Monday, June 24, 2013

Air India bombing and CSIS

This CBC documentary sheds some significant light on who helped the Air India bombers get away with murder. It was CSIS. CSIS knew who the suspects were as soon as the bombing occurred because they had them under surveillance and were wire tapping their telephones.

After the bombing, they erased all the tapes and wouldn’t let the RCMP have them for the trial. RCMP Investigators thought CSIS were trying to hide the fact that they had an informer inside the bomb plot and they named Surjan Singh Gill a leader of the plot who backed out at the last minute. Investigators thought CSIS pulled him out so they wouldn’t be implicated in the attack. June 2, 2003 Opposition MPs called for an inquiry into those allegations. A Globe and Mail article from 2003 details how Gill delivered the bombs that were used in the attack.

Clearly CSIS is the biggest threat to national security we have. Since they were found negligent in destroying evidence in the worst terrorist attack in Canadian history, can we ever believe a word that comes out of their mouth? Especially when they are once again fabricating attacks to justify their increased budget. CSIS need to be charged since they provided the explosives.

Surrey Hindu temple vandalized by Sikhs

Update: Back in India the Hindhus were responsible for the Sikh genocide. They're also wiping out the Muslims. There's past history here that we need to leave behind.

When I first read that a temple was vandalized in Surrey, I assumed it was a Sikh temple. Not so. Turns out it was a Hindu temple and surveillance video footage shows what appears to be two Indo Canadian male suspects. They even left a baseball bat with a Sikh logo on it to leave their message of hate. The police refer to it as public mischief but community members are calling it a hate crime and rightly so.

Just after that twisted billboard of hate springs up to preach intolerance here. The billboard was of an older Sikh man with his turban removed being kicked by police. One local terrorist claims that Sikh genocide is a Canadian issue. He forgot to mention the fact that the reason they were kicking him is because they had just murdered Gandhi. Not the original, a subsequent prime minister of the same name. The Air India bombing is a Canadian issue.

Obviously mistreating an elderly man is unacceptable. Yet so is the ridiculous claim calling it a genocide pretending they weren’t equally to blame for the conflict. I’m not saying either side is right. I’m saying there is no place for that kind of hate and intolerance here. It’s like a similar case here in Canada involving two people from Northern Ireland.

A local originally from Northern Ireland meets another person from the Northern here in Canada. So where are you from they ask? Knowing that if they tell them exactly where they’re from it would reveal what side of their conflict they were affiliated with. The person chose not to answer so they pursued the matter. No really, where are you from? The person just turned to them and said, you know, I really left all that behind. Nobody wants anything to do with the old conflicts here. Well said. Likewise nobody here wants anything to do with the hate and intolerance that went on back in India many years ago. Terrorists calling it a genocide is really offensive.

A couple days ago I was waiting in a line at a shop in Surrey. An Indo Canadian mother in front of me wore a black headpiece like the younger men wear before their full turban. She also wore a black hoodie with a sword and an AK 47 on it saying defenders of the faith. I was shocked that anyone would walk around with a black hoodie promoting terrorism because that’s exactly what it was. She might as well have been wearing a KKK hood. It represented the same thing.

Sikhs are welcome here. So are Hindus. Hate and intolerance is not. When people promote hate and intolerance it diminishes that entire community. It’s like the terrorist float at that Indo Canadian parade in Surrey. As soon as they allow that, they endorse that and all that it represents – terrorism and murder.

Turns out this act of hate was just before that Temple held an anniversary memorial of the terrorist attack on the Air India bombing which represents the worst terrorist attack in Canadian history. That’s what makes this act of vandalism a hate crime. It promotes the terrorist attack on the Air India flight that killed so many innocent civilians, most of whom were Canadian. We need to remember that attack and the failure of justice. Especially when we see modern acts of bullying trying to promote it.

Dave Hayer’s father was murdered for speaking out against the Air India bombing. I lived near him at the time and saw the police tape when he was shot. Kim Bolan wrote a book about how the terrorists in the Air India bombing got away with murder. It’s surprising to find out who helped them.

Abbotsford drive by

A south Asian male was shot dead in an Abbotsford drive by around 5:00 PM yesterday. The victim has been identified by police as 25-year-old Harpreet Chahal who is known to the police and has been killed in what police describe as a targeted gang related shooting.

Kim Bolan is reporting that Chahal is an associate of Clin Clown who has been charged in the Kelowna shooting of Jonathon Bacon. I guess that would make Chaha a Dhurry Dhak associate continuing their extermination in favor of the Hells Angels control of the drug trade.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Canada can’t account for $3.1 billion in anti terrorism and millions in black assets

I’m sure we’ve talked about this before but I just saw it on the news again tonight and I thought it would be timely to restate the obvious. The Harper Government can’t account for $3.1 billion in funding for anti terrorism. It’s missing. Unreported. They don’t know where it is.

