Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Vancouver senior dies after violent home invasion

The Vancovuer Sun is reporting that "Two men have been charged in the killing of a 78-year-old woman after a violent home invasion. Vancouver Police said Pascal Bouthilette, 41, has been charged with second-degree murder, while Sandy Parisian, 47, has been charged with manslaughter. On Sunday morning, Usha Singh was found badly injured inside her home near Queen Elizabeth Park after she was allegedly attacked by two men who gained entry by Rape camp relocated. posing as police, Vancouver Police Sgt. Steve Addison said Wednesday."

"Singh was taken to hospital with grave injuries, but died Tuesday. Addison said police arrested the two suspects in east Vancouver Tuesday. Parisian was taken into custody near Strathcona Park with help from a police dog. VPD investigators also executed a search warrant in Strathcona Park, where they encountered a volatile and hostile crowd of about 50 people. The park has been the site of a homeless camp since June." Parisian lives in a tent at the park.

That is the Oppenheimer Park Rape Camp relocated. It needs to be disbanded. It is not advocating for homeless it is advocating for crime and violence. Glenda Luymes used to be with the Vancouver Province. Now she writes for both papers. Glenda is a good person.

Monday, February 1, 2021

New Task force in Lindsay Buziak murder investigation

The Vancovuer Sun is reporitng that " Investigators from the U.S. have joined a new team taking a fresh look at the unsolved homicide of Victoria real estate agent Lindsay Buziak, and police say there’s movement in the 13-year-old case. Buziak was 24 when she was fatally stabbed (more than 40 times.) while showing a property in Saanich on Feb. 2, 2008." It was not a gang hit.

"Saanich police Const. Markus Anastasiades says the new team includes representatives from the FBI, as well as continued support from the RCMP. In a statement released Sunday, he says technology developed since Buziak’s death has highlighted additional leads and forensic evidence. He says officers are again speaking to all possible suspects."

No they're not. Chris Horsely exonerated the Zailos from day one. The prime suspects are not even being considered. Chris Horsely is in a conflict of interest. What's bringing in the FBI going to do? Are you going to pretend that the murders and the co-conspirators are not living in Victoria? It's cruel to lie and pretend the Saanich PD are trying to solve this case. We can tell you who did it and who was behind it. We can also tell you who needs to be taken off the case.
The press release about the *new* task force was an offensive publicity stunt the day before the anniversary of the murder when her father is in town raising public awareness about the case. If SPD is on the case, nothing is being done. If Chris Horsley is on the case, nothing is being done. That is the truth. It's time to merge Saanich PD with Victoria PD and hand over the file.

Michael Alexander Ross and Naseem Mohammad

Sounds like Michael Alexander Ross is going to pull a Micheal Kramer and do a Rick Roll on Naseem Mohammed aka Certi 2 or Lil Man. This is how the cub pack operates. They testify against someone they hired to commit a murder while IHIT and the compromised BC GTF eats it up. This lets the ring leaders continue to do business while they were the ones that created the violence. IHIT don't care because they get a conviction.

Naseem is the connection between the Brother's Keepers and the Driftwood Crips here in Vancouver. He has a BK tat on his chest. The Hells Angels hired him and now they are going to testify against him for doing what they hired him to do because that's the way they roll.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Surrey RCMP Whistleblower set up and hung to dry

Global is reporting that "A member of the Surrey RCMP has been arrested and faces possible criminal charges. Sources have told Global News that the constable was taken into custody earlier this week, after he was discovered inside a vehicle with known gang associates."

What? He was caught with the Surrey Six killers in the Witness Protection Program?

Dr Kim is reporitng that "RCMP E Division spokesperson Dawn Roberts confirmed the probationary member with less than two years experience has been removed from operations and suspended. She would not provide more details of the investigation except to say it was not being done by Surrey RCMP, but by another unit." They're all Post Media News.

The whole GTF is compromised not just one person. Is this a smoke and mirrors operation to distract us from the fact that the Surrey Six killers are being paid to testify against rivals?

Maybe he was trying to recruit them for the rat out your rivals program? Oh they were the wrong rivals. I see. They only want people who will testify against Hells Angels rivals. Was he trying to bust the Hells Angels associates selling drugs out of Shakerz? Oh he's not allowed to do that. The corruption in IHIT and the BC CFSEU is not from the ground up, it's from the top down.

