrageous things creates public anger causing the politicians and the police to respond. This is why the Hells Angels normally like to keep a low profile.

When I started the blog the term gangster was common. Everybody wanted to be a gangster. The term gangster became synonymous with being cool. People would be like What's up G? Back in New York durring the /80's it was all bro this, bro that. They'd be like What's up B?

After the Surrey Six a lot more information started to come forward and people began to see the life for what it really was. The gang life was outed or exposed so it was. It was all about selfishness, greed and betrayal. People quickly stopped admiring that. For a while I replaced the term gangster with the term soldier. Soldiers were admirable. Gangsters were not.

A soldier risks his life to save others. That's admirable. That's a role model. Soon times changed again. Covid hit and the government over reach was shocking. The fall of the media became obvious. The Agenda was revealed and that agenda was not admirable.

For years we've seen oil wars and false flag attacks rationalizing greed eroding civil liberty. Soldiers were supposed to protect civil liberty not rob it. Blackwater is not admirable. Mercenaries are not role models. Now we're all about patriots and freedom fighters. That is admirable.
Edward Snowden is a patriot. Donald Trump didn't pardon him. Instead he pardoned four Blackwater members guilty of massacring civilians in Iraq. Donald Trump is not flawless. Every politician needs to be accountable. These private contractors are a bad idea. The recent Wanger mutiny is a prime example. Mercenaries will betray you as soon as someone else offers them more money. That is not noble. These are the clone soldiers in Star Wars that became Storm Troopers. George Lucas saw it. Erik Prince of Darkness is a bad man. He is NWO.

I saw a bumper sticker today that said Justin Trudeau has got to go. Indeed he does. That is the first step forward. That's a better slogan than F Trudeau. I will vote for Pierre Poilievre but I am concerned about his blind endorsement for the manufactured war in the Ukraine and for his blind endorsement of Netanyahu. Netanyahu is a globalist. If Klaus Schwab is bad so is Netanyahu. Killing aid workers and starving civilians is not acceptable. Ignoring all the mass protests of Jews in Israel is suspicious. They are not antisemitic. They have valid concerns. Poilievre supports NATO. NATO expansion provokes conflcit. NATO supports the UN's NWO.


  1. Hypothetically speaking, if there was a civil war in Canada right now or soon how do you think certain organized crime groups posture in that time? Do they publicly support a people's resistance for freedom, not-so-publicly support a government in taking our freedoms; or stick to themselves, preserve resources and wait for the dust to settle before making a move to seize more control?

    1. That's a very good question. When you look at the big picture it's certainly worth considering. Although you will always find individuals willing to sell everyone else out as long as there is something in it for them, I think by far the majority of the rank and file MC members would very much support a people's resistance for freedom.

      The original Easy Rider allure that draws people into the MC movement was all about freedom, anti establishment and anti police state. I think that's why the intelligence agencies fear them and try to use them and ban them. For example, by getting them to sell the CIA's drugs the CIA can at any time roll on them and have them all banned collectively while they continue to use individuals to sell drugs. The whole freedom to move and right to organize is a big part of the MC ideology.

    2. I think your analysis is based on the membership of 30 years ago.
      These modern day mofo's would sell their sister to pay their truck payment.

    3. Yes but in the great scheme of things, they all want to be the Elite but they can't all be. So the Elite will do what they do. They will promise them the moon then betray them when they are finished with them. As you say, the news kids don't even ride.

    4. Personally. In any sort of meaningful shtf. Civil war included. Organized crime groups will in my opinion side with whoever better suits their interests. Plain and simple. Sure some may fall back on values of freedom of individualism. But most will likely see it for what it is, a power vacuum, and use their strengths to their advantages and support whoever provides them with the most power and security.

    5. Probably. I just don't see the HAs ever supporting Justin Trudeau. However, the CIA did team up with the Mafia in their fake tempt to stop Cuba in Operation Mongoose.

    6. As well as "operation 40 " in Mexico city 1963

  2. The gangs in Canada are not even close to being unified in case the years of bloodshed haven’t been a strong enough indication of that. There was an attempt many years ago to build a super gang alliance, and that attempt failed due to people being snakes. That’s a good thing though, Canada does not need to become like Mexico when it comes to criminal behaviour. The idea that a civil war, or a revolution, would cause the gangs to become united around any singular cause, or moral stand point, is laughable. Some guys may choose a side based upon some ideological standpoint, but many others would be self-serving. Like flags in the wind, they will side with whoever best serves their own interests, and whoever they think will win. Regardless, let’s hope such a thing doesn’t play out in Canada. At the end of the day, I really do not think that a civil war (or revolution) will happen here, unless it happens in the US first. If the US can’t get it together, North America is really quite screwed. I do think that we’ll be okay though. It’s certainly interesting times that we are living in. There’s a lot of tension, there are a lot of issues being discussed openly, and there is violence taking place in other regions of the world. I do think that there are enough smart people in Can/USA to keep a lid on things though. The last thing that we need in North America is for any of us to give up on being nations that seek to set the best examples of what strong, and morally accountable democracies can do for the people, and for the world.

    1. Canada wasn't born in the rocket's red glare. Canada became Canada through a patient and persistent devotion to law and order. The Blackwater snakes are worse than the HA snakes. We need to see that so we can identify the enemy within and protect the principles within the Constitution and the Charter of Rights from all enemies both foreign and domestic.

  3. You think of us and the States as being separate, and we are, but in one very important way we are not. We are both targets of the globalist billionaire class of the WEF, and the top echelons of both our systems are populated by these kinds of people.

    1. The same with Israel. Wherever there is good, evil strives to infiltrate it. Israel is led by a globalist like Justin Trudeau who supports vaccine mandates and lock downs. He was caught giving infertility drugs to immigrants disguised as a tetanus vaccine and guess what, he supports electronic voting.

  4. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck, and much as I hate it to be this way, Bibi sold out. "Birds of a feather".


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