Let’s pause for three seconds to think who is in charge of anti terrorism in Canada - CSIS. They are inherently untrustworthy. Even the CSIS watchdog has been charged with fraud and was caught sending money to an Israeli arms dealer tied to Iran contra. We remember Iran contra. Arms dealing, drug smuggling and money laundering. Enough to crash banks.

Putting this in perspective, the day before 9/11 Donald Rumsfeld admitted that the Pentagon couldn’t account for $2.3 trillion in spending. That’s not how much they spent, that’s how much they couldn’t account for. That is a huge amount of criminal activity. Canada missing $3.1 billion is equally disturbing. They actually spent $12.9 billion on anti terrorism. They just lost $3.1 billion of that amount.

Cutting funds to the RCMP and the Gang Task force and spending that kind of money on anti terrorism is disturbing. Especially when their version of anti terrorism involves removing the Charter of Rights and our civil liberties while telling us it’s good for us to give up our liberty. Spending that kind of money on anti terrorism when they are cutting pensions and raising the age of retirement is a huge concern.

Especially when all these foiled terrorist plots were actually entrapment where they set up the attack themselves. Or in the case of the Toronto 18, provided them with the explosives. Especially when a lot of people think the Boston Bombing and the via rail scandal were false flag attacks. As soon as a secret intelligence agency talks about committing false flag attacks on it’s own people, that’s when we need to make them more financially accountable, not less.

Last year it was reported that Canada's special forces are having a hard time keeping track of the money they spend on ‘black assets.’ They lost millions of tax dollars. Or at least failed to report where it went. That contempt for public accountability is an assault on our democratic system. What are black assets anyways? Something like black prison sites – things we should not be funding in the first place. 20 prisoners disappeared in black prison sites that don't exist.

Funding things we shouldn’t be funding and losing a large portion of those funds is a huge concern for democracy. So is Harper’s new mask law where a protestor could face ten years in prison for wearing a mask at a protest. That’s more than someone gets here for rape or manslaughter. Perhaps we should be more concerned about those violent crimes than doing away with lawful assembly. I don’t agree with rioting or looting and I don’t think people should cover their faces during a protest, but ten years for wearing a mask at a protest when they aren’t looting or breaking the law, that is very disproportionate to the violent crime that needs to be addressed. Harper is no conservative. He is taking us to Bilderberg in a hand cart.

The murder of Michael Hastings

Michael Hastings was an award wining investigative journalist who wrote for the Rolling Stone magazine. In 2010 one of his hard hitting articles resulted in the resignation of General Stanley McChrystal who was the NATO commander serving in Afghanistan. June 18 2013 Michael Hastings died in a fiery car crash. We can talk about the suspicious nature of the crash all we want. Clearly if someone was trying to kill him they could have tampered with his car and put a bomb in it.

The indisputable fact is that he sent out an e-mail to numerous contacts hours before his death saying he was tipped off to an FBI investigation and that any of his journalistic sources should seek legal representation before answering any questions which still is a constitutional right. Knock on wood.

We can spend hours arguing about the suspicious nature of his death. To me that is pointless. We all know the people who killed him will never be charged and tried. In his e-mail he claims he was working on a big story and needed to go under the radar. Those were his words not mine. The thing we need to ask therefore is what story was he working on. Alex Jones claims it was about the CIA.

People can huff and puff about Alex Jones just like they huffed and puffed about Gary Webb. Gary Webb was right. The CIA was responsible for the US crack epidemic in the 1980’s. I don’t believe he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head twice after he documented everything in his book the Dark Alliance.

The CIA's drug trafficking history has been well established. They are a criminal organization with no public accountability. The sad thing is how their corruption is taking over other agencies as well like the FBI and the ATF. We saw how the ATF was involved in Operation Fast and Furious. That too was under the watchful eye of the CIA.

When it comes to the struggle between good versus evil, the CIA is on the wrong side. I’m not saying all hail mother Russia. I’m saying the CIA is no better than the KGB. In fact that is exactly where the CIA is trying to take us. The road to Bilderberg leads to the Rothschilds' funding of Corporate Communism. Despite their rage and denial, that is where the CIA is trying to take us with their drug trafficking network.

The fact is Michael Hastings is dead and we need to uncover the story he was working on. Actually it was Paul Watson and the LA weekly that said he was working on a story about the CIA. The New York Daily News quoted one of his books claiming Hastings had received multiple death threats before his "accident."

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Flooding in Calgary

It’s hard to imagine even parts of downtown Calgary has flooded with four possible fatalities. Usually with melting snowcaps we get warnings that the river is rising. Evidently the problem this time was so much rain in such a short period of time. Amazing. Here's a video clip from Global.

Update: The flood waters are starting to recede.

