Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Palin Trump - Dumb and Dumber

The Republicans have got to do better than that. Donald Trump and Sarah Palin? That's like dumb and dumber revisited. The wing nut and the whack job. A tax evading Nazi who wants to invade countries like Libya to steal their oil and a down right idiot who can't remember if the US supported North or South Korea in the war. God help us.

Sarah Palin also recently mixed up the Paul Revere story as well. Giving her the nuclear codes would be somewhat less than comical.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

California Courts order release of 46,000 inmates

This case is another example of bizarre. It resembles something out of the Twilight zone. It is a clear example of a prison system that is not working and a judicial system that completely oversteps it's jurisdiction.

We know the prisons in California are seriously over crowded. Three to a bunk is bizarre. We know that privatizing the prisons, which was a huge conflict of interest has miserably failed. Yet when the courts order the government to release over one quarter of the prison population in two years, that sweeps the pendulum of absurdity in the opposite direction.

Justice Antonin Scalia, called the decision "staggering" and "absurd." It "takes the federal courts wildly beyond their institutional capacity," he wrote. I completely agree. Yet there is a problem and doing nothing about it is negligent. The court said the state's prisons had "short of minimum constitutional requirements" and "needless suffering and death" have resulted.

A privatized prison is mandated to make a profit. Private corporations have no moral conscience. Prisoners dying or not able to get adequate medical attention do not concern them. In fact, despite the over crowding, we see the rise of salaries. Lifeguards get 200,000 a year. The lowest paid is 100,000. A deputy sheriff can retire at 55 with 100,000 a year for life.

The problem is a person who is in on child support, DUI or some other non violent offense like smoking or selling pot, gets lumped in with everyone else. So how are we going to execute the release of one quarter of the prison population? Jesus Barabbas or Jesus of Nazareth? Someone who has committed a nonviolent crime or a convicted murder? You tell me.

Is the judicial system going to become like a trip to Vegas? Right after the trial is over and the judge has made his decision, let's roll the dice to see if the criminal actually goes to jail or walks away free. Absurd as that may seem, that is where we could be heading.

The logical response would be to set the nonviolent criminals free first. Everyone hates deadbeat Dads but bloody hell, garnish their wages don't send them to jail. Sending them to jail makes the innocent children suffer. How are they going to pay child support in prison?

There is a huge difference between selling pot and selling crack. The judicial consequences need to reflect that. Decriminalizing pot not legalizing it would be a logical medium which would let us fiscally address violent crime without raising taxes and bankrupting the system. Statutory release should be done away with. Inmates should be given the option of working to qualify for early release.

And this just in: California Accidentally Released Violent Inmates To Reduce Prison Crowding. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that nonviolent offenders should be the ones released first. Yet somehow the privatized prisons have a hard time understanding that.

Canada drops 240 bombs in Libya

Bullshit. 240 X $100,000 = $24 million. $24 million to bomb a guy after murdering his son because protesters took up arms against him. If I took an angry mob to Ottawa and started shooting at Harper I guarantee you the police would shoot back. The bombing of Libya is for their oil just like the Invasion of Iraq was.

Oh and dropping the HST temporarily for the referendum is bullshit too. Once the HST is in, no referendum will be able to stop them from raising it to whatever they want. The HST taxes things that are normally GST except. If it wasn't a tax grab the government wouldn't be spending so much money trying to convince us it's good for us. Democracy is good for us. Bullshit is not.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Oil Companies suing the government

With all this talk about the government suing the oil companies over the price of gas let's take a peak at times the oil companies have sued the government and why that makes over reaching trade agreements so dangerous.

Recently, Alaskan oil companies have sued the government for handing too much land to polar bears. I kid you not.

The thought is rather absurd. A democratically elected government can make parks and protected habitat all it wants. Yet not when we hand over those democratic rights over to tribunals in over reaching trade agreements like NAFTA, TILMA and the NAU.

Two U.S. oil companies are suing Canada for $60 million under NAFTA’s Chapter 11, because the Newfoundland government is demanding that part of their research and development (R&D) budget be spent in the province.

The Council of Canadians explain that under NAFTA’s Chapter 11, foreign investors sue governments over public measures like environmental protection, public health protection and the delivery of public services if they interfere with their profits. These cases are not adjudicated by Canadian courts, but by secretive trade tribunals.

