Monday, May 6, 2024

CSIS says there's no doubt India is behind shootings

OK this story keeps growing so I'm going to start a new thread. CBC is reporting that two former directors of CSIS state that the arrests in Hardeep Singh Nijjar​'s killing don't confirm a link to the Indian government. The two former directors are Richard Fadden and Ward Elcock.

Richard Fadden said the arrests "still doesn't help confirm in any material way the link between the government of India and what happened." Ward Elcock said "whether they will ever be able to prove the Indian government was part of this or not I think really comes down to were they so unprofessional that they had no cut outs. If they were doing it at least half professionally they probably would of had a cut out so that no Indian official would have dealt with these individuals."

The reporter asked him to clarify what he meant by a cut out and asked if it was like a middleman or a broker and Ward Elcock said "a broker who essentially could create a gulf between the government of India and these individuals who probably never knew who the ultimate sponsor was. These appear to be gang members who are abiding by the instructions of their gang rather than the instructions of the government of India." Kind of like how Freeway Ricky didn't know at the time he was selling crack for the CIA. Obviously these two former directors are simply speaking on information that has already been released to the public. The trial proving or disproving a connection to the government of India has not yet happened.

Meanwhile back on the ranch Canada's John Brennan is loudly proclaiming that there is no doubt India is behind the killings. This is coming from Dan Stanton's public relations campaign who is a former CSIS agent. This is what you call disinformation and plausible deniability.

It's rather amusing how they said in the first video it was such an amazing stroke of luck that Nikhil Gupta hired a DEA agent to kill Gurpatwant Singh Pannun in New York. It wasn't luck it was a set up. It was a sting operation just like Phantom Security and Sky Global.

Things that make ya go hmmm... This certainly looks like a coordinated propaganda campaign:

1) I don't trust anything CSIS or the CIA says or does.

2) The way the India defiantly treats all Khalistan supporters as terrorists is insane.

What other shootings are they claiming India was involved with?

OK let's think about this. With the arrest of the three Edmonton kids accused of murdering Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Surrey the fake news keeps going on and on about the possibility of these three being responsible for other Canadian murders on behalf of the Indian government.

OK let's explore that. It's quite possible this crew killed Harpreet Uppal and his 11 year old son in Edmonton but that was gang related. The government of India had nothing to do with that.

What about the murder of Ripudaman Malik? That's one of the elephants in the room. That one was not gang related and the government of India did not order it. They had no motive. He had just been taken off the no fly list and was permitted to visit India where he had a personal sit down with India's chief of Intelligence and was saying Modi is a good guy. So India didn't do that.

Those are the only two actual murders I am aware of they could accuse India of being involved with. The rest are all drive by shootings at residences and theatres. A kid was recently arrested for his alleged involvement with Edmonton shootings targeting the South Asian community. He was South Asian. On that note, police also recently announced an arrest in the South Asian theatre shootings in Toronto that were not gang related. They were also politically motivated.

Now we're told a drive by shooting at a Winnipeg residence last Christmas Eve is also connected to the politically motivated shootings in Edmonton. This is freaking crazy. The police just also announced the arrest of suspects in Ripudaman Malik's murder which India didn't do.

No offense but the police aren't that good. The only way all these coordinated arrests could have taken place so quickly is if the police were involved all along and it was one big sting operation.

Richard Fadden, one of the two former directors of CSIS interviewed said it was surprising the government of India hired local gang members. He said he was surprised by the unprofessional manner of a hit allegedly contracted by an Intelligence agency. Well think about it. If the government of India was responsible for all this chaotic insanity right across the country that would be very unprofessional and very high profile.

Normally the Hells Angels and any credible organized crime group likes to keep a low profile. The same with any credible intelligence agencies. If they do something shady they want to keep it on the QT so it doesn't attract too much attension so they can get away with it. This whole coordinated hurricane of chaos right across the country is anything but low profile. That makes it look like a sting operation created by the Five Eyes.

Remember Cameron Ortis and Wild Bill Majcher? We haven't even gotten to their role in all this yet but while we're here let's not forget Mossad's recent assassination of a Hells Angel in Iran. That one is also sketchy as f*ck too but it's another dramatically public involvement of an Intelligence agency tied to the Five Eyes. As my daughter would say, sh*t be cray yo.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Winnipeg Shooting connected to Edmonton extortion

Update: Scroll down to the bottom for the latest news about how it ties in with New York.

