Friday, February 21, 2020

Hillary Clinton interfering with Democratic nomination

Will Hillary Clinton please get a life and STFU. The Washington Post is reporting that "U.S. officials have told Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign as part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic contest, according to people familiar with the matter." OMFG. Hillary Clinton is the source of this nonsense.

Everyone who disagrees with her is working for the Russians. That is ridiculous. Hillary Clinton was the one that sold Russia weapons grade Uranium for nuclear missiles. STFU for God's sake.

Victoria PD Sexual Misconduct cover up

I Heart Radio is reporting that "The Police Complaints Commissioner has ordered a public hearing into allegations of sexual misconduct by an off duty member of the Victoria Police Department. After an independent investigation was carried out by the Vancouver Police Department -- and the Commissioner then referred the matter to a retired judge for review."

"However the Complainant requested a public hearing as material witnesses weren't given the chance to testify at the proceeding. The Commissioner has now decided it's in the public interest to hold a Public Hearing. Retired Supreme Court Justice Wally Oppal has been appointed to preside over the hearing. No date has been set."

Wally Oppal? AYFKM? That clown should be in jail.

Recalling Wally Oppal

Spotlight on the Pickton Inquiry

Wally Oppal mocks rape victim on tape

Wally Oppal moonlights in Slasher Movie

Thursday, February 20, 2020

New Brunswick drug bust

The RCMP is reporting that "On February 20, Alain Simplice Bweso appeared in Moncton Provincial Court, and was charged with one count of possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking. He was remanded into custody and is scheduled to return to court on February 24, for a bail hearing." Alain Simplice Bweso was shot outside a nightclub October 2019.

Allan Bweso faced cocaine trafficking charges back in 2012.

Green Justice calls Canadian Rangers to Keep the Peace

Although Justin Trudeau has dropped the ball in the Natural Gas dispute, there is still time for him to make a recovery. He can still pick the ball up and run with it. Not taking counsel from Andrew Sheer was undemocratic. In the last election Andrew Sheer received 230,000 more votes than Justin Trudeau did. Ignoring the democratic will of Canadians is just like ignoring the democratic will of the Wet'suwet'en members. It is a bad precedent for everyone.

In the last election I voted for Andrew Sheer because he was the voice of reason within a circus side show of extremism. Jagmeet Singh lost all the gains Thomas Mulcair had earned for the NDP in the previous election because of his extremism. When you listen to his position on the issues, Jagmeet Singh is so far left he is in the realm of intergalactic space.

Jagmeet Singh wants to legalize all drugs. That is completely insane and totally irresponsible. That is not what the Sikh religion teaches. Jagmeet Singh supports anarchy and lawlessness. That is not what the Sikh religion teaches. Jagmeet Singh wants to trample the rights of the Wet’suwet’en members and aid their continued oppression by a dictatorship that refuses to relinquish power or listen to their concerns. The Sikh religion has always opposed oppression.

In Surrey, Tom Gill betrayed the Sikh community by railroading a mega casino they opposed. He was not reelected. Jack Hundial broke his campaign promise and is going against the will of the Surrey Temple leaders. What do you think is going to happen to him next election? The same thing that will happen to Justin Trudeau if he listens to Jagmeet Singh.

We need to uphold law and order. We need to support the members of the Wet'suwet'en reservation and help stop their oppression by a dictatorship that refuses to listen to them. So this is what we do. We pull the RCMP out and replace them with Canadian Rangers to keep the peace on the Natural Gas Pipeline. The northern Rangers are mostly Inuit.

Canadian Rangers in an organization within the Canadian Armed Forces created to provide a paramilitary presence in the North of Canada and in other remote areas using mainly local aboriginal populations. They are created to respond to domestic operations. The 4th Canadian Ranger Patrol Group provides patrols for national-security and public-safety missions in sparsely populated, coastal and isolated areas of Western Canada. Protecting the Wet'suwet'en people from abuse and oppression is what they were created to do.

We all remember Pierre the Lion Heart. Now we are faced with Justin the Clown Heart. History has recorded that but it's not too late to change history. F*ck fate. Grow some balls and do what's right. Make Daddy proud. Right now he is not impressed. Even your own father disagrees with you. You dropped the ball. That's OK. We'll forgive you IF you pick the ball up and run with it. Send in the Canadian Rangers. That is the right thing to do.

The National Post is reporting that "A blockade set up on a Canadian National rail line on the western edge of Edmonton in support of Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs was being dismantled - at least temporarily - Wednesday after a handful of counter-protesters showed up.

