Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Rolling Thunder is a Go. It's a rally not a protest.

Check for updates on the website as well as their oficial statement - Chris Sky is a b*tch.

Three charged in Edmonton murder

The Hillbilly Express is reporting that "Three individuals have been charged in connection with the April 12 homicide in Edmonton of notorious Chilliwack gangster Curtis Vidal." That is hilarious. The term notorious Chilliwack gangster is an oxymoron. There's not such thing. That's like saying a notorious gangsters from Spuzzum. He was a prolific offender from a small town. That means he was a skid. He was not notorious. GMAFB. You guys are all clowns.

CTV is reporting that "Three people have been charged after a man was fatally shot in southwest Edmonton in early April. Curtis Vidal, 41, was shot and killed in the garage of a home in the area of Erasmus Wynd and Erasmus Crescent in the evening of April 12. An autopsy two days later determined he died of gunshot wounds, police said." Ya think? The autopsy was able to detrmine that the bullet holes in his body had something to do with his cause of death. Rocket science.

"Ricardo Gomez-Jimenez, 27, was charged with first-degree murder, use of a firearm while committing an offence, conspiracy to commit murder, possession of stolen property over $5,000, and breach of condition of a release order. Colin Penner, 27, was charged with first-degree murder, possession of stolen property over $5,000, and arson. Jyostna Reddy, 24, was charged with accessory to murder and conspiracy to commit murder."

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

New Brunswick RCMP Bust Outlaws with guns and drugs

The RCMP is reporting that "The New Brunswick RCMP has seized six firearms, including several that were loaded and unsecured, as well as drugs and weapons as part of a firearm investigation in Penniac, N.B. On April 21, 2022, police executed a search warrant at a home on Route 628 in Penniac. During the search, police seized two loaded and unsecured handguns, including one that is prohibited, as well as four other unsecured firearms, including two that were loaded."

"Police also seized what is believed to be cocaine, fentanyl pills, an unknown substance believed to be a cutting agent, ammunition, money, drug-trafficking paraphernalia, two weapons including one that is prohibited, and eight outlaw motorcycle club vests." Black Pistons are a puppet club for the Outlaws MC who are Hells Angels rivals.

"Two men and three women were arrested at the scene without incident. Wade Anthony Phillips, 41, from Penniac, and Andrew Jim Roberts, 38, from Cape Breton N.S., appeared in Fredericton Provincial Court by way of tele-remand on April 21. No word on how much cocaine was seized. Doesn't look like much. "These efforts focus on disrupting and dismantling the trafficking of illegal drugs in our province, targeting those causing the most harm in our communities." Exactly.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Falun Gong Rally in Vancouver

There was a Falun Gong rally outside the Chinese consulate in Vancouver today commemorating the 23rd anniversary of the Communist Party's persecution of the Falun Gong or Falun Dafa. A local freedom fighter joined in. Freedom is essential for everyone including the Falun Gong. I spoke at the rally and while I'm waiting for someone to send me a copy of the video so I can upload it to Rumble I want to address some of the ridiculous lies about the Falun Gong posted online by the Chinese Communist Party and their state run media here in North America.

The Chinese Communist Party falsely declares that the Falun Gong are a cult. They say that to rationalize their torture and murder of Falun Gong practitioners. I can tell you right now that the Falun gong are not a cult and even if they were, that would not justify the Communist Party's torture and murder. When I was young, the moonies were considered a cult because of their invasive brainwashing techniques. Now Communism is a cult for that very reason.

Lately we've heard a lot about the Communist Party's Uyghur genocide. Uyghurs are Muslims. In Communism, all religions are a cult including the Dali Lama from Tibet. Communism is based on lies. We confront Communism with the truth. That is what the Falun gong believe. The Falun gong believe in the truthfulness of Tao. That is why Communists hate them. Communists hate truth.