Three shootings. Two are related one is not. First shooting unrelated. CBC is reporting that "A 15-year-old boy from Lake St. Martin First Nation has been charged with second-degree murder in connection with a shooting in the community earlier this week. The teen was arrested on Thursday, a day after Mounties found a 32-year-old woman fatally shot at a home in the Manitoba Interlake community, RCMP said in a Saturday news release. The boy was taken into custody."

A 15 year old kid fatally shot a 32 year old woman. That is f*cked up.

CTV is reporitng that "Two suspects were arrested following a shooting in south Edmonton on Saturday night. In an emailed statement, Edmonton police said officers responded to the area of 86 Street and 6 Avenue S.W. around 6:40 p.m. after multiple reports of a shooting between two vehicles. Officers discovered evidence of a shooting at the scene and found several residences that had been damaged by gunfire. Two male suspects were taken into custody. One of the suspects was treated in hospital for gunshot wounds." Friendly fire?

CBC is also reporitng that "A drive-by shooting in northwest Winnipeg last Christmas Eve is connected with a rash of extortion incidents and two other shootings targeting home builders in the Edmonton area, according to police in that city." WTF? There's a lot of shady sh*t going on.

"Police allege the shootings have been carried out by a group in Edmonton who are being directed by someone in India. "There is an individual orchestrating and directing young men in our city to carry out these acts," Stewart said. "And what I can say is that, in my opinion, they're being exploited to carry out these acts and someone who is not in this country is benefiting from that."

Police allege. In my opinion. We sure don't care about defamation any more do we? Let's see the evidence. Who hired the person in Edmonton to hire all these kids to do that? Was his name Surjan Singh Gill or was it some other CSIS mole? Don't tell me. It was Damion Ryan. He was taking contracts on behalf of the government of India as well as Iran. ROFL.

You guys just don't know when to quit. You sound like a crackhead caught in a lie then starts frantically making up more and more lies to explain the first lie until finally the hole he dug is too big for him to climb out of. All these crazy lies when put together become ridiculous. Don't mind me. I'm sure someone will believe it. All these sudden arrests are just as shady as all these politicaly driven shootings. It's as though CSIS is pulling a Damion Ryan and are ratting out people they hired. When Justin Trudeau said it was the government of India he got that allegation from CSIS. The same people that provided the explosives for the Air India bombing.

I agree that the government of India are the prime suspects in the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Surrey. However, there are several things going on all at once here and they're all connected. The government of India did not kill Ripudaman Malik so that is a huge red flag. I'm not saying Modi is a good guy because he's not. I'm saying Modi isn't the only bad guy we have to worry about. With all this shady sh*t going on we need to start talking about Surjan Singh Gill and Grant Bristow. We need to talk about them before we believe anything CSIS says.
Remember Operation Mass Appeal? MI6 was caught red handed deliberately sending out false information to the press about Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction. MI6 is part of the Five Eyes CSIS is aligned with. We need to stop repeating everything they say without fact checking it first.

The reason why I am so skeptical off all these sudden arrests is because this is a CSIS operation. CSIS were the ones that told Justin Trudeau India was behind it so they are the ones orchestrating all this. It's tied to an Intelligence operation in the US so that means the CIA is involved in all this. The CIA and CSIS are working together on this.

US indictment alleges multiple Indian assassination plots across North America

CBC is reporting that "While the charges involve an alleged scheme in New York City, U.S. prosecutors allege it's connected to a case that roiled Canada-India relations. The indictment says an unnamed Indian government employee offered $100,000 for a contract hit on a Sikh separatist in New York and asked Nikhil Gupta, 52, to arrange it. The Indian government employee is not named in the indictment, but he is described as having held different roles, including intelligence, security management and in India's Central Reserve Police Force."

Nikhil Gupta is a drug dealer the CIA claims was hired by an unnamed official from the Indian's government. This is shady because it sounds like a repeat of the ridiculous claim that the government of Iran hired Damion Ryan to kill Iranian dissidents on US spoil. The Iranian government didn't hire Damion Ryan, a drug dealer did and that drug dealer worked for the CIA.

