Friday, March 26, 2021

Manhood - Men in the Hood

We've talked about hard work and sacrifice. Now I want to talk about manhood. Men in the hood. The Bacon brothers are neither. They're not men and they're not from the hood. They're from their parent's basement in the suburbs. Obviously, we all have different definitions and measurements for manhood. Elton John wrote the song The Measure of a Man for Rocky 5.

I'm sure we can all agree, the character Rocky Baloa was all man. Rocky 5 was a profound turning point for the boxer. He had just won the most significant fight of his life but he was physically injured. He comes back to find out that his accountant had ripped him off and he was broke. Unable to get a boxing licence because of his injury he returns home to the hood where it all began. He feels humiliated but he maintains the respect and admiration of his neighbours. Money can't buy respect. He meets and trains Tommy Gun who tries to take the shortcut to fame and fortune betraying Rocky in the process. Rocky carries on with his dignity and self-respect.

When I was young, I used to work in the kitchen at a European restaurant. Chef would joke and say Real men don't eat quiche. We were like WTF is quiche? Then we'd catch him eating some and he'd say Arrr, this isn't quiche. This is scramble egg pie. We'd laugh and say well that's OK then. I'll remix that old saying and declare Real men don't live off the avails.

There's nothing manly about taxing prostitutes. The thought forces us to declare Get a Job. Most of the HAs do have jobs and over all I'd say fewer HAs beat their wives than cops. In fact I think HAs beating their wives is very rare. I think they'd mistreat a prostitute in a heartbeat but over all I think most treat their wives better than most cops do. That's a separate matter all on its own. Suffice it to say that beating women is not manly. However, getting beaten by a woman is not manly either. It's far more rare, but it does happen. It's more common for a woman to brow beat a man and that's not manly either. Successful relationships are built upon mutual respect.

Deadbeat Dads are not manly. Yet I realize some take a back seat role in raising kids because the mother is so toxic they just walk away in frustration. That is sad because the kids are the ones that suffer as a result. Yet sometimes no Dad is better than a bad Dad and visa versa.

When I think of manhood, I think of putting your kid's needs above your own. My father once said sacrifice was simply the joy of parenthood. He was a successful man. When I think of manhood, I think of the poem Desiderata. Yet it goes beyond that. Selfishness and greed are not elements of manhood. Sacrifice and selflessness are. When I think of men in the hood, I think of men who do what it takes to protect the kids from the evil that surrounds them.

Recently a couple of Real Estate Agents on Vancouver Island were accused of sexual assault. They denied it. One said I have younger sisters. I would never want that to happen to them. Really? Can we all see it in that light? Rape is not manly and 50 Shades of Grey is deranged. S&M is not erotic. If you think it is, I can't help you. Christian Grey is not a man. He's a freak.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Journalist tortured by the CIA in Colombia

France 24 is reporitng that "The Inter-American Court of Human Rights on Wednesday ordered Colombia to immediately protect a journalist who has accused the state of complicity in her kidnapping, rape and torture two decades ago. Now 47, Bedoya suffered a 16-hour ordeal after she was seized by right-wing paramilitaries from outside the La Modelo prison in Colombia's capital Bogota, where she was investigating an arms trafficking network. She claims the state, including an influential police chief, was complicit in her abduction. Bedoya says she has since suffered two decades of persecution, intimidation and constant threats."

OK let's look at the obvious. She was investigating arms dealing in Colombia and was seized by right wing paramilitaries. Colombia has FARC and the ELN. They are left-wing paramilitary organizations. That's it. They have a corrupt government complacent in the drug trade fueled by the CIA ever since Iran Contra and FARC/ELN. So when the journalist was investigating arms dealing in Colombia, she was investigating the CIA. When she was kidnapped by a right wing paramilitary organization, she was kidnapped by a CIA shell company. Just sayn.

Gary Webb was right. The CIA was responsible for the US Crack epidemic in the /80's. Operation Fast and Furious showed us that Iran Contra never stopped. Colonel Edward P. Cutolo testified that the CIA was transporting cocaine from Colombia into Panama then into the United States in Operation Watchtower and that Col. Tony Noriega worked alongside CIA Agent Edwin Wilson supervising that drug network before Noriega became president. The CIA used and screwed Manuel Noriega, Pablo Escobar and El Chapo. CIA Drug Trafficking Whistleblower Spreadsheet.