When I first met the Flaun Gong I saw them as fiercely patriotic supporting the ancient Chinese cultural traditions that Communism has banned. They promoted a wonderful cultural event called Shen Yun and I thought why on earth would the Communist Party oppose that. Well this year I notice that their poster said China before Communism and I started to understand.
I have always said that China has a magnificent culture and history that predates Communism by thousands of years. Insider dot com, a Chinese State run media outlet in North America ran a ridiculous article trashing not only the Falun Gong but the magnificent cultural production they promote. The article claims that the show is basically propaganda and that "the purpose of Shen Yun is to demonstrate the evils of China's communist party and its beliefs. The show is fervently anti-atheist, anti-evolution, anti-Mao Zedong, and anti-Karl Marx." That's kind of like saying Shen Yun is anti evil. Chairman Mao was a mass murderer. The artcile sates that "The show includes a dance with the organ harvesting, according to the New Yorker."

The article goes on to state that "One of the ways China persecutes Falun Gong, members of the organization say, is by imprisoning its members and stealing their organs. While research reports by governments and NGOs found that the allegations are true, it's not clear if organ-harvesting continues today." Not clear? Maybe we should take a closer look at that.

Of all the ridiculous trash talking the absurd article promotes, you'd think it would give a little more due diligence to the organ harvesting accusations since it is so profoundly significant. Instead they admit yes it was true but there's no evidence it's still being done today. More lies.

They admit that the Communist Party did murder innocent Falun Gong practitioners for the multi billion dollar organ harvesting industry. That admission is of colossal significance. For years the Communist Party lied and said they weren't doing it. Then when they were confronted with the truth, they lied again and said we did it but we've stopped when they clearly have not. Communism is based on lies and so is their state run media in North America.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

James Topp in Saskatchewan

A blog reader caught up with James Topp on his march to Ottawa in Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan yesterday. He's well on his way. God's speed. Canada Marches.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Audio file of Jamie Bacon Cooperating with the Police

Update: Jamie Bacon's message has been posted on YouTube.

2nd Update: Dr Spin's take on the Jamie Bacon recording

This is an audio file of Jamie Bacon cooperating with the police. It's in a .bin format. You need to download a free VLC player to listen to it. We had heard he was cooperating with the police but couldn't prove it. Until now. He lied about Spike because Spike thought he was an idiot and an easy mark to tax. He's lying about Looney because Barry is tied to Spike's family.

Jamie Bacon comes right out and admits that he's only going to rat out people who f*cked him over. He's going to lie about rivals just like Blaze and the rat pack and the Compromised CFSEU is going to pay him to do it. God damn you all. The Wolf Pack roll on another Surrey hitman.

Let's not forget that Jamie Bacon was never notorious. He couldn't go to the gym without a body guard. First it was Anton, then it was DK. After he f*cked over DK he went through a long list of bodyguards who all thought he was an idiot. Spike bullied Jamie because Jamie was a clown.

The Bacon brothers weren't from Surrey they were from the suburbs. They had 24 hour police protection. They lived with their parents for f*ck's sake. Jamie tried to tax Corey Lal. Corey didn't pay the tax because he thought Jamie was an idiot. That's why he had to hire DK, Cody and Mathew to kill him. Then they lied and said Corey begged for his life because that's what Jamie wanted to hear. Eddie Narong said “F--- you, you’re f---ing dead." That is believable.

Jamie hired someone to kill DK because Jamie betrays everyone. Now he's lying about rivals along with Blaze. This is clear evidence showing that the CFSEU needs to be replaced with a Regional task force. Pride cometh before the fall and great shall be the fall thereof. Word.

Colombian Drug Lord El Boliqueso Arrested in Mexico

The Borderland Beat is reporting that "The Colombian drug lord and leader of the Los Rastrojos Eduard Fernando Giraldo, alias El Boliqueso, was arrested in Mexico City and deported back to Colombia, where he was re-arrested and currently awaits US extradition." He must be a CIA rival. Either that or they rolled on him just like they did to El Chapo.