This does not give any consideration to the country’s laws, commitments to social programs, and environmental, labour or human rights. By giving foreign investors the right to claim damages when government measures interfere with profits, NAFTA has empowered private tribunals to resolve public policy disputes. The result is that foreign companies may use NAFTA freely to challenge public policies and laws they oppose.

So what happens when a corporation sues the government under NAFTA and loses? It rewrites the agreement so that it will win next time. That is what we see with TILMA and the NAU. TILMA is a trade agreement between the provinces that makes it illegal for any level of government to create a law that will inhibit a corporation's ability to make a profit. The same with the wording of the NAU. Oh I mean the security prosperity partnership.

If we want to create a law that protects the environment, we can't. We just signed away that right. So when a private company wants to make a profit by dumping nuclear waste in Canada they can sue us if we try and stop them because protecting the environment would inhibit their ability to make a profit. I kid you not. These are serious issues being signed away in back rooms as we sleep.

Government intervention in the rising price of gas

In the news we hear both the American and the Canadian governments are summoning the large oil companies to explain why the price of gas is so high at the pump when they are making billions in profits and get billions in tax exemptions. Well isn’t that ironic?

First we create a giant blood sucking monster mandated to rip people off, then we act all surprised when they do what they are mandated to do. Rip people off and make more and more profit. It is a theatrical production to appease voters and play Pontius Pilate.

The price at the pump at mid-week had risen nearly 6% in less than 72 hours, while crude oil prices had fallen by nearly 14% in the previous 10 days.

Private corporations only care about one thing – profit. They are mandated to not only make a profit but to always increase the amount of profit they make to meet the ever increasing demands of the shareholder. Corporations don’t care about consumers. The only time corporations care about consumers is when supply and demand says the consumer can go somewhere else which would reduce their profit margin. When there is a monopoly on the market that is not publicly accountable, consumers don’t matter.

In a sense there isn’t a monopoly on the oil market, it’s just that the big oil companies have ganged up on the consumer. When we had a gas war supply and demand reduced the price of gas at the pump. Now the gas war is over. Some companies will automatically set their price of gas at a few cents below what everyone else is charging. Everyone else just accepted that and kept charging more and more so the companies that would undercut them were only under cutting them by a marginal amount.

In 1911 the Supreme Court stepped in when the Rockefellers tried to buy up all the oil companies and create a monopoly. They introduced legislation allowing smaller oil companies to exist. Which in essence just paved the way for all the oil fraud the Bush family were so entrenched in.

Yet when the large oil companies are making so much excessive profit and they refuse to reduce the price of gas at the pump, then it is with merit to discuss government intervention. Oh but can a government intervene in a private market? They can when they rip people off. There are two avenues to go.

We can’t sue them and take them to court because they haven’t broken any laws. We could create a law to force them to drop the price of gas at the pump and start paying some corporate tax. The other avenue would be to nationalize the oil industry. Wouldn’t that be extreme? Look at how they slandered the Mexican president who nationalized their oil. They slandered him to his grave and beyond. Yet the Mexican people have benefited from his efforts.

Nationalizing the oil may sound extreme, but look at all the good that could be accomplished. Fair prices is one thing but think about the number of schools, hospitals and mri scans some of those profits could pay for? Certainly we don’t want to overburden the private sector with excessive corporate tax. Yet if the large corporations are making large profits, then they should be paying some tax. Not taxing the large corporations but taxing individual families is unjust. Natural justice declares that everyone does their civic duty and pays their fair share of tax. This is how we balance budgets. This is how we pay down the debt. This is how we build schools and hospitals. This is how we provide social programs like universal healthcare.

The Financial Post claims There's not much any government can do to control the price of gasoline at the pumps. That's not entirely true. All the payday loan companies, although privately owed are all subject to the laws in place. In BC the maximum they can charge for a payday loan is 23% so that is exactly what they charge. They charge 23% for a two week loan which is really 46% per month but we won't get into technicalities. Much.

The point is the government can create laws and intervene when private companies get carried away with greed. Standard Oil was the largest oil refiner in the world until it was broken up by the United States Supreme Court in 1911.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pension Theft

Front page of the Globe and Mail today had the headline Pensions. The article quotes some numbers and then comes up with a very disturbing conclusion. They say that more than half of the country’s pensioned workers are in jobs in the civil service or at government-funded institutions such as universities and hospitals.