CTV is reporting that "Edmonton's top cop says his force will uphold the law if there are more CN Rail line blockades in the city but added no one would tell his police force how to do that. A judge granted the freight company a 30-day injunction throughout Alberta Wednesday after a demonstration and counter protest took place on its line west of Edmonton. Edmonton Police Service monitored the action, and said it had been ready to assist CN Rail Police, if required."

"There's the right to protest, but there's also a right to go to work," McFee told media Thursday. "I think we've got to balance that and make the right decision at the right time based on each situation." The Edmonton Police chief has it right. Perhaps we should arrest Justin Trudeau for refusing to uphold the law. Or at least sue him and the blockade for cost and damages.

Premiers tell Trudeau patience is wearing thin with blockades

No kidding. Counter Protesters removing blockades is the natural consequence to Justin the Clown heart's weak kneed response to lawlessness. If Justin Trudeau won't enforce the law, we will. It becomes a civic duty. Justin Trudeau should be in jail for refusing to enforce the law. We can sue him and the blockade for costs and damages in a civil court.

Update: Junior says it's time for the blockades to come down. Finally!

The Canadian Press is reporting that " Protesters have left a site south of Montreal where they had been blockading railway tracks since Wednesday. The end of the blockade follows the arrival this afternoon of riot police dispatched to enforce an injunction ordering protesters off Canadian National Railway tracks in St-Lambert, Que." Enforce the law. It's that simple.

Lindsay Buziak petition on CTV during the 6:00 News

Jeff Buziak is reporting that "CTV News Vancouver Island will have a feature at 6:00 on Lindsay‘s unsolved murder and the petition to have it removed from Saanich police and turned over to a more capable authority. Please Watch, Please share this post. Please sign the petition. Thank you! Chris Horsley is in a conflict of interest and should not be in charge of that file.

CTV has posted the video clip of the news report

The Peace Arch News is reporting that "An online petition to have a B.C. murder case turned over to a new police agency garnered more than 1,000 signatures in less than 24 hours. The petition, started by Indiana woman Ashley Turner, is directed to Mike Farnworth, B.C.’s solicitor general and minister of public safety." Tragically Mike Farnworth dropped the ball which is a colossal disappointment. We expected more from him. Especially given the flaming conflict of interest.

Boy Scouts of America files for bankruptcy amid wave of potential lawsuits

The Washington Post is reporting that "Facing a wave of lawsuits over allegations of sexual abuse, the Boy Scouts of America has filed for bankruptcy. The long-anticipated Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing will allow the Boy Scouts to keep operating as it reorganizes its finances and handles claims from hundreds of potential victims. It will also give alleged victims a limited amount of time to come forward before being barred indefinitely from seeking compensation."

That is tragic. Tragic the sexual abuse happened and tragic the Boy Scouts are falling apart. That was a good organization. A lot of groups used the Chief Scout / Eagle Scout program as a model to keep young men anxiously engages in a good cause. Likewise the Roman Catholic Church is a good thing. The prevalence of sexual assault within that clergy is both great and abominable. Nevertheless it shows that bad can infiltrate good organization. Churches, scouting, even hockey coaches have been found to sexually assault kids. That is horrific yet hockey itself is not bad.

Jamie Bacon retrial set for March 3rd 2020

The Peace Arch News is reporting that "A new trial date has been set for Jamie pigsh*t Bacon after his last one ended in a mistrial in March 2019. Bacon is is facing one count of counselling to commit the murder of Dennis Karbovanec. The trial is set to start on March 3 at B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver and is expected to run for three months. Bacon has been in custody since April 3, 2009." That whole mistrial was yet another farce. The UN did not hire a Bacon brother associate to shoot DK, Jamie Bacon did because he's a f*ck up.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

VPD Drug Bust

Global is reporting that the Vancouver Police Department stumbled upon a large cocaine bust in Vancovuer responding to a call of two men in medical distress. “Officers located and seized multiple bricks believed to be cocaine, cash, approximately three gallons of an unknown liquid, and several ounces of a substance believed to be MDMA. The estimated street value of the drugs is several million dollars.” It'd be nice to know the quantity of drugs seized.

Clay Roueche Art Prints now available online

Clay Roueche's associate has a myshopify account set up where people can order some of Clay's art prints online. Blue Lotus in Guildford has some of the originals for sale but for people who aren't local you can now order prints online. That is freaking awesome. This is very positive and I totally endorse it. Roueche Blend Artworks also has an Instagram account and a Facebook account set up but the store is on myshopify so it is.