The Indo Canadain Voice is reporting that "The indictment states that CC-1 is an Indian government agency employee who has variously described himself as a Senior Field Officer with responsibilities in Security Management and Intelligence, and who also has referenced previously serving in India’s Central Reserve Police Force and receiving officer training in battle craft and weapons. CC-1 directed the assassination plot from India."

The CIA agent claimed he was working for the government of India.

The CIA's US propaganda wing named Vikram Yadav as the official in India behind the plot.

The report claim the assassination plot had the approval from then chief of RAW Samant Goel. The Times of India is reporting that India claims "the report makes unwarranted and unsubstantial imputations on a serious matter." When you hear the government of India's complete disdain for the Khalistan movement it is quite possible they ordered the murder of Gurpatwant Singh Pannun and Hardeep Singh Nijjar but they didn't order the murder of Ripudaman Malik.

The fact that this whole coordinated narrative is suspiciously similar to the insane allegations against Damion Ryan working for the Iranian government is another concern. The CIA was actively involved on both sides of Operation Blue Star. They were arming and encouraging Sikh separatists through Pakistan and they where the driving force behind the Sikh genocide and the assassination of Gandhi. So let's look at a more likely motive behind their new plot.

The Economic Times of India is reporting that RAW Chief Samant Goel played a key role in the Balakot and Uri strikes on Pakistan by Indian forces. Why would that upset the CIA? Because the CIA ran the ISIS K training camp India bombed. Yet India's air strike was in response to the Pulwama terror attack. The CIA train terrorists in Pakistan.

The CIA has worked with India's Intelligence agency in the past. It's quite possible they said we can take care of these Sikh terrorists for you then rolled on India after they did. Why else would the guy in the US hire a DEA agent to kill Gurpatwant Singh Pannun? It was a set up.

So what do we know? We know that all these political shootings are connected and involve intelligence agencies. We know CSIS is involved because CSIS gave information about them to Justin Trudeau. We know the CIA is involved because it's connected to the CIA under cover operation out of New York. CSIS and the CIA claim India's Intelligence agency is involved so the one thing we do know is that all these are connected and they all involve intelligence agencies who lie consistently about their intentions and involvement in anything they do.

All these recent arrests across Canada aren't the result of good police work. There are too many arrests all at once in too many different jurisdictions. They were involved all along. It was an undercover sting operation run by CSIS and the Five Eyes. Just like Damion Ryan's Sky Global.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

14-year-old girl sexually dancing in a Vancouver gay bar

The Western Standard is reporting that "Exposure of the shocking exploitation of a 14-year-old autistic, disabled trans child performing sexually provocative dances in Vancouver sexual minority bars has now sparked investigations by BC’s children’s ministry and Conservative party leader John Rustad. Where has everybody been? This heinous abuse — by her mother Chrysta and bars that boldly advertise the minor’s disturbing performances that mom allowed to be posted on YouTube and Instagram — has been hidden in plain sight."

CSIS makes appeal for more money and more power

Here's your motive. CSIS is making a public appeal for more money and more power through amendments to the CSIS Act. Remember how the mass shooting in Nova Scotia was timed to support Justin Trudeau's gun control bill despite the fact that none of he guns the alleged shooter used were legally obtained? Well all these Intelligence Agency busts involving India and South Asians in Canada have been timed to coincide with this. A new public report launching CSIS's appeal for more money and more power. That is the last thing we need to do. CSIS need more accountability not less because they are enemies of civil liberty and lying is their MO.

What did we learn from providing the explosives for the Air India bombing? Please advise.

When I interviewed a director for Sikhs for Justice outside the Khalistan referendum in Surrey at 45:26 of this video, he was not aware of the fact that CSIS provided the explosives for the Air India bombing. At first it sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory. It is crazy but it is true.

I first saw it in an old CBC documentary that has been since removed from YouTube. CBC was quoting the RCMP in the trial. Then I had a look at the affidavit of Dave Hayer's father Tara Sing Hayer which confirmed it. Surjan Singh Gill provided the explosives. Surjan Singh Gill was a CSIS agent so we can all see that the accusation is true. CSIS provided the explosives.