They then proceed to claim "While job losses in hard-hit sectors have helped to drive down the number of employees with pension plans, many companies have also looked to cut costs by eliminating so-called defined benefit plans – which pay the worker a guaranteed income upon retirement – for new employees at least."

They are claiming that since the number of Canadian workers with pensions have decreased in the private sector compared to the public sector companies are trying to eliminate pensions to cut costs and imply that public sector employees should consider also taking the roll back to their pensions.

That's like saying there's a bank robber loose and since he has robbed half the banks, everyone else should give up their savings too. Pensions are sacred. The Corporate trend of eliminating pensions to cuts costs is a clear example of how fucked up our society has become.

Aside from the fact that they fudged their numbers. “It comes back to an employment story more than a pension story,” said Paul Forestell, senior partner at pension consulting firm Mercer. “Jobs disappeared, so there are fewer people working in manufacturing in the private sector. It’s not necessarily that [pension] plans disappeared, there’s just less people employed there.”

Yet in October of 2009 the Globe and Mail ran another article entitled Bankrupt companies, pension promises destroyed. That article states that there are 17.6 million people in the Canadian work force and that 11 million Canadian workers are without pension plans. That is not a good thing. We should be encouraging pensions not discouraging them.

Yet the Globe and Mail have just run another article about pensions entitled: Messing with politicians’ pensions can have unintended consequences.

They claim that messing with a politician's pension is taboo. Then why is it fair game to steal everyone else's pension? Answer: It's not. Canada’s aging work force hasn’t saved enough to retire. Pension benefits are being slashed, employees are working longer, the elderly are selling their homes and going back to work. This is not a good thing. Trying to encourage companies to steal pensions to cut costs is just plain wrong.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Gadhafi's son and grandchildren laid to rest

The funeral for Gadhafi's son and two grandchildren killed by a NATO missile strike was held Monday. Rebels said the claim that family members were killed was a publicity stunt by the flamboyant strongman. I guess not. A Yemeni official condemned the attack.

Despite denials from Western leaders that the air raid on the Gadhafi compound was an assassination attempt, it has provoked renewed debate on whether the British and French-led strikes are exceeding the United Nations' mandate to protect civilians. No kidding. Bombing one side is not enforcing a ceasefire. Neither is murdering children.

Rebel fighter Abdel-Aziz Bilhaj, 22, welcomed the attack, saying it would make Gadhafi think twice about how he dealt with his people. Rebels cheered and set off fireworks with the news. Can we not see how twisted this is? We have become animals thirsting for blood and hungering for war. They said it would one day come to this but it is very sad nevertheless.

The Libyan leader also had an adopted daughter who was killed in a 1986 U.S. airstrike on his Bab al-Aziziya residential compound, which was separate from the area struck on Saturday.

Bin Laden death won't speed Afghan departure

David Cameron claims Bin Laden's death won't speed Afghan departure. Of course it won't. After all who will protect the oil pipeline and help cultivate and harvest the opium there? The fact that bin Laden wasn't found in Afghanistan isn't relevant. There is too much money to be made through the modern imperialism.

Canadian Election Results

Wow, with a last minute NDP surge in popularity in the last two weeks of the election campaign, the election proved to be a nail bitter that did indeed make history. First, it is amazing how the NDP swept Quebec. I think it is remarkable. I have nothing against Duceppe or the Bloc. Seeing Quebecors who previously voted for the Bloc vote for the NDP tells me all of a sudden many Quebecors feel included. In fact I have a French friend in Quebec who has been telling me the feeling in Quebec is changing and that it's more of a global perspective. Helping Quebec feel included is a good thing. That obviously is not something Harper wants to do.

I'm thrilled to see the Green Party finally get a seat and am thrilled it turned out to be Elizabeth May. I think banning her from the leadership debate was shameful. My heart was softening toward Iggy at the end. My initial concern about him was the fact that he wrote a book saying torture is OK. Harper feels the same he's just lest honest about it. He lies and covers it up. Then when a whistle blower leaks it out to the public he fires the whistle blower and slanders him. Not to worry. Justine Trudeau will save the Liberal party. I just wish more Conservative seats went to the NDP not Liberal.