Juan Orlando Hernandez, Former President of Honduras Extradited to the US on Drug Trafficking Charges

The Borderland Beat is reporitng that "The extradition to the United States of former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández was completed this Thursday with his transfer, handcuffed, to the Hernán Acosta Mejía Air Base, in the south of Tegucigalpa, from where he was taken on a plane to New York, to be prosecuted for three charges associated with drug trafficking.

Wow. We knew about his brother but the US supported his election fraud in exchange for their support of moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Now they're trying to blame Trump. Hilary Clinton did the same thing. The problem is the CIA. They are the drug dealers.

Beware of the Fake Fact-Checkers

Dr Robert Malone maintains an email list on substack. In his most recent installment he posted an article by Leonard C. Goodman, a Chicago criminal defense attorney. The article in entitled Beware the Fact-Checkers. We all know that the fake fact checkers do not deal with facts. They are partisan trash that specialize in disinformation.

Candace Owens discovered that the fake fact checkers she sued were funded by the Communist Party of China. Since then we have seen fake vaccine fact checkers funded by the pharmaceutical companies that profit from them. The recent article Dr Robert Malone posted was "A guest testimonial on censorship in the age of COVID. A windy city example of what Obama, the US Intelligence community and legacy media advocate."

I'm going to set Obama aside and zero in on the the US Intelligence community. I liked Obama. I thought he was a refreshing step forward from George Bush. Unlike George Bush, Obama was educated. Unlike George Bush, when Obama spoke he sounded intelligent. I didn't find out until later on that his education was paid for by the CIA.

I don't have a problem with public health care. Personally, I don't see public health care as a Communist plot to take over the free world. I see it as a British tradition. However, Obama covered for Hilary Clinton in Operation Fast and Furious because it was tied to the CIA.

Obama was the one that secured funding to launch all these biolabs in the Ukraine and around the world. The quote in the picture came from William Casey. The director of the CIA who oversaw the October surprise. They committed investment fraud in Canada to raise money to give the Iranian hostage takers to keep the hostages until after the election. Iran contra was not about selling arms to release hostages, it was about selling drugs to make money for off the book operations. Operation Fast and Furious showed us that Iran contra never stopped.

Gary Webb said the CIA was responsible for the US Crack epidemic back in the /80's. They were the ones that supplied Freeway Ricky. We were told at the time the rationalization for that operation was to fight Communism in Nicaragua but that was not true. The CIA are tied to Globalism. That means they are joined at the hip with Communism. They are oath breakers. Enemies of the Constitution and the civil liberty it protects. Just sayn.

How Ron Fouchier Created A Mutant H5N1 Virus

Great Game India is reporting that "A study showing that it takes as few as five mutations to turn the H5N1 avian influenza virus into an airborne spreader in mammals—and that launched a historic debate on scientific accountability and transparency—was released today in Science, spilling the full experimental details that many experts had sought to suppress out of concern that publishing them could lead to the unleashing of a dangerous virus."

"In the lengthy report, Ron Fouchier, PhD, of Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands and colleagues describe how they used a combination of genetic engineering and serial infection of ferrets to create a mutant H5N1 virus that can spread among ferrets without direct contact."

Why the f*ck would they do that? Why would they intentionally try to create an airborne mutant virus? Those kind of studies have nothing to do with protecting humanity and should not be funded. All these biolabs in the Ukraine should not be funded. Only they're not just in the Ukraine. They're all over the world.

We need to stop funding this kind of research. Let's spend the money on finding a cure for cancer instead of creating new deadly pathogens that accidentally leak out of these treasonous biolabs.

"When word of the Fouchier and Kawaoka studies got out last fall, it sparked concern about the potential for creation and intentional or unintentional release of a pandemic virus. This led to a review by the US National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB), which advises the Department of Health and Human Services." No kidding.

Covid 19 came from the Wuhan lab which was tied to Anthony Fauci. It did not come from eating a cooked bat. There were no bats sold at the Wuhan seafood market where the outbreak occurred. The Wuhan lab was studying corona viruses in bats. Someone from the lab accidentally infected the seafood market buying lunch or they did it on purpose. I believe they did it on purpose. Gadaffi warned us about this kind of research before they killed him.