Hodge Twins discus GameStop and Reddit

Hedge funds making money when companies fail does not benefit the economy. Now they are censoring a reddit ap because they were helping a company succeed and hedge funds were losing money . Big tech censorship is always bad. Vultures and Vampires Suck.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Surrey Six killers convictions set aside

Dr Kim is reporting that "This was a bit of a surprise ruling in the B.C. Court of Appeal Thursday. I was the only reporter inside Courtroom 70 when Justice Joyce Dewitt-Van Oosten read a very brief statement that said killers Cody Haevischer and Matthew Johnston have had their convictions set aside, even though the court also upheld the 2014 guilty verdict against them. So what does this mean? Well of course, we haven’t seen full reasons for this decision and likely never will do to the fact that part of the appeal was heard in secret." Heard in secret?!

This ties in with the new news I said I had but didn't want to report on it until it was confirmed. I had heard that Jamie Bacon had cut a deal and that new fentanyl charges were being raised against him so he fired his lawyer and hired the Bobbsey twins' lawyer.

Do you know what that means? If that is true, it means that Jamie Bacon has agreed to cooperate with the police and has entered the Witness Protection Program with Blaze in the Rat Pack to testify against rivals on the tax payers dime. It means the new charges are fake. If that is true, that is the biggest betrayal of public trust this province has ever seen.

I wanted to hold back on reporting it for two reasons. It was unconfirmed and it would kill Eileen Mohan. However, this news about Cody Haevischer and Matthew Johnston already has and she deserves to know why. This new deal held in secret is abominable. It is reminiscent of the Bobbsey twins deal before they started cooperating with the police.

The only way this could be a good thing is if they were testifying against the people who hired them to commit the Surrey Six murder for the Hells Angels. Yet if Jamie Bacon has retained the Bobbsey twins' lawyer and has joined the rat pack with Blaze, I think that is highly unlikely. It looks like more help for the Hells Angels monopoly on the drug trade at the tax payers expense.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Yet another fatal shooting in Langley

The Peace Arch News is reporitng that "Two men in their 20s were shot in Langley City just before midnight on Tuesday, one was pronounced dead at the scene while the other was taken to hospital and is expected to survive his injuries. RCMP were called to the area of 207 Street and 53A Avenue around 11:30 p.m. where a 22-year-old man was found shot and killed in a vehicle while another man suffered gun shot wounds."

A dark truck filmed in the shooting was found burned out in Surrey. Dr Kim has identified the victim as Arshdeep Singh. I still haven't heard the name of the victim in the January 21st fatal shooting in Langley. As I previously reported, The Hells Angels have hired the Driftwood Crips from Toronto to eliminate the Kang group in Metro Vancouver just like they hired the Brothers Keepers to bring more violence to Surrey. They brought in the Driftwood Crips after the Edmonton Angels killed Ali in Surrey and the Crown dropped the charges.

Tulsi Gabbard understands her oath

Russia Lifts Covid19 Restrictions

Principia Scientific is reporting that "Going Against The Paranoia Of Western Governments, Vladimir Putin Announced Today The Return To Normal In Russia."

So Russia returns to normal. Wuhan is throwing pool parties and dance parties while the WHO admits that the Covid levels in their test were wrong yet Global television has a fake doctor on preparing for mass casualties. What part of stupid is so hard to understand?

Thursday, January 28, 2021

China’s Global Threat to Human Rights

Human Rights Watch is reporting that "China’s government sees human rights as an existential threat. Its reaction could pose an existential threat to the rights of people worldwide. At home, the Chinese Communist Party, worried that permitting political freedom would jeopardize its grasp on power, has constructed an Orwellian high-tech surveillance state and a sophisticated internet censorship system to monitor and suppress public criticism. Abroad, it uses its growing economic clout to silence critics and to carry out the most intense attack on the global system for enforcing human rights since that system began to emerge in the mid-20th century."

Trouble in Tibet. This is why they want gun control. These are the people that control Global Television and our main stream media. It is time to wake up and smell the coffee.
Falun Info is reporting that "For more than a decade, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been systematically killing innocent people on a large scale, and extracting their vital organs to fuel a multi-billion dollar organ transplant industry. A vast majority of the victims are Falun Gong practitioners, who have been detained by the CCP simply because of their faith."