Saturday, May 2, 2020

May 1st more than a dozen US States open for business

As the Texas stay at home order expired Thursday the governor of Texas has declared that Texas is now open for business. More than a dozen states began relaxing lockdown measures on Friday May 1st. Although many protesters object that the lifting of the restrictions are not fast enough, it is clearly a step in the right direction. It is time for us to all move forward.

Kayleigh McEnany, the new press secretary for the president made her public debut May 1st and already the fake stream media is trying to spin it. One reporter asked if McEnany would ever lie to the press and McEnany simply answered the question clearly and concisely by saying that she will never lie to you. That is in no way implying anyone from the Trump administration ever has. Hilary Clinton however, has been a compulsive liar. Lying is the CIA's Method of Operation.

Kim Jong-un is alive and well

BBC is reporting that "North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has appeared at a fertiliser factory, looking remarkably cheerful for a man killed off by rumor and some of the world's media last week." CNN Fake News Network started the false rumor just to create controversy. CNN and CBS are worthless. Find alternate news sources. Cuba and North Korea are not as bad as China.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Alberta launches COVID-19 tracking app

The Canadian Press is reporting that "Alberta is launching a voluntary mobile app to expand contact tracing for COVID-19 to help reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus. It's believed to be the first of its kind in North America and is based on similar apps in Singapore, South Korea and Australia." Don't download this. These tracking apps are absolutely insane.

This is completely different from what South Korea did. South Korea jumped the gun and was proactive in tracking who people that had tested positive were in contact with. The Canadian and Australian government has not done this. These are simply tracking apps to restrict your civil liberty and are a defiant violation of the mobility rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights.

Alberta is *supposed* to be a conservative province. Alberta is *supposed* to support civil liberty. This is not it. Don't sleep through the revolution. Wake up and Defy the lie. .

AG declares that the Constitution Isn’t Suspended for COVID-19

Watchdogs concerned about apps tracking COVID-19 patients - no kidding.

Justin Trudeau is a Communist

Spending our grandchildren's money wasn't enough for Justin Trudeau. The greedy glutton wants more more more. Justin Trudeau is announcing another crucial step in implementing the UN's twisted version of globalism by launching a new gun control campaign. F*ck him. Communists implement gun control for a reason and it's not to promote social justice. It's to commit murder. That is what the Communist Party of China is doing as we speak. China is executing political prisoners for organ harvesting. They should not be on the UN's Human Rights Council.

The recent shooting in Nova Scotia did not have a motive. Other than to promote gun control of course. The suspect in that shooting did not have a valid firearms license and the firearms he is alleged to have used were not legally obtained. That means two things. First it means that Commodus' proposed gun control will do absolutely nothing to prevent illegal guns being purchased by criminals. Second, it means it's highly unlikely the suspect was the actual shooter.

If the mild mannered good Samaritan denturist didn't have a firearms license, where is he going to buy illegal firearms from? You think he's just going to walk up to the Hells Angels and ask to buy a bag of guns from them? Not likely. Even if he did ask, they wouldn't sell them to him because he didn't work for them and they knew the guns would be traced back to them. That means the suspect the police shot was not the shooter. That's what that means.

I support the Swiss model of gun control. Target shooting is their national sport. The director of the World Health Organization is not a medical doctor, he is a politician. Guess what kind of politician he is? He was a leader is a violent Communist paramilitary organization.

Now that our civil liberties are being stripped away from us during the COVID fraud, this is not the time to implement more gun control. Gun control does exist in Canada. Anyone can't buy guns from a store without proper safety training and an extensive background check. Unless of course you buy them illegally which gun control does nothing to prevent.

Let's look at why Communists implement gun control. There is no social justice within Communism. Members of he Communist Party of China are the richest politicians in the world. We hear the word feminist used and we have to ask ourselves, Why Is There No Feminism after Communism? The same reason there are no real trade unions after Communism. Communism will lie to every special interest group and turn them into slaves.