The director I interviewed was however familiar with the John Major's Commission. I was not. He said the mandate of the John Major's Commission was absurd. It was supposed to be a public inquiry into the Air India bombing. Yet the John Major's commission was not mandated to investigate responsibility or determine guilt. The Commission also had a clause in it that said if they were to unearth any evidence that implicated a foreign government that would be a risk to international relations and they were prohibited from making that information public. WTF.

The Air India inquiry was a farce just like the Missing Women's Inquiry in BC and the Mass Causality Commission in Nova Scotia. We know that CSIS provided the explosives for the Air India bombing but that's not all we know. CSIS destroyed massive amounts of wire taps they had that implicated them. That was confirmed by the RCMP as well as the Globe and Mail.

We also know that CSIS created the Heritage Front. So what have we learned? We have learned that CSIS needs less power and more public accountability. That is what we've learned.

Canadian Intelligence's Dirty Little Secret: "Surjan Singh Gill, who was one of the co-conspirators in the Air India and Narita bombings, was a Canadian Intelligence mole."

Suspected CSIS mole carried Air-India bombs, Mountie said.

Suspect arrested in Indian theatre shootings in Toronto

This is just a little bit too ironic for it to be a coincidence. This is a coordinated Intelligence Operation. When discussing the motives behind the recent political assassinations in Surrey, I was just going to add that it is reminiscent of the theatre shootings in the GTA where they were premiering movies in languages other than Hindi and Punjabi. These shootings were also politically motivated targeting a specific south Asian minority group.

Well someone has just been magically arrested in those shootings. CTV is reporting that "Police say they have arrested a man wanted in connection with a string of shootings outside movie theatres across the GTA. According to York Regional Police, four shootings occurred outside GTA theatres over the course of a single day back in January."

The GTA has a large South Asian population just like Surrey does. A lot of the theatres runs South Asian movies. Some are in Punjabi most are in Hindi. Well in Toronto they started to show a movie called Malaikottai Vaaliban which was in a different langue called Malayalam spoken in a very small region in the south of India. At first I thought it was a publicity stunt to get people to watch the movie but shortly after the shootings Cineplex stopped showing the move.
The Khalistan quest is the right to self determination. They have no desire to suppress the language or culture of another region on the other side of India. Punjabis speak Punjabi. They're not shooting movie theaters that show movies in Hindi. Over all, Hindi is spoken by far more people in India than Punjabi. They just object to forcing everyone to speak the same language. Kind of like how China is trying to phase out Cantonese in Hong Kong.

So who hired this kid to shoot the movie theaters in the GTA? The government of India? Possible but that would be pretty sketchy. It looks like a coordinated operation with the South Asian extortion in Edmonton and the political assassinations in Surrey.

The two clues we have in discovering who did it are the Ripudaman Malik murder and the Pakistan ISIS connection to the Hardeep Singh Nijjar assassination because all these events are clearly linked. The government of India did not kill Ripudaman Malik.

Malik had recently visited India and met with their Chief of Intelligence. He was singing Modi's praises so the government of India had no motive to kill him. Maybe someone killed him because they blamed him for Air India? Why now? The other events imply it was tied to something else. The government of India implied it was a beef between Ripudaman Malik and Hardeep Singh Nijjar. I highly doubt that.

Malik's supporters killed Nijjar in retaliation for Malik's murder? No way. What supporters? His family? I think not. That obscure theory has nothing to do with the South Asian extortion in Edmonton or the movie theatre shootings in the GTA and these are all related.

So if the government of India didn't order the murder of Ripudaman Malik who did? Pakistan ISIS? Not a chance. So not only did Pakistan ISIS not order the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, they didn't order the murder of Ripudaman Malik either. The didn't extort the South Asian businesses in Edmonton or shoot up the South Asain movie theatres in Toronto. The only common denominator in all this is the Five Eyes and that brings us back to Cameron Ortis.

Edmonton kids tied to Pakistan's ISIS? GMAFB

Update: It looks like the government of India are the ones that made the ridiculous claim.

News 18 is reporting that "Accused In Nijjar’s Killing Involved In Drug Trade, Have Connections With Pakistan’s ISIS." That is ridiculous. They are Punjabi. They have no ties to Islam. They're just drug dealers who took a contract from the Five Eyes. The government of India wouldn't be pushing that ISIS K bullsh*t. Only the Five Eyes would. The CIA created Pakistan's ISIS.

