Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Ontario Hells Angel shot dead in Toronto

The Hamilton Spectator is reporting that "A longtime Ontario Hells Angel was shot to death execution-style in the parking garage of an apartment building on Danforth Avenue on Tuesday night. Harry Lainas, 47, was a full member of the Hells Angels’ Simcoe South charter and formerly with the Keswick Hells Angels." Another Ontario HA executed? Wow.

What's Gumby's prognosis? Damion Ryan got his filthy few patch after he capped a Quebec member in Greece for Gumby. Did you really think that one through beforehand? Of course not.

Since Jamie Bacon and the Surrey Six killers are cooperating with the police, where does that leave Gumby? Has Larry Amero joined the rat pack too? They don't testify against HA associates, they just testify against rivals. Except for Blaze. He's given up some of his guys recently as well. I guess he's jealous they still have a life and he doesn't. He never has. That ship pased him by.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Time to reign in growing extremism

CBC is stating that "It's time to take action against growing extremism in Alberta." They're quite right but why stop there? If we are going to confront extremism in Canada we have to start with CBC and Post Media News who are promoting Communism with a barrage of lies. That is as extreme as you can get. We saw Communism in Cambodia and in East Berlin. That is the extremism we must now confront. It's time to stop funding the CBC with tax dollars.

We need to ask ourselves, why did the CBC single out Alberta? It's because Alberta is conservative and is being completely screwed over by the American Democrats who cancelled the Keystone pipeline and cut off the oil to Ontario and Quebec refineries. They have every right to express their concerns at this time. CBC targeted Alberta because they voted out the Liberals.

Their picture of targets was of the Soldiers of Odin and the yellow vest protesters. Instead of taking note of the concerns the peaceful protesters are expressing, they claim it's time to reign them in because that is what the left does. The left does not permit diversity of opinion.

Initially I had concerns with the Soldiers of Odin because they were anti-immigration and I am pro-immigration. However, there are many other issues that I do agree with them on. Opposing lockdowns and masks in but one. The CBC propaganda stain claims that anyone who objects to the lockdown or to wearing a mask should also be reined in. That is insane. Unlike the Communist Manifesto which Justin Trudeau flaunts, the Canadian Charter of Rights protects the freedom of affiliation and expression. The CBC does not. It's time to Defund the CBC.

If we are going to reign in extremists, we need to include ANTIFA. Everyone is Anti Fascist. Those anti Fascists are Communists because they claim that anyone who disagrees with them is a Fascist which is absurd. Communism and Fascism are the same thing. We do need to confront that kind of extremism and the polarized insanity the Main Stream Media is bombarding us with.

This ties in with Tulsi Gabard and John Brennan. John Brennan has a whole list of people he wants to ban including Libertarians and Nativists. Now if you support First Nation rights, John Brennan wants to ban you. Tulsi Gabard understands her oath. John Brennan does not.

John Brennan also talks about religious extremists. Does John Brennan think anyone who has a religious affiliation is a religious extremist? That's what the Communists think.

Since the Capital Hill riot is being used to rationalize this attack on civil liberty, we need to examine it. This clown from QAnon standing in front of a green screen claims that Donald Trump incited him. WTF? That's like saying listening to a musician incited me to commit murder. We are all responsible for our own actions. The reason he and many of the Black Lives Matter protesters present were creating violence at the Capital Hill riot is because they were agent provocateurs.

Think about it. The election fraud case was never heard in court. There was plenty of evidence and plenty of irregularities. People had every right to be mad. If someone was sincerely outraged over the election irregularities, they would not turn around and testify at Donald Trump bogus impeechment trial claiming he incited them. It doesn't make sense. The only reason they are sayingf that now is because they were planted at the protest to create violence and then blame Donald Trump for it. That is why the BLM rioters were there creating violence.

I support Donald Trump and I do not believe Biden won Arizona. The CBC is worthless.

15 year old girl killed in Montreal drive by shooting

The Toronto Star is reporting that 15-year-old Meriem Boundaoui was killed during a drive by shooting in Montreal. "Police said the girl was with another person inside a stopped car Sunday night talking to a group of people outside when a second car drove up and someone opened fire. The girl and a 21-year-old man who was on the sidewalk were hit by bullets, and she was later declared dead." Horrific. I'd like to know who was in the car with her or who the target was.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

MPs demand relocation of 2022 Olympics due to China’s abuse of Uighurs

The Tornto Star is reporitng that "More than a dozen federal lawmakers from all parties are calling for the 2022 Winter Olympics to be moved outside China, citing a genocidal campaign by the state against Uighurs and other Muslim minorities."

"An open letter signed by 13 MPs, a half-dozen Quebec politicians and others warns that participating in the Beijing Olympics would “amount to taking part in a sinister, self-aggrandizing spectacle staged for the benefit of a regime that is perpetrating the worst possible crimes against humanity against its own people.”

"The letter demands that the International Olympic Committee relocate the global competition to avoid having athletes “tainted” by an event legislators say would be comparable to the 1936 Berlin games under the Nazi regime, rendering it The Games of Shame.”