The end result is a disaster. A conservative majority. It's nice the NDP are the official opposition but now that the Conservatives have a majority, the country is worse off. Once again there will be no debate on any issues. The Conservatives will let the NDP speak on a bill while they cover their ears and mockingly say bla bla bla then cram through their unbalanced crime bills just because they can. I do not support closing more schools and hospitals to build more prisons for nonviolent crime or jets to bomb countries for their oil. And I most certainly don't support raising taxes with the HST to pay for them.

It was shocking to see Gordon Campbell and George Bush get elected to second terms. No doubt Harper will also hang himself when given enough rope just as they did. I do support democracy but I will record my dissent. It's the lies that get me angry. We will watch his spending because he already spent Paul Martin's budget surplus. It's kind of sad that the Conservatives only got 39.62% of the vote compared to the NDP's 30.62% yet they got 54.2% of the seats. Indeed, we will watch their spending closely because the lies are no longer believable.

On the brighter side I can say with conviction that I did not vote for Stephen Harper and I do not support him. Donna Cadman lost her seat because a vote for her was a vote for the people that tried to bribe her husband with an insurance fraud. The general public has no idea of all the bizarre things Harper has already done and are just beginning to find out about them. I can in all sincerity extend the hand of brotherhood to Quebec in the spirit of fraternity. After all, it was the French revolution that was built upon Liberté, égalité, fraternité. Harper has none of those qualities.

Stephen Harper did not get 54% of the votes he got less than 40% of the votes. He is not fiscally responsible. He spent Paul Martin's budget surplus. Stephen Harper is no Preston Manning and no Lester Pearson. He's just another Brian Mulroney who I might add committed perjury and defrauded the Canadian people out of $2 million.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Lester B. Pearson's Nobel Peace

Lester B. Pearson won the Nobel Peace for organizing the United Nations Emergency Force to resolve the Suez Canal Crisis. He did many great things for Canada. His minority government introduced universal health care, student loans, the Canada Pension Plan, the Order of Canada, and the current Canadian flag. During his tenure, Prime Minister Pearson also convened the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism.

Nevertheless, I want to touch on the reason he won a Nobel Peace Prize. In 1956 Egypt wanted to Nationalize the canal so France, England and Israel invaded.

The Suez Canal was opened in 1869, after ten years of work financed by the French and Egyptian governments. In 1875, as a result of debt and financial crisis, the Egyptian ruler was forced to sell his shares in the canal operating company to the British government of Benjamin Disraeli. They were willing buyers and obtained a 44% share in the canal's operations for less than £4 million; this maintained the majority shareholdings of the mostly French private investors.

The canal instantly became strategically important; it provided the shortest ocean link between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. The canal eased commerce for trading nations and particularly helped European colonial powers to gain and govern their colonies. England invaded Egypt in 1882 and took control of the country and canal.

Although the canal was a strategic military intersection during the first and second world war, in 1955 petroleum accounted for half of the canal's traffic, and, in turn, two thirds of Europe's oil passed through it. In 1953 England was involved with Operation Ajax in Iran trying to secure their control of Iran's oil.

26 July 1956 President of Egypt Gamel Abdel Nasser decided to nationalize the Suez Canal. He announced that the Nationalization Law had been published, that all assets of the Suez Canal Company had been frozen, and that stockholders would be paid the price of their shares according to the day's closing price on the Paris Stock Exchange.

Three months after Egypt's nationalization of the Suez Canal company, a secret meeting took place at Sèvres, outside Paris. Britain and France enlisted Israeli support for an alliance against Egypt. The parties agreed that Israel would invade the Sinai. Britain and France would then intervene, purportedly to separate the warring Israeli and Egyptian forces, instructing both to withdraw to a distance of 16 kilometres from either side of the canal. The British and French would then argue that Egypt's control of such an important route was too tenuous, and that it needed be placed under Anglo-French management. (Protocol of Sèvres)

Both the French and the British felt that Nasser should be removed from power. The French "held the Egyptian president responsible for assisting the anticolonial rebellion in Algeria." France was nervous about the growing influence that Nasser exerted on its North African colonies and protectorates. Both Britain and France were eager that the canal should remain open as an important conduit of oil. Israel wanted to reopen the Straits of Tiran leading to the Gulf of Eilat to Israeli shipping, and saw the opportunity to strengthen its southern border and to weaken what it saw as a dangerous and hostile state.