The older brother's sacrifice

Today I'm going to tell you a jackanory. A story about two brothers. Since some anal misfits claim the story is fiction, I will tell it as a parable because the anal misfits are clearly missing the point.

Once upon a time there were two brothers who shared a dream. They both wanted to become artists but they couldn't both afford to go to art school. So the older brother said to the younger brother, I'll go to work and put you though art school. When you fininsh school and start painting, you can put me through art school. So the story begins.

The older brother did physical labour while the younger brother practiced intently at art school. After many years of hard work, the younger brother finally graduated and started making money from his paintings. He said to the older brother, I'm ready to return the favor and put you through art school now. Unfortunately, the years of manual labour had taken its toll on the older brother and his calloused hands were unable to hold a paint brush so to memorialize the sacrifice, the younger brother painted the older brother's hands.

The moral of the story is that of sacrifice. The older brother made a sincere sacrifice for the younger brother and the younger brother benefited from it. The older brother is a role model. Someone who put his brother's needs above his own. He was a sucess. He successfully put his younger brother through school. Yet the world wouldn't really see him as a sucess. That's why a friend of the world is an enemy to God. It is the principle of sacrifice that I want to expound on.

Sacrifice is something the yuppie drug dealers and gang bangers cannot comprehend. Their selfish world revolves around greed. It's like the Bacon trash. They trade girlfriends like hockey cards. They have no idea what love is because they don't love themselves. They need to surround themselves with material possessions because they have no self-image and no self-worth. The 81 world has it backwards. You go to jail for me and when you get your patch someone else will go to jail for you. It's just another Ponzi scam that falls short.
Alan Watts once said that the literal translation of the Greek word for sin means to miss the mark like an archer who misses his target. If our goal in life is to find joy, then to sin would be to miss that goal. It would be to indulge in activities that rob us of joy and lasting happiness.

Adam was told by the sweat of thy brow though shalt labour all the days of thy life and in this life ye shall have joy. Work is the means of all accomplishment. There is no joy in life without it. It is the basis for self-esteem and self-respect. Without hard work, we can't accomplish anything.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Jarrod Bacon released from prison again

The Toronto Star is reporitng that Jarrod Bacon "has been released from prison, with a warning he must finally stop lying to authorities, socializing with gangsters and importing drugs."

He was released before but returned to prison for parole violations. I'm not sure what kind of role he will play now in the local drug trade since there's a price on his head and he's such a heat bag. Maybe he'll join his brother Jamie in the rat pack since he's not able to peruse gainful employment. This little piggie went to market so he did and he ran all the way home.

Warlocks MC Canada

Seemingly the Warlocks MC in Canada, more specifically Fort McMurray, have made a break from their mother chapter in the US and created their own patch. They had a patch burning ceremony to celebrate their independence. I'm sure it's all legal cause I doubt the mother chapter registered the name or trademark in Canada. However, it is a blow to their credibility.
This is why the Hells Angels don't have any rivals in BC. In BC anyone who rides see the HAs as the real deal and anyone else as a wannabe or a trouble maker. We don't like wannabes and we don't want trouble. For the most part, people who ride aren't interested in selling drugs or pimping crack hoes. Those that are ride luxury cars not motorcycles. L&R has nothing to do with drugs and the sex trade. That's all about greed and betrayal. Everyone copies the HAs who say AFFA.

They change the anacronym to fit their puppet patch or their rival patch then as soon as they patch over, their forever disappears into a new forever making their new forever loyalty less likely.

For a bunch of broken men desperate for recognition and the praise of the world, there's an awful lot of drama in the MC world. I guess that's one of the reasons I was never a part of it. Of course I like to ride. It's just that all the parties with strippers and blow, it's all so fake.

These are bored men who never became responsible adults and parents. They aren't role models. Their midlife crisis was a quest to be locked in Peter Pan's childhood forever. They never figured out that somewhere along the line they were supposed to grow up. They missed the point.

Murder charge in discovery of Burnaby body

The Vancovuer Sun is reporitng that "A person is in custody and facing a murder charge in connection with the discovery of a woman’s body in a Burnaby park last week. The body, burned beyond recognition, was found in the early hours of March 18 in Greentree Village Park near the main campus of the B.C. Institute of Technology. Carlo Castillo Tobias, born in 1999, has been charged with one count of first-degree murder and one count of interference with a dead body."

Update: CTV is reporitng that the woman has been identified as Maria Loreto and that a 15 year old has also been charged in her murder. Police claim she knew the two suspects in her murder.