Remember that fake selfie altered to look like the Paris suicide bomber? The kid took a selfie of him holding up his new Ipad and someone photo shopped it to make it look like he was holding up a Quran and wearing a suicide bomb vest. Sikhs are not Muslims. They lied. Again.
CBC reported that "A Spanish newspaper apologized Sunday after it printed the photo of a Canadian Sikh man, which had been altered and presented as the image of a person responsible for the deadly attacks in Paris on Friday. The image appeared to show Jubbal, who was not identified by name, wearing a suicide bomb vest and holding a Qur'an." Sikh are not Muslim. They don't use the Qur'an and they don't speak Arabic they speak Punjabi.

CBC claimed "the photo was eventually posted by an unofficial ISIS support group on the social media platform Telegram, the same platform that ISIS used to claim responsibility for the Paris attacks." Gee I wonder if that's the same ISIS support group CSIS was caught funding?

When my daughter was young she dated a Punjabi guy in Surrey. He told her, if my parents found out I was dating a white girl, they'd be pissed but if they found out I was dating a Muslim, they'd kill me. Literally. Now I'm sure he was half joking. We have heard about honor killings but those are pretty rare and extreme. My point is that there's not a lot of love between Muslims and Sikhs in India. Just like the current tension between Hindus and Sikhs in India.

That means this whole Five Eyes bullsh*t campaign claiming the Edmonton Punjabi kids were tied to Muslims in Pakistan is a lie. When we talk about rising above racism, people used to see someone wearing a turban and they'd sometimes call them a Hindu. I'd be like yo man, he's wearing a turban, he's not Hindu he's Sikh. They'd be like whatever. Stupid Paki. I'm like he's not from f*cking Pakistan. He's from the State of Punjab. They're completely different.

That Punjabi kid my daughter dated told her when he was young he and his father who was wearing a turban visited the US right after 9/11. Someone saw his father's turban, called him a terrorist, ripped off his turban and beat him up in front of his kid. It was pretty f*cked up. When you make statements like that you're just showing how uneducated you are. We're from here so we know the difference. Likewise the term Intelligence Agency is an oxymoron.

In the fake picture that was photo shopped the kid isn't wearing a full turban yet because he's too young. He's wearing a Punjabi dew rag which is common. They often wear that before they get the full turban. The fake news is going to say Punjabi, Pakistani whatever. They're both the same. No they're not. This is how you fact check their bullsh*t. Making that claim outed them. The government of India knows the difference. Pakistan has always had deep ties to the CIA.

The Political Assassinations of Ripudaman Malik and Hardeep Singh Nijjar

Update: Edmonton kids tied to Pakistan's ISIS? GMAFB

Three Edmonton men charged in Surrey Sikh murder

Every crime has a meand and a motive. Let's look at two political assassinations in Surrey and see what's really behind them. We all know the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar was a political assassination. He was a temple president supporting the upcoming Khalistan referendum. A few Punjabi kids from Edmonton were allegedly hired to kill him but who hired them?

What about Ripudaman Malik? Who hired those Punjabi kids to kill him? What was the motive? I interviewed several intelligent men outside the Sikh temple at Scottsdale Mall during the Khalistan referendum. At 45:26 I interviewed a director from Sikhs for Justice and asked him about Air India. He was very familiar with what happened and had obviously spent a lot of time studying it. Surprisingly, he had not heard that CSIS provided the explosives. That's a pretty big deal. Nevertheless, as soon as I mentioned Air India he went off about Ripudaman Malik. Ripudaman Malik was accused of financing the Air India bomb plot but was never convicted due to a lack of evidence. He was murdered long after a year before Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

The director from Sikhs for Justice said Ripudaman Malik visited India a couple years before he was murdered and had a meeting with Ajit Kumar Doval who is in charge on India's Intelligence Agency. Ripudaman and his brother go on National television and said we thank Doval, we had a meeting with him and he's a great guy. The director from Sikhs for Justice said that was suspicious. He said if you or I visit India it is highly unlikely we're going to get a sit down with the chief of India's Intelligence Agency. He had a good point.

Not only did Malik meet with the chief of India's Intelligence agency he also praised Modi before the election. Pretty suspicious for someone who was accused of planning a terrorist attack against the government of India. My point here is that the government of India did not kill Ripudaman Malik. They had no motive to do so. So who hired these kids to kill him and why?