The Israelis were also deeply troubled by Egypt’s procurement of large amounts of Soviet weaponry that included 530 armored vehicles, of which 230 were tanks; 500 guns; 150 MiG 15 jet fighters; 50 Iluyshin-28 bombers; submarines and other naval craft. The influx of this advanced weaponry altered an already shaky balance of power.

Washington disagreed with Paris and London on whether to use force to resolve the crisis. The United States worked hard through diplomatic channels to resolve the crisis without resorting to conflict. Hence Lester B. Pearson's attempts to find a diplomatic solution to the invasion.

Unfortunately, now we see wars controlled not by governments but by large oil companies who continue to extort the public with over inflated gas prices at the pump while they continue to line their pockets with blood money at the taxpayers expense.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Assassination of Osama bin Laden and the Fall of Barack Obama

The news is full of talk about the assassination of Osama bin Laden. The kool aid drunk frenzy is strange. I should say that I have a lot of respect for Obama. Pulling out of Iraq and closing Guantanamo Bay were good things. Pouring troops into Afghanistan to cultivate and harvest opium and to protect the oil pipeline that was taken from Bridas and given to an American firm after the invasion was not.

Now we hear a bizarre tale about how the assassination of bin Laden has somehow brought him to justice. How can murdering someone without a trial have anything to do with justice? That's like hanging Saddam Husein for using chemical weapons the American sold him.

The Pentagon bin Laden confession video didn't look anything like bin Laden. Anything the CIA or MI 6 says justifying any invasion is suspect ever since MI 6 was caught red handed intentionally giving the media false information about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction in what they called Operation Mass Appeal.

Osama bin Laden was not responsible for Operation Northwoods. If Kennedy hadn't vetoed Operation Northwoods the CIA and the Joint chiefs of Staff would have proceeded with that treasonous mission. History has recorded that fact.

The third tower fell when no plane hit it. Explosions were seen and heard going off. Larry Silverstein admitted they said they decided to pull the building. The building fell at free fall speed just like a controlled demolition. It didn't gradually cave in under the pressure of upper floors collapsing on lower floors. That would not have happened at free fall speed.

The real interesting thing is the fact that Professor Stephen Jones found thermite in the 9/11 rubble. Thermite is a super hot compound they use in controlled demolition to melt load bearing beams so the tower will collapse into it's own blueprint. Thermite would explain the melted cars and the molten metal found in the ruble weeks after the collapse. Stephen Jones is not the only scholar that thinks 9/11 was a controlled demotion. He founded the group Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice. I do not believe Osama bin Laden was responsible for 9/11. Watch Loose Change 9/11.

NATO Missile strike kills Gadhafi's youngest son and three grandchildren

Gadhafi's youngest son and three grandchildren under the age of 12 were killed in a NATO missile strike in Tripoli on Saturday.

The strike came hours after Gadhafi called for a ceasefire and negotiations in what rebels called a publicity stunt. The commander of the NATO operation, Canadian Lt. Gen. Charles Bouchard, said he was aware of unconfirmed reports that some Gadhafi family members may have been killed and he regretted "all loss of life, specially the innocent civilians being harmed as a result of the ongoing conflict."

This is a shameful disgrace. We put a Canadian poster puppet on stage to appease the media and say we're really sorry we killed innocent children while enforcing our mandated ceasefire. Bombing one side is not a ceasefire. The rebels rejected the African Union's Peace plan because we are enabling them. We have no idea who the rebels are. Some have documented connections to the Taliban. Gadhafi contributed to Sarkozy's election campaign. This war is about oil, nothing else.

Sarah Palin may be a wingnut but Donald Trump is a whack job. Trump wants to run for president. On Libya, he says: “I would go in and take the oil… I would take the oil and stop this baby stuff.” On Iraq, he says: “We stay there, and we take the oil… In the old days, when you have a war and you win, that nation’s yours.”