Tunrs out the 15 year od coaccused is female.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Crystal meth and GHB seized in Saskatoon

CTV is reporitng that "Three men are facing charges after Saskatoon police seized nearly five kilograms of methamphetamine following a drug trafficking investigation." Police also seized 2.5 gallons on GHB, date rape drug. This is what Jagmeet Singh wants to legalize. He wants to legalize rape. A 23-year-old man from Edmonton has been charged along with a 29-year-old from Surrey. Every province except BC makes drug busts. That is the elephant in the room.

Addicts need treatment but if they want it, they can't get it. That's because the government wants to profit from addiction instead of healing it. That is not the Portugal model. The Portugal model revolved around mandatory treatment not profiting from crime.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Kelowna Homicide Sunday Morning

CTV is reporitng that "Police in B.C.'s Interior are investigating a homicide and a shooting that left a woman with serious injuries just a few hours later. B.C. RCMP's Southeast District Major Crime Unit says in a news release that it has been called to investigate the circumstances surrounding a shooting and the death of a man near Highway 97 between Butt and Grizzly roads."

" reports police on the other side of Okanagan Lake, in Rutland, are investigating a separate shooting that sent a woman to Kelowna General Hospital around 6 a.m."

Global Lockdown Protest

Anti-lockdown protest in Toronto today from r/ontario

Video clips of Protests in London - Switzerland - Amsterdam - Japan - Serbia - Dublin

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Cats and Rats and Elephants - Update

Update: Turns out Neil's sentencing was put over until June 2nd in New Westminster. However, that doesn't change the fact that the convictions for the Surrey Six murder were set aside and the charges against Ali's killers from Edmonton were stayed by the Crown.

Turns out that the publication ban is pursuant to section 517(1) which just covers bail hearings.

Here's one for the rabbit hole. Ace Ventura is reporitng that Edmonton Hells Angel Neil 'Nitro' Cantrill's sentencing was March 16, 2021. Gangterism out is not me. That's Ace Ventura from Neer Do Well. Gangsters out is me, Dennis Watson. You can tell the blogs are run by two different people. I support Trump now and he hates Trump. OK so let's follow the spider web.

As Ace Ventura reported "Hope resident Richard Houle grew pot for Neil Cantrill for over a dozen years. When Houle told Cantrill in Dec 2014 that he wanted out of the business, he didn’t think there would be a problem. There was a problem in Aug 2016, when Houle was grabbed by Cantrill, his son Stephan and associate Robert Lowry. Houle was brutally beaten and told he would have to sign his house over." Nothing really surprising there.

However, lets pause to point out that Richard Houle from Hope, BC grew pot for an Edmonton Hells Angel for many years. Kinda like how I said the Edmonton Hells Angels were the ones that hired the Brother's Keepers to bring violence to Surrey and later hired the Driftwood Crips after they killed Ali. The Brothers Keepers respected Ali. The 8151 robbed him and killed him.

The Hardside chapter had become its own chapter but they were more like a puppet club than a real club. They had Chad, Ali and the Duck Dynasty Decoy. They answered to Haney and Edmonton got the drug profits. No doubt Ali complained about that so they capped him. The Brother's Keepers wouldn't do it so they had to get a couple of yahoos from Edmonton to do it and the PoPo dropped the charges against them. All in a day's work.

So Richard Houle in Hope, BC grew pot for Neil Cantrill for many years. He wants out and they kidnap him and tell him to sign over his house. July 17 they were found guilty in BC Supreme Court on charges including aggravated assault, kidnapping, forcible confinement and extortion. So why haven't we heard about the sentencing?
The publication ban is not new. The Chilliwack Progress reported on it back in June. A publication ban on the sentencing would be unprecedented. The only logical reason I can conceive of for a publication ban on the sentencing is that they received a suspended sentence just like the Murphy Twins, Jamie Bacon and the Surrey Six killers who are now working for the police.

Those are the cats and rats. We are now left with the elephant in the room. The purpose of a publication ban is to protect witnesses and to make sure the accused has the right to a fair trial. When the trial is over the publication ban expires. Something very shady is going on here.

Kim Bolan was the first one to report on the Rat out your rival program the compromised BC Gang Task force introduced along with their ridiculous Free Hugs poster campaign. These dirty deals they are making to keep Hells Angel drug dealers out of jail doing business on the street are abominable. That is the elephant in the room.