There are no woman's rights in Communism. There are no Gay, Lesbian or Transgender rights in Communism. None whatsoever. That's because no one has any rights in Communism. Communism is a totalitarian state. In East Berlin, the machine guns were pointed inwards so no one could escape. That's what Communism is and that is what the UN and the World Health Organization is trying to implement with Globalism. F*ck Justin Trudeau and his femmie a*s ism.

The French Revolution was the exact opposite of Communism. Je me souviens.

If you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.

Dr. Bonnie Henry says she's excited about news of success with experimental drug for COVID-19

CBC is reporting that "B.C.'s provincial health officer says she's cautiously optimistic about a new study on the experimental antiviral drug remdesivir's effects on COVID-19. American officials revealed this week that research conducted by the U.S. National Institutes of Health found remdesivir reduced recovery time by 31 per cent in COVID-19 patients - from 15 to 11 days on average. During her daily briefing on Thursday, Dr. Bonnie Henry described those results as good news." I told ya so. There is a Vaccine. There always was one.

"Remdesivir is an antiviral drug, which means it doesn't prevent infection, but it makes it more difficult for the virus to reproduce and spread through the body. It's manufactured by Gilead Sciences Inc., and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is now reportedly working to make the drug quickly available to patients."

"Dr. Anthony Fauci has said he expects the Food and Drug Administration to fast-track approval of the drug, which was shown in a study to shorten recovery time of hospitalized patients."

All you need to know about Gilead's experimental antiviral drug Remdesivir

Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy with Exemptions. It's experimental. You can't make it mandatory.

The Food and Drug Administration cleared remdesivir for hospitalized severe patients

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Armed protesters rally against Michigan's Governor

The Sydney Morning herald is reporting that "Hundreds of protesters, some armed, gathered at Michigan's state Capitol in Lansing on Thursday objecting to Governor Gretchen Whitmer's request to extend emergency powers to combat COVID-19, an appeal Republican lawmakers ignored. The protest appeared to be the largest in the state since April 15, when supporters of President Donald Trump organised thousands of people for Operation Gridlock, jamming the streets of Lansing with their cars to call out what they said was the overreach of Whitmer's strict stay-at-home order." Whitmer is a democrat trying to sabotage the American economy.

Vox is reporting that "The Republican-held legislature ultimately voted to revoke the emergency declaration Thursday as protestors looked on. Republican state legislators are now preparing to sue the governor over her shelter-at-home order." AG declares Constitution Isn’t Suspended.

Here's the deal. If Obama was the current president and he said, let's reopen the US economy, I'd say have at it. Right now, Donald Trump is president and he's saying, let's reopen the American economy. I am am saying the same thing to him as I would say to Obama if he was trying to save the American economy - Have at it. I don't agree with everything Trump says. I totally oppose his position on immigration. Canada has such a low birthrate it needs immigration to survive. Yet I completely support Donald Trumps desire to save the American economy.

The Democrats obsession to destroy the American economy and promote the UN's twisted vision of Globalism is astounding. Nancy Pelosi is an Anti Christ. Tulsi Gabard was absolutely right when she said Hilary Clinton represents the rot within the Democrat party. Sadly she was not able to see that Joe Biden is no better. Rand Paul is the real hero here. Support him.

Don't feed the Fear

As I have repeatedly pointed out, the main stream media doesn't want us to return to normal. They want to promote the fear and damage our economy. My response to that is don't feed the fear. The mainstream media is completely worthless. Find alternate news sources. We know that China launched this pandemic on the world. That is what we do know.

Dr Fauci's foundation funded the Wuhan labs research on Chinese bats with the coronavirus. That is what we know. There were no bats sold at the Huanan Seafood Market. Dr Facui should be in jail. Any politician or media outlet that quotes him is not credible. Likewise, the World Health Organization is not trying to promote health. They are trying to force feed us the UN's globalism agenda. That is what they are trying to do. The mainstream media is trying to feed the fear and promote panic in a desperate attempt to destroy our economy. Don't feed the fear.