"Bob Rae, Canada’s ambassador to the United Nations, called on the United Nations in November to investigate whether China’s persecution of ethnic Muslim Uighurs in its Xinjiang province constitutes genocide."

Did you catch that? Bob Rae was the former Ontario Premier and leader of the NDP. He's speaking out about Communist China abuse of Muslims in China. Good for him. Too bad our globalist Conservatives won't do the same. We know Justin Trudeau won't. He admires genocide.
China is committing acts of genocide against Uyghur and other Turkic Muslims in the autonomous region of XinJiang, a House of Commons subcommittee on international human rights has declared. Justin Trudeau is the devil. Genocide is nothing to smile about.

Pelican Nebula above the Lions

Vancouver is Awesome is reporting that "A Vancouver astrophotographer is sharing a remarkable image of two nebulae glowing vibrantly above The Lions. The jaw-dropping snap features the North America and Pelican Nebulae beaming above the mountain peaks, in several shades of pink and red." Liron Gertsman, a 20-year-old astrophotographer told the news outlet that he took the picture January 21st 2021. It's remarkable. In fact it's unbelievable.

I think it's a double exposure. It's a picture of the Pelican Nebula over top a picture of the Lions. I've never seen a nebula in Vancouver with the naked eye. I thought you needed a telescope to see that. However, this site claims you can see it with the naked eye. If this picture is real, that is astounding. Like a stellar bioluminescence. I will say this, surfs up. Fresh snow on the local mountains. The sun finally came out today and the local mountains were stunning.
Update: Liron Gertsman states that the picture of the Lions was taken with a time elapsed camera which reveals things the naked eye cannot see. On his website he has examples of his astrophotography. My father used to take time lapsed pictures of meteor showers or of the stars around the north star but this nebula thing is a whole new world.

Fatal shooting outside Toronto

CTV is reporitng that "A man is dead after a shooting in a parking lot in Scarborough Saturday evening. Toronto police were called to the area of Sheppard Avenue East and Gateforth Drive, east of Markham Road, shortly after 10:30 p.m. Duty Insp. Don Theriault said officers located a man with serious gunshot wounds. Despite life-saving measures, the victim was pronounced dead on the scene, he said. The homicide unit has been called to investigate. Police said a firearm was located at the scene." That would be a throw away. That was not a legally obtained firearm. Banning legally obtained firearms would not have prevented this.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Life Goes on - Jack and Diane

End the Lockdowns Caucus

Maxime Bernier is reporitng that "This week, I was in Ontario with MP Derek Sloan, Ontario MPP Randy Hillier, and other elected officials to discuss something very important: lockdowns. As you know, I’ve been one of the very few politicians in Canada criticizing lockdowns. Lockdowns and curfews are a clear violation of our fundamental rights and freedoms."

"Lockdowns are destroying our economy and creating massive government debt. Lockdowns will end up killing more people than the virus, because of suicides, depression, addiction, and postponed treatment for cancer and other illnesses. We created a non-partisan group, the End the Lockdowns Caucus, to encourage public debate." The Liberty Coalition of Canada's website.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Johnson & Johnson's Covid vaccine and simulation

CNN is reporting that "Johnson & Johnson officially asked the US Food and Drug Administration for an emergency use authorization of its Covid-19 vaccine Thursday, taking forward the possibility of a third coronavirus vaccine for the US market." Big surprise.

Johnson & Johnson recently opened two new manufacturing plants in China. In 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security ran a a coronavirus simulation in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. During Event 201 Johnson & Johnson was asked specifically about a coronavirus vaccine.

November 2019 Bill Gates coronavirus patent was approved in Europe. Do the math.

Biden and Iran: Balancing the extreemes

Rebel News is reporting that "Congressional Republicans are seeking to prevent the Biden administration from pursuing diplomatic efforts with Iran by pushing legislation for tough economic sanctions on the rogue state." Why would they do that? It's a Republican effort to prevent Biden from rejoining the nuclear deal. Why would Biden do that? How about no nukes and no sanctions? How about we just leave them alone? They won't do that because Iran has oil.

This brings us all back to 1953 when the CIA and MI6 supported a coup in Iran to take over their oil in Operation Ajax. Selling nuclear reactors to any country is dangerous business because it gives them the technology and the materials to make nuclear weapons. India got its nukes from Canadian reactors. Canada selling Communist China nuclear reactors is bat sh*t crazy.

Iran's oil is why the CIA has demonized them. Saudia Arabia and the CIA have created and armed far more terrorists than Iran ever has. The whole pipeline from Quatar to Turkey, Quatar were the ones arming ISIS in Syria thanks to Hilary Clinton and the US Defense budget.

Women have more rights in Iran than they do in Saudi Arabia. In Iran, women are encouraged to attend university. Look at how they rock their hijabs. My Syrian neighbours don't let their hair show through. When I saw this travel video of a young couple from Norway traveling through Iran and saw how the girl rocked her hijab I was surprised. That is very progressive.

Iran is a beautiful country geographically, architecturally and culturally. Sanctions are unwarranted. Nukes are unwise. Historically, Cyrus the Great freed the Jewish slaves.