Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Surrey shooting

The Vancouver Province is reporting that there was another shooting in Surrey just after 9:00 PM last night in a parking lot behind an Earl's restaurant at 72nd and Scott Road. CTV is reporting that it was a public shooting when the restaurant was open for business.

1 comment:

  1. Saw that on the news. Didn't see the mayor, fordy, or any con cabinet ministers though telling us they were going to take care of the problem though. oh, well all of this shooting must be working for some one, just not the average citizens, or perhaps it is, because they voted the last civic party right back into office. If you don't want an increase in your local taxes you are going to have these types of problems.

    I truly believe nothing will change in Surrey until about 10 people, of the middle and upper classes are killed in 2 weeks. Until then its business as usual.


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