After the Canadian election we know Stephen Harper will spend a huge amount of money on many fighter jets made by a company one of his candidates lobbied for and will spend a huge amount of money for more prisons to be built for nonviolent crime. In contract Jack Layton will scrap the oil bombing jets for an improved navy and will hire more doctors and nurses. I know who I'm voting for.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Donald Trump

Aside from being a con artist and a complete whack job, the amount of income tax Donald Trump pays is absolutely criminal. In 1990, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Cay Johnston studied the Trump accounts and claimed that while Trump claimed to be worth $1.4bn, he actually owed $600m more than he owned and you and I were worth more than him. His current wealth is not known, but he claims he is worth more than $2.7bn.

Johnston studied four of Trump’s recent tax returns, and found he legally paid no taxes in two of them. In America today, a janitor can pay more income tax than Donald Trump – and the Republicans regard that not as a source of shame, but of pride. This is the problem.

I am the first one to admit too much corporate tax is not a good thing, but no tax for the exceedingly wealthy is a crime. That's all there is to it. What ever happened to those roll up your sleeves and get to work slogans like ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Paying a decent tax is a civic duty. Render unto Caesar and what not. Tax evasion is a serious crime. Creating legal loop holes for the wealthy to evade taxes all together is worse.

Oh yeah, Donald Trump was a Vietnam war draft dodger just like George W Bush was.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Adrian Dix and Christy Clark

So Adrian Dix wins the NDP leadership with a slim margin over Mike Farnworth. I knew it'd be close but I thought Mike Farnworth would win by the margin. Turns out Adrian Dix signed up the most members at the last moment just as Christy Clark did which is fair game. If you can sign up new people to vote then you're a shaker and a mover so so be it.

Many reported the leadership campaign within the NDP to be a love fest with little disagreement and no mudslinging at all. That's the way it should be. It was nice to see Mike Farnworth and Adrian Dix sitting next to each other when Jack Layton came to Surrey. It demonstrates maturity and self confidence when candidates can take the high road and support the democratic process. Clearly the NDP is now a party united.

I would have liked to have seen Carol James carry the party over the top because she deserved it with all her years of hard work and unfailing courage in the face of Gordon Campbell's cruelty. If there was any question about her leadership she should have simply ran again as a candidate and let the votes decide. The back room drama was somewhat disappointing yet seems to now be water under the bridge.

I am however somewhat disappointed in the Vancouver Province's slanted twist of the outcome. Claiming the NDP has just made a left turn. What kind of nonsense is that? Adrian Dix has been an equally vocal supporter of law and order as has Mike Farnworth. Mike Farnworth was the justice critic so his appeals were more focused. That means he would make an awesome AG. Yet Adrian Dix was also at the forefront when crime increased in his riding. Which brings us to the matter of dispelling the silly stereotypes of linear politics.

The BC Liberals became very "right wing" yet they did absolutely nothing on crime. Their silence was so complacent on the matter it was suspect. The NDP were vocal at least. We need to grow up. We need to stop name calling and saying you're left wing. You're right wing. Simply because the stereotypes used to enforce those labels are no longer believable.

George Bush was right wing but he added trillions to the debt. The stereotype that the Democrats will tax and spend while the Republicans will not has proven to be untrue in both Canada and the United States.

Likewise, Christy Clark clearly is a step forward for the Liberal party. It's unfortunate that her MLAs can't see it. That will be her biggest challenge. Voters love her. The fact that her MLAs don't is suspect. That's kind of why the Liberal party fell so low in approval rating. Because they kept sustaining Gordon Campbell's bizarre insanity for so long. Including ramming the HST and spending tax dollars on the hard sell filled with bullshit about the new and improved HST. Since when did taxes become new and improved?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Port Coquitlam man accused of torture

Kim Bolan wrote an excellent article about a Port Coquitlam man who has been accused of torture in Serbia. He later denied it but a witness has submitted testimony to court.

I have no doubt atrocities were committed in Serbia and Bosnia. That situation was what inspired James Blunt's song No Bravery. He actually served with the British Military there and did a video blog about it. I hadn't realized he disobeyed an order from an American General to fire on Russian troops.

The Canadian government has revoked Rogan’s citizenship, claiming he hid his role in the atrocities committed on Bosnian Muslims almost 20 years ago. Now all of a sudden it's the Canadian government not the Harper government.