India tried to blame Hardeep Singh Nijjar for Ripudaman Malik's murder and Hardeep said bullsh*t. The government of India tried to claim the two murders were tit for tat killings and I say bullsh*t. These two political assignations clearly look like an intelligence operation. The question is which intelligence agencies? India or the Five Eyes? Both are suspects.

Friday, May 3, 2024

6AK retweets some Drake News

6AK is also tweeting videos of rival drug dealers in Calgary getting kidnapped.

Allegations of RCMP bullying detailed in Surrey police court docs

Three Edmonton men charged in Surrey Sikh murder

Update: Edmonton kids tied to Pakistan's ISIS? GMAFB

The Political Assassinations of Ripudaman Malik and Hardeep Singh Nijjar

The Vernon Morning Star is reporting that "Three suspects from Edmonton have been arrested and charged in the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Surrey in June 2023. Karan Brar, 22; Kamalpreet Singh, 22; and Karanpreet Singh, 28, have all been charged with first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder in relation to the homicide."

The fact that they were from Edmonton is interesting. That young South Asian kid was recently charged with extorting South Asians in Edmonton. It also raises questions about Harpreet Uppal and his son Gavin's murdeer in Edmonton last year. However, that one was gang related.

This arrest relates to a lot of things and they are all very political. We are told all three suspects are Indian nationalists but the name Singh is specifically a Punjabi term not a Hindu term. Of course anyone can hire anyone to kill anyone since hitmen are mercenaries like Blackwater. They'll kill whoever they are paid to kill. The first anomaly I have is the simple fact that I don't know any Punjabis in Canada who do not support the Khalistan referendum.

The Edmonton connection is an anomaly. The Edmonton Hells Angels run the Brother's Keepers which is an IndoCanadain gang in Surrey. The Edmonton Hells Angels had to recruit local guys from Edmonton to kill Ali because the Brothers Keepers wouldn't do it. I don't think the Brothers Keepers would have killed Hardeep Singh Nijjar and I'm surprised any Punjabi kid would. I mean this goes back to the Sikh genocide in India. That was a big deal. It's like a Catholic kid over in Ireland killing a Catholice priest. That would be highly unlikely.

The narrative that we are being told is that these hitmen here hired by the government of India and or the Intelligence Agency of India which is entirely possible. They are no doubt the prime suspects. It's just that they aren't the only suspects. We all see this murder as a political assassination. That means we have to address a false flag attack in Hardeep Singh Nijjar's home town back in India. The government of India claims that Hardeep Singh Nijjar is a suspect in the murder of a Hindu priest back in India. I don't beleive Hardeep had anyhting to do with that.

That attack was too high profile. It was too suspicious. I believe it was a false flag attack and they chose to do it in his own home town to make him look bad. The fact that Justin Trudeau and CSIS see the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar as a political assassination we are force to conclude that they do not believe he was responsible for killing that Hindu priest in his home town. If he was not responsible then everyone's basically saying it was a false flag attack to make him look bad. Which is exactly what I believe it was.

Let's remember what's going on in India. The government is persecuting Sikhs as well as Muslims. They're tearing down mosques and ordering the police to use live ammunition on protesters. Modi's persecution of the State of Punjab has a lot to do with the global attack on farming. Their latest dirty trick is to cut off water for farming. Modi is a right wing globalist just like his pal Benjamin Netanyahu. The point is they are both globalists.
I'm not saying these kids didn't so it. I'm saying it's pretty f*cked up. They killed a Temple president. That means they have no self respect. They're just gang bangers who will kill anyone for a buck. There are a lot of Punjabi kids that go to my gym. They respect their elders and they respect their heritage. That other guy was a gang bangers but killing his kid was f*cked up. If these kids did that, then we can see how they wouldn't care about killing a Temple president.

It also reveals something. Someone hired gang bangers for a political assassination. Just like they hired gang bangers to kill Dave Hayer's father. The question is who. Did the government of India hire Punjabi kids for a political assassination? I don't think so. I think it was the Five Eyes. CSIS is kind of a useless version of the CIA. Their logo used to be a beaver in a trench coat.