Hundreds protest COVID-19 restrictions in Alberta

The Edmonton Journal is reporting that "Protesters gathered outside the Alberta legislature Wednesday afternoon, demanding the province lift COVID-19 public health restrictions that forced businesses to close . Around 200 attendees raised signs and chanted “End the lockdown,” despite provincial rules carrying fines between $1,000 and $100,000 for gatherings of 15 or more. Michael Banner, a spokesperson for End the Lockdown Alberta, which organized the rally, said the province has done a good job of slowing the spread of the coronavirus, but called for a return to earlier rules that limited gatherings to 50 people and let restaurants operate at 50 per cent capacity, and allowed schools to remain open." Defy the Lie.

Any news outlet or politician that quotes Dr Fauci or the World Health Organization is not credible. In a time of economic instability we need to promote consumer confidence not fear.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Five crushes the View

I walked into the lunch room today at work and the View came on when nobody was watching. That show is ridiculous. Their partisan parade is pathetic. Whenever it comes on we turn it off because it sucks. It is a complete waste of time. There is nothing worth while on it.

Evidently, the Five on Fox News is the antidote to the View. Thank God. I didn't realize there was an antidote for that circus side show. Supply and demand yo. Fake News sucks.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Defy the Lie

We have a new theme in response to the COVID-19 misrepresentation and it can be summed up in one word: Defy as in Defy the lie. This Australian COVIDsafe app is obscene. Don't download it and if you have, delete it. If it's mandatory, put it on a second phone and leave that phone at home. Likewise, the Trudeau government is spending a lot of tax dollars on advertising trying to convince Canadians to download a Covid app that will track them. Don't do it.

Here's part one of a video conference of Dr Dan Erickson and Dr Artin Massihi from Bakersfield California north of LA stating that the Current Quarantine Approach Wrong Based on Science. The Communist led WHO got part two taken off Youtube. This is why we need more than one video sharing platform. When there's only one, it becomes far too easy to censor.

The kind of censorship we are now seeing on Facebook, Google and Youtube shows consumers that other platforms are needed. That kind of censorship is what Communist China does. Our media is now controlled by their corporate sponsors.

Post Media News is continuing it's slash and burn of local media outlets. Global is reporting that "Postmedia will shutter 15 community newspapers in Manitoba and Ontario’s Windsor-Essex area for good, the memo says, calling the publications not financially sustainable.”

Post Media News continues to acquire media outlets and eliminate competition. This centralization of the media becomes a colossal concern when they run full page ads from the Communist party of China knowing full well their revenue is advertisement driven. When I sign out of hotmail it takes me to Microsoft News Network. Nothing on that network is worth reading any more. It is actively engaged in promoting the fear based insanity that is destroying our economy and our civil liberty. Defy the lie. Seek alternate news sources.

Recently a headline read: "U.S. Covid-19 Deaths Top Lives Lost in Vietnam War." That is misrepresentation. Yes 58,220 American lives were lost in the Vietnam war but in 2018 80,000 American lives were lost to the flu. The panic driven media is obsessed with promoting fear at a time when we need to pull together and restore consumer confidence.

Putting the truth in perspective, 58,000 American deaths from COVID-19 is still less than the 80,000 Americans who died from the flu in 2018. Clearly the world's response to COVID-19 has been a colossal over reaction. There was no need to commit economic suicide over this.

The New York Post is reporting that "I’m an emergency physician at St. Barnabas Hospital in The Bronx. I have been in the ER every day these last few weeks, either supervising or providing direct care. I contracted a COVID-19 infection very early in the outbreak, as did two of my daughters, one of whom is a nurse. We are all well, thank God."

"COVID-19 has been the worst health care disaster of my 30-year ­career, because of its intensity, duration and potential for lasting impact. The lasting impact is what worries me the most. And it’s why I now believe we should end the lockdown and rapidly get back to work."