The thing I want to know is if we are going to revoke someone's citizenship because they were accused of torturing people in the past, are we also going to revoke Stephen Harper and Peter McKay's citizenship since they knowingly and deliberately hid the fact that their government was fully aware of Canadian prisoners being tortured in Afghanistan. Not only were they caught covering up the fact that they knew about it, but they also fired the whistle blower who exposed it. That's just plain illegal.

And since we're talking about torture, why did we let George Bush into the country? He not only was fully aware of the torture going on at Guantanamo bay, he actually vetoed the bill that would have stopped it. You can get any more war criminal than that.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Bush Crime Family

We've heard of the Bonno and the Gambino crime families in New York but do we really know the extent of what the Bush Crime family was involved in? I'm not talking about voter software fraud, the unlawful invasion of Iraq based on a premeditated lie or vetoing the bill that would stop torture at Guantanamo bay. That's not what I'm referring to. This time I'm referring to corporate fraud.

Former Navy Intelligence officer Al Martin described Operation Eagle which became Operation Black Eagle. Once again as with Operation Watchtower history is being erased and rewritten. When I say Operation Black Eagle I'm referring to the one that involved Oliver North and Richard Secord in the extended version of Iran Contra.

Al Martin also made reference to Neil Bush's Gulf Stream Reality, Jeb Bush's Gulf Oil Drilling Supply Company, and George Bush Jr's Harken Energy, Tidewater Development and Houston Energy Partners. He also described Wally Bush Jr's Walter Bush Securities ans Prescott Bush's Investment Company.

State securities regulators around the country warn that oil and gas investment scams are alive and well. High oil prices have created a heightened interest in investments in energy-related business ventures.

As more and more people invest in oil and gas securities, the likelihood of oil and gas fraud scams goes up dramatically. Fast talking brokers can trick investors into putting their money in non-existent companies or into buying overpriced stocks.

Al Martin claimed that corporate fraud was used as an alternate means to raise money for the Contras. He claims that he was directly involved with it and worked under Richard Secord. Martin states "We would purchase a field of old shallow wells, pumpers usually in old Kentucky limestone formation fields that still pumped a few barrels a day, package it up into a limited partnership, and through carefully crafted meter reads, logs and runs, we would overstate production by a thousand times. (The Conspirators page 372)

Then they would tap into a list of donors sympathetic to the cause. These donors would invest in the oil field. They would be paid half their investment in the limited partnerships before they became insolvent. They got to write off the other half of their investment on a 2:1 leverage basis, which was perfectly legal under the lax laws at the time. The net effect was that they came out whole on an after tax basis.

In appreciation for their donation to the cause they received an autographed photo of Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. and a toll free number to a cubical in the White house basement to impress their friends. As a result Martin would keep 15% while 35% was bled off to a number of North-Secord controlled off shore accounts like Stanford Technologies Overseas Limited, Intercontinental Industries S.A. and Trilateral Investment Group Ltd.

The investment fraud that Al Martin described followed a pattern of setting up a fake company that would be bailed out with public money. Which clearly leads up to the biggest scam off all time, the bank and stock market bail out.

The amount of investment fraud that was involved in the extended version of Iran Contra is vast and complicated but well worth investigating since history tends to repeat itself until we learn from it. Especially the mortgage and real estate fraud.

All this talk about Oil and Gas fraud has me wondering if the bin Ladens really gave the Bush family start up money for their defunct oil company or if it wasn't simply a matter of the Bush family defrauding the bin Ladens kinda like how Sarkozy got money from Gaddafi for his election campaign before he started bombing Gadaffi.

In June 1990 Bush sold more than half of his shares in Harken to a Los Angeles broker named Ralph D. Smith. One week after the sale Harken announced an overall loss of $23.2 million triggering an investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission into the sale.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Supporting the Troops

Yo bro those aren't tulips that soldier is tip toeing through. Those are poppies and that is opium. I guess they're going to want us to use a new type of poppy for Rememberance Day.

As much as I admire and respect Michele Obama, I'd have to say I'm a bit disappointed in the new campaign about supporting the troops and supporting military families. Supporting the military is without question a good thing. Yet the terms and conditions of the new wars are questionable.