I don't think CSIS hired them, I think the CIA did. CSIS had a role to play but hiring someone to kill someone is more something the CIA would do. After all, this Operation was tied to the US because US intelligence claimed it was linked to something going on there. I think CSIS pulled a Damion Ryan and rolled on the people they hired to get a bust and a bigger budget. As we speak CSIS is on a campaign for more money and more power.
Think about it. What was the motive for killing Dave Hayer's father? What did his affidavit say? The CBC reported that during the Air India trial the RCMP stated CSIS provided the explosives for the Air India attack. Tara Singh Hayer's affidavit confirmed that Surjan Singh Gill, the CSIS mole, was indeed the one that provided the explosives. If the CSIS mole had not done that, there would have been no attack. CSIS hired Hells Angels associates to blow him up.

Dave Hayer did not kill Ripudaman Malik. Neither did the governement of India. CSIS did.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Hells Angel killed in Iran by Mosaad

TBM posted a link to an interesting video claiming that a Hells Angel was killed by Mossad in Iran. Y Net News is confirming the claim and is reporting that "German media has released new details about the killing of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) operative Ramin Yektaparast, who reportedly was shot dead on Iranian soil, a murder attributed to Israel."

The article also claims "German media reveals Ramin Yektaparast, was allegedly involved in the murder of a gang member, and fled Germany after being accused of plotting attacks against Jews." OK that sounds like bullsh*t. If Mossad is involved with drug trafficking then they are going to be aligned with the Hells Angels. The Jerusalem Post is confirming the claim.

It's kind of strange that a Hells Angels president in Germany would be Iranian. The main Hells Angels president in Germany was arrested for human trafficking in Spain. He was not Iranian, he was German. I realize there's some kind of migration going on in Europe and I think some different ethnicities have joined the group but this story is shady.

The National News claims that "Iran recruited fugitive Hell's Angel for arson attack on German synagogue." This is where it gets ridiculous. I don't support burning Synagogues or burning Mosques. That is IMO crazy. Why would anyone do that? The freedom of religion guarantees the freedom of religion. So what's really going on here? This is Operation CU-YA deja vu.

It's reminiscent of the recent Damion Ryan bullsh*t that made international headlines. They claim Iran hired a Hells Angel to kill Iranian dissidents but no one was killed. He was going to do it but never did. He and his coaccused have killed people in the past but nobody cares about that. All off a sudden they were going to kill a couple of Iranian dissidents but never did and somehow that makes international headlines. BULLSH*T.

Naji Sharifi Zindashti was an Iranian drug dealer who fled Iran after escaping a life sentence for drug trafficking by killing a prison guard. The Iranian government, like the Taliban, don't like drug trafficking. Something Mossad and the CIA specialize in - Operation Watchtower. This brick of cocaine with a Star of David stamped on it was seized in Langley, BC back in 2012.
Naji Sharifi Zindashti hired members of the Brother's Keepers to kill rival drug dealers in Dubai. He hired them to kill a rival drug dealer not an Irainian dissisent. As I said before, Iran has oil. The purpose of all these oil wars is to control and limit the supply of oil so they can jack up the price of oil. If Iran and Russia are allowed to sell their oil and their natural gas the supply increases and the price drops. That's what happens in a free market. They don't want that to happen so they demonize Russia and Iran simply because they want to jack up the price of oil. That is haram.

Remember what Efrat Fenigson said. Cui Bono - who stands to benefit? The Hells Angels want to make money. To do that they need to keep a low profile. These rappers who flaunt their wealth don't get it. As a result, they don't last very long. CSIS has in the past hired the Hells Angels to do political assassinations in Surrey but whether or not it's worthwhile for the club to do that depends on the ripple effect and the public exposure it creates. Killing a rival drug dealer is worthwhile because it has a long term money making effect. They make money from the rival's business.

Killing an Iranian dissident, there's no money in that for them and if it makes international headlines it's simply not worth it financially. So who would benefit from that? The people trying to rationalize a boycott on Iranian oil and gas so they can make money off the Saudi monopoly.

Petrol bombing Jewish synagogues would be insane. There would be virtually no money in that for them and it would bring on an enormous amount of unwanted heat. So this claim about Ramin Yektaparast and the other claim about Damion Ryan simply don't make sense. Iran wouldn't do that because it would justify a boycott on their oil. Iran wants to make money too so the only ones that would benefit from this shady scam are the Five Eyes and the WEF.