Dustin Zimmerman, Cliff Montgomery and Glen Hehn

One source claims that Dustin Zimmerman, one of the people arrested in the recent Kelowna Regina cocaine ring, is an associate of Cliff Montgomery. They claim that he lives in Cliff’s house in West Kelowna and does business at Cliff’s other house in Merrit. As we know, Montgomery was charged in that Kelowna cocaine bust where 75 kilos of cocaine was found in a fruit grinder. Those charges against Montgomery were mysteriously dropped last year.

The reason the Dustin Zimmerman and Cliff Montgomery connection is so significant is because another source claims Cliff Montgomery is connected to full patch Hells Angel Glen Hehn. Glen Hehn was caught red handed loading 52 kilos if cocaine from his storage locker into a truck in Surrey but Peter Leask let him off after an associate pled guilty and took the fall.

More recently, another one of Glen Hehn’s associates was in the news. Sulaiman Safi was kidnapped by members of the Independent Soldiers because some money he was supposed to launder in California went missing. Sulaiman Safi shared a car lease with Glen Hehn. Another source claims that when Cliff Montgomery was on a trip to Mexico, Glen Hehn was in daily cell phone contact with him. As I've said before, Glen Hehn is no Surrey Girl. Glen Hehn is scary.

Levamisole: Flesh Eating Cocaine

With the recent Regina Kelowna cocaine bust one blog reader commented on the cutting agents the police found. It didn’t say what the cutting agent was but they sent me a few links on common cutting agents used in cocaine to water it down to make more money.

Everyone knows that cocaine is stepped on or cut with other chemicals to stretch it allowing the drug dealers to make more money. One of the common cutting agents for cocaine and now crack is Levamisole. Levamisole is used to deworm cattle. However in humans it suppresses the immune system and creates flesh eating disease. ABC News posted some pictures.

WUSA 9 claims that the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology profiles six cocaine users who have developed patches of rotting flesh on their ears, nose, and in some cases, their entire body. The study concludes that it's caused by using cocaine that's been cut with the drug, Levamisole. One anonymous commenter on another blog claimed Levamisole is commonly used in Vancouver for cutting crack because it is hard to detect and doubles their money.

The blog reader who sent me these links was a long time former drug user who said people need to know how bad this stuff is. Indeed they do. This is yet another reason we shouldn’t be handing out free crack pipes. It is a heath violation. We might as well be handing out free Dixie cups for people to drink Drano so they don’t catch a cold from sharing a Dixie cup. Drinking Drano is worse that getting a cold. Crystal meth is made from Drano. In Surrey addicts are throwing crack pipes everywhere including in stores where people buy food along with their used needles because they know the government will give them a new one. That is a public health hazard.

Stephen Harper surrenders Canadian Sovereignty

Stephen Harper is a raging lunatic. One minute he spends all that money on commercials about the war of 1812 and talked about boosting our military presence in the arctic, the next minute he completely surrenders Canadian sovereignty to the US. He is either insane or a complete deception.

The Vancouver Province is reporting that a Vancouver lawyer claims the Canada-US maritime policing pact infringes on Canada’s sovereignty. No kidding. Having US police patrol Canada is an act of war.

We can share intel with the DEA and the local police agencies in the US but to let them patrol in Canada is a completely different matter. Especially since that will open up the door to the CIA and the US mercenary contractors doing in Canada what they did during Hurricane Katrina. Given the CIA's documented drug trafficking network as well as their false flag history, this is the biggest threat to Canada’s sovereignty and our national security in recorded history.

Harper is just like Obama - a complete deception. Harper is not a Conservative any more than Obama is a Democrat. Harper says one thing and does another just like Obama. Obama never closed Guantanamo Bay like he promised and continues false flag attacks on his own people because the CIA paid for his education. He was a plant. A fake,. A fraud. An enemy of the constitution and the left just like Stephen Harper is an enemy to the right. Belinda Stronach was more conservative than Stephen Harper and she certainly wasn’t very conservative. Harper is a Corporate Communist. He calls world government world governance. Stalin here we come.

Hanford’s Dirty Secrets

We recently talked about the Nuclear reactor in Washington State that is leaking radioactive waste into the Columbia River. As if the coal pollution in the Columbia River wasn’t bad enough. Turns out King 5 news is diving deeper into the problem and claims Hanford executives has been covering up the seriousness of the leak and that the problem is getting worse. Imagine that. Another private company hiding the truth from the public.

They also talk about how they had no plan in place in the event of a radioactive leak. If the United States can’t figure out what to do with nuclear waste, why are we selling Canadian reactors to India and China? Do we really think they will know what to do with the radioactive waste?

Of course the advertizing campaign is still going well. You can even water ski at night since the radiation will make everything glow in the dark. Hanford’s Dirty Secrets - King 5 news.