It's not like we're engaged in WW I or II. The invasion of Iraq was based on a lie. Torturing prisoners in Guantanamo bay and in Afghanistan is wrong. Indeed, supporting the troops now has certainly taken on a new meaning.

Supporting the troops now means smoking opium or using heroin supplied by the American military and boycotting opium and heroin supplied by the Taliban or other competitors. Supporting the troops now means buying gas from oil companies owned by the US and boycotting oil from companies like Bridas or other competitors. Times have sure changed.

Fortunate Son

We can talk about tough on crime all we want. Until we enforce the law we are wasting our breath. The Hells Angels profit from the crack sold at the Carnegie Centre and the police do nothing about it. The Hells Angels profit from the pot sold at the black door across from the Amsterdam cafe and the police do nothing about it. Giving crack addicts the boots but not arresting the crack dealers is dysfunctional. It is displaced aggression. It is kicking the cat.

When the city of Vancouver slips the Hells angels and extra million dollars buying a building from them for social housing, we know something is very wrong and it is bigger than you or me.

The sad thing is that Gordon Campbell was reelected before his ultimate demise. So was George Bush. At least we can blame George Bush’s reelection on the voter fraud software. Here in BC we have no excuse but our own stupidity for reelecting Gordon Campbell. No doubt some people will be stupid enough to vote for Stephen Harper again just like they did Gordon Campbell. People have the right to make the wrong choice because that is what democracy is all about.

People, like children are naive and gullible. We tend to learn from our mistakes and thereby have to be free to make mistakes so we can learn from our own experience. People are just starting to see the real Stephen Harper. No doubt if we give him enough rope he will hang himself politically. Let’s just hope we still have a medical system in place when he’s done.

The key thing is, Stephen Harper is a liar and a fraud. History has recorded that. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. His fiscal responsibility lies and his oil wars will eventually catch up with him. In the mean time I can say with calm assurance that I am not voting for Stephen Harper and I do not support the kind of society he wants to build. That sure ain't me. I prefer the Lester Pearson model. I ain't no fortunate son.

Bruce Carson brought a Prostitute to Sussex drive

Bruce (the John) Carson brought a prostitute and money launderer to a gathering at Sussex drive. According to APTN, Khan was an escort at the time she met Carson.

Before Carson proposed to Michele McPherson, (the 22 year old escort he was caught funneling government contract funds to) he was involved with another prostitute, Barbara Lynn Khan, a woman who was convicted and served time in the U.S. for money laundering after authorities alleged she ran a prostitution ring before being deported back to Canada.

Property records obtained by The Canadian Press show Khan and Carson paid $400,000 in November 2009 for a condominium in downtown Ottawa. Khan apparently still lives there, although she and Carson have reportedly separated.

MACLEANS reports that Mr. Carson’s fiancée’s mother, who works for the water filtration company that Mr. Carson is alleged to have represented.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Elizabeth May wrongfully kicked out of Debate

I'm not sure why Elizabeth May was allowed to participate in the last leadership debate and why she isn't allowed to participate in this one. I know they said it's because the Green Party doesn't hold any seats in parliament yet but why did they let her in the last one? She did very well. To ban her from the next one is censorship. Maybe she'll ask some of those secret questions Harper's aids don't allow on the script.

The Green party has the next largest parentage of the votes. Each election they get more. To allow her to participate in the last leadership debate but not this one is strange. The media said that if she was to participate some of the other parties might not. That was a rather bizarre threat? Who said they wouldn't show up if Elizabeth May was allowed. Was if Harpless? CTV claims Jack Layton was one. That's somewhat shocking. However, Elizabeth May claims that is untrue and that Layton and Ignatieff both support her being included.

If one of the other parties gave up their chance to participate because they were intimidated by her then so be it. Giving in to that kind of bullying is wrong. Harper's desire to exclude everyone except him and ?Ignatieff is stomach turning arrogance. He's just playing after he looked stupid for backing down after he challenged Ignatieff to a one on one debate. There are other choices in this election than Liberal or Neocon.

If you look at the table Votes Won: 2008 v. 2006 between the 2006 election and the 2008 election each of the four main political parties lost votes. The Green Party was the only party that increased votes. Looks like someone is afraid of her. That's why they don't want to let her participate in the debate.