Clay Roueche's personal web site is still up and running. That has his recent interview with the legendary Dennis "The Terminator" Alexio on it. The Goose is out yo. Clay is still moving forward.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Justin Trudeau drops the ball on illegal blockades

I saw Justin Trudeau's throne speech in the House of Commons addressing the unlawful blockades and it made me want to throw up. Justin Trudeau does not have it right but there is still time for him to get it right if he follows in his father's footsteps and grows a pair.

Junior went on and on about how we don't want to interfere with anyone's right to protest. AYFKM? No one is suggesting that. The freedom of speech is a crucial element of a democratic society. People have every right to stand with a sign and say I disagree. They don't have the right to break the law and infringe on other people's rights. Blockades are not lawful assembly.

Think about it. What happens when a parent tells a child not to do something or else. Then when the child tests the boundaries to see what or else means, nothing happens. That empowers the child's misbehavior. If someone is robbing a bank, you don't say let's sit down and talk about how you feel. You arrest them for breaking the law and robbing the bank.

Justin Trudeau mentioned the Mohawk Nation. Mohawks aren't from BC. They have absolutely nothing to do with this. The conflict is whether or not they should build a natural gas pipeline to Kitimat. All the First Nation tribes along the route have agreed to it. One family from one tribe disagrees with the decision of the rest of their tribe. I understand the hereditary chief's concern. They don't want to give up power. However, we need to ask ourselves why the hereditary chiefs oppose what the rest of their band wants. Maybe that's why their band elected a new chief.

In the interest of self preservation, Junior needs to look at the facts and balance the extremes. The time for negotiation is over because the bandits are refusing to compromise. Natural gas is a huge step forward for the environment. If Germany shuts down some of it's industrial coal plants and replaces them with natural gas, that would have an incredible impact on Europe's air quality. The same with China. If China uses natural gas to get off the coal, then the world will be a far better place. The nutbar extremists refuse to recognize that. They will protest anything and everything because that is what they do. Those people don't vote Liberal, they vote Green.

Likewise, there is no negotiating with Jason Kenny. The guy is an a*shole and doesn't give a sh*t about the environment. His supporters don't vote Liberal, they vote Conservative. So Justin Trudeau has nothing to lose and everything to gain by implementing binding arbitration. After all, that's how we got the Charter of Rights. That was his father's binding arbitration to keep the country together. In fact, let's quote Junior's father in a more serious crisis:

"There's a lot of bleeding hearts around that just don't like to see people with helmets and guns. All I can say is go on and bleed but it's more important to keep law and order in this society then to be worried about weak kneed people who don't like the looks of a soldier's helmet." I agree.

"Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer said Trudeau's call for more talks with the protesters has emboldened radical activists who are intent on holding the Canadian economy hostage." That is very true. Don't forget, in the last election, Justin Trudeau received 33.0% of the vote while Andrew Sheer received 34.4% of the vote. I support law and order.

White privilege, brown privilege, red privilege. There should be No privilege. All people are equal regardless of race, color, creed or hereditary title. We support democracies not dictatorships.

On blockades, Justin Trudeau is weak and spineless - even for him

Trudeau speech on rail blockades weakest response to national crisis in Canadian history

Maybe we can find a blue pill for Justin Trudeau's weak kneed erectile dysfunction.

Wet'suwet'en members speak in favour of Coastal GasLink pipeline

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "Around 200 Wet’suwet’en members attended a meeting in northern B.C. on Wednesday afternoon to show their support for the controversial Coastal GasLink pipeline being built through their territory. The first speaker at the event in Houston was Russell Tiljoe, a man in his 80s with 10 children whose father was a hereditary chief in the Beaver clan. Tiljoe said he attended the meeting, organized by the Kitimat-based pro-LNG group The North Matters, because he believed in employment."

Shepherd said Williams and Huson were not listening to clan members. “It really makes me sad that our elders and our hereditaries cannot speak because only the select few are allowed and I really don’t believe in that,”

“People are starting to speak the truth about what they feel,” Shephard said. “People want to work. The chiefs are supposed to talk to the clans and the clans are supposed to make the decisions. It’s not going that way.”

“These protesters are getting one side of the story,” he said. “They want to stand up with their fists in the air, but I say come and listen to us and get the other side of the story before you go out there and stop traffic and stop the railroad. All you are doing is alienating our people who are trying to put a roof over their heads and food on the table.”